Camp Terror

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jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

Author: David Anderson
Senior Editors: Dirk Warner, Christopher S. Warner
Layout and Graphic Design: Karl Keesler
Artwork: 2dmolier, Анна Богатырева, Joeprachatree
Proofreader: Dana Warner

INTRODUCTION..................................................3 Silas & Homer.......................................18
SETTING AND STORY (UP TO NOW)...3 Under the Cabins and in the Woods....18
WHAT’S GOING ON?.........................................5 ACT III: THE TURNER PIG FARM.........19
GAME STRUCTURE AND SCENES.........6 Act III Rules...........................................19
Setting Rules............................................6 The Turner Farm..................................19
ACT I: ARRIVING AT CAMP.......................7 THE MORNING AFTER............................... 20
Act I Rules................................................7 NON-PLAYERS AND EXTRAS.................21
ACT II: THE MURDERS AT CAMP Act I Rules..............................................24
TERROR.............................................................14 Act II Rules............................................24
Act II Rules............................................14 Act III Rules...........................................25
Around the Campfire............................16
Enter the Slashers..................................17 HANDOUTS......................................................... 27
The Bus..................................................18 CAST CARDS...................................................... 37

DHR2201SW IN THE 1980S

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage
Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle
makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. Copyright © 2022 Dog
House Rules LLC. Karl Keesler, Christopher S. Warner. All rights reserved under international copyright conventions.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)



Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Phantasm, Prom Night, April Fool’s
Day, Valentine’s Day ... the list goes on and on. The 1980s were fertile ground for the mad
slasher genre of horror movies. Though the first movies featuring a terrifying villain with
a sharp blade can be traced back to the 1960s, slasher terror was at its peak in the 1980s.
This humble offering tries to emulate the feeling of the classic films. Remote location?
Got it. Group of ‘typical’ young people being led to the slaughter? Sure thing. A horrifying
killer, or two, with a blade? Check.
When preparing for this game, be sure to modify your usual social contract with your
players. This is not a game about working together or defeating an underground lair full of
foes and taking their stuff. Instead, the expectation is for the players to make their charac-
ters—the campers—do stupid stuff. The fun in this game is the inventive and novel ways the
campers get killed. Only a lucky few will survive. This is by design. Enjoy it.
And whatever you do, never, ever, say, “I’ll be right back...”


Camp Turner is a remote summer camp set in the rolling hills of the Smoky Mountains
in North Carolina. It rests next to Shady Lake in a small hollow between two tall peaks. The
Turner family operated the camp, along with a small pig farm, for decades. Originally, the
camp was set a quarter mile away from the Turner house and farm. 
Old Man Cyrus “Cy” Turner and his wife, Mama Clarity Turner, ran the camp
and farm together. Soon after taking over the property, Mama Clarity gave birth to her son
Enoch Turner. Enoch was twisted and deformed. He came out screeching at the top of
his lungs.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror

Mama Clarity raised Enoch and tended to the kitchen while Old Man Cy handled
the chores of keeping up the camp. Less than a year after Enoch was born, the Turners
welcomed a second child, their daughter Piety. She was a sweet young girl—pretty, happy,
and always smiling. She loved her twisted and ugly brother Enoch.
As the children grew and time passed, Old Man Cy cozied up to the bottle. He was a
mean and angry drunk, often given to viciously beating his children—especially Enoch.
Mama Clarity tried her best to protect her children but was often beaten herself. She felt
relieved when the old man passed from a bout with influenza in 1968. (Rumor has it he was
so drunk he fell asleep in a snowstorm and didn’t wake until morning.)
Mama Clarity and her kids kept the camp going for years after that. Piety was growing
into a beautiful girl, with long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Enoch was ordered to
keep to himself. Mama Clarity kept him away from the campers. She told him he was too
ugly to be seen by decent folks. This didn’t stop him from sneaking out at night to spy on the
pretty young campers in their cabins. Sometimes he got caught, and the girls at the camp
would tell stories of the monster who watched them at night.
In the spring of 1972, Enoch was once again caught peeping on the girls. Instead of
screaming, the three campers invited him in. They flirted with him. When Enoch tried to
kiss one of them, they all made fun of him, telling him they would never let a smelly back-
woods monster touch them. Enoch ran back to the farm. Along the way, he heard rustling
in the woods. He witnessed his sister in the romantic embrace of one of the male campers
under a huge poplar tree. As soon as Enoch got back to the farm, he grabbed a billhook
machete and pig hooks from the tool shed. When he returned, Enoch heard Piety and the
young man, named Alden McCoy, saying their impassioned goodbyes. Enoch watched
Alden walk back towards the camp.
Alden never made it back to his cabin. Enoch killed McCoy and fed the body to his hogs.
And Enoch didn’t stop there. He went back to the girls’ cabin and slaughtered them all.
Somehow, the worst was yet to come. Enoch then led his hogs down the hill to feed on the
corpses of those he’d killed.
The sound of the pigs woke the other campers. A few minutes passed before they wit-
nessed the horrific scene, and Enoch had already fled. The camp counselors used the one
phone at the camp to call the local sheriff.
By morning, the sheriff and state police appeared on the scene. They’d rounded up most
of the hogs and recovered what they could of the bodies. Alden wasn’t found until hours
later and was mostly devoured. He was only identified through a process of elimination.
When the sheriff and the state police went up to the Turner farm, Enoch, Mama Clarity,
and Piety were long gone. The authorities searched the woods for days but never caught
sight of the Turner family again.
That was 1972. The camp shut down, and no one would go near it for more than a
decade. The land and the camp became property of the state. Now it is 1985, thirteen
years after the murders. The legend of Camp Turner, dubbed by the local papers as Camp
Terror, has drifted from memory. Recently, a national corporation bought the property, and
a new generation of camp counselors has arrived to rejuvenate the camp.
Can they survive a night in Camp Terror?

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
What’s Going On?


Mama Clarity and her family didn’t move
far. They fled to the mountain and hid in a
secluded cave. Piety was beaten by Mama
for what she did with the McCoy boy. MASS MUR DER
Mama then chained her up in the cave.
After a few years of hiding in the woods, MAY HEM
the Turners returned to their farm and
This game goes against most role-
lived as homesteaders.
playing conventions, and there are
After the sheriff and the state police
players who may not be ready to buy
gave up on their search in 1972, Enoch’s
into the game’s philosophy. In most
hogs were still roaming all over the holler.
RPGs, the goal of the players is to
Enoch tried to corral them, but they
survive and succeed at all costs. This
refused to obey. Instead, he let them run
works great for conventional games,
free and feral and would only slaughter
but Camp Terror is not a conven-
one when he needed to feed the family.
tional game. Camp Terror simulates
The Feral Pigs of Turner Hollow are now
the mass murder mayhem of an ‘80s
a legend, which helped to keep people out
mad slasher film. The fun for the
of the valley.
players shouldn’t be about survival,
If anyone did wander into the hollow,
but how spectacularly they get killed.
Enoch would put an old burlap sack on
Make sure you tell the players from
his head with a simple hole cut for his
the get-go that’s what you’re doing.
one good eye. At first, he hid from any
Once everyo ne is on board,
trespassers until, one day, a hunter wan-
slash away!
dered near their farm. Enoch killed the
hunter and left him out for his pigs, who
remembered their liking for human flesh.
They devoured the man in minutes, leav-
ing no trace.
It didn’t take long for people to avoid Shady Lake completely.
Now, in 1985, Mama Clarity has no idea the land has been sold and is shocked when
Enoch tells her new people have arrived at Camp Turner. Mama is quite deranged after all
these years and does not want to move back to the old cave, where Piety is still chained up.
She tells Enoch he has to deal with the trespassers, and soon.
After an old, green school bus arrives at the camp, Enoch spends the first day spying on
the new camp counselors (campers for short) and sharpening his billhook machete.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror


The game is set up to run in three acts. Act I: Arriving at Camp is a chance for the cast
members to introduce themselves and get a feel for their characters. Also, as they begin to
repair Camp Turner, they find clues to the mystery of the murders that happened there
thirteen years ago.
In Act II: The Murders at Camp Terror, Enoch begins his killing spree. The camp-
ers are split up to make them easier to murder. They are too far from town to run for help,
so they must find a way to stop the killing themselves.
In Act III: The Turner Pig Farm, the surviving campers find the Turner house and
the old pig sties. There, they uncover the rest of the secrets of the Turner family. If they have
luck on their side, a few campers might escape and live to tell the tale. Maybe.

