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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal

ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
(A case study at the state court of Gorontalo)

Letters and Culture Faculty, the State University of Gorontalo,
Gorontalo City, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: culture (Sumarsono and Partana, 2004:19-20).

This research aims at In other words, the science of language is not
describing the application of legal language only limited to examining the aspect of
using a forensic linguistics approach linguistics but also sees human as the main
through discourse analysis, text, speech act, supporting factor who delineate the existence of
meaning, and language style. This research a language.
applies qualitative method. This research Placing an emphasis on the importance
was conducted in the state courts of of communityï• ”‘Ž‡ as an element in the process
Gorontalo. Data were collected from verdicts of language maintenance, Gumperz, and Hymes
of the state court of Gorontalo. The (ed 1972:53) argued that the relationship
researcher selected these data using between language and social life are regarded as
literature review technique. These data the primary media to portray all human actions
were then analyzed based on the substance in both knowledge (consciously or
of the problem. Data analyses were unconsciously) and other things that enable
conducted by several steps. Verdicts were people to use language. In the study of
analyzed using 1) discourse form, 2) community and language, a lot of scopes can be
language style, and 3) speech acts. This applied as the research materials, one of which
research is of use for facilitating law is the forensic linguistics. Forensic linguistics is
enforcement officials to solve legal problems applied in analyzing the correlation between
from the language use point of view. This is language and law. One of the subdomains of
due to the unresolved issues of legal forensic linguistic study is discourse analysis.
language, thus, this research strives for In the context of discourse analysis and
helping society find truths and justice law, there are various studies of speech
through comprehensive legal evidence. interpretations in a speech situation. This is in
Keywords: Legal, Forensic Linguistics, reference to the legal language that tends to be
‡ˆ‡•†ƒ•–ï• •–ƒ–‡•‡•–, Interrogation applicative, in which the speeches delivered
Report. refer to a certain activity.
Forensic linguistics is a part of applied
INTRODUCTION: linguistics involving the relationship between
Language associated with community is language and law. This means that language is
considered as a social behavior that is used in able to be utilized as an investigative tool to help
establishing communication. Language is also resolve the legal language problems.
deemed as a social or cultural product, even it is This is crucial because law is often to be
acknowledged as an inseparable part of a the instrument to achieve the interests of a

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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
handful of intellectuals and legal apparatus who for the presence of forensic linguistics will take
occasionally twist the interpretation of the into account.
meaning of a legal product. This type of This research was conducted at the state
language that potentially contains ambiguity is courts of Gorontalo. The sites were chosen as
commonly used by people who get involved in a the research objects because it predicated on
conflict of interest in legal issues. Parties the basis of thought that the state courts are the
involving in the conflict tend to build arguments main gates in accessing the justice system.
from gaps in meaning that can be drawn into
various interpretations. LITERATURE REVIEW:
The legal language has varying Bhatia (1983 and 1993) applied theories
interpretations in accordance with the needs of of Simplication and Easification on legal English
the people. Every person is able to interpret the text. This research is entitled Simplification and
law based on what is understood and what logic Easification The Case of Legal Texts and
intends to be constructed. This is due to the fact Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional
that law is quite open and permissive to various Settings.
meanings. Meanwhile, this totally defies the Bhatiaï• ”‡•‡ƒ”…Š uses techniques of
concept of law that has certainty in meaning as easification devices. This technique can be
well as having no multiple interpretations. As applied to help readers understand the legal
stated by Hadikusuma (1992:2-3), legal English texts with ease.
language is the language of rules and Butt, Petter, and Castle, Richard (2006)
regulations aiming to actualize order and justice outlined the features of Anglo-Saxon (USA) legal
of protecting the public and personal interests texts in their research entitled ò ‘™ –‘ ”ƒˆ–
in a community thus it requires the application ‘†‡”• ‡š–•ëóä These features include the use
of mono-semantics. of formal language, document structure,
Language is a fundamental element in punctuation, tables, notes, summaries,
the study of law. This notion appears in the first ambiguities, pronouns, special terms, word
place since law either the legislation or legal ‡•’Šƒ•‹• ‘• †ï ƒ•† î‘”áï criminal elucidation,
document forms is authentic of the linguistic and conclusions. In addition, this research also
product. This is simply because there is a examines the external factors influencing the
juridical way of thinking in the legal language. legal texts. These factors cover the mixed
To put it another way, law is enacted above the language, customary law concept, and the
logic of a language. Based on this logic, the central government intervention.
formulations of law are perceived as tools of Djatmika et al. (1999) conducted similar
justice in favor of regulating •‘…‹‡–›ï• ˜ƒŽ—‡ ƒ•† research in Indonesian legal texts with a title
behavior socially as well as enabling them to ò –”ƒ–‡‰‹ ‡•ƒŠƒ•‹ ‡•• —•—•ã ‡„—ƒŠ
have a definite legal reference. Pendekatan Sistemik Fungsionaläó This research
The importance of legal language, as well applies a systemic functional approach to
as its interpretations constructed on top of the examine what aspects of language inflict the
language, has inspired the researcher to Indonesian legal texts to be complicated and
conduct research in the field of forensic disheveled. Based on the findings, they set out
linguistics. Therefore, if at all times the some strategies to understand the analyzed
investigation of a legal case receives more texts with ease.
attention than the results, perhaps it is now time The other review is a research of
Djatmika ‡– ƒŽä trrs ‡•–‹–Ž‡† ò ‡•—†ƒŠƒ•

