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1 2 3 tye er einer resin ten. WS oe eH ala voy Groce ohne ideally epwars 8 Forse whic & directed carte ocate secking) Neovo of ater present inan object qeeetine to Newton's first law, mass of any BSR e measure ofthis quantity Pe fit which the earth atracts an object GSmitat who. was appointed as the royal athematicia in place of Brahe Gesernatoey constructed by scientists 10 detect fhe paviatnal waves emitted by astronomical Ansmers: CCentripetalforee Mass Inertia Weight ofthe object Johannes Kepler LIGO-Laser _ Interferometne Wave Observatory Geavitational ‘The orbit of «planet isan ellipse with the Sun at the centre, Two planets move around the Sun, The period: times and the mean radi of the orbits are T1, Ts and r,t» respectively, Then the ratio Ty/T> is equal to (ri). Gravitational foree nature The centre of a mass of ary object having _uniform density is at its centroid, the strongest foree in TS etn om ebay eens, sind bugs theft. Fre fee fl . nr abjeet go ty ina, om the wravitatonal Inuenc’ ot gly ote is tat Velocity 4 equ terete the earth ~ “—s The escape velocily He same fog planet. Ammer 4 5. 6 7 ‘ 9. 10. The orbit of planet ian lps wi one ofthe fot Wen False Two planets move around the Sun, tine and the mea lof Ge cag sy, Then the rao) cual fo (6 . False Gravitational force i the weakest foreig Tre False ‘According to Newton's second law of False x Due to its rotation, the earth bulges a. cxquatorand is Matter tthe poles. Fae ‘As we go above the earth's surface, tee acceleration du to gravity decreases True Tae False “True fre falls possible only in vacuum. False ‘An object going vertically upwards wil bes from the gravitational influence of the ct its inital velocity is equal 0 escape ves the earth, 12, Fal ‘The escape velocity i ifferent for diferen, planets ; alue of 4 \ g free th, IP ty of 3 4 Mark each a body of nase m onthe surface ctic energy of a body of Kepler's fist law: orbit of a planet is an elipse Par (Fis ombial period of revolution of a planet and + is the mean distance of the planet from Increase in altitude: value of g decreases = at the centre of the earth vector quantity Gravitational constant is a sealar quantity and scone 0001 Kamei enery fa body of ms mon the sue ofthe ahs“, whl intionery a by of mass mat infinite distance from earth is zo, Kepler's third law Orbit of a planet is an ellipse is Kepler’s fist law while T? is Kepler third law, value of gis 2er0, Value of g increases with increase in altitude while the value of g becomes zero at the centre of the earth, | Depend en at hohe ' Mase Ay Meare of meri ‘Weight N the conte Acceleration o acts grvicy | Gravitational ‘te Nm 2. Match the laws/physieal quuotiies in eal [with their corresponding formula/reation in column 1. is Mark each) | Column 1am | Kepler's third tae a Law of gravitation | ii | Gravitational 1. What are (‘centripetal forse (i) acceleration due to gravity (ii) free fall ao escape velocity? [1 Mark each) i, Centripetal force: ‘The forve acting on any object moving in a cirele and ditectod towards the centre of cite is called as centripetal force, ii, Acceleration due to gravity: ': ‘The acceleration preduced in a body under | influence othe force of gravity alone acceleration duc to gravity, iii, Free falls “The motion of any object under the in the fore of gravity alone is called as fre nin eloiy with his eay shoul! be pete fom th ae of plant mon 80 Thal i eupe ot evationnt intuence othe planet on ‘alld a escape yey m the earth, like for U1 Markt 2 Yew th gaia free acon objets a Oo poets der toy fo cars Iie we i Cam W wet om even bc the the thc planes ond the Wi ierh) Ams Yeh, the greiatonal force ats on other nt and Sun 3 Intexc Question. (Tenth poe ma 02) Do you think some force is const on te moon? ne the dieetion ofthis force? ‘W How would its motion have been if no such force acted on We? 1% Do the other planets ia the solar system nd the Sum (a similar fashion? J+ similar force acting on them? What must De itsdirecton? 