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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Clinical Practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Tobacco Addiction
Peter Selby, M.B., B.S., and Laurie Zawertailo, Ph.D.​​

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence
­supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist.
The article ends with the authors’ clinical recommendations.

A 58-year-old woman with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, type 2 diabetes, From the Nicotine Dependence Service,
hypertension, and a history of major depression that is currently in remission pre­ Addictions Program, Centre for Addiction
and Mental Health, Toronto. Dr. Selby
sents with a 45-pack-year history of smoking. She smokes 25 cigarettes per day, with can be contacted at ­peter​.­selby@​­camh​.­ca
her first cigarette smoked within 5 minutes after waking. She has been unable to quit or at the Centre for Addiction and Mental
smoking with the regular use of nicotine gum for 4 weeks. Her current medications Health, 1025 Queen St. W, Toronto, ON,
M6J 1H4, Canada.
include fluticasone–salmeterol, ramipril, metformin, empagliflozin, venlafaxine,
and, as needed, albuterol. How should her tobacco addiction be treated? N Engl J Med 2022;387:345-54.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp2032393
Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.

The Cl inic a l Probl em CME

obacco addiction is a treatable chronic relapsing disorder
that is characterized by cravings and compulsive use. An estimated 47.1
million U.S. adults (19.0% of the population) currently use tobacco, mostly
in the form of cigarettes (12.5% of the population).1 More than 480,000 adults in
the United States die annually from the effects of cigarette smoking, and ap-
proximately 16 million have a smoking-related illness.2 The prevalence of smoking
is highest among adults 25 to 64 years of age, and smoking is more common in
the following groups than among their various counterparts: persons of color;
those with low incomes or low levels of education; those who are divorced, sepa-
rated, or widowed; those who are non-cisgender or nonheterosexual; those who
receive Medicaid, disability benefits, or are uninsured; and those who have anxiety
or depression.1 In the United States, the incidence of smoking among persons with
any mental illness is two to four times as high as that of the general population.3
Nicotine is the primary addictive compound in tobacco. Inhaling cigarette
smoke delivers an arterial bolus of nicotine to the brain in 7 to 30 seconds at an
average of 1 mg of nicotine per cigarette,4 which activates the nicotinic receptors
that mediate the release of dopamine in the reward pathways of the brain.5 This
rapid delivery of a high concentration of nicotine makes smoking the most addic-
tive form of nicotine delivery. Beta carbolines that are present in tobacco smoke
act as potent monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which increase levels of dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain.6 The polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
An audio version
bons in smoke induce cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and possibly
of this article
CYP2E1), leading to clinically significant drug interactions7 (Table S1 in the Sup- is available at
plementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at
Cigarette smoke also contains approximately 7000 chemicals, including 60 to 70
known human carcinogens. Although nicotine primarily drives the addiction to
cigarettes, the byproducts of combustion drive tobacco-related disease and death.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Key Clinical Points

Tobacco Addiction
• Tobacco addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder that accounts for more than 480,000 deaths annually
in the United States and is characterized by frequent attempts to quit and subsequent relapses.
• Medications including varenicline, long- and short-acting nicotine-replacement therapies, and
sustained-release bupropion are recommended in guidelines for use in smoking-cessation therapy for
patients who are daily cigarette smokers.
• Varenicline and the combination of nicotine patches with a short-acting nicotine-replacement
formulation are currently considered the most effective medications.
• The number needed to treat for one person to attain and maintain long-term abstinence from tobacco
with the use of these treatments ranges from 8 to 20.
• Counseling by itself or in addition to medication improves outcomes; counseling may be provided in
person or by means of telephone, text messaging, or the Internet.

