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End of Chapter Exercises: Answer the following:

1. What is meant by “Complaints are gifts?”

 A complaint is a gift. Without complaints the organization will not have a sufficient
knowledge about how many customers are dissatisfied and why. Without insight into
customers’ perception, the organization can not react on time. Without complaints the
organization may not survive.

2. Explain the illustration below on the components of an effective service recovery system in the

 Service recovery is an umbrella term for systematic efforts by a firm to correct a

problem following a service failure and retain a customer’s goodwill. Service recovery
efforts play a crucial role in achieving customer satisfactions in every organization,
things may occur that have a negative impact on its relationships with customer.
Effective service recovery requires thoughtful procedures for resolving problems and
handling disgruntled customers. It is crucial for firms to have effective recovery
strategies, because even a single service problem can destroy a customer’s confidence
in a firm under the following conditions: the failure is totally outrageous (for instance,
blatant dishonesty on the part of the supplier). The problem fits a pattern of failure
rather than being an isolated incident. The recovery efforts are weak, serving to
compound the original problem rather than correct it.

3. Make a script of a customer service/complaint and follow the service recovery process.
 Apology
Frames customer’s perceptions and paves the way to recovery
Analyze Customer Journeys to find out what could go wrong

 Urgent Reinstatement
Choose your approach
Quick action to correct or remove problem

 Empathy
Employee understanding and responsiveness

 Symbolic Atonement
Tangible evidence of organization’s willingness to take responsibility

 Follow-up
Evaluate recovery plan


An issue you’re bound to run into, no matter how well operated your hotel is, are issues that
your customers experience with your staff. These problems can range from complaints regarding their
attitude, not feeling like they’re doing everything they can, etc. this is a tricky area to maneuver because
you don’t want to make the mistake of alienating your employees in an effort to please the customer,
but you also want the customer to feel like their concerns are being heard.

 Apology- listen intently to the customer’s complaint while apologizing on behalf of the
business and working to come to a resolution that you both can agree on.

 Urgent Reinstatement-

ACTIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE- informing the customer as soon as a problem

comes to light and telling them how you’ll handle it.

 Empathy- Employee should take the responsibility of what had happened and apologize
to the customer.

 Symbolic Atonement- offer free amenities on behalf of the organization.

 Follow Up- recovery efforts should be genuine and thoughtful to reduce customer
dissatisfaction. Begin by offering the customer a sincere apology to start the recovery
process. After this, service delivery is all about solving their issue and making sure you’re
able to regain their trust.

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