ROBOTIS OP-development

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1. Development

1. 1. Getting Ready

1. 1. 1. Connect to OP

1. 1. 1. 1. Direct Connection
You may connect to DARWIN-OP directly with conventional USB keyboard, USB mouse
and HDMI-compatible display.

1. 1. 1. 2. Via Wired Ethernet

From your computer go to your ethernet port settings and set the following:

• DHCP : auto


• DHCP : manual
• IP : ( you can choose ~ )
• Subnet mask :
• Default gateway :

Then connect an ethernet cable from PC to DARWIN-OP.

1. 1. 1. 3. Via Wireless Ethernet

You may also connect to DARWIN-OP via wireless LAN. You may need to be familiar with
network settings to successfully connect to DARWIN-OP wirelessly. Connecting to

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DARWIN-OP wirelessly may be differentdepending on the access point/wireless router.

1. 1. 1. 4. Example Procedure (first-time connection)

1. Connect to DARWIN-OP either directly or via wired LAN
2. If connected via wired LAN access DARWIN-OP with remote desktop (VNC)

1. Access DARWIN-OP’s Ubuntu’s desktop

2. Access network connections (on the upper right part of the desktop) and select the
wireless SSID

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1. Make sure you established connection

1. Afterwards you will need to check for DHCP assigned IP address

2. Open a terminal window and type ifconfig

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1. Check for inet addr under wlan0 (it is highly recommended that you write this number

1. Use this number to connect to DARWIN-OP wirelessly. You may connect via any
method using this number (VNC, PuTTY, SAMBA drive, ZOC, etc).

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1. You can save the wifi settings by properly shutting down DARWIN-OP. Shut-down
information can be found here. The shut-down procedure is essential so that wifi
connection settings are saved in the PC. The next time connecting to DARWIN-OP
wirelessly you may skip steps 1 through 8.


1. It is possible to establish wireless connection to DARWIN-OP automatically as long as the

the wireless IP address remains unchanged. You may need to peridically check for any
changes in your access point/wireless router’s DHCP. Please consult your access
point/wireless router for further information.
2. It is highly recommended that wifi signal strength remains above 50% for optimized

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throughput. A weak signal may adversely affect wifi performance (for example MJPEG
3. Make sure that there are no other devices operating that cause harmful interference with the
wifi signal (for example microwave ovens).
4. If you have trouble connecting wirelessly you may need to check wifi settings by connecting
to DARWIN-OP directly or via wired LAN, or checking the settings of your access
point/wireless router.

Terminal Client (SSH)

You may use existing terminal client software (i.e. PuTTY, ZOC, etc) to connect to

• Example with PuTTY

1. Execute PuTTY
2. On IP address input :
3. Select SSH as the connection type
4. For user name input : darwin
5. For password input : 111111 (that is six 1’s)

ROBOTIS recommends that users connect via terminal client.

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Remote Desktop (VNC)

You may connect via remote desktop if you prefer graphical interfaces.

• Example with Ultra VNC Viewer

1. Excute Ultra VNC Viewer
2. On IP address input :
3. For password input : 111111 (that is six 1’s)

Accessing DARWIN-OP via remote desktop may result inslower performance. This is
a limitation from Intel’s platform.

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Samba server is installed in DARWIN-OP. Samba is an implementation of the
SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems, providing support for cross-platform file and
printer sharing with Microsoft Windows, OS X, and other Unix systems.

• Example with Microsoft Windows,

1. Execute File explorer
2. Type \ on the address bar
3. “root directory” is root directory( “/” ) of DARWIN-OP

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You can map network drive.

1. 1. 2. Source Code
You may find the source code directory at “/darwin” from DARWIN-OP’s PC.

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The pre-installed source code may be updated without prior notice. Please check for
updates periodically.
You may obtain updated source code at the following:

You may also update the source code via Subversion with the command “svn up” from the
directory /darwin in DARWIN-OP. This method assumes DARWIN-OP has internet access.

1. 1. 3. Terminate Demo Program

• If you wish to run other programs, such as the tools, customization, continue running
DARwIn-OP without the installed demo program; then you need to terminate the demo
• The operating chapter mentions the “RESET” button and its function exclusively for the
sub controller. However, the camera and executable program (the demo program) are not
controlled by the sub controller; therefore, whenever you press the reset button the
camera and program will remain unaffected and continue running.

Killing the demo program is necessary to free up PC resources taken by the camera and

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executable. To initiate a kill process following the procedure below:

1. Open the terminal window (from DARwIn-OP or terminal client)

2. Optain root user permission by typing ‘sudo su’ at the command line.
3. Enter the password ‘111111’ (six ones) (assuming you’re under “darwin” username).
Keep in mind that keystrokes are not shown on this step.
4. Type ‘killall demo’.

Once the kill process is complete you may rerun the demo program or any other programs.

1. 1. 3. 1. How to stop the demo program from running automatically every time
DARwIn-OP is turned on.
The PC inside DARwIn-OP is set to run the demo program by default. However, users
wishing to prevent this operation may do so by the following procedure:

1. Go to the directory /etc

2. With a text editor open the file rc.local (You shoud be root user.)
The file content looks like the image below.

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1. Modify the file by adding # at the beggining of the /darwin/Linux/project/demo/demo

Afterwards the contents should look like the image below

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Adding the # sign means that the line has been commented out. After insertion of the #
sign save the changes. On the next booting of DARwIn-OP the demo program will no
longer run automatically.

1. 1. 4. Execute Demo Program

If you encounter an error with one or more actuators (LED blinking) during the demonstration
program then you should immediately stop.

You may rerun the program without shutting down and restarting DARWIN-OP.
To rerun the demo program follow the procedure below:

1. Press “RESET” on DARWIN-OP.

2. Connect to DARWIN-OP either directly or via networking (recommended).
3. Obtain root user privileges (sudo su procedure).

The illustration above depicts the re-execution of the demo program


1. the execute command is ./demo & instead of the normal ./demo

2. the line below reads: [1] 10223
What do point 1 and point 2 mean?

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1. Executing ./demo & instead of ./demo means that the demo program is background process;
therefore allows you to close the current working terminal window and end any connections
with DARWIN-OP while the program runs. The & sign makes it a background process.
2. [1] means only one process for “demo” is running and 10223 is the process number in
Ubuntu. To end the demo program you may perform the killall procedure or just run kill 10223
(in this case).

1. 2. Framework

1. 2. 1. CM730 References

1. 2. 1. 1. PlatformCM730 Class
Interface classes for CM730 port control. Each platform gets its matching classes


virtual bool OpenPort( )

Opens CM730 port.

• Arguments : None
• Return : Returns “true” on success. On error, “false” is returned.

virtual void ClosePort( )

Closes CM730 port.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

virtual void ClearPort( )

Discards data received but not read.

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• Arguments : None
• Return : None

virtual int WritePort( unsigned char* packet, int numPacket )

Writes up to numPacket bytes from the buffer pointed packet to CM730 port.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

packet unsigned char* write buffer pointer

numPacket int the number of bytes to write

• Return : On success, the number of bytes written is returned. On error, -1 is


virtual int ReadPort( unsigned char* packet, int numPacket )

Attempts to read up to numPacket bytes from CM730 port into the buffer starting at

• Arguments

Name Type Description

packet unsigned char* read buffer pointer

numPacket int the number of bytes to read

• Return : On success, the number of bytes read is returned. On error, -1 is


virtual void LowPriorityWait( )

Waits for low-priority Semaphore.

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• Arguments : None
• Return : None

virtual void MidPriorityWait( )

Waits for middle-priority Semaphore.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

virtual void HighPriorityWait( )

Waits for high-priority Semaphore.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

virtual void LowPriorityRelease( )

Returns low-priority Semaphore.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

virtual void MidPriorityRelease( )

Returns middle-priority Semaphore.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

virtual void HighPriorityRelease( )

Returns high-priority Semaphore.

• Arguments : None

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• Return : None

virtual void SetPacketTimeout( int lenPacket )

Sets packet reception timeout.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

lenPacket int Waits for Packet bytes

• Return : None

virtual bool IsPacketTimeout( )

Gets Packet timeout occurence.

• Arguments : None
• Return : Return “true” on timeout.

virtual double GetPacketTime( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : Return packet time.

virtual void SetUpdateTimeout( int msec )

Sets timeout refresh in control table.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

msec int refresh time

• Return : None

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virtual bool IsUpdateTimeout( )

Gets refresh timeout occurence.

• Arguments : None
• Return : Retrun “true” on timeout updated.

virtual double GetUpdateTime( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : Return updated time.

virtual void Sleep( int msec )

makes the calling process sleep until msec milliseconds have elapsed.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

msec int timeout setting value (milliseconds)

• Return : None

1. 2. 1. 2. CM730 Class
Communication with CM-730 board. Class platform porting is necessary for proper

Enermerations & Defines

Communication Result
Output message of during link between DYNAMIXEL and CM730.

Name Description

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Name Description

SUCCESS Successful communicationa with DYNAMIXEL

TX_CORRUPT Problems with Instruction Packet

TX_FAIL Port error, failed to send Instruction Packet

RX_FAIL Port error, failed to receive Status Packet

RX_TIMEOUT Timeout Status, failed to receive Packet (please check connections)

RX_CORRUPT Status Packet error (bad communications link)

Error bit flag

Status Packet Error flag

Name Value Bit Description

INPUT_VOLTAGE 1 (0x01) 1 Input Voltage range in over the limit.

ANGLE_LIMIT 2 (0x02) 2 Set Angle limit problem(s).

OVERHEATING 4 (0x04) 3 Internal overheating.

RANGE 8 (0x08) 4 Set value(s) out of range.

CHECKSUM 16 (0x10) 5 Instruction Packet Checksum error.

OVERLOAD 32 (0x20) 6 Excessive load detected.

INSTRUCTION 64 (0x40) 7 Invalis Instruction Packet Instruction.

Special ID#
Special ID’s

Name Value Description

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Name Value Description

ID_CM 200 ID for Sub Controller

ID_BROADCAST 254 Communication with all connected device

Control Table Address

Name Address Description

P_MODEL_NUMBER_L 0 (0x0) Lowest byte of model number

P_MODEL_NUMBER_H 1 (0x1) Highest byte of model number

P_VERSION 2 (0x2) Information on the version of firmware

P_ID 3 (0x3) ID of CM730

P_BAUD_RATE 4 (0x4) Baud Rate of CM730

P_RETURN_DELAY_TIME 5 (0x5) Retrun Delay Time

P_RETURN_LEVEL 16 (0x10) Status Return Level


P_LED_PANNEL 25 (0x19) LED of back pannel

P_LED_HEAD_L 26 (0x1A) Low byte of Head LED

P_LED_HEAD_H 27 (0x1B) High byte of Head LED

P_LED_EYE_L 28 (0x1C) Low byte of Eye LED

P_LED_EYE_H 29 (0x1D) High byte of Eye LED

P_BUTTON 30 (0x1E) Button

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Name Address Description

P_GYRO_Z_L 38 (0x26) Low byte of Gyro Z-axis

P_GYRO_Z_H 39 (0x27) High byte of Gyro Z-axis

P_GYRO_Y_L 40 (0x28) Low byte of Gyro Y-axis

P_GYRO_Y_H 41 (0x29) High byte of Gyro Y-axis

P_GYRO_X_L 42 (0x2A) Low byte of Gyro X-axis

P_GYRO_X_H 43 (0x2B) High byte of Gyro X-axis

P_ACCEL_X_L 44 (0x2C) Low byte of Accelerometer X-axis

P_ACCEL_X_H 45 (0x2D) High byte of Accelerometer X-axis

P_ACCEL_Y_L 46 (0x2E) Low byte of Accelerometer Y-axis

P_ACCEL_Y_H 47 (0x2F) High byte of Accelerometer Y-axis

P_ACCEL_Z_L 48 (0x30) Low byte of Accelerometer Z-axis

P_ACCEL_Z_H 49 (0x31) High byte of Accelerometer Z-axis

P_VOLTAGE 50 (0x32) Present Voltage

P_LEFT_MIC_L 51 (0x33) Low byte of Left Mic. ADC value

P_LEFT_MIC_H 52 (0x34) High byte of Left Mic. ADC value

P_ADC2_L 53 (0x35) Low byte of ADC 2

P_ADC2_H 54 (0x36) High byte of ADC 2

P_ADC3_L 55 (0x37) Low byte of ADC 3

P_ADC3_H 56 (0x38) High byte of ADC 3

P_ADC4_L 57 (0x39) Low byte of ADC 4

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Name Address Description

P_ADC4_H 58 (0x3A) High byte of ADC 4

P_ADC5_L 59 (0x3B) Low byte of ADC 5

P_ADC5_H 60 (0x3C) High byte of ADC 5

P_ADC6_L 61 (0x3D) Low byte of ADC 6

P_ADC6_H 62 (0x3E) High byte of ADC 6

P_ADC7_L 63 (0x3F) Low byte of ADC 7

P_ADC7_H 64 (0x40) High byte of ADC 7

P_ADC8_L 65 (0x41) Low byte of ADC 8

P_ADC8_H 66 (0x42) High byte of ADC 8

P_RIGHT_MIC_L 67 (0x43) Low byte of Right Mic. ADC value

P_RIGHT_MIC_H 68 (0x44) High byte of Right Mic. ADC value

P_ADC10_L 69 (0x45) Low byte of ADC 10

P_ADC10_H 70 (0x46) High byte of ADC 10

P_ADC11_L 71 (0x47) Low byte of ADC 11

P_ADC11_H 72 (0x48) High byte of ADC 11

P_ADC12_L 73 (0x49) Low byte of ADC 12

P_ADC12_H 74 (0x50) High byte of ADC 12

P_ADC13_L 75 (0x51) Low byte of ADC 13

P_ADC13_H 76 (0x52) High byte of ADC 13

P_ADC14_L 77 (0x53) Low byte of ADC 14

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Name Address Description

P_ADC14_H 78 (0x54) High byte of ADC 14

P_ADC15_L 79 (0x55) Low byte of ADC 15

P_ADC15_H 80 (0x56) High byte of ADC 15


CM730(PlatformCM730 *platform )
• Arguments

Name Type Description

platform PlatformCM730 -


bool Connect( )
Links CM-730.