The risk factors for the onset of smoking and nia, and hunger) and subsequent urges to smoke
subsequent tobacco addiction are both genetic (i.e., cravings).14 Withdrawal symptoms peak
and environmental. The age that a person starts within 2 days after a person quits smoking and
smoking, the number of cigarettes smoked per are greatly diminished within a week after the
day, and cessation have been associated with 566 quit date, but cravings often persist and lead to
genetic variants in 406 loci.8 Parental smoking, relapse. The incidence of relapse is as high as
peer influence, and personality traits related to 10% in the year after 1 year of abstinence,15 de-
impulsivity and risk-taking and sensation-seek- creasing to 2 to 4% after 2 years.16 Late relapses
ing behaviors are associated with the initiation may occur, often caused by a stressful life event,
of and experimentation with smoking. Further- and smoking even a single cigarette can lead to
more, adverse childhood experiences are associ- a full relapse. However, with evidence-based
ated with twice the risk of a person becoming an treatments, 10 to 30% of smokers have long-
adult smoker.9 Policy-level interventions also af- term abstinence.17
fect trends in smoking. Recent population-based
data indicate a decrease in smoking among ado- S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
lescents but an increase in the proportion of
smokers who initiated smoking and transitioned Treatment
to daily smoking in early adulthood; this trend Although criteria are available to formally diag-
has been attributed to smoking-prevention ef- nose tobacco-use disorder (i.e., criteria in the
forts having been focused largely on middle fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
school and high school students.10 of Mental Disorders [DSM-5]), the number of ciga-
Tobacco-related chronic diseases typically de- rettes smoked per day and the time from waking
velop in smokers after a few decades of smok- to smoking the first cigarette can be used to
ing. The risk of lung cancer is 25 times as high accurately determine the severity of the addic-
and the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke tion.18 In assessing patients who have coexisting
is 2 to 4 times as high among smokers as among conditions and continue to smoke, the provider
nonsmokers.2 Quitting smoking before 40 years may find that asking additional questions is
of age reduces the risk of death from a tobacco- helpful in tailoring treatment (Table S2).
related disease by approximately 90%,11 but quit- Clinical systems for screening and interven-
ting permanently is difficult. A person who tions that are systematic and congruent with
smokes may make 30 or more attempts to quit guidelines for the treatment of tobacco addic-
before having permanent remission.12 Only 3 to tion can increase quit rates.17 These include five
5% of smokers will be abstinent 6 to 12 months evidence-based steps that are effective both indi-
after a given quit attempt, with most relapses vidually and collectively: screening, clear advice
occurring within the first 8 days after quitting,13 to quit, medication or behavioral support (or
owing to acute withdrawal symptoms (e.g., dif- both) matched to the readiness of the patient to
ficulty in concentrating and increased anxiety, make a quit attempt, appropriate referral to ad-
sadness, anger, frustration, irritability, insom- ditional support, and follow-up. The ultimate

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Clinical Pr actice

goal is complete remission from smoking.16 Opt- Table 1. Guideline-based Recommendations