252 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
Teks Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata: markers, functions of language style in a legal
‡„—ƒŠ •ƒŽ‹•‹• ƒ…ƒ•ƒóä Š‹• ”‡•‡ƒ”…Š also text, and how the application of stylistic features
strives for formulating easification techniques helps achieve effective communication in a legal
to overcome the transactional texts in the text. Furthermore, the analysis result
Indonesian civil code. The next easification underscores the elements of graphological,
technique is through seeing how those cohesive lexical, and syntaxis. The research result reveals
devices are used in Indonesian legal texts. Based that the language of a legal document possesses
on the discourse analysis stressing on cohesion several unique features that are different from
usage, the formulation of easification strategy is other types of language. The uniqueness lies in
presented in further research of Djatmika the implementation of terminology, complex
(2003) with a title ò ‘Š‡•‹ ‡•• —•—• sentences, and straightforward language.
Berbahasa Indonesia: Sebuah Upaya Saifullah, Aceng Ruhandi (2009), in his
‡•—†ƒŠƒ• †‡•‰ƒ• •ƒŽ‹•‹• ƒ…ƒ•ƒó research entitled Analisis Linguistik Forensik
Holdsworth, Judith L (2013), in his Terhadap Tindak Tutur yang Berdampak
research entitled ò •‰Ž‹•Š ‡‰ƒŽ ƒ•‰—ƒ‰‡ ƒ•† Hukum (studi kasus di Polres Bandung)
‡”•‹•‘Ž‘‰›ó depicts the difference of text discussed the correlation of language and law.
structure of verdicts in the USA and England. This research shows that the study of forensic
The text form of a verdict in the USA comprises linguistics functions as the study of language in
of the name of verdict, name of the court, date of legal texts. As a result, Saifullah succeeded to
verdict, citation, introduction containing a brief solve trademark and intellectual property
description of the case, name of judges who disputes through semantic analysis. He was also
delivered the verdict, indictment, judicial able to analyze the quashing through pragmatic
opinion, judgment, considerations, and analysis using interrogation transcription
decipherment of each judge opinion. In contrast, records.
the text form of a verdict in England is Stanojevic, Maja (2011), in her article
ambiguous, tautological, using Middle English ‡•–‹–Ž‡† ò ‡‰ƒŽ English Šƒ•‰‹•‰ ‡”•’‡…–‹˜‡ó
words, terms, and occasionally inserting French explained the England legal text that
terms that are not commonly known. encompasses the use of old English, exaggerated
Mattila, Heikki (2006), in his research synonyms, obscured meanings, and long
entitled ò A Characteris–‹…• ‘ˆ ‡‰ƒŽ ‡š–ó sentences in passive form. She then set out some
mentioned characteristics of western legal text of the solutions to make both legal documents
that is accurate, informative, universal, and texts simpler and easier through creating
systematic, formal, solemn, using initials and stylistic markers in certain parts of the texts.
acronyms along with the application of legal These parts are the materials of indictments,
terms. In outlining the accuracy factor of a legal judicial opinion, and verdict.
text, Mattila emphasizes the writing models Williams, Christopher (2004), in his
which are concise, gives meaning and research entitled ò ‡‰ƒŽ •‰Ž‹•Š ƒ•† Žƒ‹•
attestation of the officials. He also emphasizes ƒ•‰—ƒ‰‡ã ƒ• •–”‘†—…–‹‘•ó illustrated the main
the universal feature that consists of the use of characteristics of England legal texts that
hypothesis, judicial opinion, and metaphor. consist of having long and complex sentences;
Nawaz, Naveed (2013) conducted tautology; using old English and Latin. In
research with a titleò ƒ•‰—ƒ‰‡ ‘ˆ ƒ™ã –ylistic addition, he pointed out that the England legal
Analysis of A Legal Documentäó The research text is supposed to be changed and follows
problem focuses on identifying stylistic •‘…‹‡–›ï• …—””‡•– •‘…‹ƒŽ …‘•†‹–‹‘••ä Š‹• ‹•