• Arguments : None
• Return : true (sucess), false (failure)

void Disconnect( )
Releases CM-730.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

int Ping( int id, int *error )

Check the existance of DYNAMIXEL with selected id.

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• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int DYNAMIXEL ID for checking

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int ReadByte( int address, int *pValue, int *error )

Reads unit byte from CM-730 Control Table value

• Arguments

Name Type Description

address int Control Table address

pValue int* saves read values

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int ReadByte( int id, int address, int *pValue, int *error )
Reads unit byte from CM-730 Control Table value

• Arguments

Name Type Description


address int Control Table address

pValue int* saves read values

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Name Type Description

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int ReadWord( int address, int *pValue, int *error )

Reads 2 bytes from CM-730 Control Table value

• Arguments

Name Type Description

address int Control Table address

pValue int* saves read values

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int ReadWord( int id, int address, int *pValue, int *error )
Reads 2 bytes from CM-730 Control Table value

• Arguments

Name Type Description


address int Control Table address

pValue int* saves read values

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

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int ReadTable( int start_addr, int end_addr, unsigned char *table, int *error )
Reads 2 bytes from CM-730 Control Table value

• Arguments

Name Type Description

start_addr int Control table start address

end_addr int Control table end address

table unsigned char* Read data buffer

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int ReadTable( int id, int start_addr, int end_addr, unsigned char *table, int *error )
Reads CM-730 Control Table value from start_addr to end_addr

• Arguments

Name Type Description


start_addr int Control table start address

end_addr int Control table end address

table unsigned char* Read data buffer

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int WriteByte( int address, int value, int *error )

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Writes unit byte to CM-730 Control Table

• Arguments

Name Type Description

address int Control Table address

value int write value

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int WriteByte( int id, int address, int *pValue, int *error )
Writes unit byte to CM-730 Control Table

• Arguments

Name Type Description


address int Control Table address

value int write value

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int WriteWord( int address, int value, int *error )

Writes 2 bytes to CM-730 Control Table

• Arguments

Name Type Description

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Name Type Description

address int Control Table address

value int write value

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int WriteWord( int id, int address, int value, int *error )
Writes 2 bytes to CM-730 Control Table

• Arguments

Name Type Description


address int Control Table address

value int write value

error int* Status packet error

• Return : Communication Result

int SyncWrite( int start_addr, int each_length, int number, int *pParam )
• Arguments

Name Type Description

start_addr int -

each_length int -

number int -

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Name Type Description

pParam int* -

• Return : Communication Result

int MakeWord( int lowbyte, int highbyte )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

lowbyte int -

highbyte int -

• Return : 2 bytes integer value

int GetLowByte( int word )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

word int -

• Return : low byte

int GetHighByte( int word )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

word int -

• Return : high byte

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int MakeColor( int red, int green, int blue )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

red int -

green int -

blue int -

• Return : color value

1. 2. 2. Math References

1. 2. 2. 1. Matrix3D Class

Enumerations & Defines

m00, m01 … m32, m33

Matrix3D hold data maps into a 4x4 matrix array. This array allows usage of enum to
access each element.

m[m00], m[m01], m[m02], m[m03],

m[m10], m[m11], m[m12], m[m13],
m[m20], m[m21], m[m22], m[m23],
m[m30], m[m31], m[m32], m[m33]

The matrix is represented as follows.

m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3],

m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7],
m[8], m[9], m[10], m[11],
m[12], m[13], m[14], m[15]

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The maximum number of an array


Matrix3D( )
• Arguments : None

Matrix3D( const Matrix3D &mat )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

mat const Matrix3D& copy Matrix3D

Data Members

public double m[MAXNUM_ELEMENT]

matrix element arrays are defined by MAXNUM_ELEMENT.


void Identity( )
Matrix initialization.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

bool Inverse( )
Computes inverses.

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• Arguments : None
• Return : true (success), false (failure)

void Scale( Vector3D &scale )

Convertion and scaling

• Arguments

Name Type Description

scale Vector3D& x, y, z coordinates scaling factor

• Return : None

void Rotate( double angle, Vector3D &axis )

Rotation conversion.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

angle double rotating angle (in degree units)

axis Vector3D& rotating axis

• Return : None

void Translate( Vector3D &offset )

Motion conversion.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

angle double rotating angle (in degree units)

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Name Type Description

axis Vector3D& rotating axis

• Return : None

Point3D Transform( Point3D &point )

Point conversion.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

point Point3D& point conversion

• Return : Conversion results

void SetTransform( Point3D &point, Vector3D &angle )

Clears conversion information of position and angle information (defaults to existing

• Arguments

Name Type Description

point Point3D& Origin coordinates (x, y, z)

angle Vector3D& Rotating axis (x, y, z)

• Return : None


Matrix3D& operator = (const Matrix3D &mat)

• Copies the value of the current matrix

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Matrix3D& operator *= (const Matrix3D &mat)

• Copies the value of the current matrix

Matrix3D& operator * (const Matrix3D &mat)

• Returns current matrix operation results

• #include “Point.h”
• #include “Vector.h”

1. 2. 2. 2. Plane3D Class
Plane3D point class for 3D operations


Plane3D( )
• Arguments : None

1. 2. 2. 3. Point2D Class
Point2D point class for 2D operations


Point2D( )
• Arguments : None

Point2D( double x, double y )

• Arguments

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Name Type Description

x double x-coordinate

y double y-coordinate

Point2D( const Point2D &point )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

point const Point2D& copies Point

Data Members

public double X
• X-coordinate value

public double Y
• Y-coordinate value


static public double Distance( Point2D &pt1, Point2D &pt2 )

Returns the distance between 2 points

• Arguments

Name Type Description

pt1 Point2D& Point1 distance

pt2 Point2D& Point2 distance

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• Return : Distance between 2 points


public Point2D& operator = ( const Point2D &point )

public Point2D& operator += ( const Point2D &point )

public Point2D& operator -= ( const Point2D &point )

public Point2D& operator += ( const double value )

public Point2D& operator -= ( const double value )

public Point2D& operator *= ( const double value )

public Point2D& operator /= ( const double value )

public Point2D operator + ( const Point3D &point )

public Point2D operator - ( const Point2D &point )

public Point2D operator + ( const double value )

public Point2D operator - ( const double value )

public Point2D operator * ( const double value )

public Point2D operator / ( const double value )

1. 2. 2. 4. Point3D Class#
Point3D point class for 3D operations

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Point3D( )
• Arguments : None

Point3D( double x, double y, double z )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

x double x-coordinate

y double y-coordinate

z double z-coordinate

Point3D( const Point3D &point )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

point const Point3D& copies Point

Data Members

public double X
• X-coordinate value

public double Y
• Y-coordinate value

public double Z

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• Z-coordinate value


static public double Distance( Point3D &pt1, Point3D &pt2 )

Returns the distance between 2 points.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

pt1 Point3D& Point1 distance

pt2 Point3D& Point2 distance

• Return : distance between 2 points


public Point3D& operator = ( const Point3D &point )

public Point3D& operator += ( const Point3D &point )

public Point3D& operator -= ( const Point3D &point )

public Point3D& operator += ( const double value )

public Point3D& operator -= ( const double value )

public Point3D& operator *= ( const double value )

public Point3D& operator /= ( const double value )

public Point3D operator + ( const Point3D &point )

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public Point3D operator - ( const Point3D &point )

public Point3D operator + ( const double value )

public Point3D operator - ( const double value )

public Point3D operator * ( const double value )

public Point3D operator / ( const double value )

1. 2. 2. 5. Vector3D Class
Vector class point for 3D operations


Vector3D( )
• Arguments : None

Vector3D( double x, double y, double z )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

x double x-coordinate

y double y-coordinate

z double z-coordinate

Vector3D( const Point3D &pt1, const Point3D &pt2 )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

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Name Type Description

pt1 const Point3D& Vector initial position

pt2 const Point3D& Vector final position

Vector3D( const Vector3D &vector )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

vector const Vector3D& copies Vector

Data Members

public double X
• X-coordinate value

public double Y
• Y-coordinate value

public double Z
• Z-coordinate value


public double Length( )

Calculates vector length

• Arguments : None
• Return : Vector length

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public void Normalize( )

Normalizes the vector

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

public double Dot( Vector3D &vector )

Performs vector dot products

• Arguments

Name Type Description

vector Vector3D& Vector dot product

• Return : Returns dot products

public Vector3D Cross( const Vector3D &vector )

Performs vector cross products

• Arguments

Name Type Description

vector const Vector3D& vector cross product

• Return : Returns cross products

public double AngleBetween( Vector3D &vector )

Computes the angle between vectors

• Arguments

Name Type Description

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Name Type Description

vector Vector3D& Angles between vectors

• Return : Value (0 ~ 180) in degrees.

public double AngleBetween( Vector3D &vector, Vector3D &axis )

Returns the angle between vectors axes

• Arguments

Name Type Description

vector Vector3D& Angle between Vector

axis Vector3D& Angle between coordinates axes

• Return : Value (-180 ~ 180) in degrees


public Vector3D& operator = ( const Vector3D &vector )

• Copies the current vector value

public Vector3D& operator += ( const Vector3D &vector )

• Sum of the results of 2 operations of current vector

public Vector3D& operator -= ( const Vector3D &vector )

• Subtraction of the results of 2 operations of current vector

public Vector3D& operator += ( const double value )

public Vector3D& operator -= ( const double value )

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public Vector3D& operator *= ( const double value )

public Vector3D& operator /= ( const double value )

public Vector3D operator + ( const Vector3D &vector )

• Vector sum operation

public Vector3D operator - ( const Vector3D &vector )

• Vector subtraction operation

public Vector3D operator + ( const double value )

public Vector3D operator - ( const double value )

public Vector3D operator * ( const double value )

public Vector3D operator / ( const double value )

• #include “Point.h”

1. 2. 3. minINI Reference

MININI is a minimal INI file parser

minIni is a programmer’s library to read and write “INI” files in embedded systems.
The minIni library is distributed unter the Apache License, version 2.0, plus an aceptance
clause to explicitly permit static linking of the library for commercial applications.

Get more informations :

45 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


1. 2. 4. Motion References

1. 2. 4. 1. JointData Class
Motion Class shares data between classes

Enermerations & Defines

Joint ID
• Joint ID is the same as DYNAMIXEL ID

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Compliance Slope
enum value can be used with Compliance Slope

Name Value



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Name Value




JointData( )
• Arguments : None


void SetEnable( int id, bool enable )

Sets ID’s in Joint Enable.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int Joint ID

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

void SetEnableHeadOnly( bool enable )

Sets ID’s (the sample line below only enables the ID’s for the head and neck).

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

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• Return : None

void SetEnableRightArmOnly( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample line below only enables the ID’s for the right arm).

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

void SetEnableLeftArmOnly( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample line below only enables the ID’s for the left arm).

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

void SetEnableRightLegOnly( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample line below only enables the ID’s for the right leg).

• Arguments

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Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

void SetEnableLeftLegOnly( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample line below only enables the ID’s for the left leg).

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

void SetEnableUpperBodyWithoutHead( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample lines below only enables the ID’s for the upper body without
the head).

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

50 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


void SetEnableLowerBody( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample lines below only enables the ID’s for the lower body).

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

void SetEnableBodyWithoutHead( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample lines below only enable the body’s ID without the head and

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

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• Return : None

void SetEnableBody( bool enable )

Sets the ID (the sample lines below set all ID’s in use individually).

