Ensay Weekend

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Name: Dany Guzmán

Rodríguez Date: 03-12-2022


I and brother enjoyed the weekend whit cooks my mother she cooks delicius for we
everyone. I and my brother likes her food my mother is very funny while is cooking.
We likes eats rice with meals and salad of the tomatoe and onion and we drinks a oran
juice in the breakfast , luch and dinner we love the oran juice.

After I do go to Works I the weekend on day Saturday for the tomorrow I go up and
next breakfast my brekfast consisted in, two eggs, one cup of coffe , two bread , one
apple and Orange juice . later I enlisted to go to work for my work I carried shoes and
and Tshirt . I entered to work at 7:30 am and I go out at 5:00 pm. My work consists in
assistant of cook.

In the ening at the enda work I returns a my house, generality i my mother and my
brother we meet for speakes of we day speaks until it 9:00 pm. Later each go to sleeps
in each room for on Monday to go a study and my mother Will go to work.

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