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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
important for the public to understand the legal The purposive sampling is intended to
text favorably. show the verdict from all kinds of criminal acts
Witczak, Iwona (2009), in research such as premeditated murder, vandalism,
entitled ò ‹•‰—‹•–‹…-Pragmatic Note on humiliation, mistreatment, death due to
Indeterminacy in Legal Languageó defined that negligence, decency, and corruption. These
language in the legal text is a linguistic verdicts represent the elements of tort under
vagueness. Techniques of the vagueness use the category of a criminal act.
codes and semiotics that are dominant in legal From the collected data, the researcher
language. Witczak stated that the legal language selected data using literature review technique.
is purposely vagued in order to be only The literature review is to utilize the written
understood by the users in the field. This is in sources in obtaining data (Subroto, 2007:47).
accordance with the use of esoteric language in The reason for this is that verdicts in a criminal
which specific language is used for certain case, the source of the data, are formed in
purpose i.e., the use of legal language. written texts.
Based on the previous studies either Data are then analyzed based on the
from the language analysis, legal text, or substance of the problem. Data analyses were
terminology, this dissertation has its own conducted by several steps. Verdicts were
distinct approach that lies in the analysis of analyzed using 1) discourse form, 2) language
specific text structure and the use of local style, and 3) speech acts
language variations in the verdict content, Additionally, in examining the language
which basically uses varieties of formal disorder, researcher essentially demands for
language. second opinion. Therefore, nonlinguistic
aspects are conducted and analyzed,
METHODOLOGY: particularly interviewing judges, attorneys,
The research applies qualitative method. legal advisors, law professors, and legal
This research aims to discover an in-depth practitioners.
scientific truth of the research object in order to The results of data analysis are in the
obtain an accurate result (Muhadjir, 1990:60). form of rules identified in the analysis. These
The research was conducted in the state are also related to the research problems
courts of Gorontalo, namely, the state court of including discourse structure, language
Gorontalo City, the state court of Limboto, the variation, speech act, coherence, and cohesion,
state court of Boalemo District, and the state along with the characteristics of legal language
court Pohuwato District. in criminal verdicts. These rules are presented
The research began with data collection. in a narrative with detailed sentences.
Data were collected from verdicts of the state
court of Gorontalo city (IB class), the state court DISCUSSION
of Gorontalo district (IB class), the state court Discourse form on criminal case verdict in
Boalemo District (IIA class), and the state court the state court of Gorontalo:
of Pohuwato district (IIA class). The selection of The discussion of a verdict structure is
the area in both cities and districts, apart from inseparably linked with the special
seeing variations of the language use, is aimed characteristic of legal language. The legal
to have representation for data sources based language tends to have a distinct feature from
on class divisions in each court. ordinary language. This signifies that the legal
language is not only formed by the inherent