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool use availability

• Return : None

public bool GetEnable( int id )

Returns the ID(s) of Joint Enable.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int determines use availability of joint ID

• Return : true/false

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public void SetValue( int id, int value )

Sets ID joint value.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int sets joint ID

value int sets motor value

• Return : None

int GetValue( int id )

Returns ID joint value.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int returns joint ID

• Return : Motor value set

void SetAngle( int id, double angle )

Sets ID joint angle.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int sets joint ID

angle double sets angle value

• Return : None

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double GetAngle( int id )

Returns ID joint angle.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int returns joint ID

• Return : Angle value set

void SetRadian( int id, double radian )

Sets ID joint angle in radians.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int sets joint ID

radian double sets angle value in radians

• Return : None

double GetRadian( int id )

Returns ID joint angle in radians.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int returns joint ID

• Return : Sets angle values in radians

void SetSlope( int id, int cwSlope, int ccwSlope )

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Sets ID of CW/CCW (clockwise/counterclockwise) compliance slopes.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int sets Joint ID

cwSlope int sets CW (clockwise) compliance slope value

ccwSlope int sets CCW (counterclockwise) compliance slope value

• Return : None

void SetCWSlope( int id, int cwSlope )

Sets ID of CW compliance slope.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int sets joint ID

cwSlope int sets CW compliance slope value

• Return : None

int GetCWSlope( int id )

Returns CW compliance slope.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int returns joint ID

• Return : Sets CW compliance slope value

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void SetCCWSlope( int id, int ccwSlope )

Sets ID of CCW compliance slope.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int sets joint ID

ccwSlope int sets CCW compliance slope value

• Return : None

int GetCCWSlope( int id )

Returns ID of CCW Compliance Slope.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

id int returns Joint ID

• Return : Sets CCW Compliance Slope value

1. 2. 4. 2. Kinematics Class
Robot Kinematics class information


Kinematics( )
• Arguments : None

Data Members

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static const double CAMERA_DISTANCE

• (mm)

static const double EYE_TILT_OFFSET_ANGLE

• (degree)

static const double LEG_SIDE_OFFSET

• Gap between both feet (mm)

static const double THIGH_LENGTH

• Thigh length (mm)

static const double CALF_LENGTH

• Calf length (mm)

static const double ANKLE_LENGTH

• Ankle length (mm)

static const double LEG_LENGTH

• Leg length (mm)


Kinematics* GetInstance()
• Arguments : None
• Return : Kinematics private unique instance

57 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• #include “Matrix.h”
• #include “JointData.h”

1. 2. 4. 3. Action Class#

Enermerations & Defines

Max Numbers (enum)

Maximum values of each properties.

Name Value Description

MAXNUM_PAGE 256 Maximum number of page

MAXNUM_STEP 7 Maximum number of step

MAXNUM_NAME 13 Maximum length of page name

Schedule type (enum)

Name Value Description



Bit mask (enum)

Position value bit mask.

Name Value Description

RANGE_BIT_MASK 0x03FF Position value bit mask

INVALID_BIT_MASK 0x4000 Invalid position value bit mask

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Name Value Description

TORQUE_OFF_BIT_MASK 0x2000 Torque off bit mask

Header structure. (total 64 bytes)

Name Type Length Description

name unsigned char[] 14 page name

reserved1 unsigned char 1 reserved 1

repeat unsigned char 1 repeat count

schedule unsigned char 1 schedule

reserved2 unsigned char[] 3 reserved 2

stepnum unsigned char 1 Number of step

reserved3 unsigned char 1 reserved 3

speed unsigned char 1 Speed

reserved4 unsigned char 1 reserved 4

accel unsigned char 1 Acceleration time

next unsigned char 1 Link to next

exit unsigned char 1 Link to exit

reserved5 unsigned char[] 4 reserved 5

checksum unsigned char 1 checksum

slope unsigned char[] 31 CW/CCW compliance slope

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Name Type Length Description

reserved6 unsigned char 1 reserved 6

struct STEP
Step Structure (total 64 bytes)

Name Type Length Description

position unsigned short[] 62 Joint position

pause unsigned char 1 Pause time

time unsigned char 1 Time

struct PAGE
Page Structure (total 512 bytes)

Name Type Length Description

header PAGEHEADER 64 Joint position

step STEP[] 448 Pause time

Data Members

• Enable/Disable debugging message print.


static Action* GetInstance( )

Method to obtain global reference for Instance.

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• Arguments : None.
• Return : pointer of Action’s unique instance.

void Initialize( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void Process( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

bool LoadFile( char* filename )

Load action information from designated action file.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

filename char* Action file name to be read

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool CreateFile( char* filename )

Create a file with assigned file name and save action information.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

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Name Type Description

filename char* file name of the action file to create

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool Start( int iPage )

Play action in the page.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

iPage int page number of the action to play

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool Start( char* namePage )

Play the action in the page name.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

namePage char* page name of the action to play

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool Start( int index, PAGE* pPage )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

index int -

pPage PAGE* -

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• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

void Stop( )
Stop playback.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void Brake( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

bool IsRunning( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : On action is running, true is returned. On action is stoped, false is

bool IsRunning( int* iPage, int* iStep )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

iPage int* -

iStep int* -

• Return : On action is running, true is returned. On action is stoped, false is


bool LoadPage( int index, PAGE* pPage )

• Arguments

63 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

index int -

pPage PAGE* -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool SavePage( int index, PAGE* pPage )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

index int -

pPage PAGE* -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

void ResetPage( PAGE* pPage )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

pPage PAGE* -

• Return : None

1. 2. 4. 4. Head Class


static Head* GetInstance( )

Method to obtain global reference for instance.

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• Arguments : None
• Return : Pointer of Head class unique instance

void Initialize( )
Method to initialize variables and move head to default position.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void Process( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

double GetTopLimitAngle( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Top limit

double GetBottomLimitAngle( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Bottom limit

double GetRightLimitAngle()
• Arguments : None
• Return : Right limit

double GetLeftLimitAngle( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Left limit

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double GetPanAngle( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Present pan angle value

double GetTiltAngle( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Present pan angle value

void MoveToHome( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void MoveByAngle( double pan, double tilt )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

pan double pan angle value

tilt double tilt angle value

• Return : None

void MoveByAngleOffset( double pan, double tilt )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

pan double pan angle value

tilt double tilt angle value

• Return : None

66 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


void InitTracking( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void MoveTracking( Point2D err )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

err Point2D -

• Return : None

void MoveTracking( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

67 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

1. 2. 4. 5. Walking Class#

Enermerations & Defines

Walking Phase
Phase number

Name Value

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Name Value





Data Members

double X_OFFSET

double Y_OFFSET

double Z_OFFSET

double A_OFFSET

double P_OFFSET

double R_OFFSET


double DSP_RATIO





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static Walking* GetInstance( )

method to obtain global reference for Instance.

• Arguments : None
• Return : pointer of Walking’s unique instance.

int GetCurrentPhase( )
• Arguments : None

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• Return : Current phase number.

double GetBodySwingY( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Y axis body swing value.

double GetBodySwingZ( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Z axis body swing value.

void Initialize( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void Start( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void Stop( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void Process( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

bool IsRunning( )

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• Arguments : None
• Return : On walking is running, true is returned. On walking is stoped, false is

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

72 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

1. 2. 4. 6. MotionManager Class
Motion Module management class


static MotionManager* GetInstance( )

Method to obtain global reference for Instance.

• Arguments : None.
• Return : pointer of MotionManager’s unique instance.

bool Initialize( CM730* cm730 )


• Arguments

Name Type Description

cm730 CM730* -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool Reinitialize( )

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• Arguments : None.
• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

void Process( )
Periodically performs a called function.

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void SetEnable( bool enable )

Enable the motion manager

• Arguments

Name Type Description

enable bool -

• Return : None

bool GetEnable( )
Get enable status

• Arguments : None
• Return : Enable status

void AddModule( MotionModule *module )

Manager updates Motion Module.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

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Name Type Description

module MotionModule* updates Motion Module

• Return : None

void RemoveModule( MotionModule *module )

Removes Motion Module from Manager.

• Arguments

Name Type Description

module MotionModule* removes Motion Module

• Return : None

• #include <list>
• #include “MotionStatus.h”
• #include “MotionModule.h”
• #include “CM730.h”

1. 2. 4. 7. MotionStatus Class
Motion Module Feedback controlfor each status class

Data Members

static const int FALLEN_F_LIMIT

• Forward fallen acceleration sensor value limit

static const int FALLEN_B_LIMIT

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• Backward fallen acceleration sensor value limit

static const int FALLEN_MAX_COUNT

• Count

static JointData m_CurrentJoints

static int FB_GYRO

static int RL_GYRO

static int FB_ACCEL

static int RL_ACCEL

static int BUTTON

• Button value.

static int FALLEN

• Fallen status value.

• #include “JointData.h”

1. 2. 5. Vision References

1. 2. 5. 1. BallFollower Class


BallFollower( )

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• Arguments : None

Data Members

int KickBall
• Ball position for kicking. ( -1 : Right, 0 : No ball, 1 : Left )


void Process( Point2D ball_pos )


• Arguments

Name Type Description

ball_pos Point2D -

• Return : None

1. 2. 5. 2. BallTracker Class


BallTracker( )
• Arguments : None

Data Members

ColorFinder finder
• ColorFinder class for ball searching

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Point2D ball_position
• Ball position search via ColorFinde


void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

78 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

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Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void Process( Image* camImg )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

camImg Image* -

• Return : None

1. 2. 5. 3. ColorFinder Class


ColorFinder( )
• Arguments : None

ColorFinder( int hue, int hue_tol, int min_sat, int min_val, double min_per, double
max_per )
• Arguments

Name Type Description

hue int Hue value

hue_tol int Tolerance in hue (differential) +-

min_sat int Minimum saturation (chroma) value

min_val int Minimum brightness (lumina) value

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Name Type Description

min_per double Minimum color pixel filtering

max_per double Maximum color pixel filtering

Data Members

int m_hue
• Hue value for color ( 0 ~ 360 )

int m_hue_tolerance
• Tolerance value for color (hue differential) +- ( 0 ~ 180 )

int m_min_saturation

int m_min_value

double m_min_percent

double m_max_percent

std::string color_section

Image* m_result


void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

81 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini, const std::string &section )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

section const std::string& -

• Return : None

82 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Point2D& GetPosition( Image* hsv_img )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

hsv_img Image* -

• Return : Finds position through color.

1. 2. 5. 4. Image Class#


Image( int width, int height, int pixelsize )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

width int Image pixel width

height int Image pixel height

pixelsize int bytes of pixel

Data Members

static const int YUV_PIXEL_SIZE

• YUYV type image’s pixel size

static const int RGB_PIXEL_SIZE

• RGB type image’s pixel size

static const int HSV_PIXEL_SIZE

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• HSV type image’s pixel size

unsigned char* m_ImageData

• pointer to aligned image data

int m_Width
• image width in pixels

int m_Height
• image height in pixels

int m_PixelSize
• pixel size in bytes

int m_NumberOfPixels
• number of pixels

int m_WidthStep
• size of aligned image row in bytes

int m_ImageSize
• image data size in bytes (=image->m_Height*image->m_WidthStep)


Image& operator = (Image &img)

1. 2. 5. 5. FrameBuffer Class

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FrameBuffer( int width, int height )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

width int Image buffer pixel width

height int Image buffer pixel height

Data Members

Image* m_YUVFrame
• YUYV image frame buffer

Image* m_RGBFrame
• RGB image frame buffer

Image* m_HSVFrame
• HSV image frame buffer

1. 2. 5. 6. ImgProcess Class


static void YUVtoRGB( FrameBuffer* buf )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

buf FrameBuffer* -

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• Return : None

static void RGBtoHSV( FrameBuffer* buf )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

buf FrameBuffer* -

• Return : None

static void Erosion( Image* img )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

img Image* -

• Return : None

static void Erosion( Image* src, Image* dest )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

src Image* -

• Return : None

static void Dilation( Image* img )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

86 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

img Image* -

• Return : None

static void Dilation( Image* src, Image* dest )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

src Image* -

• Return : None

static void HFlipYUV( Image* img )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

img Image* -

• Return : None

static void VFlipYUV( Image* img )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

img Image* -

• Return : None

1. 2. 6. Linux Platform Porting

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To enable motion under other platforms classes need to created

MotionManager for Platform

MotionManager implements inheritance. MotionManager periodic timer process requires

Timer from Platform (by periodic calling).


PlatformCM730 implements inheritance. PlatformCM730 classes communicate with the sub-

board (sub-controller’s). Communications is performed at the platform level and necessary
for control. PlatformCM730 classes can be implemented by virtual method.