out models such as offering every smoker, re- for the Management of Tobacco Addiction.17,20
gardless of readiness, very brief advice, a pre-
Screen all patients starting at 9 years of age for their use
scription for medication, and a referral to of tobacco products, and counsel children not to
counseling are also effective (Table 1).19 smoke or vape.20
All persons who smoke should be advised to stop as
Counseling and Behavioral Approaches soon as possible and should be treated with medica-
Effective behavioral interventions for smoking tions and provided counseling if they smoke five or
more cigarettes per day. Prescribers should offer all
cessation are shown in Table 2. Brief behavioral evidence-based, approved medications to help the
interventions, such as encouraging a smoker to patient make an informed choice.20
set a quit date within 30 days, increase cessa- Refer the patient to counseling when counseling is un-
tion rates.24 In addition, there is a clear dose– available within the clinical setting. Pregnant women
should be offered counseling, support, and judicious
response relationship between the intensity of use of medication on an individual basis to help them
the intervention and its effectiveness in sustain- stop smoking.21
ing abstinence from smoking,17,20 especially in Prescribe varenicline or combination nicotine patch plus
persons who are not using cessation medica- a short-acting nicotine-replacement formulation as
tions. There is high-certainty evidence that indi- the first choice to smokers regardless of their willing-
ness to set a quit date.22 Patients should be advised
vidual counseling spread over several sessions that the combination of varenicline plus nicotine patches
increases quit rates as compared with usual care will increase quit rates but might cause more side
and brief advice, and high-intensity counseling effects.22
(i.e., greater length and number of treatment Consider extending treatment with varenicline for up to
sessions) increases sustained abstinence as com- 26 weeks or treatment with bupropion for up to 52
weeks in patients who are at high risk for relapse at
pared with low-intensity counseling.25 Depend- the end of 12 weeks.22
ing on the available resources, counseling may Vaping products are not approved by the Food and Drug
be provided by trained counselors in person or Administration for use in smoking cessation.
by means of state or national telephone quit-
lines.26 Telephone counseling can increase the
likelihood of successful cessation, irrespective of brief advice, prescribe and encourage adherence
the smoker’s degree of motivation to quit. to medications, or refer the patients to a smok-
As compared with minimal support or as an ing-cessation program or quitline (or all these
addition to other forms of support, text-messag- strategies). For other patients, clinicians can use
ing programs also have been shown, with the therapeutic alliance that they have with a
moderate-certainty evidence, to improve quit patient to enhance the patient’s readiness to
rates.27 Financial incentives to stop smoking also make a quit attempt by regularly expressing con-
increase the odds of quitting as compared with cern, recommending cessation, and offering
minimal intervention.27 Adjunctive approaches medication to quit and a referral to counseling.
include advice to make the home and work envi-
ronments smoke-free spaces; the use of self-help Medications
booklets, Web sites, and smartphone applica- The Food and Drug Administration has ap-
tions (apps); and the enlistment of social support proved several medications for smoking cessa-
during the quitting process.26 tion (i.e., nicotine-replacement therapies, vareni-
Many smokers are ambivalent about quitting cline, and sustained-release bupropion). Each of
smoking. Motivational interviewing (a patient- these medications treats acute withdrawal, lim-
centered counseling technique that is used to its cravings, and reduces the risk of relapse more
enhance the smoker’s readiness to change) is than any intensity of counseling (Table 3).34 Both
commonly recommended, although a meta-analy- varenicline and a combination of nicotine patches
sis of randomized trials did not show that moti- with short-acting nicotine-replacement therapy
vational interviewing provided a significant ben- are considered the most effective and safe first-
efit for smoking cessation; however, the findings line treatments for smoking cessation.20
were based on low-quality evidence (Table 2).28 Nicotine-replacement therapy is usually start-
In a pragmatic approach regarding patients who ed on the patient’s target quit date (the date that
want to quit, busy clinicians may provide very the patient commits to abstaining from smoking

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Table 2. Effective Counseling and Behavioral Interventions for Smoking Cessation.27*

Intervention Description Duration Findings in Studies of Effectiveness Lasting >24 Wk† Mode of Delivery Considerations
Brief advice Brief, simple advice from provider <1 min More effective than no advice or usual care (17 At each encounter with Simple and effective interven-
to quit smoking studies; RR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.42–1.94)23 patients who smoke tion for all patients who
Counseling Advice and practical strategies on Variable: single High-quality evidence showed that individual be- Counseling facilitated Commonly delivered by
(individual coping with challenges of quit- session of havioral counseling was more effective than in-person or by tele- trained health profession-
or group) ting (e.g., withdrawal, cravings, <20 min to brief advice or self-help with no medication of- phone or computer; al; can also be patient-

mood swings, and treatment several longer fered (27 studies, 11,100 participants; RR, 1.57; usually combined directed
adherence) sessions over 95% CI, 1.40–1.77). with pharmaco- Web-based and smartphone
May involve cognitive therapy many weeks More-intensive counseling was more effective than therapy application–based for-
(cognitive behavioral therapy or less-intensive counseling (11 studies, 2920 par- mats are emerging as
acceptance and commitment ticipants; RR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.09–1.53).25 options.
therapy) that challenges and Meta-analyses showed group counseling was more
overcomes maladaptive think- effective than no intervention (RR, 2.60; 95%
ing and feelings that lead to CI, 1.80–3.76), than self-help (RR, 1.88; 95% CI,
smoking 1.52–2.33), or than brief support (RR, 1.25; 95%
CI, 1.07–1.46).30
There was no difference between group and indi-
vidual counseling.27,30
Meta-analysis showed cognitive therapies were
more effective than NRT alone (8 studies; RR,
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

