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TITLE: Project Kara-Basa (Karaoke-Basa): A Reading Program

Initiative to Increase Reading Fluency and Mastery Among

Grade 3 Learners in Glicerio A. Lim IS

I. Context and Rationale

Reading is a fundamental skill that is necessary for a child's academic

success. Being able to read proficiently allows students to access and

understand information from a wide range of texts, which is crucial for learning

in all subject areas. Furthermore, reading is a key component of language

development, and it is essential for communication and social interaction.

Additionally, reading is a lifelong skill that is necessary for personal growth,

self-expression, and access to information in the modern world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the reading

performance of learners in our school. Based on reading inventory in this

school year, data reveals in Grade 3 Emerald a declining number of

independent readers and an increasing number of slow readers. This result is

quite alarming and needs immediate intervention.

The school implemented reading programs introduced by the division

office like Marungko and Fuller Approach to bridge the reading gaps of the

pupils; however, reading fluency and comprehension remain a challenge due

to a lack of follow-up and guidance from parents and the learners’ poor

reading habits. The research proponent likes to explore unique techniques to

increase pupils’ enthusiasm for reading, reading fluency and reading

comprehension. This reading project shall be called, “Project Kara-Basa

(Karaoke-Basa)”. This is a teacher-guided reading project to enhance

learners’ fluency in reading while enjoying singing their favorite songs and

recognizing the lyrics of the song.

II. Action Research Questions

This study will attempt to answer the following questions:

1. What is the reading status of Grade 3 Emerald in School Year 2022-2023.

2. Will the reading program initiative (Project Kara-Basa) increase the reading

fluency and comprehension of Grade 3 Learners?

3. Is there a significant improvement of the Pre-test Reading Inventory to Post

Test Reading Inventory?

III. Innovation and Strategy

Based on the Phil IRI Pretest result of this school year (2022-2023), the
Grade 3 Emerald class has a total of 13 struggling readers out of 30 pupils, both in
English and Filipino. This implies that the result is alarming because almost half of
the pupils are struggling readers.
In accordance with the Department of Education’s Reading Recovery Plan,
the proponent wishes to decrease or eliminate the number of struggling readers and
increase the number of instructional and independent readers in the upcoming Phil
IRI Posttest.
To address the reading problem, the proponent proposes the conduct of
this project, entitled “Project Kara-Basa (Karaoke-Basa): A Reading Program
Initiative to Increase Reading Fluency and Mastery Among Grade 3 learners in
Glicerio A.Lim Sr. Integrated School”. The strategy uses karaoke as a tool to build
and enhance reading behaviors such as fluency and motivation for struggling
Music provides opportunities for learners who experience difficulty with
reading to think and learn through another language that is repetitive, melodious and
emotional. The use of music in the classroom may make the entire learning process
more enjoyable and can stimulate “right brain” learning as mentioned by (Gipe,
2002), who studied reading power through singing. There is a progressive piece of
evidence that the arts can suggestively reinforce pupils’ reading skills (Gardiner,, 1996). The conveyance of music and text provides a stimulating experience
to the child in learning reading skills.

Features of karaoke that are relevant in teaching reading skills

Karaoke is a music video with text lyrics on screen. The typical purpose of
karaoke is to provide lyrics to sing along with the melody, with the text lyrics
corresponding to the melody highlighted as the music progresses. Thus, karaoke
provides audiovisual, and textual information at the same time. We can also
view karaoke songs with visuals and lyrics. Hubbard et al. (1993:92) listed the
following arguments in favor of using songs in language teaching for all age groups,
which also can be considered as arguments in favor of karaoke.
- Songs increase motivation to learn a language because by learning a song,
learners feel a sense of achievement.

- Songs give learners intensive practice in selected patterns but without


- Songs are memorable for learners, as is the language practiced in them.

- Songs can give learners pronunciation practice.

- Singing songs is a group activity that helps bring the group together and
breaks down the barrier that prevents learners from learning a language

How Karaoke Can Help Struggling Readers?

Why is karaoke an effective strategy for helping young children build their
language processing skills:
 Following along with the words, and training the brain to say them aloud with
the music, fosters language retention and production. Children must learn
to both read and process the words thoroughly enough to speak them nearly
simultaneously. This process can help rewire the brain to improve processing
accuracy and speed.

 The music is encouraging, not embarrassing. When asked to read aloud,

struggling children can often be embarrassed in front of their peers. Rather
than discourage children with a negative association of reading and speaking,
the music aspect of karaoke allows children to have fun. They are encouraged
to speak with the beat, and they enjoy the result of making music.

 It relieves the pressure. No one’s reading, speaking and singing skills are
perfect, and this becomes evident to anyone experiencing karaoke,
regardless of reading ability. Struggling readers can feel more freedom to
make mistakes when they see their peers do the same in karaoke and still
enjoy themselves.
 Children can learn at their own pace with karaoke. They can choose to
perfect one song or try out several to find their favorites. This can reveal a
child’s learning style, helping parents and teachers work more effectively to
improve language processing skills.