Just like a mad-slasher film, Camp Terror has three acts. The rules change in each act of a
movie, so they are going to change in each act of this game. At the beginning of each act is
a list of Act Rules. They only apply when the campers are in those acts.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Act I: Arriving at Camp


The first act of a slasher flick
is loaded with exposition. The
future victims seem to stumble on
one clue after another about the
origin, motivation, and identity of
the future killer, usually by exposing
his or her past. The same goes for
Camp Terror; our campers will find
the necessary clues to further the plot one way or another.
The campers may use whatever skills they see fit for the exposition; nothing is off the table
if they are clever and entertaining about it. On a success, they find a Plot Point Clue. If
another camper has already found the same clue, give them the choice of a Secondary
Clue or an Asset. If the camper gets a raise, they also get a Secondary Clue and an Asset
(or two Assets if all the clues have been given).
A Plot Point Clue is a main clue that drives the story forward. It is necessary to under-
stand what is going at Camp Turner and to uncover the mystery of the murders from 13
years ago. A Secondary Clue is not necessary to drive the story forward but expands the
story and includes more detail. An Asset is an item or location the campers can use during
Acts II and III to help them survive.
If they fail their skill roll, they still get the Plot Point Clue or the choice of a Second-
ary Clue or Asset, but they take a level of Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises (see Savage Worlds)
or some other kind of disadvantage from the search. They slip on the wet dock and fall, for
example, or cut their hand on a rusty nail resulting in a temporary One Arm Hindrance.
With a Critical Failure, they still get the Plot Point Clue if it is available, but the GM
gets an additional Benny!


Treat each investigation site as a Quick Encounter, per Savage Worlds. Have each player
in the scene make one roll, provide narration, and move on.

Have each player draw two campers, a primary and a secondary camper. During Act I,
each player decides an activity for their primary camper, which must be different from the
other primary campers. Each player’s secondary camper will go with the primary camper
of the player to their left.
When each camper has made a roll at each investigation site, have the characters move
on to the remaining unexplored sites. This time, each secondary camper joins the primary
camper of the player to their right.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror

Read or paraphrase the following to get things started.
It is 1985, a time of loud clothes, big hair, and no cell phones. You’ve been traveling for over an hour
in a hot, dusty, old, school bus painted lime green. Along the side of the bus, are unevenly painted white
letters and the words “Camp Turner.” The bus shakes and rattles, its shocks completely worn-out years
ago, as you climb higher and higher into the mountains of North Carolina. You are a camp counselor,
heading to Camp Turner for a summer job.
It’s a chilly spring morning in the hollow when you arrive. The rolling mountains and hills that
surround the camp are just starting to don the green of summer, as branches sprout the first leaves of
the season.
The dust of the dirt and gravel road settles around the old school bus as it stops at a dilapidated
summer camp. The brakes of the bus groan, and the engine sputters to a stop.
Old wood log buildings circle a clearing. To one side is a path that leads to a calm mountain lake,
known as Shady Lake.
The doors to the bus slide open, and the camp counselors eagerly bounce out, each taking a moment
to look around. You are young, beautiful, and freshly out of high school.
One by one, the campers exit the bus. For their primary camper, have each player answer
the following questions:
• Describe your camper.
• What quip does your camper make as you hop off the bus?
• Why are you going to Camp Turner?
Every player should earn a Benny for their narrative answers.
Remember, more than just the player’s primary camper is getting off the bus. Their second-
ary campers are there as well, but they don’t need to be described until later. We need fodder
to refill the ranks once the killing begins.
As soon as they are all assembled, the camp director, Silas Bennett, asks them to line
up. He lovingly holds a clipboard and pen, and he wears thick horn-rimmed glasses. Read or
paraphrase the following:
“Listen up, counselors. The kids will be here in a few days, and we have to get things ready. There’s
a bunch to do. This camp hasn’t been used for thirteen years, and everything is pretty rough.”
He pauses for a moment as an old man with a long beard, flat felt hat, and bib-coveralls
walks up. The man is small, near 140 pounds, and shuffles more than walks. Silas continues:
“This is Homer. He lives not far from here, and he’s a handyman. He’ll help out.”
Silas is looking for volunteers to handle these five jobs:
• Cleaning the four campers’ cabins, two for boys and two for girls. The boys’ cabins are
named after trees: Beech and Birch. The girls’ cabins are named after flowers: Azalea
and Holly.
• Clearing the grounds of debris.
• Gathering firewood.
• Cleaning and repairing the main building/dining hall, along with the kitchen.
• Scrubbing the dock, cleaning the small dock house, and stocking it with oars and life vests.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Act I: Arriving at Camp

During these scenes, the campers begin to uncover the mystery of Camp Terror. Use this
time to build the tension and foreshadow the slaughter that is coming. Throw in a cheap
jump scare from time to time, like a raccoon running out of a cabin or a camper putting
their foot through a floorboard.
Each location has Plot Point Clues, Secondary Clues, and Assets. Using the Expo-
sition rule (see page 7), give the campers any Plot Point Clues whenever they interact
with the scene for the following jobs and succeed on a skill roll. To reiterate, a failed roll
still gets the main clue, but the camper gets a level of Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises. And
raises can earn additional information or useful items, but aren’t necessary to move forward.
Therefore, you may warn the players against spending Bennies to reroll a failure or achieve
a raise. They will need them later when Enoch is chasing them.
Each job has an interaction with either Silas or Homer, depending on what the
campers find.