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1.53; 95% CI, 1.06–2.19).29

Contingency Use of incentives (usually guar- Variable, but lon- Network meta-analysis calculated a pooled OR for No counseling or ther- Relapse rates are high when
­management anteed financial rewards) to ger duration is financial incentives of 1.46 (95% CI, 1.15–1.85; apy involved; easily the incentive is removed

n engl j med 387;4  July 28, 2022

motivate smokers to quit and more effective 19 studies) for quitting at 6 mo as compared implemented and Continued provision of incen-
to maintain abstinence with minimal intervention.27 not human resource tives can be costly.

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m e dic i n e

Text messaging Automated text message–based Variable Automated text messaging alone was more effec- Push messaging to Can be cost-effective, with
cessation intervention tive than minimal smoking-cessation support patient’s mobile large reach
(13 studies; RR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.19–2.00). telephone phone A meta-analysis of current
Adding text messaging to other cessation interven- smartphone applications
tion improved effectiveness (4 studies; RR, 1.59; did not show effectiveness
95% CI, 1.09–2.33).27,31 (5 studies; RR, 1.00; 95%
CI, 0.66–1.52).27

* CI denotes confidence interval, NRT nicotine-replacement therapy, and OR odds ratio.
† Relative risk (RR) indicates the relative chance of sustained abstinence at 6 months.

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Clinical Pr actice

for at least 24 hours), whereas non-nicotine oral pants who had continuous abstinence (i.e., the
medications are started at least 1 week before. last 4 weeks of treatment plus 12 weeks post-
The duration of therapy is usually 8 to 12 weeks; treatment) were 21.8% with varenicline, 16.2%
even though most smokers who have a response with bupropion, 15.7% with a nicotine patch,
to nicotine-replacement therapy will quit smok- and 9.4% with placebo.41 All the medications
ing within 4 weeks after starting treatment,35 were superior to placebo, and varenicline was
completion of the treatment regimen is associ- superior to the other medications. Among smok-
ated with a higher incidence of long-term remis- ers with a psychiatric illness, a similar pattern
sion. The addition of counseling to pharmaco- emerged, although the percentages of partici-
therapy increases the likelihood of cessation.27 pants who quit were lower (18.3% with vareni-
Meta-analyses of randomized trials have cline, 13.7% with bupropion, 13.0% with a nico-
shown that varenicline, a partial nicotine recep- tine patch, and 8.3% with placebo). There were
tor agonist, more than doubles the likelihood no material differences among the groups in the
of sustained quitting in the general population incidence of adverse events, including major car-
of smokers when administered at standard or diovascular or neuropsychiatric events. Network
reduced doses.36 There is mixed evidence with meta-analyses indicate that among smokers who
regard to the benefit of extending treatment for use a single smoking-cessation agent, vareni-
an additional 12 weeks.37 cline is the best option, followed by the nicotine
Systematic reviews of randomized, controlled patch,34,36 but that a nicotine patch plus a short-
trials have shown that all forms of nicotine- acting nicotine-replacement formulation results
replacement therapy that deliver nicotine with- in cessation success similar to that with vareni-
out the products of combustion (i.e., nicotine cline alone and superior by up to 50% to cessa-
patches, gums, lozenges, inhalers, and nasal tion success with any single formulation of nic-
spray) increase the likelihood of sustained quit- otine-replacement therapy (Table 3). More recent
ting by 50 to 60%.32 The maximum-strength analyses suggest that quit success might be
patch (which contains 21 mg of nicotine) pro- higher with varenicline plus a nicotine patch at
vides steady-state plasma nicotine concentra- a strength of 14 mg per day or with a combina-
tions that are only approximately 50% of the tion of varenicline and bupropion (Table S3).34,42
concentration reached from smoking 20 ciga- Guideline-based second-line agents include
rettes per day,38 which often results in inade- nortriptyline and clonidine33,43; however, these
quate suppression of withdrawal symptoms and agents are not approved for treating smoking
therefore continued smoking. The addition of addiction and have less favorable safety profiles
short-acting nicotine-replacement therapy (e.g., than first-line medications. Cytisine, a naturally
gum, lozenges, mist, or inhaler) to the patch occurring plant alkaloid, is a short-acting, orally
increases the likelihood of quitting.39 Doubling bioavailable nicotine receptor partial agonist
the number of patches per day may be more ef- with demonstrated efficacy as compared with
fective in patients who smoke a large number of placebo in three trials.36 It is not currently ap-
cigarettes per day, but the results to date have proved in the United States, although it is avail-
been inconsistent.39,40 able in many other countries (Table S3).
Sustained-release bupropion (at a dose of
150 mg administered orally twice daily), through A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
an unproven mechanism of action, increases the
likelihood of quitting by 52 to 71% independent Data are lacking to show the benefits and risks of
of its effect on clinical depression.26 The sus- smoking-cessation medications among adoles-
tained-release dose may also be reduced to once cents, nondaily smokers, pregnant women, and
daily (i.e., 150 mg administered once daily) in the persons who use other forms of tobacco (e.g.,
morning with a minimal loss of effectiveness.34 smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes
A multicenter, triple-dummy, double-blind [e-cigarettes]). More research is needed to deter-
trial involving 8144 smokers (half of whom had mine the appropriate use of current treatments.
a psychiatric illness) assessed standard treat- For example, limited data support higher cessa-
ment as compared with varenicline, bupropion, tion rates with initiation of nicotine-­replacement
or a nicotine patch. The percentages of partici- therapy before the quit day as compared with on