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JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
regulatory function as its main characteristic analysis is intended to find out the purpose of
but also the composition of the language is using a language. In discourse analysis, the
constructed from systematic and structure has wholeness that is constructed by
comprehensive flow of thoughts. intertwined components in a discourse
Systematic and comprehensive are organization. This organization is called a
shown from a whole idea outlined, starting from discourse structure (Rani et al., 2006: 25).
the topic selection, introduction, content, Therefore, discourse structure is supposed to
conclusion to becoming a product of rules. This have a relevant concept where all parts bind to
might be something that we rarely find in other one another. Halliday and Hasan (1994:2) also
languages which are value-free. Ordinary added that a series of sentences could be
language puts more emphasis on the substance, categorized as a discourse structure if there is
resulting in other problems such as context- an emotional and meaningful correlation among
dependency of the speech participants and all segments. This indicates that each element in
speech situations. discourse should be aligned to one another
An analysis of the language use in a text either the form or the meaning of the sentence.
i.e., a verdict in criminal case, Brown, and Yule Halliday and Hasan (1994: 65) reinforced it by
(1996:1) defined that discourse analysis is an stating that discourse structure is the language
analysis of the language use. Language is units with the wholeness of meaning and is
examined based on the objective of the language practical and situational. This may be inferred
needs. Meanwhile, Charty (1997:5) explained that every unit in discourse structure not only
that discourse analysis is related to the study of has relevancy in meaning but also should be
relationship between language and language functional and contextual.
use context. This means that discourse analysis The functional and contextual discourse
is a study of text and context, in which both text structure is divided into three main sections;
and context serve as a study tool to analyze those are opening, content, and closing
discourse. Similarly, Fasold (1993:65) proposed (Tarigan, 1993:31). The opening section
several things that can be done in discourse outlines the introduction of the text, the content
analysis i.e., text analysis with its situations. In section describes the substance of the text, and
this instance, discourse analysis demands both the closing section contains conclusions of the
text and context. text.
The problems of context and text also Specifically, in the discourse structure of
received attention by Halliday and Hasan a verdict in the state court of Gorontalo, the
(1994:13). They argued that text is a functioning opening section consist of the letterhead,
language; a language that is recognizable when †‡ˆ‡•†ƒ•–ï• complete identity, time and
operates specific task for a particular context. It officialï• •ƒ•‡ of detainment, and prosecuting
implies that the text exists because of the attorney. The content section contains
context; conversely, a context is able to be ’”‘•‡…—–‘”ï• ‹•†‹…–•‡•–á ™‹–•‡•• –‡•–‹•‘•›á
identified from the presence of the text. defendƒ•– •–ƒ–‡•‡•–•á Œ—†‰‡ï• …‘••‹†‡”ƒ–‹‘•á
The primary goal in discourse analysis is and hearing statement. Lastly, the closing
to find out the information instead of rules. This •‡…–‹‘• …‘˜‡”• Œ—†‰‡ï• •ƒ•‡ ƒ•† ’‘•‹–‹‘•ä
was highlighted by Rani et al. (2006:16), in The discourse structure of a criminal
which they stated that discourse analysis tends case verdict functions as a framework in
not to precisely formulate the rules as in conceptualizing the verdict coherently. One way
grammatical form. This means that discourse is by creating a group of variables which are