1S Marks) Thetis. force constantly acting on the moon Known as centripetal force The force is directed towards the cente of the cath IP there was no force acting on. the moon, it Would have moved along & staight lie which fs the tngent othe circle ‘Yes, other planets revolve around the Sun inthe similar fishion, © The other planets revolve around the Sun in the similar fashion due to the centripetal force exerted on them by the Sun. The direction of the force is towards the centre of the Sun, 4 Centripesal’ means centre seeking, ie. the | ‘abject tries 10 ¢0 towards the centre of the | circle ‘ecause of this force. Thus, the raviational force that earth exert on moon ‘m this stuation is termed as. centripetal | force. z of the foc Geet) peopoeilonal otbe Corccs eis noes he poner famine set Devan of Inverell oferty wy Iehelpat Kepler lan ie Te cena ce ating on «lane ofr mand velocity ¥. reyolvmg at da fiom the Sun, i given ae, Lett be the period of revolution oF the planes and 2er be the distance wavelled bythe Pane in ene revolution, Then the speed tiene seed hn Se _ PO ime aken p=) Sutstting equation 2) (1), we get, +. iv. Maiplying and diving by 2, we ge, p= dn @) ¥. But According to Kepler's third tam, Pap ra onstant (K) 4) Substitating equation (4) in (3), we get, nat ae PK Fad = ™~ —_ — ey ‘tame ston n the re of and of be VAN. 72 ater Bi Diving equations (1) and (3k oe gor r= it ss fora planet at a distance of 2R from the star fs peri of revolution will be ¥ . 6 Use your brain power! (Textbook page Show that in SI units, the un newton m? kg*. of Gs [2 Marks} Ans: Ans: dependence on According to Newon’s law of gravitation, “. {In SI system, force is measured in newton (N), distance is measured i. me measured in kilogram (ky) Substituting in equation (1), we get, unit of G ewion « (mete) ig ke ‘Thus, in SI system, (1m) and mass is Unit of G= Sor newton mi kg? ig Intext Question. (Textbook page no. 05) Why did Newton assume inverse square dependence on distance in his law of gravitation? Newton had assumed inverse square distance in bis law of gravitation by considering Kepler's thed law which states that, “The square of orbital period Of revolution of a planet around the sun is di janal to the cube of the mean stance of the planet from the sun’ ic, Tha P. sand m= man the Heo bees i tance between Uae Ooo objects it ‘any bo objects att each other, But due to thee small masses, they exer force on teach other, whichis too smalls compared 4 the gravitational force ofthe earth, Henes, 40 shferent objets Rept on the table ot me and ny frond don't move towards cach ther ° the apple also attracts the earth towards ise ‘withthe same force. Why then does the apple {all towards the earth, but the earth does not move towards the appie? (2 Marks) Ans: i. The apple atracts the earth wit the same forse with which the eah ates the apple. i, According to Newon's hid law, these two foes ate equal and opposite in destion. iti For same magnitude of fore, the acceleration produced ini body is inversely proportional ioits sass iy. Aste mass ofthe earth is very large compared to that ofthe apple, the acceleration of the earth is too small compared tothe aeeleration ofthe appl that it cannot be noticed Hence, the apple falls towards the earth while the ‘earth does not nove towards the apple. 10, Intext Question, (Textbook page me. 07) ‘The moon and the artificial satellites orbit the earth, The earth attracts them towards: itself but unlike a falling apple, they do not {all on the earth, why? emi beearoal my M1. Anweat Qoeain (Tenth page Hala te ft tig Wi he vey of» ste thro tay SO a ma Anwthe fotleniog Sars alles the eater hy ore ee ae Togas he ema pt ata oh ex Saoy bomtew te ‘he stone we mp alee ime? Why {atl down ater reaching ert heh? What de nati het depend 1 The vehcity of ste tow vertally sarah decrees wih te ti h become 4 When a ane ethno erally 9 ork cay on te |g free the wal oe on Fraer Bat wae ‘Garth hich ceatantly wien to pull the stone | ea ern arog nas agra ieupmne gal he. Dox the conan downy pl ete or ‘velocity of the stone becomes zero after won 11 Where i ote 4 Fevshing 4 cain beg Once the velocity | Me MAWM, ey (pb bom | Feomer soo, grevtont fe acing on | Aether a bh — Soother the ste cau Ho slat ving