• Port control methods

◦ OpenPort
◦ ClosePort
◦ ClearPort
◦ WritePort
◦ ReadPort
• Multi-Thread for semaphore methods
◦ LowPriorityWait
◦ MidPriorityWait
◦ HighPriorityWait
◦ LowPriorityRelease
◦ MidPriorityRelease
◦ HighPriorityRelease
• Communications Timeout check methods
◦ SetPacketTimeout
◦ IsPacketTimeout
◦ SetUpdateTimeout
◦ IsUpdateTimeout

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Camera for Platform

The camera acquires image data. The framework’s image’s data classes are ImgGray and
ImgColor. The camera captures data and converts is to ImgColor class.

Etc class

If, necessary, you may create your own platform-dependent sources. For examaple, Network
communications class source.

1. 2. 6. 1. LinuxActionScript Class

Data Members

static bool m_stop

static bool m_is_running


static int ScriptStart( const char* filename )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

filename const char* action script file name

• Return : None

static int PlayMP3( const char* filename )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

filename const char* mp3 file name

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• Return : None

1. 2. 6. 2. CameraSettings Class


CameraSettings( )
• Arguments : None

Data Members

int brightness

int contrast

int saturation

int gain

int exposure

1. 2. 6. 3. LinuxCamera Class

Data Members

FrameBuffer* fbuffer


static LinuxCamera* GetInstance( )

method to obtain global reference for Instance.

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• Arguments : None
• Return : pointer of LinuxCamera’s unique instance.

int Initialize( int deviceIndex )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

deviceIndex int -

• Return : On success, 1 is returned.

int v4l2GetControl( int control )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

control int -

• Return : control’s value.

int v4l2SetControl( int control, int value )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

control int -

value int -

• Return : On success, 0 is returned. On fail, -1 is returned.

int v4l2ResetControl( int control )

• Arguments

91 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

control int -

• Return : On success, 0 is returned. On fail, -1 is returned.

void LoadINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void SaveINISettings( minIni* ini )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

ini minIni* -

• Return : None

void SetCameraSettings( const CameraSettings& newset )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

newset const CameraSettings& -

• Return : None

const CameraSettings& GetCameraSettings( )

92 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Arguments : None
• Return : Current camera settings

void SetAutoWhiteBalance( int isAuto )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

isAuto int -

• Return : None

unsigned char GetAutoWhiteBalance( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : Auto white balance value

void CaptureFrame( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

1. 2. 6. 4. LinuxCM730 Class


LinuxCM730( const char* name )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

name const char* port name


93 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


void SetPortName( const char* name )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

name const char* port name

• Return : None

const char* GetPortName( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : Port name

bool OpenPort( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

void ClosePort( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void ClearPort( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

int WritePort( unsigned char* packet, int numPacket )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

packet unsigned char* -

94 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

numPacket int packet length in byte

• Return : Number of sending bytes

int ReadPort( unsigned char* packet, int numPacket )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

packet unsigned char* -

numPacket int packet length in byte

• Return : Number of reading bytes

void LowPriorityWait( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void MidPriorityWait( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void HighPriorityWait( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void LowPriorityRelease( )
• Arguments : None

95 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Return : None

void MidPriorityRelease( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void HighPriorityRelease( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : None

void SetPacketTimeout( int lenPacket )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

lenPacket int -

• Return : None

bool IsPacketTimeout( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : On timeout, true is returned. On waiting, false is returned.

double GetPacketTime( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : Calculated packet time.

void SetUpdateTimeout( int msec )

• Arguments

96 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

msec int timeout value

• Return : None

bool IsUpdateTimeout( )
• Arguments : None
• Return

double GetUpdateTime( )
• Arguments : None
• Return

virtual void Sleep( int Miliseconds )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

Miliseconds int sleep time in miliseconds

• Return : None

1. 2. 6. 5. LinuxMotionTimer Class


static void Initialize( MotionManager* manager )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

97 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Name Type Description

manager MotionManager* -

• Return : None

static void Start( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

static void Stop( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : None

static bool IsRunning( )

• Arguments : None
• Return : On timer is running, true is returned. On timer is stoped, false is

static void msleep( int Miliseconds )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

Miliseconds int -

• Return : None

1. 2. 6. 6. LinuxSocket Class#


98 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


LinuxSocket( )
• Arguments : None

Data Members

static const int MAXHOSTNAME

static const int MAXCONNECTIONS

static const int MAXRECV


bool create( )
• Arguments : None
• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool bind( const int port )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

port const int -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool listen( ) const

• Arguments : None
• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool accept( LinuxSocket& new_socket ) const

99 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Arguments

Name Type Description

new_socket LinuxSocket& -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool connect( const std::string host, const int port )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

host const std::string -

port const int -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool send( const std::string s ) const

• Arguments

Name Type Description

s const std::string -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

bool send( void* data, int length ) const

• Arguments

Name Type Description

data void* -

length int -

100 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

int recv( std::string& s ) const

• Arguments

Name Type Description

s std::string& -

• Return

int recv( void* data, int length ) const

• Arguments

Name Type Description

data void* -

length int -

• Return

void set_non_blocking( const bool b )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

b const bool -

• Return : None

bool is_valid( ) const

• Arguments : None
• Return : On socket is valid, true is returned. On socket is invalid, false is

101 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58



1. 2. 6. 7. LinuxSocketException Class


LinuxSocketException( std::string s )
• Arguments

Name Type Description

s std::string -


std::string description( )
• Arguments : None
• Return

1. 2. 6. 8. LinuxServer Class#


LinuxServer( )
• Arguments : None

LinuxServer( int port )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

s std::string -

102 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58



void accept( LinuxServer& sock )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

sock LinuxServer& -

• Return : None.

bool send( unsigned char* data, int length )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

data unsigned char* -

length int -

• Return : On success, true is returned. On fail, false is returned.

int recv( unsigned char* data, int length )

• Arguments

Name Type Description

data unsigned char* -

length int -

• Return


103 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


const LinuxServer& operator << ( const std::string& s ) const

• Send

const LinuxServer& operator << ( const int& i ) const

• Send

const LinuxServer& operator >> ( const std::string& s ) const

• Read

1. 2. 6. 9. Streamer
• Get more informations:

1. 3. Linux Tutorials
The following are required libraries for tools and tutorials.

• g++ : GNU C++ Compiler.

• manpages-dev : describes the Linux programming interface, including Linux system and
library calls.
• libjpeg62-dev : library for JPEG files.
• libncurses5-dev : contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic links for developers.

You may install the abovementioned libraries by typing the line below at the command prompt.

$ sudo apt-get install g++ manpages-dev libjpeg62-dev libncurses5-dev

Tutorial source path : /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial


darwin@darwin:~$ cd /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/read_write/
darwin@darwin:/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/read_write$ make

104 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


make -C ../../../build
g++ -o read_write main.o ../../../lib/darwin.a -lpthread -lrt

/dev/ttyUSB0 requires root user priviledges. To obtain root user privileges type:

darwin@darwin:/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/read_write$ sudo su
[sudo] password for darwin: ( input 111111 )
root@darwin:/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/read_write# ./read_write

1. 3. 1. Read/Write

1. 3. 1. 1. Main classes used in the tutorial

• LinuxCM730 : Inherited class from PlatformCM730 for the Linux platform. Use this
class to control a usb-to-serial port file resource.
• CM730 : generates Read / Write packet, PlatformCM730 class inherited from the
CM-730. Results sent to packet processing class.

1. 3. 1. 2. Source code review

1. Construct LinuxCM730 and CM730 class

LinuxCM730 linux_cm730("/dev/ttyUSB0");
CM730 cm730(&linux_cm730);

1. Call connect() function to open port and turn on DYNAMIXEL power.

if(cm730.Connect() == false)
printf("Fail to connect CM-730!\n");

105 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


return 0;

1. Read 2 bytes value(Gyro sensor value) from CM730 control table.

if(cm730.ReadWord(CM730::P_GYRO_Y_L, &value, 0) == CM730::SUCCESS)
printf("%3d", value);

1. Read 2 bytes value(Present position) from DYNAMIXEL control table and write the
mirroring value.

printf(" ID[%d]:", JointData::ID_R_SHOULDER_PITCH);

if(cm730.ReadWord(JointData::ID_R_SHOULDER_PITCH, RX28M::P_PRESENT_POSITION_L, &value, 0) == C
printf("%4d", value);
cm730.WriteWord(JointData::ID_L_SHOULDER_PITCH, RX28M::P_GOAL_POSITION_L, RX28M::GetMirrorValu

1. 3. 1. 3. Result

root@darwin:/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/read_write# ./read_write
Read/Write Tutorial for DARwIn
GFB:512 GRL:512 AFB:504 ARL:508 BTN:0 ID[1]: 394 ID[3]: 444 ID[5]: 492

• GFB : Gyro sensor Y axis value

• GRL : Gyro sensor X axis value
• AFB : Acceleration sensor Y axis value

106 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• ARL : Acceleration sensor X axis value

• BTN : Button status value
• ID[#] : Present position value of dynamixel ID #

Reads position values for the right arm. From values’ data the left arm mirrors the right

1. 3. 1. 4. Tutorial Procedure

NOTE : Before you begin ensure that DARWIN-OP is in a stable kneeling position. During this
tutorial torque from all actuators will be released.

Press the “RESET” button and ensure you’ve perform the killall procedure (if necessary).
DARWIN-OP’s head LED must be in green and eye LED in blue before you begin.

Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/read_write

Look for the file “read_write” If not type make and the compiler will autogenerate
Execute the read/write by typing ./read_write.
Once running the read/write you will see the following

• Grab DARWIN-OP’s right hand and move it around. You should notice that the left
hand mimics the movement of the right hand.
• You should also notice that the head and eye LED constantly change color.
• You should also notice that the actuators controlling the left arm are stiff while all other
actuators are loose.

107 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• During this tutorial please exercise caution when moving the right arm as DARWIN-OP
may fall due to the released torque from the rest of the body.
• GFB, GRL, AFB, ARL values will change if you move DARWIN-OP’s torso.
To do so grab DARWIN-OP by the handle and gently swing it around.
You should see the values change.

To end the tutorial hold the “CONTROL” key and press the C key. Afterwards press the
“RESET” button from DARWIN-OP. The head LED returns to blue and eye LED to green.

1. 3. 2. Camera Capture & View

1. 3. 2. 1. Main classes for the tutorial

• minIni : settings from ini files for loading and saving.
• LinuxCamera : Camera initialization, settings change, and capture classes..
• mjpg_streamer : compresses YUV image to jpeg. The web server streaming class
allows view and control on a web browser page via command.

1. 3. 2. 2. Source code review

MinIni class from the camera settings.

minIni* ini = new minIni(INI_FILE_PATH);

Camera device number generates LinuxCamera class. MinIni class reads settings values.


mjpg_streamer class confirms images.

mjpg_streamer* streamer = new mjpg_streamer(Camera::WIDTH, Camera::HEIGHT);

108 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


LinuxCamera class allows mjpg_streamer to stream frame captures on web browser.


1. 3. 2. 3. Result
Connect to DARwIn-OP via IP address and port 8080 to stream motion images from the
camera. (You may experience memory leaks with Chrome).

Camera’s gain and exposure values can be can be changed by clicking the buttons.

109 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


1. 3. 2. 4. Tutorial Procedure

NOTE : Before you begin, ensure that DARwIn-OP is in a stable kneeling position. During this
tutorial torque from all actuators will be released.

Press the “RESET” button and ensure you’ve perform the killall procedure (if necessary).
DARWIN-OP’s head LED must be in green and eye LED in blue before you begin.

110 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/camera

Look for the file “camera_tutorial”. If not type make and the compiler will autogenerate
camera_tutorial. Execute the camera tutorial by typing ./camera_tutorial. Once running
the camera tutorial you will see the following

From your computer open a web browser (Firefox recommended, do not use Chrome due
to memory leak) and type on the address bar.
The IP address is the default IP address assuming you’ve established a
wired LAN connection with DARwIn-OP.

From your browser you can modify GAIN and EXPOSURE values.

• The default values for GAIN is 255 and EXPOSURE is 1000.

• Lowering gain values will decrease image brightness
• Lowering exposure values will increase image contrast.

To end the tutorial hold the “CONTROL” key and press the C key. Afterwards press the
“RESET” button from DARwIn-OP.
The head LED returns to blue and eye LED to green.
Close the web browser.

You may view the changes you’ve made by viewing the config.ini file from the current
working directory (/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/camera)

1. 3. 3. Image Processing

1. 3. 3. 1. Main classes for the tutorial

111 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• ColorFinder : HSV color space filters specific colors. ColorFinder finds the center of
mass of the filtered pixels and returns the location. This process is done internally.

1. 3. 3. 2. Source code review

ColorFinder class is generated by capture image. Image capture generates ColorFinder
by by finding the center of mass of pixels by pixel position from a given color. Also, minIni
class sets the default value of the color.

