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Living in the IT Era The Internet is an INTERCONNECTION of billions

of computers around the world. Whereas, Web is

Module 1: the INFORMATION on the internet which may
contain Email, Chat, File sharing programs etc.
● pace of evolution- progressing faster than The Internet Media
ever. - Internet is composed of a massive network like
● As long as there are people, information Satellite, cellular network and physical cables.
technology will be there also because there
were always ways of communicating Servers & Clients:
through technology. Servers - store the website (information). [Ex.
● digital advancement continues to reshape wikipedia, google etc.]
our world Clients - Devices like desktop computers, laptops,
cell phones etc.
● ICT is the infrastructure and components Clients & ISP
that enable modern computing. Clients request the contents like Pictures, audios,
● all devices, networking components, videos, text infos. Clients connects to the network
applications and systems that combined run by a service called INTERNET SERVICE
allow people and organizations to interact in PROVIDER (ISP)
the digital world
USES OF ICT IN OUR DAILY LIVES: ISP have a built network, that connects millions or
● Communications billions of computers together. they also connects
● Education to the other networks and other ISPs. It forms one
● Socializing giant network called the Internet.

Module 3: Lesson Web and Internet IP ADDRESS

Computers around the world representation that uniquely identifies a Computer
Internet or another device on the network.
- is an interconnections of computers around the (Ex:
world (like giant spider web)that brings all systems
together IP ADDRESS (IPv4, IPv6)
IP addresses are binary numbers but are typically
- Eventually, billions of computers interconnected expressed in DECIMAL form (IPv4) or
with forms INTERNET HEXADECIMAL form (IPv6)
IPv4 uses 32-bits addresses:
Internet BROWSERS:
- accessing the internet through the browsers (ex. XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge. IPv6 uses 128-bits addresses:
Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) is different. MAC ADDRESS
Device on network has its own unique Identifier
called MAC (Media Access Control) Address.
Ex: OC:11:46:52:89:9E
When we send or receive data through a network, - to prevent cyber intrusions & online crime:
we need both an IP and a MAC address. right security measures and being alert and aware
IP address- just like our House/location address (It when connected.
passes through a place, Districts, States & CYBERCRIMINAL - one who uses
Countries.) computer tech. to access personal info,
MAC address - just like person’s Identification business trade secrets or use the internet
for exploitative or malicious purposes.
In network, the date send through the PACKETS = Rep. Act No. 10175 (Cyber Prevention Act. of
BINARY DIGITS (Combinations of 0’s and 1’s). 2012)
- approved on Sept. 12, 2012 which aims to
Data may be audio, video, pictures, texts that break address legal issues concerning online interactions
down into Packets and those Packets re-arranges & internet.
itself back into order when they reaches the
destination. Rep. Act. No. 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012)
SOURCE - PACKETS - DESTINATION - Act protecting individual personal info.

Module 4: Common internet threats:

NETIQUETTE AND COMPUTER ETHICS 1. Malware - (Malicious Software) a computer

program designed to specifically damage/disrupt a
Netiquette - a set of rules for behaving properly system.
online. Etiquette of cyberspace and “etiquette” Types of Malware:
forms required by good breeding to be required in 1. Virus – designed to replicate itself &
social or official life. transfer from one computer to another
(Shortcut Virus)
ONLINE ETIQUETTE: 2. Worms - a program that transfers from one
- be respectful to another by any means. (love bug/I love
- be aware of how comments might be read. you) -RA.1872
- be careful with humor and sarcasm 3. Trojan - disguised as useful program but
- think about who can see what you shared. once downloaded/installed it leaves PC
- remember to check friend request before unprotected & allows hacker to get
accepting them information
- take time to have a read of rules of conduct or 4. Spyware - program that runs in the
community standards background without you knowing.
- be forgiving (Keylogging / keyloggers- used to record the
keyboard activity of users)
CYBER CRIMES 5. Spams- Unwanted emails mostly from bots
or advertisements.
Cyber -characteristics of culture of computers, 6. Phishing - goal is to acquire sensitive
information, technology and virtual reality. informations (passwords/credit card details.)
It is done by sending you a link to provide
Cyber Crime your information.
- a crime in which a computer is object of the crime 7. Pharming - more complicated way of
(hacking, phishing, spamming and child phishing where it exploits the DNS.
pornography) is used as a tool to commit an 8. Evil Twins- wireless network that pretend to
offense. offer trustworthy Wi-Fi connections to the
9. Click Fraud - Occurs when a Tips on how to stay safe online:
user/computer program prudently clicks on - Know security features of social networking sites.
ad without any intention of learning more - Do not share password with anyone
about the ad. - Avoid logging in to Public Networks/Wi-Fi
10. Identity Theft - theft of personal info. to - Always browse internet using incognito mode.
impersonate someone. - Do not talk to strangers online or f2f
11. Information Leaks - “Data breach” when - Never post anything about a future vacation.
info. is revealed to the public or given to - Add friends you know in real life.
unauthorized user. - Avoid visiting untrusted websites.
- Install and update an antivirus software
HACKING & HACKERS - make sure that Wi-Fi at home has password
- Buy Official Software. avoid pirated
Hackers - someone who accesses a computer - Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.
system by circumventing and breaching its security - be mindful of what you share and what site you
system share it.
Hacking - defined as showing computer expertise - Do not just accept terms and conditions
in achieving a goal - Check out the privacy policy page of a website to
learn how website handles the info. you have.
Types of Hackers:
1. Professional Hackers
- White Hats/ Black Hats
2. Script Kiddies
- Wants recognition/flex
3. Underemployed Adult Hackers
- wants to impress hacking community
4. Ideological Hackers
- with goals & ideology, usually for political
5. Criminal Hackers
- no regards to anyone
6. Corporate Spies
- uncommon types
7. Disgruntled Employees
- goal is revenge

- Copying or stealing an idea or work of others
without giving credits.

Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines


1. Copyright -Original works of authorship

2. Patent - Discoveries or Inventions
3. Trademark - words, phare, symbols,
4. Trade Secrets - formula, process, methods,
or ingredients

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