Neral the carn incase, the ditanes betwere ovens. a object andthe centre of the arth arco aaeuversal The taninum beigh the sone can chive peut oe the intel veecy nit wich he |b, At are, the roe Of“ decency wag Hm mek errs ene thon verily upward frcrene ela pon ees es Tae ai of core 12 What acetone t gravy? Dene | th Dat, Ceca Acer iceaatotauets pris | 4 The vlue of fis muximam om he satice o ° —s ss [i Marts) the earth oeene AS depth of am bjt creer, the dance 9, SWI She om ani The acslerton pred 2 body ude the {Rican the objet nd he cente ofthe ea —oe s| ines oh reso gravity son called (decree cme tecclamtion duo gry. denoed by | 6, Along with the Stance, the pat of the ch Ame ‘ehich contributes towards the goeviaional Mam finda Epreslan for wel fore fly the objet (M) also decreases en ae ne i. Sappone an jot ots tuned 3 ern hes aaa distance “R’ from the centze ofthe earth, SS ein Seana ase Let 'M be the mass of the earth, then the ‘alos of apd Ms the val of decrees fgviational fore of attacion F between the | © At the centte of the cath, the value of “ bjt andthe eas given by, becomes reo F= om 14, Intest Question. (Testo page no. Where, G eonstun of gravitation ‘Will the value of be the same everywhere ou > ‘onthe surface ofthe earth? J? Marky z F ‘Ans:No, the value of g will not be sae everywhere But acceleration is given by acceleration duc io ‘0 the surface of earth : avy, ery a 15, Think about i Fessbook page mo. 2 1 Wil the direction ofthe gravitational force ‘From equations (1)and (2), we have, ‘change as we go aside the earth? [1 Mark} aceelertion dic Jo gravity on the cans | ABSTHee il be change inthe diston of he sure, ‘vimionl fore. Gravitational force aby yo acts downward, towards the cere of the cath, From the above rétion, acceleration due sravity on eath's surface depends upon the ‘What willbe the value of at the centre of ‘nase of the cath (M) and distance (R) oft the earth? Mark} object from the centre of the earth ie, the The value of g at the eente of the arth is radius ofthe earth, I 1d Technology, e Where, M is the mass of the planet or moon and R is the radius of the planet or moon. The earth and the moon have different masses and radii due to which the value of g is different on their surfaces. iii, The value of g on moon is 1/6" of that on the surface of earth. Hence, one can jump 6 times higher on the moon ‘compared to that on the earth. "6. Af the value of g suddenly becomes twice its value, it will become two times more difficult to pull a heavy object along the floor. Why? -The weight of an object i defined asthe force roe wee he cath atacs the objet. 1 given as, W=Femg The welt ofan ebjet depends on the ma of ‘he object anu the value of acceleration due 12. tov Whe value of doubes, the forse with whieh anh wtricts the object ale heeannes thee Ths, the object becomes twice ae heavier, ‘harder toe ple ang he He, _ A boy weighs more at poles wnd low at equator, WW The weight of an: with wie the: earth ‘weight of an object depends on the mass of cject nnd the value of acceleration di to sravity ii, On the surface of the ean, the value of ie tighest atthe poles and decreases slowly with decreasing latiude becoming lowest at the ‘uatoe ence, a body weight more at the poles und News at equator. 8, Intext Question. (Textbook paye no. 14) Space travellers ay well as objects in the spacecraft appear to be floating. OR Space travellers as well as objects im the spacecraft appear to be floating, Why does this happen? Ans: inspec, ho ony fore tS Ne is the gravitational force of the earth. Therefore, the spacecraft isin asta of free fall, fi, The velocity in free fall is independent of properties of an object and thus i the same the spacecraft, the travellers and the space erafl. iil, The free fall leads 10 travellers as well as object ne Being weightless, spuce travellers as % in the spacecraft appear to be floatin 1. Gravitational constant (G)_ due to gravity (@), ‘Ans: ‘Acceleration de wavy teh vector ‘qanty The take of fever et ity” vies ith ria, deh and ape of the en 7 The value of The value of G = 667 «10 gm OR mt Navy ‘arth surface Acceleration a waht = the foree with