ColorFinder* finder = new ColorFinder();


mjpg_streamer allows colors adjustment via web browser for ball_finder and ColorFinder.

httpd::ball_finder = finder;

From GetPosition function image color values from HSV color space Point2D returns the
value for center of mass.

pos = finder->GetPosition(LinuxCamera::GetInstance()->fbuffer->m_HSVFrame);

1. 3. 3. 3. Result
The preset allows location of center of mass for ball color.

root@darwin:/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/color_filtering# ./color_filtering
posx: 169.000000, posy: 104.000000

From the capture screen color RGB(255, 0, 0) (color) replacement is shown

112 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


1. 3. 3. 4. Tutorial procedure

NOTE : Before you begin, ensure that DARwIn-OP is in a stable kneeling position. During this
tutorial torque from all actuators will be released.

Press the “RESET” button and ensure you’ve perform the killall procedure (if necessary).
DARWIN-OP’s head LED must be in green and eye LED in blue before you begin.

Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/color_filtering

113 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Look for the file “color_filtering”. If not type make and the compiler will autogenerate
Execute the image processing tutorial by typing ./color_filtering.
Once tutorial is running you will see the following screen

From your computer open a web browser (Firefox recommended, do not use Chrome due
to memory leak) and type on the address bar.
The IP address is the default IP address and assuming you’ve established
a wired LAN connection with DARWIN-OP.
The following values are the default values for the ball

• Hue: 356
• Tolerance: 15
• Minimum Saturation: 50
• Minimum Value: 10
• Gain: 255
• Exposure: 1000

You can change the color of the ball to the desired color by manipulating the parameters.
Example: chang the ball color from red (default) to blue.
Please refer to the table here for reference for values for blue.

114 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Under default values for the ball DARWIN-OP would view a blue ball like the image

115 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• After manipulating the values DARWIN-OP would view a blue ball like the image
above. Notice that a bright reddish orange patch covers most of the blue ball. The
orange patch over blue is an indication that DARWIN-OP detects blue as the target
• You will also notice the change in values for posx and posy. This is because DARWIN-
OP is able to “detect” the ball therefore calculate the position of center of mass for the
ball color.
• posx is the value for center of mass in horizontal position
• posy is the value for center of mass in vertical position.
• If you remove the ball you will see the values for posx and posy return to -1.000000

The following table represents change in values from red ball (default) to blue ball

116 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


red blue (new reference blue (from Color and White Balance
(default) values) Calibration)

Hue 356 217 225

Tolerance 15 15 15

50 43 45

Minimum Value 10 0 0

Gain 255 255 255

Exposure 1000 1000 1000

NOTE : Remember that these values are in accordance to the HSV color space. The values
assigned for the colors are arbitrary and you may choose any values to suit your needs.

To end the tutorial hold the “CONTROL” key and press the C key. Afterwards press the
“RESET” button from DARWIN-OP.
Close the web browser.
You may view the changes you’ve made by viewing the config.ini file from the current
working directory (/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/color_filtering).

1. 3. 4. Head Control

1. 3. 4. 1. Main classes for the tutorial

• BallTracker : transfer image capture from HSV color space.Ball location is possible via
ColorFinder class. The head module controls head pan and tilt (aligns head in front of
the ball).
• MotionManager : modules are inherited from MotionModule class. The module calls
Process() function to calculate each joint values. The values are merged for

117 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


synchronized writing.
• Head : modules are inherited from MotionModule class. The module allows head pan
and tilt.
• LinuxMotionTimer : MotionManager calls Process() function at regular intervals.

1. 3. 4. 2. Source code review

BallTracker class performs ball tracking. Also, the minIni class sets color values, where
the values can be manipulated via web browser.

BallTracker tracker = BallTracker();

httpd::ball_finder = &tracker.finder;

Create DYNAMIXEL control CM730 class and Head class initializes MotionManager

LinuxCM730 linux_cm730(U2D_DEV_NAME);
CM730 cm730(&linux_cm730);
if(MotionManager::GetInstance()->Initialize(&cm730) == false)
printf("Fail to initialize Motion Manager!\n");
return 0;

MotionManager class registers Head class and initializes the timer. Only the head moves
by tracking; body joints are disabled. Afterwards MotionManager is enabled.


118 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58




1. 3. 4. 3. Result
Head pan and tilt joints aim at the center of mass of the captured color. the head is
centered around the color.

1. 3. 4. 4. Tutorial Procedure

NOTE : Before you begin, ensure that DARwIn-OP is in a stable kneeling position. During this
tutorial torque from all actuators will be released.

Press the “RESET” button and ensure you’ve perform the killall procedure (if necessary).
DARWIN-OP’s head LED must be in green and eye LED in blue before you begin.

Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/head_tracking

Look for the file “head_tracking”. If not type make and the compiler will autogenerate
Execute the head control tutorial by typing ./head_tracking.
Once running the tutorial you will see the following

DARWIN-OP’s head LED will change from green to amber.

• DARWIN-OP tracks the red ball. However, the body remains still and only the head
moves (DYNAMIXEL ID 19 and 20).

119 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• To get DARWIN-OP track the ball place the ball at a distance approximately 1 to 1.5
feet away from the head. Placing the ball too close to DARWIN-OP will cause the
head to move out of control.

You may also change the color DArwIn-OP tracks by opening our web browser.
From your computer open a web browser (Firefox recommended, do not use Chrome due
to memory leak) and type on the address bar.
the IP address is the default IP address and assuming you’ve established
a wired LAN connection with DARWIN-OP.

By Default DARWIN-OP will track a red ball. Please refer to the table here for ball, red,
blue, and yellow.

If you replace the red ball with another color DARWIN-OP will ignore it

120 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


As you adjust the color of the ball, from the web browser, you can also see DARWIN-OP’s
camera track the ball in real-time once values are properly adjusted.

121 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Over the course of the head control tutorial you will notice that the actuators LED blink as
if they have an error. Disregard this notification during this tutorial.

To end the tutorial hold the “CONTROL” key and press the C key.
Press the “RESET” button on DARWIN-OP.
Close your web browser.

You may view the changes you’ve made by viewing the config.ini file from the current
working directory (/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/color_filtering).

1. 3. 5. Walking Control

1. 3. 5. 1. Main classes for the tutorial

122 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Head control : main class

• BallFollower :

1. 3. 5. 2. Source code review

Head tracking from BallTracker class and ball following generates BallFollower class.

BallTracker tracker = BallTracker();

httpd::ball_finder = &tracker.finder;

BallFollower follower = BallFollower();

Port initialization and opening, dynamixel power on

LinuxCM730 linux_cm730(U2D_DEV_NAME);
CM730 cm730(&linux_cm730);
if(MotionManager::GetInstance()->Initialize(&cm730) == false)
printf("Fail to initialize Motion Manager!\n");
return 0;

MotionManager head tracking registers head and walking modules, then timers are


Walking init captures poses.

int n = 0;
int param[JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS * 5];

123 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


int wGoalPosition, wStartPosition, wDistance;

for(int id=JointData::ID_R_SHOULDER_PITCH; id<JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; id++)

wStartPosition = MotionStatus::m_CurrentJoints.GetValue(id);
wGoalPosition = Walking::GetInstance()->m_Joint.GetValue(id);
if( wStartPosition > wGoalPosition )
wDistance = wStartPosition - wGoalPosition;
wDistance = wGoalPosition - wStartPosition;

wDistance >>= 2;
if( wDistance < 8 )
wDistance = 8;

param[n++] = id;
param[n++] = CM730::GetLowByte(wGoalPosition);
param[n++] = CM730::GetHighByte(wGoalPosition);
param[n++] = CM730::GetLowByte(wDistance);
param[n++] = CM730::GetHighByte(wDistance);
cm730.SyncWrite(RX28M::P_GOAL_POSITION_L, 5, JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS - 1, param);

Walking module disables parts of the head. MotionManager enables them.


Head tracking and ball following loop.


1. 3. 5. 3. Result

124 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Ball is tracked by head tracking, Walking towards the ball via walking module.

1. 3. 5. 4. Tutorial Procedure

NOTE : Before you begin, ensure that DARwIn-OP is in a stable kneeling position. During this
tutorial torque from all actuators will be released.

Press the “RESET” button and ensure you’ve perform the killall procedure (if necessary).
DARWIN-OP’s head LED must be in green and eye LED in blue before you begin.

Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/ball_following

Look for the file “ball_following”. If not type make and the compiler will autogenerate
Execute the walking control tutorial by typing ./ball_following.
The following message will appear on screen and DARWIN-OP will stand up from its
kneeling position.

• DARWIN-OP’s head LED will change from green to amber.

• Place the ball (default red) in front of DARWIN-OP.
• Press the “ENTER” key to continue

125 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• DARWIN-OP will walk towards the ball, but will not perform the kick.
• Watch the display as DARWIN-OP walks towards the ball but halts when is ready to
• The line following “Start to press ENTER!” is DARWIN-OP surrent status. This line
changes with DARWIN-OP’s motion. “[KICK] Right STOP” means that DARWIN-OP is
ready to kick the ball with its right foot but has halted.
• Move the ball a little and DARWIN-OP will resume walking until is gets close enough
ready to kick.

You may also change the ball color DArwIn-OP tracks by opening our web browser.
From your computer open a web browser (Firefox recommended, do not use Chrome due
to memory leak) and type on the address bar.
the IP address is the default IP address and assuming you’ve established
a wired LAN connection with DARWIN-OP.

To end the tutorial hold the “CONTROL” key and press the C key.
Press the “RESET” button on DARWIN-OP.
Close your web browser.

You may view the changes you’ve made by viewing the config.ini file from the current
working directory (/darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/ball_following).

1. 3. 6. Action Control

1. 3. 6. 1. Main classes for the tutorial

126 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Action

Action script file consisting of page number and MP3 file path. The OS reads the script file
then executes the action and mp3 file playback (based from the script). (LinuxActionScript
class). MotionModule’s action is processed by Action class. MotionManager Timer is
synchronizes with the action’s process.

1. 3. 6. 2. Source code review

Action loads the saved file.


CM730 class creates action’s play, MotionManager initializes and registers Action class.

LinuxCM730 linux_cm730("/dev/ttyUSB0");
CM730 cm730(&linux_cm730);
if(MotionManager::GetInstance()->Initialize(&cm730) == false)
printf("Fail to initialize Motion Manager!\n");
return 0;

LinuxMotionTimer is initialized and MotionManager is enabled.


Init pose(page 1) is initilalized and waits until action is complete.

while(Action::GetInstance()->IsRunning()) usleep(8*1000);

127 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


LinuxActionScript class passes and initializes the script file, then waits for the execution
and completion from the script.

while(LinuxActionScript::m_is_running == 1) sleep(10);

1. 3. 6. 3. Result
Execution of the pre-scripted sequence action and mp3 playback from the script file.

1. 3. 6. 4. Tutorial Procedure

NOTE : Before you begin, ensure that DARwIn-OP is in a stable kneeling position. During this
tutorial torque from all actuators will be released.

Press the “RESET” button and ensure you’ve perform the killall procedure (if necessary).
DARWIN-OP’s head LED must be in green and eye LED in blue before you begin.

Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/action_script

Look for the file “action_script”. If not type make and the compiler will autogenerate
Execute the tutorial by typing ./action_script.
Once running the tutorial you will see the following

• Follow the instructions by pressing the “ENTER” key.

128 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• DARWIN-OP stands up.

• The head LED goes from green to amber.
• DARWIN-OP performs Interactive Motion Mode once.
• The script outputs the action page and sound mp3 file on screen sequentially.
• The order goes as follows:
◦ Thank You
◦ Introduction
◦ WOW!
◦ Sit down
◦ Stand up
◦ Clap please!
◦ Bye bye!

129 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• Once DARWIN-OP finishes Interactive Motion Mode the tutorial ends automatically.
• DARWIN-OP’s head LED returns to green, but its body remains in standing position.

Grab DARWIN-OP’s handle.

Press the “RESET” button on DARWIN-OP to release torque from all actuators.
Carefully place DARWIN-OP in kneeling position.

1. 3. 7. FSR

1. 3. 7. 1. Main classes used on the tutorial

• LinuxCM730 : Inherited class from PlatformCM730 for the Linux platform. Use this
class to control a usb-to-serial port file resource.
• CM730 : generates Read / Write packet, PlatformCM730 class inherited from the

130 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


CM-730. Results sent to packet processing class.

• mjpg_streamer : compresses YUV image to jpeg. The web server streaming class
allows view and control on a web browser page via command.