The log-built cabins have four windows in the front, two on either side of the centrally
located door. Each has eight sets of bunk beds—four on each side wall—and a tall wooden
locker for each bunk between the beds. A small area at the back of the cabin has toilets,
sinks, and two showers. The campers can find the clues in either Azalea or Holly.
• Plot Point Clue: The campers find an old diary behind one of the lockers. It belonged
to Nancy Finnagan, one of Enoch’s victims. The last passage reads:
Dear Diary - I heard the stories about a monster in these woods that watches the girls in the cabins
called the Ogre. It is supposed to be some huge half man, half animal with one eye. Well, we found
him tonight, caught him peeping into our cabin like a perv. I screamed but Sandy did not, she is so
bold. She invited him in and told him to take the burlap sack off his head.
He smelled awful and was all disfigured under that sack. His hair looked like it had never been
washed. Sandy oohed and aahed over him, pretending like she liked him, and we all laughed.
When the Ogre tried to kiss her, Sandy laughed and told it “as if,” like she would ever go with
something as ugly as him. We laughed and it left, making noise like a pig squealing.
GM NOTE: After Enoch killed the girls, the diary became wedged behind a locker and
was never found by the authorities.
• Secondary Clue: Studying the diary further, a camper reads an earlier entry where
Nancy tells the legend of the Ogre of Camp Turner.
It’s a tall, brutish beast with a terrible stink. It walks with a limp, sliding one useless foot behind it
as it runs. It has only one eye, and gazes at young girls through a burlap sack. It makes noises like a pig.
She also writes of an impending scandal at the camp that summer.
Ms. Piety Turner, our sweet and wholesome and lovely host here, seems to have the eye for young
Alden McCoy. I can hardly blame her, he’s a cute boy with the kind of smile that makes a girl’s heart
flutter. Piety is so young, though, and I fear he may be taking advantage of her.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror

◦ Event: If they read more in Nancy’s diary, Homer will show up suddenly. He will
tell them Nancy Finnagan was one of the girls who died that night thirteen years
ago. If there is a female among the campers cleaning the girls cabin, Homer will
tell her she looks a little like Nancy. He will not answer any other questions.

• Secondary Clue: Also in the diary is an old faded black and white photo with scal-
loped edges showing three girls wearing Camp Turner tee shirts and shorts. Judging
from the fashions, it was taken in the ‘70s. One of the girls in the photo will look like
one of the female counselors participating in this scene, if there are any.
• Asset: Under one of the bunks is a trap door. It leads to a crawl space under the cabin.
GM NOTE: If any of the crawl spaces are used in Act II, the campers will find another
secret door that leads to the tunnels under the camp.
• Asset: The camper finds an old axe handle under the floorboards. Counts as a Str+d6
improvised weapon.
• Asset: You find a rusted railroad tie in here. Counts as a Str+d4 improvised weapon.


The boys’ cabins are set up exactly like the girls’ except the bathroom has one toilet and two
urinals. The campers can find the clues in either Beech or Birch.
• Plot Point Clue: The campers find a rolled-up slip of paper in the metal frame of
one of the bunk beds. The handwriting says:
Meet me at the big Poplar after dark. - A
Alden McCoy hid this note so well no one has found it until now.
• Secondary Clue: In the bottom of one of the lockers is an old Polaroid photo. It
shows Alden and Piety. Both are beautiful young people, and Piety is beaming as Alden
has his arm around her shoulders. The photo is old and faded.
• Secondary Clue: In one of the lockers is one of Piety’s stick dolls. This one has a lock
of long dirty hair. Upon closer inspection, the hair looks blonde.
• Asset: Searching the cabin, they can find a trapdoor under one of the bunk beds.
GM NOTE: Enoch installed this to help him trap animals under the cabin.

◦ Event: If anyone finds the trapdoor in the boys’ cabin, Silas will happen by and
look. He will tell the campers to be careful going down there because it’s a perfect
place for snakes. The camp director says he will head into town on the bus tomor-
row to get some traps.

• Asset: In the cabin is a rusted saw blade. Counts as a Str+d4 improvised weapon.
• Asset: Searching the cabin, they find an old bottle of hooch hidden in an old bunk
mattress. It is still half-filled with 120 proof moonshine.


The grounds of the camp are a circular driveway and courtyard between the boys’ cabins
to the south, the girls’ cabins to the north, and the main building/dining hall in the middle.
In the center of the circular drive is a small grassy area with a flagpole.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Act I: Arriving at Camp

Just beyond the boys’ cabins is a broad path that leads to the lake with a small dock and
equipment shed.
While cleaning the grounds, the campers can find:
• Plot Point Clue: The campers find mysterious rock piles around the grounds. They are
carefully constructed piles, with larger, flat stones on the bottom and smaller, round stones
at the top. They had to be put there recently because they are meticulously balanced.
GM NOTE: Enoch made these rock piles right after the campers arrived. He is trying
to scare them off. He does not want to have to kill them.
• Asset: The campers find an old and rusted bear trap. A Repair roll at –2 fixes it, and it
can be reset. A Critical Failure will set off the trap and injure whoever is trying to fix it.
They will get the One Arm Hindrance for the remainder of the adventure as their hand
gets caught in the trap. Give a Benny if the victim screams on cue.
• Asset: The campers find 20 feet of old hemp rope. It’s rotted, but it might have one
use left.
• Secondary Clue: The campers find some bootprints in the spring mud around the
camp. These old boots are huge, around a size 13.

◦ Event: If the bootprints are found, Homer will appear suddenly and tell the campers
he made them. Anyone looking at Homer, who is a small guy with size 8 feet, can tell
he did not. If they confront him about it, he will tell the campers he may have slid
when he made them. He won’t say more.

• Asset: Searching the grounds, the campers find an old spade shovel. It can work as a
Str+d4 improvised weapon.

The campers need firewood for the campfire they will have in the courtyard later that night.
To gather it, they must travel a little further into the woods. The terrain here is hilly, with a
dense hardwood forest.
• Plot Point Clue: The campers discover the huge poplar tree, where Enoch killed Alden
because of Piety. Dozens of strange stick dolls hang from its branches, some impossibly
high up.
GM NOTE: Piety has been making the stick dolls for years. Whenever Mama Clarity
lets her roam free, she goes to the tree and hangs a new doll or two. They are all hung
with rope braided from her own hair.
If the campers gather any of the stick dolls, showing them to Piety will make her
Shaken for 1 round.
• Secondary Clue: If the campers look closely, they find several old cut marks about 20
feet up the trunk that have almost grown over. This is where Enoch tried to cut the tree
down after he killed young Alden McCoy.
◦ Event: If the campers notice the cut marks on the tree, Silas will show up. He looks
through the papers on his ever-present clip board and tells the campers this is called
The Lovers’ Tree, something about a legend of Camp Turner. He does not know
anything else about the gigantic poplar.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror

• Secondary Clue: Some of the stick dolls look newly made, and some seem like they
could be a decade old or more.
• Secondary Clue: Carved in the tree about 10 feet up is an old-fashioned heart with
the letters “AM + PT.” If they ask Silas about this, he will not know anything about
the carving. If they ask Homer he acts as if he does not know, but any successful roll to
gauge his honesty reveals he is in fact fibbing.
• Asset: In a pile of trash, the campers find an old knife blade. With some work, (a
Repair roll at –2), they could get an edge on it, making it a regular Str+d4 knife.
• Asset: Digging deeper in the same pile of trash, the campers find a rusty hooded
lantern. There is still a pint or so of lamp oil in it, though it is milky from water con-
tamination. It could burn. Any roll to get it to burn will suffer a –2 modifier.
• Asset: The third item in the pile of trash is an 8-foot length of chain. This serves as
an improvised Str+d4 weapon.