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Table 3. Evidence-based Medications for Sustained Abstinence at 6 Months after Quit Date.*

Mechanism Pooled RR No. Needed Contraindications
Drug Dose of Action (95% CI) [Sample Size]† to Treat† and Cautions Adverse Events Comments
Varenicline‡ Partial agonist at the
α4β2 nicotinic acetyl­
choline receptor
Standard dose55 0.5 mg administered 2.24 (2.06–2.43) [27 11 Contraindications Nausea, insomnia, Medication should be
orally once daily for trials, 12,625 partici- include previous abnormal dreams, initiated 7–35 days
3 days, then twice pants] adverse events headache,55 allergic before quit date and
daily for 4 days, and suicidal ide- reaction taken on a full stom-
then 1 mg admin- ation ach to reduce nau-
istered orally twice Use with caution sea; variable dosing
daily for 12 wk in patients with might facilitate in-
seizures, type 2 creased adherence
diabetes, or alco- No drug–drug interac-
hol use tions; considered
safe in patients with
stable psychiatric

May be stopped abruptly
Reduced or vari- 0.5 mg administered orally 2.08 (1.56–2.78) [4 10 with low
able dose55 twice daily for 12 wk trials, 1266 partici- dose; 8
Variable at patient or pants] with vari-
physician discretion able dose
(0.5–1 mg administered
once daily or twice daily)
Extended treat- 24–52 wk of standard 1.24 (1.08–1.42) [2 11
ment55 treatment trials, 1295 partici-
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

Patch If patient smokes ≥10 Full agonist at the 1.64 (1.53–1.75) [51 15 Allergy to adhesives, Skin sensitivity and May be removed at

The New England Journal of Medicine


cigarettes per day, α4β2 nicotinic acetyl­ trials, 25,754 partici- skin disorders irritation; sleep night if associated
21 mg per day for 6 choline receptor; pants] disturbances with nightmares
wk, then 14 mg per transdermal ab- May be started 2 wk
day for 2 wk, then 7 sorption before quit date;

n engl j med 387;4  July 28, 2022

mg per day for 2 wk concurrent smoking
If patient smokes <10 is safe with nicotine-

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m e dic i n e

cigarettes per day, replacement therapy

14 mg per day for 6 May be used by persons
wk, then 7 mg per with post–acute
day for 2 wk coronary syndrome
Gum If patient smokes first Absorbed through 1.49 (1.40–1.60) [56 14 Dentures, difficulty Hiccups, gastrointes- May be used to reduce
cigarette ≤30 min buccal mucosa trials, 22,581 partici- chewing tinal disturbances smoking before
after waking, 4 mg pants] (due to swallowing abruptly quitting
If patient smokes first nicotine), jaw pain,
cigarette >30 min and orodental
after waking, 2 mg problems55
As needed, to a maxi-