1. 3. 7. 2. Source code review

Construct LinuxCM730 and CM730 class

LinuxCM730 linux_cm730(U2D_DEV_NAME);
CM730 cm730(&linux_cm730);

Call connect() function to open port and turn on DYNAMIXEL power.

if(MotionManager::GetInstance()->Initialize(&cm730) == false)
printf("Fail to initialize Motion Manager!\n");
return 0;

MotionManager head tracking registers head and walking modules, then timers are

LinuxMotionTimer *motion_timer = new LinuxMotionTimer(MotionManager::GetInstance());

Walking init captures poses.

int n = 0;
int param[JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS * 5];
int wGoalPosition, wStartPosition, wDistance;

131 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


for(int id=JointData::ID_R_SHOULDER_PITCH; id<JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; id++)

wStartPosition = MotionStatus::m_CurrentJoints.GetValue(id);
wGoalPosition = Walking::GetInstance()->m_Joint.GetValue(id);
if( wStartPosition > wGoalPosition )
wDistance = wStartPosition - wGoalPosition;
wDistance = wGoalPosition - wStartPosition;

wDistance >>= 2;
if( wDistance < 8 )
wDistance = 8;

param[n++] = id;
param[n++] = CM730::GetLowByte(wGoalPosition);
param[n++] = CM730::GetHighByte(wGoalPosition);
param[n++] = CM730::GetLowByte(wDistance);
param[n++] = CM730::GetHighByte(wDistance);
cm730.SyncWrite(RX28M::P_GOAL_POSITION_L, 5, JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS - 1, param);

Read & print FSR value

left_fsr_x = cm730.m_BulkReadData[FSR::ID_L_FSR].ReadByte(FSR::P_FSR_X);
left_fsr_y = cm730.m_BulkReadData[FSR::ID_L_FSR].ReadByte(FSR::P_FSR_Y);
printf(" LX:%3d", MAX_FSR_VALUE-left_fsr_x);
printf(" LY:%3d", MAX_FSR_VALUE-left_fsr_y);
right_fsr_x = cm730.m_BulkReadData[FSR::ID_R_FSR].ReadByte(FSR::P_FSR_X);
right_fsr_y = cm730.m_BulkReadData[FSR::ID_R_FSR].ReadByte(FSR::P_FSR_Y);
printf(" RX:%3d", right_fsr_x);
printf(" RY:%3d", right_fsr_y);

In cm730.m_BulkReadData the MakeBulkReadPacket() function from /darwin/Framework

/src/CM730.cpp for reading FSR values.

132 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


if(Ping(FSR::ID_L_FSR, 0) == SUCCESS)
m_BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+1] = 10; // length
m_BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+2] = FSR::ID_L_FSR; // id
m_BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+3] = FSR::P_FSR1_L; // start address

if(Ping(FSR::ID_R_FSR, 0) == SUCCESS)
m_BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+1] = 10; // length
m_BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+2] = FSR::ID_R_FSR; // id
m_BulkReadTxPacket[PARAMETER+3*number+3] = FSR::P_FSR1_L; // start address

The weight from both feet shown with each feet showing its weight centered (red “+”

int r_position_x = (98*(MAX_FSR_VALUE-right_fsr_x)/MAX_FSR_VALUE) + 24;

int r_position_y = (160*(MAX_FSR_VALUE-right_fsr_y)/MAX_FSR_VALUE) + 40;
int l_position_x = (98*left_fsr_x/MAX_FSR_VALUE) + 198;
int l_position_y = (160*left_fsr_y/MAX_FSR_VALUE) + 40;

memcpy(img_send->m_ImageData, img_position->m_ImageData, LinuxCamera::GetInstance()->fbuffer->m_

if(left_fsr_x != 255 && left_fsr_y != 255)
draw_target(img_send, l_position_x, l_position_y, 255, 0, 0);
if(right_fsr_x != 255 && right_fsr_y != 255)
draw_target(img_send, r_position_x, r_position_y, 255, 0, 0);

if(left_fsr_x != 255 && left_fsr_y != 255 && right_fsr_x != 255 && right_fsr_y != 255)
draw_target(img_send, (l_position_x+r_position_x)/2, (l_position_y+r_position_y)/2, 0, 0, 255);


133 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


1. 3. 7. 3. Result

• LX : Left foot center point of the X-axis force

• LY : Left foot center point of the Y-axis force
• RX : Right foot center point of the X-axis force
• RY : Right foot center point of the Y-axis force

Connect to DARWIN-OP via IP address and port 8080.

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the red cross represent the weight centered on each foot; while the blue cross for both
feet combined. DARWIN-OP can be aimed at several directions LX, LY, RX, RY. These
values are modifiable. Press the space bar to goggle walking on and off.

1. 3. 7. 4. Tutorial Procedure

NOTE : Before you begin, ensure that DARwIn-OP is in a stable kneeling position. During this
tutorial torque from all actuators will be released.

Press the “RESET” button and ensure you’ve perform the killall procedure (if necessary).

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DARWIN-OP’s head LED must be in green and eye LED in blue before you begin.

Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/tutorial/fsr

Look for the file “fsr”. If not type make and the compiler will autogenerate fsr.
Execute the fsr by typing ./fsr.
While running the fsr program yo may view the results as described above.
To end the tutorial hold the “CONTROL” key and press the C key. Afterwards press the
“RESET” button from DARWIN-OP.
The head LED returns to blue and eye LED to green.

1. 4. Tools
Tools, such as action editor, walking tuner, etc. can be found at /darwin/Linux/project
If you wish to use the tools is recommended that you connect to DARWIN-OP via SSH. Please
go to “A. Ready” for example on how to connect.

1. 4. 1. Action Editor

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Action Editor allows the user to control and edit DARWIN-OP’s motions and poses via
command line. This process is done by manipulating values of the MX-28 actuator(s).
For more information about the MX-28, please refer to MX-28 manual.
For more information about Actuator ID Map of DARWIN-OP, please refer to ID Map.

Before getting into Action Editor be aware of the motion data file residing in the source code.

1. 4. 1. 1. Motion File
The motion file is a file that contains DARWIN-OP’s poses and motion data. The data is
read and written as position of the MX-28; so manipulating/editing the file is a robot-low-

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level task. Since the motion file data is binaries file you cannot view its contents directly.
You can view its contents with Action Editor or RoboPlus Motion.
ROBOTIS currently supplies 2 motion files with the source code. They are located in
/darwin/Data directory. These are:

• ‘motion_1024.bin’ for MX-28 position sensor at 10-bit resolution (300 degrees

• ‘motion_4096.bin’ for MX-28 position sensor at 12-bit resolution (360 degrees

The motion file contains 256 pages. Each page can store up to 7 stages (or steps) of
motion data. In the basic motion file provided not all pages are used. You may add you
own motion if you like by making use of the empty pages.

• Page number: is the listed page number. If you want to create new motion poses you
may use any empty page:
• Page title: we recommend you use a page title if you will make use on an empty page.
• Current position: This is the current position of the MX-28 for each ID. This data is
represented by STP7 in Action Editor and Pose of Robot by Roboplus. Sometimes
the position may read as ???? in Action Editor or OFF in Roboplus Motion. This
means position of the MX-28 is not being read (and torque is off).
If you turn an MX-28 off you will not get current position reading until you turn it back
on. You can turn off any or all MX-28 at will. This is very convenient to make robot
poses rather than entering position values.
For example if you want to make a new robot pose simply turn any MX-28 off, make
the robot pose, and turn the MX-28(s) back on at that robot pose. Once turning on
you’ll get the pose values.
• Steps or stages: each page can store up to 7 steps, from STP0 to STP6. However,
some motions may require more than 7 stages to perform completely. Simply use
multiple pages, and link them with Next. Note that STP7 in Roboplus is rightmost

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colum labeled Pose of the Robot.

• Next: is a link to indicate whether or not motion continues at a different page. To
continue motions just list the page number where motion is to be continued. Number 0
indicates motion does not continue onto another page (default value). Linking page
does not have to the in numerical order allowing you to link from one page to any other
• Play Count: is the number of times the motion of the page is to be played.
• Example: page 239 has a play count of 4 times then has a link to page 240. This
means that motions on page 239 will be executed 4 times then move on to page 240
and continue with the motions on page 240.
• Exit: There may be times when a motion is stopped. If that’s the case the robot may
be in an unstable position. Exit is much like Next, so Exit should be linked to a page
where DARWIN-OP can return to a stable pose. Number 0 indicates no link to exit
page linked (default value).

Tip when calling a motion requires multiple pages we strongly suggest that you call that
motion from the starting page. For example “talk2” starts at page 41 and ends at page 47; this
means you should call page 41 when calling “talk2.” Calling the subsequent pages for “talk2” (i.e.
page 43) may cause the robot to perform abnormally.

It is strongly advised that you test your newly-created or edited motions for the sake of
DARWIN-OP’s stability, by making small incremental changes in position, speed/time, and
pause values.

Please use whichever program is most convenient for you. However, you may end up
working with both. Always remember to save your work.

Contents and description of the motion file used for the demo programs.
Although there are many pages occupied with data. Not all pages are actually set in

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motion by DARWIN-OP. here is a list of the pages used along with a brief description
of each page.

page page number of

brief description of page notes
number title pages

1 init DARWIN-OP initial standing pose 1

4 hi DARWIN-OP bowing greet 1

DARWIN-OP doing a right kick (from

12 rk 1
Soccer mode)

DARWIN-OP doing a left kick (from

13 lk 1
Soccer mode)

15 DARWIN-OP on its knees 1

DARWIN-OP “yes, go!” (from

23 d1 1
Interactive mode)

DARWIN-OP “wow!” (from Iteractive

24 d2 1

DARWIN-OP “ooops!” (from

27 d3 1
Interactive mode)

DARWIN-OP “bye bye” (from

38 d2 2 (38 and 39) starting page
Interactive mode)

DARWIN-OP “introduction” (partial, 7 (41 through

41 talk2 starting page
from Interactive mode) 47)

DARWIN-OP “clap please” (from starting page,

54 init 4 (54,55,56,58)
Interactive mode) excludes page 57

1. 4. 1. 2. Getting Started with Action Editor

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WARNING : Before running Action Editor please verify angle resolution the actuators are
currently loaded with.
For example, if the actuators resolution is 1024 then you can only work with motion file for
1024-resolution (motion_1024.bin)
Running another file may damage DARWIN-OP.
If you are unsure about which angle resolution the actuators are currently loaded with then refer
to dxl_monitor.
To install the proper resolution for the actuator then refer to firmware_installer.

Action editor can be found at /darwin/Linux/project/action_editor

You can modify DARWIN-OP motion data as done in a terminal window.

1. To read and write data go to the directory: /darwin/Linux/project/action_editor

2. Make sure that there is an executable file named “action_editor”.
Please note that when running action editor the program will open the file
motion_4096.bin by default.
The illustrations below are from the motion file ‘motion_1024.bin’ and
Remember that motion files are located at /darwin/Data
3. If there is no said file then create it by typing make. The compiler will automatically
generate the file.
4. Run the program by typing ./action_editor. You will notice DARWIN-OP’s head LED
changes from green to amber.
Reminder: remember the current angle resolution for the actuators.
5. Once in the program type help for further information
6. From there you may follow the options given to you.
7. To exit the program type exit.

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Please note the following:

• STP7 is the current value of the actuators. ???? means that torque has been released.
• PauseTime is the pause for motion playback for step STP[x].
• Time(x 8msec) is the time period for DARWIN-OP to complete step STP[x]. Each time
unit account for 8ms of time.

After typing help the following list will appear.

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The menu options are very extensive so you may not be able to memorize every
command. At any time you type help to invoke the options list.

• exit: exits the program. After exiting the program press the “RESET” button on
• re: refreshes the screen.
• b: moves to the previous page.
• n: moves to the next page.
• page [index]: moves to the [index] page. For example typing page 5 outputs data
from page 5 on screen.
• list: outputs a list of pages.
• new: initializes current page by clearing all actuator position data.

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• copy [index]: copies data from page [index] to current page. For example if you are
on page 5 and want to copy page 9 then type copy 9.
• set [value]: sets position value on chosen actuator. For example If you want ID19
(head pan) to have a value of 512 then using the keyboard’s directional keys place the
cursor on ID19 and type set 512.
• save: saves any changes you’ve made. the saved motion file (motion.bin can be found
at /darwin/Data/
• play: plays motion(s) of current page.
• name: changes the name of the current page. You can view the name of the page at
the top right portion of the screen. For example, page 2 is titled ok; to change the
name type name and press the “ENTER” key. name: will appear at the bottom of the
screen. Input the desired name for the page, good for instance, and press the
“ENTER” key again.

145 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


before changing the page name

after changing the page name to good.

• w [index]: overwrites STP[index] with data from STP7 (the very first column on the
page). For example page 4 has data on 4 steps (4 columns excluding STP7). typing w
1 overwrites STP1 data with STP7 data.

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before typing w 1

147 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


after applying w 1. Notice that STP1 data is identical to STP7.

• i: inserts data from STP7 to STP0. Moves data from STP[x] to STP[x + 1] if any.
• i [index]: inserts data from STP7 to STP[index]. Moves data from STP[index] to
STP[index + 1] if any.
• m [index] [index2]: moves data from [index2] to [index].
• d [index]: deletes data from STP[index]. Moves data from STP[index] to STP[index -
• on/off: turns on/off torque from all DYNAMIXEL’s.
• on/off [index1] [index2] [index3] …: turns torque on/off from ID[index1] ID[index2]
ID[index3]. For example off 20 releases torque from ID20. Notice that STP7 for ID20
will read [????]. Typing on 20 turns torque from ID20 on again and the screen outputs
the current position data of ID20.