A dining area with picnic tables fills most of the main cabin, with a cafeteria-style kitchen
area along one wall. There’s some new cooking equipment in the kitchen, recently installed
by the new owners, but some items older items remain as well.
• Plot Point Clue: The stove looks like it has been moved back and forth a lot, as deep
furrows have been cut into the floor around its legs. If the campers move the stove, they
find a loose floorboard. Stuffed under the board is a burlap sack marked Phillips Feed.
Inside the sack they find a collection of old and musty women’s clothing. The clothes
look like fashion from the ‘70s, and have been here for years. If they have found the
picture from the girls’ cabin, the clothing matches.
GM NOTE: Enoch hid his victim’s clothes behind the old stove in the burlap sack
he wore over his head the night of the murders. He comes back from time to time to
visit the clothes.
• Secondary Clue: There is a single, rough-cut hole in the burlap sack. If you line up
the seams on the mask, the hole is to the left of center.
• Secondary Clue: An old, scalloped photograph of the Turners is stuck in the back
of a drawer. It shows Mama Clarity, Enoch, and Piety in a sepia photograph. Enoch
has one eye shut. Piety is a beautiful young girl and can be identified in the Polaroid
photograph from the boys’ cabin with Alden McCoy.
• Asset: Under the pantry is a trapdoor, with narrow stairs going down to an old root
cellar. Campers wrinkle their noses at an awful smell when it is opened.

◦ Event: If the campers find the root cellar, Homer will show up. He will tell them
it is best not to mess with it; they can use the refrigerator instead. The cellar could
have any kind of varmint in it, and the stairs look rickety.
If the campers insist on going down, the stairs groan with the first step. On the
second step, the stairs give way, and the camper falls 6 feet (1”). Have them roll
Agility to evade damage. Landing badly (failure) results in a twisted ankle, and the
camper takes one level of Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises. Getting out requires a
successful Athletics roll—one other person can provide Support.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Act I: Arriving at Camp

• Asset: One of the cabinets has an old box of yellow sponge cake treats with a creamy
middle. They are a decade old but still fresh and edible. The yellow spongy treats will
add a +2 to any attempt to Test Tippy the Monster Hog (page 23) in Acts II or III.
• Asset: Also in the root cellar are 2d4 empty Mason jars, the tops rusted mostly shut.
Getting them open requires a successful Strength roll at –2.
• Asset: The camper finds an old jug of moonshine hidden by Old Man Cy back in the
day. The jug of hooch has enough high proof alcohol to partially fill 2d4 Mason jars.


Shady Lake has pristine water that sparkles with sunlight in the day. Along its shore closest
to Camp Turner is an old, small dock and a wooden equipment shed. The dock needs the
slime scrubbed off it, and the shed itself also needs cleaning.
• Plot Point Clue: Inside the dock house the campers find a collection of old newspaper
clippings. All the news stories are about the murders at Camp Turner, also known as
Camp Terror. By reading these clippings, the campers learn:
In 1972, the Sheriff found four bodies, three young women and a young man named Alden McCoy.
The Turners, the owners and proprietors of Camp Turner, have gone missing, their cabin and pig
farm deserted. Despite a five-day search of the surrounding woods, no evidence of them has been found.
The camp was shut down pending further investigations.
The killer was never caught. The Turners were never found.
GM NOTE: Enoch was able to get some newspapers by sneaking into town and
going through people’s trash. He kept all the clippings about his murders.
• Secondary Clues: The newspapers mention that the Turners were also pig farmers,
and some pigs they were raising were killed and left in their sties. The Turner Family
consisted of Mama Clarity Turner and her children, Enoch and Piety Turner. The
story has a map to the Turner homestead, which is roughly a quarter-mile from camp.
◦ Event: If the campers find the newspaper clippings, Homer will show up. He will
let them know the Turners cleared out right after the murders and must have gone
over to Tennessee because they were never seen again. He does warn that some
of the Turners’ pigs were set loose instead of killed, so searching the woods for the
Turner farmstead is a bad idea.

• Secondary Clue: One of the stories features a photo of Alden McCoy and has a
caption underneath his picture. It says his partially devoured body was found in a pig
pen at the Turner homestead.
• Asset: The camper finds an old flare gun. It is wet and rusted. If a camper rolls a
Failure when attempting to use the gun, it doesn’t fire. If the camper rolls a Critical
Failure, the gun explodes and kills the camper.
• Asset: The shed has a couple of old life vests. They still float. Wearing them offers 2
points of armor to the torso.
• Asset: The camper finds a spool of old braided fishing line.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror


One of the tropes of the slasher film is that the victims always do inexplicably stupid things,
and they invariably get killed for doing them. According to the 1994 film classic, Scream,
those three rules are:
• You can never have sex.
• You can never drink or do drugs.
• Never, ever, ever, say, “I’ll be right back.”
Slasher films—and this game—would be
dull experiences indeed if people did not
break these rules. Gamers usually don’t want
to split the party, but in this case, they need
LET THE PLAYER S to do just that for maximum mass murder

IN ON IT mayhem. Starting in Act II, if a player vol-

untarily breaks any of these rules, they will
earn a Player Benny (see next page).
As mentioned before, Camp Terror
emulates the slasher films of the ALL BUT ONE
1980s and beyond. To make this Most of the PCs in this game will meet hor-
work, you must get a certain amount rific ends. Once Act II begins, any Critical
of player buy-in. Most importantly, Failures rolled by the players means their
the players must be willing to do camper dies at the end of that turn. If they
illogical and silly things that are have not used their actions or movement,
counterproductive to their survival. they may do so before they die. If they did
Don’t keep that a secret. Let the use their action or movement, they get an
players in on it. Once the slaughter additional action and movement for free
begins, they will enjoy it—believe without a Multi-Action penalty.
me. Plus, if both their campers die, Once their actions and movements have
they can just pick another one and been completed, the player narrates their
come up with some ridiculous reason own death. Preferably this death comes at
why that camper hasn’t been here all the hands of the slasher, but anything can
along. If you run out of campers to cause the death if that is not narratively
hand out, resurrect a dead one or reasonable. Once the cast member has
use a Parker from one of the many perished in a gruesome and horrific way,
TPSA Parker Packs. the player is awarded a Benny. If this was
their last camper, they can pick another
camper. Let the player narrate how this
new camper comes into the next scene.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Act II: The Murders at Camp Terror

The Bennies awarded to the players belong
to the players, not their campers. If a camper
dies, they keep their Bennies. If a camper dies
from a Critical Failure, they are awarded a
Benny for a spectacular death. THE MYSTER IES
PLAYERS AS EXTRAS At this point, most players will be
The players are very disposable in Act II. eager to get to the best part of the
They are Novice with one wound but still roll slasher film, the killing. Think about
a Wild Die. There is no Wound Cap. There encouraging your campers to stick
are no Soak Rolls. around the campfire for just a second
to compare clues and put some facts
I DON’T HAVE TO OUTRUN THE together. They have pictures, diary
PIG entries, newspaper articles, and
Just like in slasher movies, we expect a lot of other clues to piece together to figure
running away in Camp Terror—at least there out the mysteries:
should be. Instead of a Chase, just do opposed
Athletics rolls. If more than one camper is • The Turner family consisted of
in the scene, they do not have to outrun the Enoch, Piety, and Mama Clar-
threat, just the other camper. Also, skip the ity Turner.
roll for the threat. Whoever loses the opposed • Enoch was caught peeking into
Athletics roll loses the race and gets attacked. the girls’ cabins by Nancy Fin-
The Action Deck is not used for initiative nagan, Sandy, and another girl,
(see Deal Them In below). Any Hindrance who made fun of him.
that would negatively affect initiative gives • Piety was in a romantic way
a –2 penalty to opposed Athletics rolls with Alden McCoy at the giant
to run away. poplar tree when Enoch caught
A camper may opt for a Multi-Action and them. Enoch killed Alden first.
may do something to slow the other camper • Enoch then went back to the
down. Anything is on the table from a trip, to girls’ cabin to kill and feed the
a push, to even flinging a bendy tree branch three girls to his pigs.
back. This is survival! • The pigs were released, and
they are now wild hogs roam-
DEAL THEM IN ing the woods with a taste for
When the killing begins, the campers will be human blood.
spread all over the place. Deal Action Cards to
each player and have them describe the action This can be deduced with the Plot
of their campers in order. If a Joker is dealt, Point Clues and Secondary Clues.
treat it as a Joker. In the end, the campers really don’t
have to know any of this, but know-
HE’S NOT DEAD YET ing the whole story could be fun.
The Slashers can be hurt but never killed in
Act II. The Slashers may be Wounded or even
Incapacitated, but they will always return for
Act III. If they are Incapacitated in Act II,
they return with one Wound in Act III.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror

Have the players describe what they are doing
to start the scene. To help, remind them what

RUN NIN G ACT II victims usually do at this point in the Slasher

film, but do not take away any agency. Any-
thing they want to do is great.
Act II is set up free-for m, for a
Victims in slasher films might do the fol-
reason. Let the players and their
lowing things:
campers narrate this Act. Do not
worry if things start out slowly or • Party around a campfire.
players are doing the unexpected, • Go skinny-dipping in the lake.
which they always do. Just roll with • Hang out in the main cabin.
it and wait for your chance to have a • Pair off and sneak out into the woods.
slasher strike.
Let the campers discuss what they found
Once the killing begins, have no
during the day. Anyone who tells a compelling
mercy. Spend all your Bennies in Act
story or tries to freak the other campers out
II, and use them to make a proper
earns a Benny. Play to the tropes of the genre.
mess of the campers. Wade into the
Silas and Homer will hang out with the
mass murder mayhem. It is fun!
campers for a moment, making sure there are
When a camper sees something
no shenanigans. Silas leaves first, telling them
terrifying for the first time—like a
all to get to bed early, since there is a big day
slasher, a newly killed victim, or a
ahead of them in the morning. Homer sticks
giant feral hog running out of the
around a little longer, giving the campers
woods—make sure to call for a Fear
this warning:
check at –2. Use the Camp Terror
Fear Table on page 17. “There’s a reason folks don’t go to Shady
Lastly, lean into the change of Lake. I stay here ‘cause I know the rules. If you
atmosphere for Act II. Once the get cut in the woods, run for shelter as fast as
sun goes down in slasher flicks, the you can. There’s hogs in these woods, an’ the
mood of the film changes. Likewise, hogs can smell human blood. They love it, and
change the mood of the game. they’ll go right after ya. There’s a giant out one
Where the camp was bright and there, too, named Tippy. I saw her once, big as
green and sunny during the day, at yer bus there.
night it is dark and foreboding. Trees ‘Member, this holler don’t want you, don’t
that rose majestically during the day want you hangin’ ‘round. Go to your cabins an’
will look twisted and predatory at stay there, lock the door, and don’t answer it.
night. Do not be afraid to reach Don’t go wanderin’ out there alone, ever.”
for some melodrama; it is all in the
If pressed about what else is in the
name of murderous fun.
woods, Homer adds this: if they listen very
carefully, they’ll hear the hog’s scream. He
tells them this valley is filled with Turn-
ers’ hogs, including Tippy, a mammoth
500-pound monstrosity, which are always
craving human flesh.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Act II: The Murders at Camp Terror


When the Campers leave the campfire, things will get very bloody very quickly.
Now the killing can begin. As the GM, you know the big secret of Camp Turner: there
are two slashers! Piety and Enoch are both slashers. They never appear together in this Act.
This way the killer can seem to be in two places at once. Try to keep the secret as long as
you can and enjoy the look on your player’s faces when they realize there are two slashers.
Change up the descriptions of the slashers. Piety is tall and slender; Enoch is huge and
brutish. Enoch is indestructible but slow. Piety is not as strong, but she moves fast and acts
furiously. They are both dressed in dirty bib overalls and flannel shirts with boots, and both
have old burlap seed sacks over their heads. Piety has the left eye hole cut out; Enoch has
the right.
Also, feral pigs really do come out at night, especially Tippy. Tippy is enormous, the size
of a small car, and remarkably quick for an animal of its size. However, the campers can
take advantage of one thing: Tippy hates Enoch and Piety more than anyone else and will
attack them first if given the choice.


Suspense and terror play a big part in mad slasher films. They become weapon
s for
the slasher—tools they can use to freeze their victims in place or get them
to do the
dumbest things.
Use the following Fear table. As with the regular Savage Worlds Fear table,
negative modifiers to a Fear check are added to the die roll.
Roll d20 Effect
1–3 Distracted: The camper dwells on this living nightmare, suffering –2
on Trait rolls until the end of their next turn.
4–6 Vulnerable: Slashers get +2 against the terrified camper. This lasts
until the end of the camper’s next turn—or until they die, whichever
comes first.
7–9 Shaken: You lucky fool. You’re only Shaken … for now.
10–12 Stunned: You stand still, quivering with fear, sweat pouring down
your brow and along your cheek.
13–15 Panicked: The camper must take all their movement (including
Running) towards the threat.
16–18 False Bravado: You must run at the threat and attack it.
19–21 Paralyzed: You are paralyzed with fear. Treat as Stunned, but you
cannot attempt to recover for 1d4+1 rounds.
21+ Heart Attack: Die of fright. Have the player describe it and give
them another Benny.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror

If things are going slowly, turn the lights out. The fuse box for the whole camp is on the
side of the main building. The only phone in the camp is in the kitchen in the dining hall.
It’ll work for a moment if the campers think to try it. After that, the phone will cut out, too.
Either Enoch or Piety will then appear in the window looking for them.
Let the fun begin. When a camper dies, the player draws a new camper. The player
keeps all their Bennies and is not awarded more except for Critical Death or Heart Attack.

When things get rolling, the campers will try the bus. All it takes is a gentle reminder, and
they will rush to it like a moth to a flame. Problem is, Enoch tore all the brake lines out
earlier that night. Unless the campers specifically check before they start up the bus, they will
not know. Starting the bus requires a Repair roll—probably a desperate one with a slasher
in hot pursuit. The dirt road out is long, twisted, and not very well kept.
On the first round, the campers must make a Driving roll to keep from crashing the bus.
Each round thereafter requires a Driving roll at a cumulative –2 to keep from crashing. If
they make a final Driving test at –6, they have gained control over the bus and can drive to
town; they have escaped.


Silas is an Extra (a “red shirt” if you will), and he’s only here to die. Throw his corpse in
wherever it will cause the most chaos—across a path as the campers run, dropped from a
tree, or floating in the lake.
If you want to include Homer in Act II, throw him in for a jump scare. Nervous and
covered in sweat, he has been running from the hogs in the woods. He tells the campers that
they’ve done it now: they woke Enoch, and he has come down from the mountain to get all
of them off the land. The usual slasher trope would be to have someone—or something—kill
Homer after his warning, but that is up to you.


If they go into any of the trapdoors, under the cabins or in the kitchen, they find another
secret door hidden under the dirt. (It makes a hollow sound when they step on it.) This leads
down into a dirt tunnel. Remember, without a light source the tunnel is pitch black; they
will have to feel their way out. The tunnels under the cabins all converge into one tunnel
heading up the hill, which finally opens into the cave
near the Turners’ house.
Running to town is out of the question.
Without a successful Survival Roll at –4 (it is
Dark here), they have no idea
which way to go. If they run off
into the woods, they will eventu-
ally make it to the Turner farm
and Mama Clarity. Going through
the woods means they will be con-
stantly stalked by Enoch, Piety,
and Tippy the monster hog.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Act III: The Turner Pig Farm


All the campers are now full Wild Cards, with three Wounds. Also, a Critical Failure is now
just a Critical Failure, and the camper does not automatically die. There is now a Wound
Cap, per Savage Worlds.