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mum of 24 doses
per day
Mechanism Pooled RR No. Needed Contraindications
Drug Dose of Action (95% CI) [Sample Size]† to Treat† and Cautions Adverse Events Comments
Lozenge If patient smokes first Absorbed through 1.52 (1.32–1.74) [8 13 Hiccups, burning sen-
cigarette ≤30 min buccal mucosa trials, 4439 partici- sation in mouth,
after waking, 4 mg pants] sore throat, cough-
If patient smokes first ing, dry lips and
cigarette >30 min mouth, and oral
after waking, 2 mg lesions55
As needed, to a maxi-
mum of 20 doses
per day
Inhaler‡ One 10-mg cartridge Absorbed through 1.90 (1.36–2.67) [4 tri- 13 Use with caution Hiccups, burning sen-
(delivering 4 mg buccal mucosa als, 976 participants] in patients with sation in mouth,
nicotine) over a pe- and upper airway asthma or COPD, sore throat, cough-
riod of 20 min every owing to trigger- ing, dry lips and
1–2 hr ing cough. mouth, and oral
Puff; do not inhale lesions55
Spray‡ 0.5 mg of nicotine as Absorbed through 2.02 (1.49–2.73) [4 tri- 8 Nasal irritation
needed to maxi- nasal mucosa and als, 887 participants]
mum of 5 doses bypasses blood–
per hr brain barrier
Oral mist 1–2 sprays every 30 to 2.48 (1.24–4.94) [1 trial, 20 None Altered sense of taste,
60 min 479 participants] headache, hiccups,
1–2 sprays every 15 nausea and vomit-
min to a maximum ing, dyspepsia, oral
of 64 sprays per day soft-tissue pain,
stomatitis, salivary
Clinical Pr actice

burning lips, dry
Sustained-release bu- 150 mg administered Norepinephrine and 1.64 (1.52–1.77) [45 12 Known hypersensitiv- Insomnia, dry mouth, Start 7–14 days before

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The New England Journal of Medicine

propion33‡ orally in the morn- dopamine reup- trials, 17,866 partici- ity to bupropion nausea, tremor, quit date
ing for 3 days, then take inhibitor; pants] or its excipients allergic reactions May be extended up
150 mg adminis- nicotinic receptor Seizure disorders (pruritus, hives, to 52 wk in some
tered orally twice a antagonist Bulimia angioedema, patients
day, with doses at Anorexia nervosa dyspnea), ar- Reduce intake of other
least 8 hr apart, not and use of MAO thralgia, myalgia, stimulants, such as

Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

to exceed 300 mg inhibitors fever, symptoms caffeine
per day Should be prescribed related to delayed
Treatment period of with caution in hypersensitivity,
7–12 wk may be persons taking seizures, suicidal
extended for up other medications ideation and be-
to 1 yr that lower the sei- havior
zure threshold

* COPD denotes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and MAO monoamine oxidase.
† Relative risks (i.e., the relative chances of sustained abstinence at 6 months), 95% confidence intervals, and numbers needed to treat for one person to attain and maintain long-term
abstinence were calculated with the use of risk-reduction estimates from Cochrane reviews.

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‡ This device or medication requires a prescription.

