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In this project a LEGO excavator has been constructed using Solid Edge.

The reason why this

object was chosen is because of the movement that the arm of the excavator had, which was
perfect to move the ‘junk’. It was thought that it would be really interesting to try and
recreate this movement using Solid Edge.
The drafts of all of the parts from which this excavator is made of are included on this
document, as well as the exploded views of the subassemblies and final assembly. The
procedure followed to do this project has been the following. Firstly, the project was divided
into four different parts, one for each of the main subassemblies. These four main
subassemblies were the arm, the body and he bottom part of the excavator. The last one
consisted of 5 smaller subassemblies that were to be added to different parts of the excavator.
Each member of the group was in charge of doing the pieces, drafts and subassembly of the
part of the project that was assigned. Once all the parts and subassemblies were finished the
subassemblies were combined to create the excavator. A video was then recorded showcasing
the motion and the exploded views of the final assembly.
While doing the project it was found that some pieces were identical in shape but not in
colour. Therefore, the pieces 5, 8, 36, 43, 79, 89, 90, 92, 96 and 107 have not been created as
they are identical to the pieces 19, 20, 101, 75, 25, 60, 30, 61, 33 and 38 respectively. The
colour of these pieces was then changed while doing the assembly. In addition, pieces 1, 9,
14, 46, 110, 111 and 114 have not been created because they were not used in the assembly.
A photo showing all the pieces has been attached at the end of the introduction.
Some aspects of the procedure followed to construct the excavator could have been
improved. For instance, a more careful look of the assembly should have been given before
starting to construct the pieces. As a consequence of not paying enough attention to this,
some pieces that were already constructed had to be changed because they did not fit with
other parts. The communication between team members could have been improved as well.
Some of the pieces were part of more than one of the four main subassemblies in which the
project was divided. A lack of communication caused the same piece to be created by two
different team members on some occasions. Lastly, the measurements that were the same
between different parts should have been standardized before starting to construct the pieces.
Not doing this costed time because some parts and drafts had to be changed due to having
different measures than they should have had.
Doing this project has helped us to improve our abilities with Solid Edge. It has allowed us to
discover new features and to understand how they work. It has also helped us to gain more
fluency using this program. In addition, we have learned how to properly create a draft and
how to create them faster. It has helped us to learn how to use some of the features that Solid
Edge offers such us the sections and broken outs. Moreover, we have discovered how to give
motion to the assemblies and record videos using Solid Edge, Furthermore, we have also
learned how to properly fold the A3 sheets. But most important, this project has helped us
move the ‘junk’ and has saved us from the anger of our boss.

DISCLAIMER(read after watching the video to avoid spoilers): this has purely humoristic
purposes, we do like the Millennium Falcon and we do not think it is junk.


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