Continue to use the I Don’t Have to Outrun the Pig setting rule, on page 15,
during Act III.


As soon as the campers discover the Turners’ house, Act III starts. Both Slashers can appear
together now.
Also, if they are at the farm, Mama Clarity shows up and adds an all-new dynamic.
Mama is more interested in berating her children than in getting rid of the trespassers.
Anytime Mama Clarity is in the scene, Piety and Enoch will start Shaken.
Remember, Tippy hates the Turners, especially Enoch. If the campers can make Enoch,
Piety, or Mama Clarity bleed, Tippy arrives and attacks.
There are a few ways the campers can kill Piety and Enoch. This list is not the final word;
anything the players come up with should be considered.
• Neither Enoch nor Piety can swim. If lured into the lake, they drown. If a camper
jumps into the lake, the slashers never follow.
• Tippy attacks either slasher if they are cut. This could be bad if they are also stuck in
a bear trap.
• Killing Mama Clarity drives both Enoch and Piety insane, and they’re Stunned for
2d4 rounds.
If they investigate the Turners’ house, they can find the following:
• Kitchen knife.
• Cleaver.
• Old double-barreled shotgun.
• 6 shotgun rounds.
At the end of the night, whatever the campers come up with will work. The story is in
their hands now.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror


Keep track of time as an abstract thing. If the campers can defeat all the Turners, then
let the sun come up soon thereafter. If you have not already killed Silas and Homer, they
can come out of the woodwork now as well. You can even have the sheriff ride up; he just
happens to check on the camp the next morning.
No matter what happens, leave the campers with a cliff-hanger, whatever feels most
appropriate. Do a cut scene where we can see someone—perhaps Enoch, Piety, or Mama—
who is still alive and moving away from the camp. Perhaps tell the surviving campers Tippy
returns to her den and drops a victim’s arm off with a litter of 8 little Tippys.
Let the campers know this is not over. There’s always a sequel in the works.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Non-Players and Extras


Silas has been working his whole life for a job like this. He’s been a team leader at his local
fast-food restaurant for a few years now, but this is a chance to really lead people. He’s read
all the books, and he’s ready. He always has a clipboard and a pen.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d4
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Healing d6, Notice
d4, Persuasion d6, Repair d4, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4
Hindrances: All Thumbs, Hesitant, Yellow
Edges: Bolster, Reliable, Strong Willed
Gear: Clipboard and pen, keys (bus, master-key for all buildings), whistle


Homer has been around Camp Turner and Shady Lake a long time. He’s aware that the
Turners are still on the mountain, and he’s always given them a wide berth. He has no idea
how things will go when the new folks show up, but he knows he’ll be fine. (Or will he?)
Attributes: Agility d6 (–1), Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6 (–1), Vigor d6 (–1)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Healing d4, Intimidation d4,
Notice d4, Persuasion d6, Repair d8+2, Stealth d4, Survival d8, Thievery d6
Pace: 5 (d6–1); Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Cautious, Elderly, Illiterate
Edges: Alertness, Mr. Fix It, Woodsman
Gear: Master keys to all buildings, Ruger (.22) (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6–2, RoF 1,
AP—, hidden in his pocket), Pitchfork (Str+d6, Reach 1), tool kit


Enoch was born ugly. He never experienced love from his parents, and his father resented his
existence. His sister, Piety, was the only one who ever treated him as human. So, on the night
when he caught Alden McCoy with her under the big poplar, he saw red. There was nothing
left to do but kill the boy and the girls who made fun of him.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d4-2, Stealth d8, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (2)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Illiterate, Mute, One Eye, Ugly (Major)
Edges: Brawny, Brute, Counterattack, Frenzy, Nerves of Steel
Gear: Billhook Machete (Str+d8, Reach 1), Heavy Denim Coveralls (+2)
Special Abilities:
• Fear: When a camper first sees Enoch, they must make a Fear check.
• Weakness (Beauty): Enoch has a weakness for pretty young women. He suffers a –2
penalty to any Spirit or Smarts Test to resist the influence of a female camper.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Camp Terror


No one is quite sure how old Mama Clarity is. If her wrinkled and wart-covered face, stringy
gray hair, and rheumy eyes are any sign, she’s ancient. She is mean as she is old and thinks the
world has it out for her because she’s had to raise two terrible children by herself.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8+2,
Persuasion d6-3, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Ugly (Major)
Edges: Alertness
Gear: Heavy Leather Apron (+2)
Special Abilities:
• Claws: Str+d6.
• Fear (–2): When a camper first sees Mama Clarity, they must make a Fear test at –2.

Unlike Enoch, Piety was born beautiful. She had golden hair, blue eyes, and a smile made to
twist men’s hearts. That all changed the night Enoch caught her fiddling around with Alden
McCoy. He butchered the boy with a billhook machete and dragged his body up the hill to feed
him to the hogs. When Mama Clarity found out what happened, she blamed Piety and beat her
so savagely she went blind in one eye. Mama chained up Piety in the cave where the family hid
from the sheriff. Even when Enoch and Mama Clarity moved back to the house, she stayed in the
cave. She stayed there for 13 years until the night Enoch unhooked her. He gave her a billhook
machete like his own and a burlap sack for a mask with one eye cut out, her left one.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6-2, Stealth d10, Survival d6
Pace: 8 (d8); Parry: 8; Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, One Eye, Ugly (Major)
Edges: First Strike, Fleet Footed, Free Runner
Gear: Billhook Machete (Str+d8, Reach 1), Heavy Denim Coveralls (+2)
Special Abilities:
• Fear (–2): When a camper first sees Piety, they must make a Fear test -2.

On the night of the murders in 1972, Enoch released all his hogs and let them feast on the
slaughtered campers. He tried to round them up at first, but then never bothered again. Instead,
he just tracks one down whenever he needs meat.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Stealth d6, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 (1)
Special Abilities:
• Armor +1: Thick hide.
• Bite / Tusks: Str+d4.
• Charge: If a feral hog runs at least 2” before its attack, the attack and damage are at +2.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Non-Players and Extras


One hog has grown larger than the rest. A hog so mean, so cantankerous, even Enoch avoids
it. She’s grown as big as a compact car. When she approaches, she shakes the pines.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12 (2)
Special Abilities:
• Armor +2: Thick, tough hide.
• Bite / Tusks: Str+d6, AP 1.
• Charge: If Tippy runs at least 2” before an attack, the attack and damage are at +2.
• Ornery: Tippy is just plain mean. She ignores two points of Wound penalties.
• Size +2: Tippy is almost 500 pounds and as big as a small car.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
The first act of a slasher flick is loaded with exposition. The future victims seem to stumble on
one clue after another about the origin, motivation, and identity of the future killer, usually by
exposing his or her past. The same goes for Camp Terror; our campers will find the necessary
clues to further the plot one way or another.
The campers may use whatever skills they see fit for the exposition; nothing is off the table
if they are clever and entertaining about it. On a success, they find a Plot Point Clue. If
another camper has already found the same clue, give them the choice of a Secondary Clue
or an Asset. If the camper gets a raise, they also get a Secondary Clue and an Asset (or two
Assets if all the clues have been given).
A Plot Point Clue is a main clue that drives the story forward. It is necessary to under-
stand what is going at Camp Turner and to uncover the mystery of the murders from 13 years
ago. A Secondary Clue is not necessary to drive the story forward but expands the story
and includes more detail. An Asset is an item or location the campers can use during Acts II
and III to help them survive.
If they fail their skill roll, they still get the Plot Point Clue or the choice of a Secondary
Clue or Asset, but they take a level of Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises (see Savage Worlds) or
some other kind of disadvantage from the search. They slip on the wet dock and fall, for
example, or cut their hand on a rusty nail resulting in a temporary One Arm Hindrance.
With a Critical Failure, they still get the Plot Point Clue if it is available, but the GM gets
an additional Benny!