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Before off 20 command. Value of ID20 is 549 (observe STP7).

149 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


ID20 is off. Type re to refresh the screen. During this time you may manually move
the head up and down.

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ID20 is on again after typing on 20. notice the value of ID20 is 624 and not 453 (the
head has been tilted upwards a bit). Type re to refresh the screen.

Example motion editing with Action Editor

Let’s modify DARWIN-OP’s pose when kneeling. Let’s change the position of the left
arm during kneeling. DYNAMIXEL’s for the left arm are ID 2, 4, and 6.

Tip Before you begin you may want to make a copy of “motion_4096.bin” file and save it
elsewhere. If you don’t like with the changes you’ve made you can always revert back to the
original data by overwriting the file.

1. Run Action Editor

2. Find the page where the kneeling (sit down) motion is by typing list

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Notice that the motion data is on page 15.

1. Exit the list and go tp page 15 by typing page 15.

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With the current data values from page 15 DARWIN-OP’s pose will look like this. Do
so by typing play

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1. Once on page 15 edit the values on ID 2, 4, 6. One of the easiest ways to edit values
is to release the torque on DYNAMIXEL’s from the left arm.
2. release the torque on ID 2, 4, and 6 by typing off 2 4 6

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1. after getting the desired pose turn torque on again by simple typing on. Afterwards
match the values for ID2, ID4, ID6 on STP0 match those from STP7 (save your
2. Type play and you you will notice the newly updated values for ID 2, 4, and 6

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The values translate into DARWINOP pose as following

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1. Type save if you want this pose to be new sitting pose whenever DARWIN-OP is
kneeling (sit down).

1. 4. 2. DYNAMIXEL Monitor
You may be able to reset the MX-28 actuators should you encounter an error in motion,
actuator(s) is(are) malfunctioning, or perceive that actuator(s) is(are) malfunctioning.

Go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/dxl_monitor

Make sure that there is an executable file named “dxl_monitor”.
If there is no said file then create it by typing make the compiler will automatically generate
the file.
Run the program by typing ./dxl_monitor
Once in the program type help for information.

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To exit the program type exit

After inputting help the screen outputs the offered option.

• exit: exits the program. After exiting the program press the “RESET” button on DArwIn-
• scan: outputs the current status of all DYNAMIXEL’s.
• id [ID]: go to DYNAMIXEL ID:[ID]. The default ID is ID:200 (CM-730 controller). For
example, if you wish to go to ID20 (head tilt) then type id 20.

Now the current working ID is ID20.

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• d: displays the current control table of the CM-730 and all DYNAMIXEL’s. Use this option
if there is(are) any anomaly(anomalies) with DARWIN-OP.
• reset: defaults the value of current DYNAMIXEL. Use this option if the current actuator
has an operating error or is malfunctioning.
• reset all: defaults the value of all DYNAMIXEL’s. Use this option if the current(s) or all
Dymanixel(s) has(have) operating error(s) or is(are) malfunctioning.
• wr [ADDR] [VALUE]: writes value [VALUE] to address [ADDR] of current DYNAMIXEL.
For further information on DYNAMIXEL addresses and values click here. For example,
go to ID18 (left ankle roll) and type wr 25 1. This means that address 25 (LED) has been
turned on (1). You will notice that the actuator on DARWIN-OP left foot LED is turned on.
To turn the LED off type wr 25 0.

If all goes well you will see “Success to write!”

• on/off: turns torque on/off off current DYNAMIXEL.

• on/off all: turns torque on/off of all DYNAMIXEL’s.

To check the currently operating angle resolution perform the following:

1. Select an eactuator by typeing id (ID number). For example id 3

2. Type d to display the control table
3. Look for CW_ANGLE_LIMIT, CCW_ANGLE_LIMIT, and GOAL_POSITON. if all of these
values show 1023 or less, then resolution is 1024. if any of these values is between 0
and 4,095 then the resolution is 4096.
There may be an occasion that a given actuator may display values of 1023 or lower but

159 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


you may not be sure whether the resolution is either 1024 or 4096. In such case make
verifications on several actuators.
If all the verified values are 1023 or lower, then the resolution is 1024.
If any of the values display larger than 1023 then the resolution is 4096.
4. ALL DYNAMIXEL actuators installed in DARWIN-OP are set to either 1024 or 4096
resolution. Some actuators being set at 1024 and others at 4096 is not allowed. in such
case the demo program will not run.
5. To ensure all DYNAMIXEL actuators installed in DARWIN-OP are at the same resolution
please refer to the firmware installer procedure.

This illustration indicates a resolution of 1024.

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This illustration indicates a resolution of 4096.

1. 4. 3. RoboPlus
For DARWIN-OP support with RoboPlus Motion and DYNAMIXEL’s MX-28 at 4096-
resolution you need version

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• RoboPlus Motion currently does not have a 3D model of DARWIN-OP. Please refrain from
using the “Pose Utility” tab.
• Please refrain from using available Bioloid robots in the “Pose Utility” tab (i.e. Humanoid Type
A), as none of these robots have matching kinematics nor dimensions with DARWIN-OP.
Doing so it may damage the robot.
• Do not save any changes into a motion (.mtn) file [using the save as option]. The .mtn file used
for Bioloid robot is incompatible with DARWIN-OP.

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RoboPlus is a graphical alternative to Action Editor. You may use either program to edit
DARWIN-OP’s motion. You may use Roboplus at one point and continue the same work with
Action Editor and viceversa. In fact Roboplus Motion can perform the exact same functions
of Action Editor.

Please refer to the motion file here.

You may find RoboPlus-related files at /darwin/Linux/project/roboplus However, to

properly execute this program DARWIN-OP must be connected to a computer via
wired/wireless LAN with RoboPlus or above.

NOTE : This section assumes that the actuators installed in DARWIN-OP are set at the resolution
of 1024( MX-28 firmware version 26(0x1A) ). RoboPlus currently does not support MX-28 angle
resolution of 4096 ( MX-28 firmware version 27(0x1B) or higher ).

This option allows you to edit DARWIN-OP’s motion file with RoboPlus Motion.

• Mac and Linux versions of RoboPlus are currently unavailable so this option will only
work with Windows-based computers.

To modify motion data with RoboPlus perform the following:

1. Go to /darwin/Linux/project/roboplus
2. Type make to create an executable file if there is no executeble file
3. Once executable file is complete type ./roboplus (the head LED will change from green
to amber)
4. From your PC start RoboPlus and select RoboPlus Motion
5. On “Port” select TCP/IP and connect robot
6. Once connected you may edit motion data.
7. When finished disconnect DARWIN-OP from RoboPlus (Disconnected followed by
Waiting messages will appear at the terminal window).
8. You may close RoboPlus from your PC and abort the program by holding the

163 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


“CONTROL” key and pressing the “C” key (once you abort the program the head LED will
return to green).

The following illustrations will guide you to properly set the parameters for a successful
connection with RoboPlus.

The illustrations on IP, under the TCP/IP tab, assumes you’ve establiched a connection with
DARWIN-OP via wired LAN under default settings.

You may save any changes into a motion.bin file. The directory is

Example of motion editing with RoboPlus

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Let’s change DARWIN-OP’s sitting pose further by changing the pose of the left arm.
Let’s continue the work from Action Editor. Remember that you may continue any work
done with Action Editor with Roboplus and viceversa.

Tips Before you begin you may want to make a copy of “motion_4096.bin” file and save it
elsewhere. If you don’t like with the changes you’ve made you can always revert back to the
original data by overwriting the file.

When interfacing with DARWIN-OP wirelessly make sure you:

• remember the IP address assigned by DHCP.

• have a strong wifi communications signal between your wireless access point/router
• have a strong wifi communications signal between your wireless access point/router
and your computer.
• keep devices that adversely affect communications signal between your access
point/router and DARWIN-OP and computer (i.e. operating microwave ovens, active
bluetooth devices).
• make sure you remember the IP address assigned by DHCP. If you don’t remember
type ifconfig.

1. Run Roboplus from DARWIN-OP2) After running Roboplus from DARWIN-OP run

165 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


RoboPlus Motion from your PC

2. In RoboPlus Motion click on “Tool(T)” and select “Option(O)”
3. If necessary change the IP address to the one assigned by DHCP. Ensure that the
port number is 6501
4. On Port make sure to select TCP/IP as the port. Then click on the connect icon.

1. Proceed with editing. For more information on RoboPlus Motion click here.

166 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


1. To save changes click on the save icon or go to File(F) => Save(S). Do not select
Save As(A), because the mtn file is not compatible with DARWIN-OP. When saving
the changes the file is “motion_4096.bin” (located at /darwin/Data directory).

You may continue making changes with Action Editor.

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1. 4. 4. Walking Tuner

WARNING : Before you change any value(s) it is highly recommended that you become very
familiar and proficient with DARWIN-OP. ROBOTIS is not responsible for any damages caused as
result of changes in value due to lack or user expertise or user negligence.

Walk tuning files can be found at /darwin/Linux/project/walk_tuner

You may modify DARWIN-OP’s pace and other walking related items.
Before starting walking pace tuner ensure that DARWIN-OP is in the kneeling position.

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Tip change value(s) in small increments. Large increments may cause DARWIN-OP to perform

Tip Hold DARWIN-OP via the handle at all times during this program.

To tune walking parameters go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/walk_tuner

• Make sure that there is an executable file named “walk_tuner”.

• If there is no said file then create it by typing make the compiler will automatically
generate the file.
• Run the program by typing ./walk_tuner. You will notice DARWIN-OP’s head LED
changes from green to amber.
• DARWIN-OP will stand up.
• Once in the program type help for information.
• From there you may follow the options given to you.
• To exit the program type exit
• You will see a message “Terminate Walking Tuner.” If so program has successfully
• Hold DARWIN-OP so you prevent it from falling; press the “RESET” button to release
torque from all actuators.

The following screen will appear after executing the program

169 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Ensure you resize the window so that information displayed on screen is not truncated.

1. 4. 4. 1. Command line-based

170 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


This screen is truncated (notice that Y offset (mm) has the OFF option instead of 5).
To undo truncation just resize the window and type re to refresh the screen.
It is very important to have a proper size window for this program. Any misread in
values due to improper window size by the user could result in undesired

A properly resized window. notice that Y offset(mm) properly display the value of 5,
whereas Walking Mode (on/off) displays OFF.

Type help to bring the help menu.

171 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


• exit: exits the program

• re: refreshes the screen
• save: saves any changes made ( /darwin/Data/config.ini ).
• mon: outputs and updates DARWIN-OP’s gyroscope and accelerometer values on

Pressing the space bar will reset the values enclose by ( and )
To observe changes in value for the gyroscope and accelerometer push DARWIN-OP
gently and slightly forward, backwards, to the left, to the right; grab DARWIN-OP by the
carrying handle and shake it very slightly.
To end and return to the starting screen press the “ESC” key.
The values from the screen are factory-default values. These values are arbitrary.
Use the up or down directional keys to scroll up or down.
Use the [ to decrease/switch values.
Use the ] key to increase/switch values.
Hold the shift key and press [ or ] to decrease or increase values by 10x.

• Walking mode(on/off): Turns DARWIN-OP walking on and off.

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• X offset (mm): DARWIN-OP’s offset in the x-direction (front and back).

• Y offset (mm): DARWIN-OP’s offset in the y-direction (left and right).

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• Z offset (mm): DARWIN-OP’s offset in the z-direction (up and down).

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• Roll(x) offset (degree): DARWIN-OP’s roll offset (x-coordinate).

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• Pitch(y) offset (degree): DARWIN-OP’s pitch offset (y-coordinate).

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• Yaw(z) offset (degree): DARWIN-OP’s yaw offset (z-coordinate).

• Hip pitch offset (motor): DARWIN-OP’s pitch offset (y-coordinate) at the hip level.
Values are for DYNAMIXEL position values for ID11 and ID12.

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• Auto balance (on/off): Turns DARWIN-OP balancing on and off.

• Period time (msec): Time required for DArwIn-Op to complete two full steps (left and
right foot)

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• DSP (Double Stance Period) ratio: time ratio of both feet on ground to one foot
(either left or right) on ground.

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• Step forward/back (mm): Differential distance (x-direction) between DARWIN-OP’s

left and right foot during walk.

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• Step right/left (mm): Differential distance (y-direction) between DARWIN-OP’s left

and right foot during walk.

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• Step Direction (degree): Direction of DARWIN-OP’s stepping (towards left or right).

The head also aims at the direction,

• Turning aim on/off: DARWIN-OP aims at a point while stepping to the left or right.

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• Foot height (mm): This is DARWIN-OP’s foot elevation during walk.

