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Schools Division Office of Albay

Polangui South district

Agos Polangui, Albay

Name:__________________________________ Date:____________ Grade and Section :____

Read and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

___1. What is reproduction?

a. when a young organism makes adults c. when a young different from its parent
b. when parents produce an offspring d. when a young is an exact copy of its parent
___2. Why is reproduction important to living organism?
a. It collects and remove waste c. It collects and remove wastes
b. It controls body parts d. It ensures continued existence of the organisms
___3. Which male reproductive organ produced the male sex hormone?
a. glans b. penis c. testes d. urethra
___4. It is the stage human development in which a person becomes physically mature.
a. copulation b. menopause c. puberty d. sexually
___5. Which female reproductive organ produced the female sex hormone?
a. cervix b. ovary c. oviduct d. vagina
___6. Which of the following organs protect the testes?
a. epididymis b. penis c. scrotum d. vas deferens
___7. Which of the following is not a part of a male reproductive system?
a. cervix b. scrotum c. testes d. vas deferens
___8. It is a narrow opening between uterus and vagina that enlarges during birth to give way to
passage of fetus.
a. cervix b. Oviduct c. uterus d. vagina
___9. How many ovaries does a female have?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
___10. The first menstrual flow is called ______
a. menarche b. menopause c. menstruation d. Wet dreams
___11. The average menstrual cycle of a woman is ______
a. 7 days b. 15 days c. 28 days d. 45 days
___12. What do you call the process of the union of the egg cell and sperm cell?
a. fertilization b. implantation c. menstruation d. ovulation
___13. When menstrual flow takes place?
A. When ovulation happens C. When the egg cell stays in the fallopian tube
B. When the egg cell is fertilized D. When the egg is not fertilized
___14. What type of fertilization happens when sperm cells are released into the body of a female animal?
a. asexual b. external fertilization c. internal fertilization d. sexual
___15. Which is not a change experienced by a boy’s body during puberty?
a. broadening of shoulders c. development of breasts
b. deepening of voice d. growth of hair in the armpit
___16. Which of the following animals is born alive?
a. bird b. chicken c. snake d. whale
___17. Which animal undergoes external fertilization?
a. bird b. cat c. cow d. frog
___18. Which of the following animals hatch from an egg?
a. cat b. dog c. turtle d. carabao
___19. Which of the following animals reproduce through binary fission?
a. hydra b. jellyfish c. sea anemone d. star fish
___20. Which of the following plants is a tuber?
a. banana b. ginger c. onion d. potato
___21. Why are flowers important to plants?
a. They aid in pollination c. they make the plants attractive
`b. they protect the ovules d. All of the above
___22. What kind of reproduction uses pollen grains?
a. asexual b. fragmentation c. propagation d. sexual
___23. Which of the following plants is a rhizome?
a. corn b. kataka-taka c. ginger d. onion

___24. Which parts of the flower are needed in pollination?

a. calyx and anther b. pistil and stamen c. pistil and petals d. sepals and petals
___25. Which of the following plants does NOT reproduce using flower?
a. apple tree b. mango tree c. orange tree d. pine tree
II. Matching Type: Match column A with column B

Column A Column B
___26. Modified leaves which enclose and protect the other A. stigma
parts of a flower when it is still a bud. B. style
___27. The brightly colored parts that attracts insects during pollination. C. ovary
___28. The male part of a flower. It consist of filament and anther D. Pistil or carpel
___29. Holds the anther in a position tall enough to release the pollen. E. pollen grains
___30. Consist of two lobes that contain pollen has pollen grains F. anther
that are released by the anther when it matures. G. filament
___31. Contain the male gametes. H. stamen
___32. The female part of the flower. It consists of the stigma, style and ovary. I. Petals
___33. Contains two or more ovules. Within the ovule is the female gametes J. sepals
or egg cell called ovum.
___34. A stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary, tall enough to trap
the pollen grains.
___35. A swollen structure at the end of the style

B. Identify how the following flowering plants reproduce. Write sexually, asexually or both opposite each
___________36. mango ________ 39. Fortune plants
___________37. kataka-taka ________ 40. Atis
___________38. welcome plants

IV. Identify the word that describe in each sentence. Choose your answer below:



__________________41. A group of organisms of the same kind that work together in a habitat.
__________________42. The shallowest part of the ocean ecosystem where the ocean floor is covered and
uncovered as the tide goes in and out.
__________________43. The organism that capture energy and use it to produce food from inorganic
__________________44. The organism that eat other organism.
__________________45. The consumers that eat the bodies of already-been-killed animals.
__________________46. They breaks down remains of dead organism.
__________________47. The boundary where freshwater ecosystem meets a saltwater ecosystem.
__________________48. The producing new plants with no sex cells involved.
__________________49. It takes place when the sperm cells unite with egg cells in the female organs.
__________________50. It occurs when the pollen grains enter the female cone where the eggs cells are

Good luck and God bless!!!!!

Prepared by:

Teacher 11
Schools Division Office of Albay
Polangui South Distict
Agos Polangui, Albay

Second Periodic Test in Science 5



1. Describe the parts of the male/female reproductive system 3,5,7,9 8% 4

2. Explain the function of male/female reproductive system 6,8 4% 2
3. Enumerate the changes that female undergo during puberty 15 30% 1
4. Explain the relationship of bodily changes to reproduction 4 8% 1
5. Realize the importance of reproductive system in the process of 1,2,12
6% 3
6. Illustrate the phases of menstrual cycle 10,11,13 6% 3
7. Identify ways on how animals reproduce 14,16,17,18 8% 4
8. Distinguish animals that undergo asexual reproduction 19 2% 1
9. Differentiate sexual from asexual reproduction 48,49 4% 2
10. Identify the reproductive parts of plants 24 2% 1
11. Explain the functions of each reproductive parts of plants 26-35 20% 10
12. Explain how flowering plants reproduce 21,22,36,40,50 10% 5
13. Explain how non-flowering plants reproduce 20,23,25,37,38,39 12% 6
14. Describe estuaries/intertidal zone and identify the living and non-
living things found in it 41,42,47 6% 3

15. Discuss the interactions among living and non- living things in
the estuaries and intertidal zones 43,44,45,46, 8% 4
TOTAL 100% 50

Prepared by:

Teacher 11


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