255 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
treated as one integrated unit rather than a requirements in text analysis. First, the text
separated entity. Hence, the final result of a must have similarities with language speech.
verdict can be perceived as a text that forms a Second, the text must be different. Third, the
unified whole. text must present a variety of phenomena of
language use. Lastly, the text must fit the exact
Language Style of a criminal case verdict in size, in other words, it must meet the
the state court of Gorontalo: quantitative standard analysis of linguistic
Coupland (2007:7) explained that phenomena. These four requirements become
language style is associated with a language the standardized rules to perform an analysis of
system and language change in a group of the language changes in a text. The fulfillment of
people. This is closely related to the existence of those important elements will make the process
language development in society that is of identifying language variations more relevant
metamorphosing as the evolution of human and accurate.
civilization. A product text, the criminal case verdict,
Furthermore, Coupland (2007:16) cited in the state court of Gorontalo is found the use
that language style begins with an agreement to of several language styles. For instance, the use
produce statistical values (the percentage of of formal language, complete sentences, local
people using certain language in a certain language phrases, and specific lexicon of legal
situation) in representing linguistic variation terms.
pattern. This concept puts emphasis on
agreements made by a particular group of Speech Act of criminal case verdict in the
people to create language variety to be used by State court of Gorontalo:
their own group. Characteristics of the speech language in
On the one hand, Holmes (1992:207) Indonesian legal system and other countries
explained that the occurrence of language style which adhere to civil law system not only lie in
is due to situational factors such as people, configuration of values, principles, and dogmas
places, topics, and problems. This statement can but also form as utterances that have a
be linked with human creativity in creating a communicative function. It is because law is
new language that is different from other ’‡”…‡‹˜‡† ƒ• ƒ †‡˜‹…‡ –Šƒ– ”‡‰—Žƒ–‡• ’‡‘’Ž‡ï•
varieties. This creativity will always continue behavior and ensures certainty in a problem.
along the way that enables social environment Utterances with communicative function
evolving with a new perspective. in a legal speech that work as the speech acts are
In the same way, Halliday (1984: 195- found in the law and some other legal
196) stated that variations in the language use documents i.e., a verdict. The importance of
will most likely improve if the numbers communicative function has made the legal
continue to grow in accordance with the practitioners discuss this topic in open
development of the field that fits it. This means discussion when conducting in-depth studies
that the potential of language varieties about the issues of language and law.
development is wide open along the The legal language admittedly receives
development of science. greater attention from people in the field since
In regards to the language style, it upholds a juridical way of thinking concept.
Scheneider (In Chambers et al., 2003:52) Moreover, the utterances of legal thoughts, in
related it to text analysis applied in identifying general, cannot be interpreted by the definition
variations of language. He mentioned several only since it can lead to another activity as well.

256 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
The similar existence of speech Instrumentalities, Norm, and Genre. These eight
disorientation often triggers problems in the components are the requirements for
implementation of a legal product. Type of performing the speech event.
speech that potentially contains ambiguity is Some components of the speech event
commonly used by people who get involved in a are outlined as the forming elements of a verdict
conflict of interest in legal issues. Parties in a criminal case. Moreover, the most used
involving in the conflict tend to build arguments types of speech act in a verdict of the state court
from gaps in meaning that can be drawn into of Gorontalo are the speech acts of commissive,
various interpretations. verdictive, and excersitive. These three types of
In the speech acts study, the speech act are found in almost all sections of the
illocutionary act becomes the major part among verdicts.
other speech acts. The illocutionary act is the
most frequently act used in legal documents, CONCLUSION:
including the criminal case verdict in the state Discourse in criminal case verdict is
court of Gorontalo. known as a correlation of text and context in
According to Searle (1969), illocutionary language use. This means that discourse
is divided into five speech forms that have a analysis is a study of a text and all that relates to
communicative function. These five types are it. It implies that the text exists because of the
assertive, directive, expressive, declarative, and context; conversely, a context is able to be
commissive. Furthermore, Jaszcolt (2002:301) identified from the presence of the text.
added two more types, namely, verdictive and Context identification is done through
excersitive. comprehensively understanding the text. This
Wijana (1996 : 30-32) divided speech may encompass the content, form, purpose, and
acts into two types, those are direct speech act participant. In addition, location of the created
and indirect speech act. A direct speech act is a text should be taken into account, including the
formal speech based on the mode that verdict in the criminal case issued by the
conventionally used. For instance, an utterance judiciary.
in news is used to provide information, an The contents of the verdict in the
utterance in question is used to ask for criminal case are constructed from an organized
information, and utterance in command is used framework, which means all things are detailed
for an order, persuasion, requests, or and complete. In this instance, the problem not
solicitation. On the contrary, if utterance in only focuses on the substance but also the
command is uttered with news or question way composition of well-structured sentences. As a
aiming to politely speak so that the listener does result, the texts of criminal case verdict are
not feel making him/her do something, it is systematically and coherently arranged.
called the indirect speech act. Principally, the The coherence of sentences in a text is
difference between direct speech act and shown through the formality correlation of one
indirect speech act are the way in utterance idea and another in a continuous flow of
delivery. thinking. Hence, the final result is to
On the other hand, Hymes (in Chaer, conceptualize the codification of a verdict. This
2004:48) pointed out that the speech event has given predominant characteristics in the
must fulfill eight components. The components legal documents in countries adhering to a civil
are abbreviated to SPEAKING, which stands for law system where these types of verdict
Setting, Participant, End, Act, Key,

257 | P a g e
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN No: 2581 - 4230
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 6, June -2020
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