• Swing right/left (mm): This is DARWIN-OP’s swing to either left or right during walk.

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• Swing top/down (mm): This is DARWIN-OP’s up and down body swing during walk.

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• Pelvis offset (motor): DARWIN-OP’s roll offset (x-coordinate) at the pelvis level.
Values are for DYNAMIXEL position values for ID9 and ID10.

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• Arm swing gain: Arm swing gain with respect to Step forward/back. If the left left
moves forward then the right arm swings.
• Balance knee gain: Gain with respect to the gyroscope pitch.
• Balance ankle pitch gain: Gain with respect to the gyroscope pitch
• Balance hip roll gain: Gain with respect to the gyroscope roll.
• Balance ankle roll gain: Gain with respect to the gyroscope roll.

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• P gain: Gain with respect to P (proportional) band for the MX28.

• I gain: Gain with respect to I (integral) action for the MX28.
• D gain: Gain with respect to D (differential) action MX28.

For more information on the MX series click here.

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1. 4. 4. 2. Web browser-based
One advantage of web browser-based walk tuner is the ability to tune DARWIN-OP’s
walking with a conventional web browser. This option also allows you tune walking from a
wifi capable mobile device and away from your desk.
Another advantage of web-based browser is that it offers the flexibility to tune walking
parameters regardless of device, and operating system. You can tune walking with
basically any device with wifi and an internet browser. You may start tuning from one
device and continue tuning work with another.
You may perform walk tuner via wired or wireless LAN connection. However, with mobile
devices you’ll need to be connected wirelessly.
Make sure to run Walk Tuner

Accessing walk tuner from a computer (wired/wireless)

1. Ensure that Walk Tuner is running
2. Open your web browser
◦ If you are interfacing with DARWIN-OP via wired LAN then type on the address bar
◦ If you are interfacing with DARWIN-OP via wifi then type http://IP-address-from-
DHCP:8080 on the address bar

Tip If you cannot remember the IP address provided by DHCP then on a new terminal
window type ifconfig.

When interfacing with DARWIN-OP wirelessly make sure you:

• remember the IP address assigned by DHCP.

• have a strong wifi communications signal between your wireless access point/router and
• have a strong wifi communications signal between your wireless access point/router and

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your computer.
• keep devices that adversely affect communications signal between your access
point/router and DARWIN-OP and computer (i.e. operating microwave ovens, active
bluetooth devices).

1. For this example, you need to type on the address bar.

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However, there may be times when some or all fields are empty

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In any case simply double click on the empty area(s) and the initial value will

• Clicking on the < button decreases the value by 1 unit

• Clicking on the > button increases the value by 1 unit
• Clicking on the << button decreases the value by 10 units
• Clicking on the >> button decreases the value by 10 units

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Accessing Walk Tuner from a mobile device or tablet (via wifi interface)
1. Ensure that Walk Tuner is running 2, Ensure that you know the IP address provided

Here are some sample screenshots

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from an iOS device

from a tablet (QNX)

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You may also notice the same missing fields as in the computer-based web browser.
However, double clicking/double tapping the screen will only magnify/decrease the
display. In this case increase a value by 1 unit and decrease it again by 1 unit the
browser will display the initial value.

1. 4. 5. Firmware Installer

1. 4. 5. 1. Software version 1.2.0 or higher

Firmware installer can be found at /darwin/Linux/project/firmware_installer

To download firmware software into the sub controller or actuator at the directory

1. Make sure that there is an executable file named “firmware_installer”.

2. Input -h or -help argument for usage.

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1. If there is no said file then create it by typing make the compiler will automatically
generate the file.
2. Ensure that “cm730_0x12.hex” and “mx28_0x1C_4096.hex” are present.
3. Run the program by typing ./firmware_installer ** By default the installer will
choose cm730_0x12.hex and mx28_0x1C_4096.
To load mx28_0x1A_1024.hex then you must type **./firmware_installer -a

Install the CM-730 firmware by selecting the first option.

1. Press the CM-730’s “RESET” button.

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Ensure that download succeed.

1. To install the firmware for the RX-28M actuators select the second option from

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1. Press the CM-730’s “RESET” button.

198 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


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The installer automatically lists connected ID’s and installs the firmware of each ID
individually. Afterwards verify success.

You may install your own firmware by typing

./firmware_installer -c YOUR_CM_FIRMWARE.hex -a YOUR_MX_FIRMWARE.hex

this process assumes that YOUR_CM_FIRMWARE.hex and

YOUR_MX_FIRMWARE.hex are located at

If your firmware file is located elsewhere then you needs to specify its location by typing:


1. 4. 5. 2. Software version 1.1.0 or lower

Firmware installer can be found at /darwin/Linux/project/firmware_installer

To download firmware software into the sub controller or actuator at the directory

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1. Make sure that there is an executable file named “firmware_installer”.

2. Input -h or -help argument for usage.

1. If there is no said file then create it by typing make the compiler will automatically
generate the file.
2. Ensure that “cm730_rx28m_4096.hex” and “cm730_rx28m_1024.hex” are present.
3. Run the program by typing ./firmware_installer ** By default the installer will
choose cm730_4096.hex. To load cm730_1024.hex thenyou must type
**./firmware_installer -f cm730_1024.hex

201 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


Install the CM-730 firmware by selecting the first option. This option also includes
installation firmware for the MX-28 actuators. Please note that DYNAMIXEL firmware
will only be installed into the controller.

1. Press the CM-730’s “RESET” button.

202 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


The installer will assign 2 blocks of 128KB/each for firmware download. Ensure that
both blocks succeed.

1. To install the firmware for the MX-28 actuators (from controller to actuators) select the
second option from firmware_installer. Note that this option installs the firmware that
is currently installed on the CM-730 sub controller. This process does not include any
actuator firmware installed in the main controller (PC).

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1. Press the CM-730’s “RESET” button.

204 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


The installer automatically lists connected ID’s and installs the firmware of each ID
individually. Afterwards verify success.

You may install your own firmware by typing

./firmware_installer -f YOUR_FIRMWARE.hex

205 de 223 1/3/22, 22:58


This process assumes that YOUR_FIRMWARE.hex is located at


If your firmware file is located elsewhere then you needs to specify its location by typing:

./firmware_installer -f /DIRECTORY/SUBDIRECTYRY/.../.../YOUR_FIRMWARE.hex.

1. 4. 6. Offset Tuner
The purpose of offset tuner is to offset DARWIN-OP’s poses. Changes made in Offset Tuner
will affect DARWIN-OP when running other programs (i.e. demo programs). This program is
practical to make some changes on DARWIN-OP when performing under certain
environmental conditions.

Warning Before you change any value(s) it is highly recommended that you become very
familiar and proficient with DARWIN-OP and the MX-28. Remember that changes made with
Offset Tuner affects DARWIN-OP’s performance.
Some motions may need to be edited as a result of Offset Tuner. Use Action Editor to edit the
motions (i.e. when trying to get up after falling).
Improper modifications with Offset Tuner may affect DARWIN-OP’s performance adversely.
ROBOTIS is not responsible for any damages caused as result of changes in value due to lack of
user expertise or user negligence.

Offset tuning files can be found at /darwin/Linux/project/offset_tuner

Before starting walking pace tuner ensure that DARWIN-OP is in the kneeling position.

To tune walking parameters go to the directory /darwin/Linux/project/offset_tuner .

1. Make sure that there is an executable file named offset_tuner by typing ls

command in the terminal window.
2. If there is no such file, then create it by typing make . The compiler will automatically
generate the file.

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3. Run the program by typing ./offset_tuner . You will notice DARWIN-OP’s head LED
change from green to amber.
4. DARWIN-OP will stand up. Please be very cautious as DARWIN-OP can fall while
standing up.
5. Once in the program type help for information.
6. From there you may follow the options given to you.
7. To exit the program type exit .
8. You may see a message “are you sure? (y/n)”. Press the y key to confirm. Press the
n key to cancel. This message will appear if you made changes but didn’t save them.

Offset tuner allows you to manipulate the MX-28 position values.

For more information about the MX-28, please refer to MX-28 manual.
For more information about Actuator ID Map of DARWIN-OP, please refer to ID Map.

Ensure that you have a properly sized window

Afterwards the following window appears

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• GOAL: is the value set for DYNAMIXEL ID. For more information about Goal refer to
dxl_monitor. If you modify this value MODVAL value will modify automatically. For
example if you decrease ID 11 by 13 units then MODVAL from ID 11 will automatically
decrease its value by 13 units. Changes made here will not be saved.
• OFFSET: is the value set for DYNAMIXEL offset. to change poses edit Offset value(s).
This is the difference between MODVAL and GOAL. You may edit this value directly or
via MODVAL. Changes made here can be saved
• MODVAL: This is the “new” goal position. This is the modified value. You may edit this
value directly or via OFFSET. Changes made here can only be saved as OFFSET values
• PRSPOS: is current position of DYNAMIXEL ID. This PRSPOS may change after a
screen refresh or running the program at a different time. This is the current position
• ERRORS: is the difference between PRSPOS and MODVAL.

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• P_GAIN: is the value set for P (proportional) gain. You can modify the P gain value in this
program but cannot save changes.
• I_GAIN: is the value set for I (Integral) gain. You can modify the P gain value in this
program but cannot save changes.
• D_GAIN: is the value set for P (differential) gain. You can modify the P gain value in this
program but cannot save changes.

type help and the following window appears

• exit: exits the program. After exiting the program press the “RESET” button on DARwin-
• re: refreshes the screen.
• set [value]: sets position value on chosen actuator. You may set the offset on OFFSET
of the new value in MODVAL. If change value in MODVAL OFFSET value will
automatically change and viceversa. Use the directional arrows to select the value you
wish to change.
• pgain [value]: sets the P (proportional) parameters on all DYNAMIXEL’s.

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• igain [value]: sets the P (integral) parameters on all DYNAMIXEL’s.

• dgain [value]: sets the P (differential) parameters on all DYNAMIXEL’s.
• save: saves any changes you’ve made ( /darwin/Data/config.ini ). The config.ini file only
contain changes made in OFFSET (either directly or via MODVAL).
• on/off: turns on/off torque from all DYNAMIXEL’s.
• on/off [index1] [index2] [index3] …: turns torque on/off from ID[index1]
ID[index2]ID[index3]. For example if you type off 13 16 19 then torque from ID 13, 16,
and 19 will be released.
• Pressing the [ key will decrease value by 1 unit. Holding the shift key + [ will
decrease value by 10 units. Use the directional arrows to select the value you wish to
• Pressing the ] key will increase value by 1 unit. Holding the shift key + ] will
increase value by 10 units. Use the directional arrows to select the value you wish to

1. 4. 6. 1. Example with Offset Tuner

Let’s make some changes of the upper body so that DARWIN-OP appears in a more
relaxed pose.
The ID’s involved in this change are 1, 2, 5, and 6.

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Once you run the program you will notice that DARWIN-OP remains in the standing pose.

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and the following screen provides information on the MX-28 at the current pose

The current pose may not look as relaxed so let’s make some changes in the arm joints.

Use the directional keys to move the cursor over to the OFFSET column. Use the [ key to
decrease (hold the shift key + [ key to decrease by 10 units at a time). Use the ] key to
increase (hold the shift key + ] key to increase by 10 units at a time). Make the
appropriate changes for ID’s 1, 2, 5, and 6.

You can visually see the changes of pose on DARWIN-OP as you increase/decrease the

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DARWIN-OP;s standing pose is now more relaxed.

The following screenshot is information on the MX-28 with the new pose

Notice that only OFFSET on ID’s 1, 2, 5, and 6 has been changed. During the changes if
you think the errors are too large (like ERRORS of 8 for ID 1 and -8 for ID 2, then adjust
the P I D gain values. Please keep in mind that changes in P I D gain values will not be

Type save to save changes. to view the saved file go to /darwin/Data and read the
“config.ini” file by typing cat config.ini

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As you can see only OFFSET values are saved.

Since this is an offset tuner program any position data on ID’s 1, 2, 5, and 6 from the
motion_4096.bin file will be offset by the amount edited. In other words any other program
will be affected by the changes (i.e. the demo program).

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Notice the arms as DARWIN-OP pursues the ball. Compare this pose with an unedited
version of the offset.

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Another picture showing DARWIN-OP with the new arm pose.

Let’s compare 2 DARWIN-OP’s (left DARWIN-OP unchanged, right DARWIN-OP with the
edited offset). Both DARWIN-OP running under Interactive Mode of the demo program

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Notice how the changes take effect as soon as the demo program is loaded.
Select Interactive Mode on both DARwIn’s and press the Start button simultaneously.

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Both are about to say “thank you” (notice the arms from each DARwIn). The DARwIn on
the right appears more relaxed.

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The arms and shoulders from DARwIn on the right are affected as a result of Offset

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As both DARwIn’s announce “wow!”

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© 2022 ROBOTIS. Powered by Jekyll & Minimal Mistakes.

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