Guide To Lung Sounds

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Ronchi (Rattles) Stridor

• Continuous, low-pitched, • Continuous, high-pitched wheezing
coarse, rattling sound sometimes described as “musical”
• Heard on both inhalation and • Mostly inspiratory but may be
exhalation heard on exhalation
• Usually caused by a blockage or • Caused by disrupted airflow, croup,
secretions in upper airway infection, or a foreign object
• Location: trachea & bronchi • Location: trachea & bronchi

Wheezing Rales (Crackles)

• High-pitched ex- • Discontinuous bubbling/

piratory noise; popping that may sound

may be heard similar to pulling apart
without a stetho- velcro
scope • Heard on inhalation

• Caused by nar- and can be further de-

rowed airways scribed as coarse, fine,
• Associated with moist, or dry
asthma and COPD • May be caused by col-

• Location: throughout entire lung lapsed airways and/or alveoli

“popping open”
• Location: lower lobes
Pleural Friction Rubs
• Low-pitched, grating, or creaking heard during exhalation
• Caused by inflamed pleural surfaces rubbing against each other
• Location: usually localized to small area

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