which the earth attracts Maes he omy Ct meter conned in an object. ‘an object. Benassi tere] Wage cla toys | reywhces | gnehanging ft pet te aes erecta) Woy meio iogram (kg). newton (N). ss 1. Write proper answer in the box: G9 6-9 {Set ier i 34—! wre GBs tear [Mar 2019} /1 Mark] |. Whet taw do we understand from the ingens 7 Pig ine of force F change tg, mass my imerewsed to 4mm? ¥. Mow will the value of force F change Wy, distance ris doubled? Ans i From the given diagram, wi Newton's law of gravitation. Statement: Gravitational force berwecn bodies inthe univers i directly proportion the product of their ‘misses ind. inven proportional to the square of the dian. 2 Universal between them ii, The mathematical equation for the Inw is ine Aeeeera as, F=G Sie Oates i, Uf the two bodies are not spherical, then Whee direction of force is along the line joining thee centres of mass. iv. Gravitational force between the 10 bosies given by, p= Sam, we =u ‘i For fred ‘The mass mis increased to 4m them the ose, y= F will be, For a boc {ey Force becomes four times the initial force. v. Gravitational force between the two bodies » given by, F- ng mn, ‘When distance between the objects is double: gy the force F* will be, i Gm,m. Pee ey a = Gm. ar © Foree becomes one fourth the theca ars io Nine Maris) Radon othe cath (R= 4 10 Gravina coma (G) weer 10 Ninh! Tofat) —Genvasonal ose) vrs: ¢= 5 Gokaoion From ra (oanot) ‘Ams The grivéaliena force doe to the cath on Mabendea is 7331 “A. The anes of the arth and moon are respective 10" km, 2Marks} Mass of the earth (M,) = 6 10% kg, Mass ofthe moon (Ma) = 7» 10° Distance (2) = 3.4» 10° km 384 10m, Grwitationa constant (G) = 6,7 10" Novi Tofind- Gravitational force (F) Forma: — p= SB Caleuation 6766278 ian ae 2x 10"N ‘Ans:The gravitational force between the earth and ‘the moon is2 x10" N, free eet Ge votes Shae Es ons pas Seah nS Ny ‘Asumiog ho he aa i 1 token by St lator fe Mtoe ba ‘Ans: The mass ofthe Sun 1.963 109 ky sean EO G.Aspucerhip 10 kn ay from + mann star The greationa oes teaneen oh Calera the dance hetcen thes Frome ihe fore between theme Tree Mas im Seas 7 Mer The wot Goer Fon (h)=70N, seni . Stace) = 100m =" my, Step) Maken fonceth)=7« 10S OTe Toft — one {_sotve | Formula: P= SB Step: Based on Galetti. Fro orm, seat “ Tosind Fore) = 10m: F,= Om e i Anca ees.) vows (oy Steps: Subs Forry: Fp= Sts i fer erry } M5) Som, ' et Dividing equation (1) by (2), we have, fe Bes stp: 0” (ory a e= 2 x 10-108 Ta = 10% m= 10" km % 2 The distance between the spaceship and 8 % siaris 10 km, dra takes tower of city just Marks! ee TH Marks 534% 10 As Mahendra is sitting on the bench initial velocity is zea (u=0) neh tobe fricti From formula (i), ¥=0+534« 10701 v5.36 10 mis As Mahendra is moving wards Virat, the distance between them decreases causing an increase in gravitational force For a given mass, x b itational forse proportional 10 ration, socelerwion increases, directly As acveleration increases, the velocity Increases Ams: Mahendra’s velocity after 1 s towards Virat will bbe 5.34 « 10-* mvs and will Increase with time, +12, The gravitational foree of 733 N acts on Mahendra who has mass of 75 ke. Starting from rest, what will he Mahwndra’s velocity, after one second if he is falling down due to the gravitational force of the carth?/2 Marks} Solution: Given Initial velocity (u) = 0, foroe (F) = 733 N, Mahendra’s mass (m)* 75 kg, time (0)= 18 _To find: Velocity (v) easing the arora thee 2 Mare oxty eiOx aS Fro fom Cabs 2a Oe = 100 ‘10m Asai The elocy of the bal whee K res the pole ah ii) Thebeight othe ube Sm. “14, An object thrown vertically upwards reaches 4 height of 500m. What was its imal velocity? How long will the object take te come back to the earth? Assume ga 10m ‘uly 2019/3 Markaf Solution: Given: Height (s) = 500 m, acceleration die tw gravity (g) = 10.mist Tofind i, ‘nit velocity (a), Total ime taken Formulae: i mate Das A i sont Sat Cateutation; For upwand motion af the ball, (v) "0. vege 10m) From formal (i), Oa 24-10) x 300 w= 10000° a 100 mis For downward motion of the ball, (wed. ange 10 me

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