Treat each investigation site as a Quick Encounter, per Savage Worlds. Have each player in
the scene make one roll, provide narration, and move on.

Have each player draw two campers, a primary and a secondary camper. During Act I, each
player decides an activity for their primary camper, which must be different from the other
primary campers. Each player’s secondary camper will go with the primary camper of the
player to their left.
When each camper has made a roll at each investigation site, have the characters move
on to the remaining unexplored sites. This time, each secondary camper joins the primary
camper of the player to their right.

One of the tropes of the slasher film is that the victims always do inexplicably stupid things,
and they invariably get killed for doing them. According to the 1994 film classic, Scream, those
three rules are:
• You can never have sex.
• You can never drink or do drugs.
• Never, ever, ever, say, “I’ll be right back.”
Slasher films—and this game—would be dull experiences indeed if people did not break
these rules. Gamers usually don’t want to split the party, but in this case, they need to do just
that for maximum mass murder mayhem. Starting in Act II, if a player voluntarily breaks any
of these rules, they will earn a Player Benny (see next page).
jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Most of the PCs in this game will meet horrific ends. Once Act II begins, any Critical Failures
rolled by the players means their camper dies at the end of that turn. If they have not used
their actions or movement, they may do so before they die. If they did use their action or move-
ment, they get an additional Action and Movement for free without a Multi-Action penalty.
Once their actions and movements have been completed, the player narrates their own
death. Preferably this death comes at the hands of the slasher, but anything can cause the death
if that is not narratively reasonable. Once the cast member has perished in a gruesome and
horrific way, the player is awarded a Benny. If this was their last camper, they can pick another
camper. Let the player narrate how this new camper comes into the next scene.

The Bennies awarded to the players belong to the players, not their campers. If a camper dies,
they keep their Bennies. If a camper dies from a Critical Failure, they are awarded a Benny for
a spectacular death.

The players are very disposable in Act II. They are Novice with one wound but still roll a Wild
Die. There is no Wound Cap. There are no Soak Rolls.


Just like in slasher movies, we expect a lot of running away in Camp Terror—at least there should
be. Instead of a Chase, just do opposed Athletics rolls. If more than one camper is in the scene,
they do not have to outrun the threat, just the other camper. Also, skip the roll for the threat.
Whoever loses the opposed Athletics roll loses the race and gets attacked.
The Action Deck is not used for initiative (see Deal Them In below). Any Hindrance
that would negatively affect initiative gives a –2 penalty to opposed Athletics rolls to run away.
A camper may opt for a Multi-Action and may do something to slow the other camper
down. Anything is on the table from a trip, to a push, to even flinging a bendy tree branch
back. This is survival!

When the killing begins, the campers will be spread all over the place. Deal Action Cards to each
player and have them describe the action of their campers in order. If a Joker is dealt, treat it
as a Joker.


The Slashers can be hurt but never killed in Act II. The Slashers may be Wounded or even
Incapacitated, but they will always return for Act III. If they are Incapacitated in Act II, they
return with one Wound in Act III.


All the campers are now full Wild Cards, with three Wounds. Also, a Critical Failure is now
just a Critical Failure, and the camper does not automatically die. There is now a Wound Cap,
per Savage Worlds.


Continue to use the I Don’t Have to Outrun the Pig setting rule (see above) during Act III.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Dear Diary - I heard He smelled awful and
the stories about a monster was all disfigured under
in these woods that watches that sack. His hair looked
the girls in the cabins like it had never been
called the Ogre. It is washed. Sandy oohed and
supposed to be some huge aahed over him, pretending
half man, half animal like she liked him, and we
with one eye. Well, we found all laughed.
him tonight, caught him When it tried to kiss her,
peeping into our cabin Sandy laughed and told
like a perv. I screamed but it as if, like she would ever
Sandy did not, she is so go with something as ugly

bold. She invited him in as him. We laughed and it

and told him to take the left, making noise like a

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

burlap sack off his head. pig squealing.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

It’s a tall, brutish beast Ms. Piety Turner, our
with a terrible stink. It sweet and wholesome and
walks with a limp, sliding lovely host here, seems to
one useless foot behind it have the eye for young
as it runs. It has only one Alden McCoy. I can
eye, and gazes at young hardly blame her, he’s a
girls through a burlap cute boy with the kind of
sack. It makes noises smile that makes girl’s
like a pig. hearts flutter. Piety is
so young, though, and I
fear he may be taking
advantage of her.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

Meet me at the big

Poplar after dark.

In 1972 the Sheriff found four

bodies, three young women and a
young man named Alden McCoy.
The Turners, the owners and
proprietors of Camp Turner have
gone missing, their cabin and pig
farm deserted. Despite a five-day
search of the surrounding woods,
no evidence of them has been found.
The camp was shut down pend-
ing further investigations.
The killer was never caught. The
Turners were never found.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

Alden McCoy’s body was found in a pig pen

at the Turner’s homestead and had been
partially devoured.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)
Whether you were the high school quarterback, soccer star, or power forward, you were
the best athlete at your high school. You are adored by students and staff alike.


SMARTS d4 Athletics d10 • Arrogant
Common Knowledge d4 • Thin Skinned (Minor)
SPIRIT d6 Driving d4
STRENGTH d8 Fighting d6
Intimidation d6
VIGOR d6 Notice d4
Persuasion d4
PACE 6 Stealth d4
PARRY 5 Survival d4
Taunt d6
TOUGHNESS 6 • Brawny

Athletic item (Str+d4), Helmet (Athletic) +2.


You were the school Valedictorian and got a perfect score on the SATs. That kind of dedication means
you sacrificed a lot for your grades. You never went to parties and barely anyone remembers your name.


SMARTS d10 Academics d8 • Bad Eyes (Minor)
Athletics d6 • Curious
SPIRIT d6 Common Knowledge d6
STRENGTH d4 Notice d6
Persuasion d6
VIGOR d6 Research d8
Science d6
PACE 6 Stealth d4
PARRY 2 Survival d4
TOUGHNESS 5 • Investigator

Calculator Watch, Eyeglasses, Multi Tool.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

You’re the outcast, the one in the back of the classroom no one notices. You might have one
good friend you talk to, but you stick to your family. Most people are lame anyway.