Modified Karaoke Instructional Techniques in Reading

(The teacher can use any of these techniques which he/ she finds effective to her
1.Choral Karaoke- Using Smart television or projector and projection screen, the
words can be displayed on the screen as pupils sing along. It is like Choral Reading
with words displayed on the screen. (If a learner has difficulty keeping up with the
pace of the displayed text, the teacher will select a lead singer, so that the lead
singer will sing along first and the learner trails behind singing aloud the same text.
(Reviewing the words first on paper before attempting karaoke reading is also

2.Repeated Reading Karaoke- Distribute scripted hard copies of the songs to the
readers. Have pupils review and practice reading the lyrics prior to using Karaoke.
Sometimes phrases in the monitor display move at a faster pace with no control on
pacing. Thus, having a hard copy and prior reading the text helps pupils familiarize
themselves with the songs. Once they become familiar with the lyrics or text, have
them sing along using karaoke. Let pupils practice singing the song aloud from the
hard copy. Once they become comfortable with the song. They will use the karaoke
to sing along as the lines flashed by. Also, if the lines are flashed at a faster pace
where it cannot be regulated (i.e, for songs with faster tempo) then the hard copy
comes in handy. Reading begets reading. With more practice, pupils develop
fluency. Fluency benefits of learners own repeated readings of a text have been well
documented (Dowhower, 1994). Children who have reading difficulties, repeated
reading practice significantly improves oral reading rate, accuracy and
comprehension (Rasinski, 1990, Young et al. 1990)

Kara-Basa Grade 3 Teacher


Fig 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

The illustration above is just the basic concept conceived in the mind of the

proponent that focus learners’ achievement on reading through the implementation

of the Kara-Basa Program which the proponent believes as one of the multiple

strategies to upskill the level of literacy in the Grade 3 class.

IV. Action Research Methods

A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The study will be conducted in Lala North District, Glicerio A. Lim IS

specifically in the Grade 3 class, comprised of 13 identified slow readers this SY

2022-2023. Research participants will undergo pre-test and post-test reading

inventory in both English and Filipino using the standard template of Phil-IRI.

B. Data Gathering Methods

The Quantitative method will be used in determining the learner’s outcomes in

reading between the pre and the post test reading inventory using the Phil-IRI

template. This template gives exact accumulated words per minute per pupil and

automated analysis of reading performance in both fluency and comprehension.

C. Data Analysis Plan

In particular, the researcher will use T-Test to analyze the quantitative

outcome of the study. The T-Test will essentially allow the researchers to compare

the average values of the two sets of data. These data are from the collected data of

the post and pre-test results this SY 2022-2023.

Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Table 1 below shows the work plan and timeliness in conducting this research.
A. Before the
 Drafting a Proposal January 13 -24, 2020 Researchers
 Presentation of Researchers
Proposal Division Research
January 31, 2020
SGOD Chief
 Finalizing Proposal February 10 -14, 2020 Researchers
 Submission of
March 9-13, 2020 Researchers
Proposal for Approval
 Drafting of
March 16-20, 2020 Researchers
B. During the
 Online distribution of
Questionnaire on
Conventional Method August 17-18, 2020 Researchers
of Reporting through
Google Forms

 Tabulation of
Responses August 19 - 20, 2020 Researchers

 Implementation of an August 24 - November Researchers

Intervention 27, 2020
 Orientation of the
School ICT August 28 to 30, Researchers, School ICT
Coordinator and 2020 Coordinators & School
School Heads Heads

 Online distribution of
Questionnaire through December 1, 2020 Researchers
Google Forms

 Tabulation of
December 14, 2020 Researchers
 Virtual interview with
the School ICT Researchers, School ICT
Coordinator and the December 16, 2020 Coordinators & School
School head Heads

V. Cost Estimates
Table 2 below shows the cost estimates of the research that will be conducted.

3 - Day Training
Workshop of
and School 34-pack
pax 360.00 12,240.00
Heads in 3 lunch/2 snacks
following the
Guidelines of
A4 bond Paper 4 ream 280.00 2,240.00
Envelope 40 pc 5.50 220.00
Pencil 40 pc 5.00 200
Ballpen 2 pc 15.00 30
Printer Ink
4 tube 330.00 1,320.00
(Epson Refill)
Designing Web
3000.00 3,000.00
(WIFIload for 3
Maintenance & 3000.00 3,000.00
Binding Fee 20 50.00 1000
Total 23,050.00

VI. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

Should this action research proposal merit the approval of the Schools

Division Superintendent, these proponents will disseminate it within Lala North

District through orientation and workshop for school heads and school ICT

coordinators on the mechanics of Project LaNDO. Thereafter, the said proponents

will cascade their learnings and skills pertaining to this proposed innovation to fellow

teachers in their respective stations. Web links will be posted on all active social

media platforms upon the project’s full implementation all over Lala North District.

VII. References

DepEd Order No. 2, s. 2015, Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of

the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS)

Prepared by:

Teacher III

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