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Linear Algebra
Handout No. 1
Systems of Linear Equations

Recall that in two dimensions a line in a rectangular xy  coordinate system

can be represented by an equation of the form
ax  by  c ( a, b not both 0)
and in three dimensions a plane in a rectangular xyz  coordinate system can be
represented by an equation of the form

ax  by  cz  d ( a, b, c not all 0)
These are examples of “linear equations,” the first being a linear equation in the
variables x and y and the second a linear equation in the variables x, y and z . More
generally, we define a linear equation in the n variables x1, x2 , x3 ,..., xn to be one that

can be expressed in the form

a1x1  a2 x2  a3 x3  ...  an xn  b (1)

where a1, a2 , a3 ,..., an and b are constants, and the a ' s are not all zero.

In the special cases where n  2 or n  3 , we will often use variables without

subscripts and write linear equations as
a1x  a2 y  b ( a1, a2 not both 0) (2)

a1x  a2 y  a3 z  b ( a1, a2 , a3 not all 0) (3)

In the special case where b  0 , Equation (1) has the form

a1x1  a2 x2  a3 x3  ...  an xn  0 (4)

which is called a homogeneous linear equation in the variables x1, x2 , x3 ,..., xn .

Observe that a linear equation does not involve any products or roots of
variables. All variables occur only to the first power and do not appear, for example,
as arguments of trigonometric, logarithmic, or exponential functions. The following
are linear equations:
i. x  3y  7
ii. x  y  3z  7

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
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iii. x1  2x2  3x4  x4  0

The following are not linear equations:
iv. x  3y2  4
v. sin x  y  0
vi. 3x  2 y  xy  5
vii. x1  2 x2  x3  1

A finite set of linear equations is called a system of linear equations or, more
briefly, a linear system. The variables are called unknowns. Here are some examples
of a system of linear equations in two and three variables:
x  2 y  z 1
2 x  y  5 
i.  iv. 2 x  3 y  4 z  3
 x  4 y  7 3x  6 y  3z  4

 x  3y  2z  0
3x  y  1 
ii.  v. 2 x  4 z  4
 x  2 y  9 4 x  6 y  4

 x  2 y  3z  1

iii.  x  2 y  z  13
3x  2 y  5 z  3

A general linear system of m equations in the n unknowns x1, x2 , x3 ,..., xn can be

written as:
a x  a x  a x    a x  b
 11 1 12 2 13 3 1n n 1
a x  a x  a x    a x  b
 21 1 22 2 23 3 2n n 2

a31x1  a32 x2  a33 x3    a3n xn  b3 (7)

    

am1x1  am 2 x2  am3 x3    amn xn  bm

A solution of a system is an assignment of values for the variables that makes

each equation in the system true. To solve a system means to find out all solutions of
the system. For example the system
2 x  y  5

 x  4 y  7

has the solution x  3 and y  1 and the system

4 x  8 y  4 z  4

3x  8 y  5z  11
2 x  y  12 z  17

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
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has the solution x  3 , y  1 and z  2 .

These solutions can be written more succinctly as
(3,1) and (3,1, 2)
in which the names of the variables are omitted. This notation allows us to interpret
these solutions geometrically as points in two-dimensional and three-dimensional
More generally, a solution
x1  s1 , x2  s2 , x3  s3 , xn  sn
of a linear system in n unknowns can be written as

 s1, s2 , s3,..., sn 
which is called an ordered n-tuple. With this notation it is understood that all
variables appear in the same order in each equation. If n  2 , then the n-tuple is
called an ordered pair, and if n  3 , then it is called an ordered triple.

Linear systems in two unknowns arise in connection with intersections of lines. For
example, consider the linear system
a x b y  c
 1 1 1
a x b y  c
 2 2 2

inwhich the graphs of the equations are lines in the xy  plane. Each solution ( x, y) of
this system corresponds to a point of intersection of the lines, so there are three

(Figure 1.1.1)

1. The lines may be parallel and distinct, in which case there is no intersection and
Consequently no solution.
2. The lines may intersect at only one point, in which case the system has exactly one
Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
Page 4 of 9

3. The lines may in which case there are infinitely many points of intersection (the
points on the common line) and consequently infinitely many solutions.

Methods of Solving Systems of Linear Equations

A. Substitution Method
In substitution method we start with one equation in the system and solve for
one variable in terms of the other variable. The following describes the procedure:
1. Solve for One Variable. Choose one equation in the system and solve for
one variable in terms of the other variable.
2. Substitute. Substitute the expression you found in Step 1 into the other
equation to get an equation in one variable, then solve for that variable.
3. Back-Substitute. Substitute the value you found in Step 2 back into the
expression found in Step 1 to solve for the remaining variable.

B. Elimination Method
To solve a system using the elimination method, we try to combine the
equations using sums or difference so as to eliminate one of the variables.
1. Adjust the Coefficients. Multiply one or more of the equations by
appropriate numbers so that the coefficient of one variable in one equation is the
negative of its coefficient in the other equation.
2. Add the Equations. Add the two equations to eliminate one variable,
then solve for the remaining variable.
3. Back-substitute. Substitute the value that you found in Step 2 back into
one of the original equations, and solve for the remaining variable.

Examples. Find all the solutions of the given system.

2 x  y  1
1. 
3x  4 y  14

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
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3x  2 y  14
2. 
 x  2 y  2

 x  2 y  3z  1

3.  x  2 y  z  13
3x  2 y  5 z  3

x  2 y  z 1

4.  y  2z  5
z  3

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
Page 6 of 9

1. A Linear System with One Solution

Solve the linear system.
3x  y  0

i. 
5 x  2 y  22

x  2 y  z 1

ii.   x  3 y  3z  4
2 x  3 y  z  10

2. A Linear System with No Solution

Solve the linear system.
8 x  2 y  5

iii. 
12 x  3 y  7

 x  2 y  2z  1

iv. 2 x  2 y  z  6
3x  4 y  3z  5

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
Page 7 of 9

3. A Linear System with Infinitely Many Solutions

Solve the linear system.
3x  6 y  12

v. 
4 x  8 y  16

 x  y  5 z  2

vi. 2 x  y  4 z  2
2 x  4 y  2 z  8

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
Page 8 of 9

Activity 1
A. Find the complete solution set of the given linear system, or show that it is
3x  y  3
1. 
2 y  6 x  1

x  y  z  0

2.  y  2 z  2
x  y  z  2

x  y  z  4

3. 2 y  x  1
 x  y  2 z  5

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,
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x  2 y  z 1

4. 2 x  3 y  4 z  3
3x  6 y  3z  4

x  y  z  w  0

x  y  2 z  2w  0
5. 
 2 x  2 y  3z  4w  1
2 x  3 y  4 z  5w  2

Falvo, D.C., Larson R., (2009). Elementary linear algebra. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Anton, H., Rorres C., (2014). Elementary linear algebra, Applied versions. Danvers, MA. Quad Graphics/Versailles.
Redlin, L., Stewart J., Watson, S., (2012). Stewart’s algebra and trigonometry. Pasig City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd,

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