SMARTS d6 Academics d4 • Mild Mannered
Athletics d6 • Outsider (Minor—you’ve
SPIRIT d8 Common Knowledge d6 never fit in)
STRENGTH d6 Driving d6 • Quirk (Pick something
Fighting d4
VIGOR d6 Notice d6
you do that annoys others,
then decide if you do it on
Occult d6 purpose or not)
PACE 8 (d8) Persuasion d6–2
PARRY 4 Stealth d6
Survival d6
TOUGHNESS 5 • Fleet-Footed

Flashlight (10” beam), Pepper Spray (Use Shooting—or Fighting if engaged. No Range
penalty but max range is 2” (about 10 feet), Shots 5, victim must make Vigor roll at –2 or be
Stunned), Personal Diary, and Pen.


Homecoming King/Queen, Class President, head of the Yearbook Committee—you went to every party
and were always the center of attention, even if it meant making fun of someone around you.


SMARTS d6 Athletics d6 • Jealous (Minor—must be
Common Knowledge d6 the center of attention)
SPIRIT d8 Driving d6 • Overconfident
STRENGTH d6 Notice d6
Performance d6
VIGOR d6 Persuasion d8
Stealth d6
PACE 6 Survival d4
PARRY 2 Taunt d6
TOUGHNESS 5 • Attractive

Camera (disposable), Hairspray, Mirror.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

You grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and did what you had to do to get by. The popular kids
have never had to earn anything, so taking stuff from them is justice, not a crime.


SMARTS d6 Athletics d6 • Ugly (Major)
Common Knowledge d6 • Greedy (Minor)
SPIRIT d6 Driving d4
STRENGTH d6 Fighting d6
Notice d6
VIGOR d6 Persuasion d4–2
Stealth d6
PACE 6 Survival d4
PARRY 5 Taunt d6
Thievery d8+1
TOUGHNESS 7(2) • Thief

Leather Jacket (+2), Switchblade (Str+d4).


You’ve never been the best looking, and you’re a bit overweight, but you found early that your sense of
humor can get everyone’s attention. You mostly make fun of yourself for fear of getting beat up.


SMARTS d6 Academics d4 • Big Mouth
Athletics d6 • Hesitant
SPIRIT d8 Common Knowledge d4 • Obese
STRENGTH d6 Healing d6
Notice d4
VIGOR d6 Performance d8
Persuasion d6
PACE 5/d4 Stealth d6
PARRY 2 Survival d6
Taunt d6
TOUGHNESS 6 • Provoke

Firecrackers (20), Funny Glasses with Plastic Nose, Lighter.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

Cheerleading is hard. No one understands how hard cheerleading really is. You try
getting thrown ten feet in the air and then hope the people on the ground catch you.


SMARTS d4 Athletics d10 • Clueless
Common Knowledge d4–1 • Ruthless (Minor)
SPIRIT d6 Notice d6–1
STRENGTH d6 Performance d6
Persuasion d6
VIGOR d6 Stealth d6
Survival d4
PACE 6 Taunt d6
TOUGHNESS 5 • Acrobat

Bag of Hair Ties, Billy Club/Baton (Str+d4).


Your first memory is that of your father and uncles bringing you into the garage
and firing up the ‘68 Camaro. You’ve been turning wrenches ever since.


SMARTS d8 Athletics d6 • Can’t Swim
Common Knowledge d4 • Cautious
SPIRIT d4 Driving d8 • Doubting Thomas
STRENGTH d6 Electronics d6
Fighting d4
VIGOR d8 Notice d6
Persuasion d4
PACE 6 Repair d8+2
PARRY 4 Stealth d4
Survival d4
TOUGHNESS 8(2) • Mr. Fix It

Large Wrench (Str+d4), Large Screwdriver (Str+d4), Leather Jacket (+2).

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

People, like, just don’t know. They must explore their inner minds to understand the outside world.
If they just took a minute to counter the culture and look inward, they’d understand.


SMARTS d6 Athletics d6 • Impulsive
Common Knowledge d6 • Mild Mannered
SPIRIT d8 Healing d6
STRENGTH d4 Notice d6
Persuasion d8
VIGOR d6 Stealth d6
Survival d4
PACE 6 Taunt d6 EDGES
PARRY 2 Thievery d6 • Common Bond
TOUGHNESS 5 • Retort

Bag containing a Green Leafy Substance, Lighter, Small Glass Pipe.


At just the right time you, stand up and play your instrument loud and proud. Without you, the football team would
have lost Homecoming, the basketball team wouldn’t have gone to State, and the July 4th parade would be lame.


SMARTS d6 Academics d6 • Doubting Thomas
Athletics d6 • Yellow
SPIRIT d8 Common Knowledge d6
STRENGTH d4 Healing d4
Notice d6
VIGOR d6 Performance d8
Persuasion d8
PACE 6 Stealth d6 EDGES
PARRY 2 Taunt d4 • Bolster
TOUGHNESS 5 • Work the Room

Band Instrument (Str+d4, Add +1 to Performance when using), Whistle.

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

Other kids like you, or they let you hang around. You are always attracted to the most popular kid in
the room. If they want a beer, you’ll fetch it for them. If they tell a joke, you’ll laugh the loudest.


SMARTS d6 Academics d4 • Clumsy
Athletics d6–2 • Loyal
SPIRIT d6 Common Knowledge d4 • Quirk (Pick something you
STRENGTH d6 Driving d6 do that annoys the popular
Healing d6
VIGOR d8 Notice d6+2

Persuasion d6
PACE 6 Stealth d4–2 EDGES
PARRY 2 Survival d6 • Alertness
Thievery d6

First Aid Kit (basic supplies), Flask (ceramic).


With your pocket full of polyhedral dice and core rule book hidden safely in your bag, you’re going
to have a summer of riding down orc raiders and facing off against demi-lich overlords!


SMARTS d10 Academics d6 • Bad Eyes (Minor)
Athletics d6–2 • Clumsy
SPIRIT d6 Common Knowledge d6 • Hesitant
STRENGTH d4 Notice d6+2
Performance d4
VIGOR d6 Persuasion d4
Research d4
PACE 6 Science d6 EDGES
PARRY 2 Stealth d6–2 • Alertness
Survival d6
TOUGHNESS 5 • Calculating

Copy of Dwelling and Demogorgons, Advanced Edition, Pocket full of Polyhedral Dice (a lot
of d4s for some reason), Replica Broadsword (Str+d6, 50% chance to break on a hit).

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

You’ve been training since you could walk at the Viper’s Den dojo. You’ve been in a
few tournaments, and you won your last one using the Wren technique.


SMARTS d6 Athletics d8 • Can’t Swim
Common Knowledge d4 • Doubting Thomas
SPIRIT d6 Driving d4 • Overconfident
STRENGTH d6 Fighting d6
Intimidation d6
VIGOR d6 Notice d6
Persuasion d4
PACE 6 Stealth d6 EDGES
PARRY 5 Survival d4 • Martial Artist
Taunt d6
TOUGHNESS 6(1) • Provoke

Black Belt 6’, Black Gi (+1), Nunchucks (Str+d6).


Slayer RULEZ! Ozzy RULEZ! Breakin’ the law, breakin’ the law!


SMARTS d6 Athletics d6 • Arrogant
Common Knowledge d6 • Hard of Hearing (Minor)
SPIRIT d6 Fighting d6 • Suspicious (Minor)
STRENGTH d8 Notice d6
Performance d6
VIGOR d6 Persuasion d4
Repair d4
PACE 6 Shooting d6 EDGES
PARRY 5 Stealth d6 • Brave
Thievery d4
TOUGHNESS 8(2) • Brawny

Boombox with new batteries and the latest Megadeth cassette, Leather Jacket (+2), Survival
Knife (Str+d4).

jeff beaumont (Order #36833859)

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