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

the quit day,39 adjustment of nicotine-patch dose sation interventions, the real-world effectiveness
to the response, and extension of the duration of of this treatment in clinical settings has not
treatment beyond 12 weeks to increase absti- been determined. Further study is needed, in-
nence rates.37 cluding comparisons of the safety and effective-
The application of personalized medicine to ness of brain stimulation to first-line combina-
tobacco addiction has been proposed, but more tion nicotine-replacement therapy or varenicline.
data are needed to determine its clinical useful- Psychedelic agents have also been suggested
ness. In one large, multicenter, placebo-con- for the treatment of tobacco addiction. An open-
trolled trial, participants who metabolized nico- label trial of two doses of psilocybin combined
tine at a normal rate (as measured by the ratio with cognitive behavioral therapy in 15 other-
of cotinine to 3OH-cotinine in plasma, urine, or wise-healthy smokers showed an overall result
saliva) had a better response to varenicline than of abstinence in 80% of the participants at
to the nicotine patch; no difference was noted in 6 months49 and 67% at 12 months post-treat-
the response to medication in participants who ment50; data from placebo-controlled trials are
metabolized nicotine at a slower rate.44 lacking.
The health benefits of reducing the number
of cigarettes smoked are not well defined.45 Still, Guidel ine s
reducing smoking as a step toward an eventual
goal of quitting may be an effective strategy for Our recommendations are concordant with the
patients who are not ready to stop abruptly with guidelines for smoking-cessation therapies in
the use of medication or behavioral interven- the general population published by the U.S.
tions.46 Preventive Services Task Force22 and the Ameri-
A recent meta-analysis of mindfulness-based can Thoracic Society.51 Guidelines are also avail-
interventions such as mindfulness training and able for special populations,52 hospitalized pa-
acceptance and commitment therapy showed no tients,53 and pregnant women.20 Although not a
evidence of the effectiveness of these interven- guideline itself, the Surgeon General’s 2020 re-
tions as compared with no intervention35 but port on smoking cessation54 provides a compre-
involved few studies and small sample sizes. hensive review of smoking-cessation interven-
Adequately powered randomized trials of these tions.
strategies are needed.
Limited data have suggested that the use of C onclusions a nd
electronic nicotine delivery devices, or e-ciga- R ec om mendat ions
rettes, may be an effective replacement for tobac-
co smoking; however, most trials have involved The patient described in the vignette smokes
e-cigarettes that are no longer on the market, heavily, has tobacco-related coexisting condi-
and study of newer e-cigarette types (e.g., nico- tions, and has not had a response to over-the-
tine salt-pod devices) is warranted. There is counter nicotine gum, probably owing to inad-
moderate-certainty evidence that nicotine e-ciga- equate dosing and lack of counseling. She
rettes are more effective than nicotine-replace- should be educated about the risks of continued
ment therapy.34,47 There has been minimal re- smoking (e.g., exacerbations and worsening of
search on efficacious interventions for persons chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, micro-
who are exclusively addicted to vaping nicotine. vascular and macrovascular complications from
Analyses of short-term randomized trials diabetes and hypertension, and smoking-related
support the benefit of noninvasive brain-stimu- cancers) and the benefits of smoking cessation.
lation techniques in reducing smoking behavior, We would recommend either varenicline or com-
cue-induced cravings, urges to smoke, and bination nicotine-replacement therapy as a first-
symptoms of nicotine dependence (pooled rela- line treatment, given their similar efficacy and
tive risk, 2.39 [95% confidence interval, 1.26 to good safety profiles in patients with stable
4.55] for smoking abstinence at 3 or 6 months mental health status; the choice should be
as compared with sham stimulation).48 Although guided by patient preference and past response
a specific brain-stimulation device has received had by the patient to either medication.
approval from the FDA for use in smoking-ces- If varenicline is prescribed, we would recom-

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mend setting a quit date 7 to 14 days after the duced to prevent a drug interaction. We would
patient begins treatment, whereas for combina- recommend against the use of e-cigarettes for
tion nicotine-replacement therapy, we would smoking cessation given insufficient evidence to
recommend the quit date be the day that she support their use. We would refer the patient for
begins treatment. We would closely monitor her in-person or telephone counseling, ideally for a
for withdrawal symptoms, especially mood period of 8 to 24 weeks. We would monitor her
changes. After 4 weeks, if the patient had not for relapse as part of her ongoing follow-up.
quit smoking completely, and we had confirmed Should she have a relapse after quitting, the
medication adherence, we would consider same medications may be prescribed again.
switching to the other first-line option or com- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available at
bining varenicline with a nicotine patch or with
We thank Danielle Dawson, M.A., and Wayne DeRuiter,
bupropion. If bupropion is prescribed, the pa- Ph.D., for editorial assistance and support in the preparation
tient’s venlafaxine dose might need to be re- and revision of earlier versions of the manuscript.

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