One Hundred Years of Rita: NATURE - Vol 458 - 2 April 2009

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NEWS FEATURE NATURE|Vol 458|2 April 2009

From a home lab to the Italian Senate, by way of
nerve growth factor — Rita Levi-Montalcini is
a scientist like no other. Alison Abbott
meets the first Nobel prizewinner
set to reach her hundredth birthday.

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NATURE|Vol 458|2 April 2009 NEWS FEATURE

iny though she is, Rita Levi-Montalcini African women that she created in 1992. reduced the size of the ganglia, tiny structures
tends to command attention. And on Turning 100 is no reason to stop fighting. that cluster together the nerve fibres emerg-
the morning of 18 November 2006, she “It’s not enough what I did in the past — there ing from the spinal cord and direct them on
had the attention of the entire Italian is also the future,” Levi-Montalcini says. She to their final destinations. He put this atro-
government. A senator for life, Levi-Montalcini has never hesitated to use her Senate position phy down to the absence of what he called
held the deciding vote on a budget backed by to push for better scientific prospects in the an inductive factor released by the tissue to
the government of Romano Prodi, which held country. And today she has something even be innervated and, he proposed, necessary to
a parliamentary majority of just one. closer to her heart to fight for — the survival of make precursor cells proliferate and then dif-
A few days earlier, Levi-Montalcini had said the EBRI, which she created in 2002 and which ferentiate into neurons.
she would withdraw her support for the budget is now in financial straits.
unless the government reversed a last-minute Levi-Montalcini spent a large part of her Detailed dissections
decision to sacrifice science funds. It was Levi- research career in the United States. But her Hamburger, though, could not see the nerve
Montalcini versus Prodi — and Levi-Montalcini early, and late, scientific life has been based fibres in great detail using the light micro-
won. On the morning of the vote, immaculately in Italy. Three years after leaving high school, scope. So Levi-Montalcini decided to repeat
turned out as always, she walked regally on the she finally persuaded her father to allow her the experiment with the silver-staining
arm of an usher to her seat in the Italian senate to study medicine, and in 1930 she enrolled at method. Like Cajal, she reasoned she would
and cast her vote. At one stroke, she secured the University of Turin. Her first mentor was need little more than an incubator and a
the budget, won a battle for Italian science and Giuseppe Levi, a prominent neurohistologist. microscope — and a regular supply of ferti-
snubbed Francesco Storace, leader of the Right In her autobiography In Praise of Imperfec- lized hen’s eggs. Using tiny scalpels and

party and part of the opposition coalition. A tion, Levi-Montalcini refers to him as spatulas fashioned out of sewing
few weeks earlier, Storace had caused a national “the Master” — he was an outspo- needles to do her dissections, she
scandal by announcing his intention to send ken antifascist, renowned for his saw that the ganglia did not, in
crutches to Levi-Montalcini’s home — symbolic alarming fits of rage. But he was fact, wither immediately. The
of her both being a crutch to an ailing govern- also the man who introduced neurons actually proliferated,
ment, he said, and her age, which he considered her to her first passion: the differentiated and started to
too old to be allowed to vote. developing nervous sys- grow towards their targets.
Levi-Montalcini didn’t consider herself too tem. Under Levi’s atten- It was just that they died
old then, when she was 97 years old, and she tive eye, she mastered a before reaching them. She
certainly doesn’t now when, on 22 April, she technique that would be concluded that the prob-
will become the first Nobel laureate to reach the key to her own successes, lem was not the lack of an
age of 100. Italy — and quite possibly the world that of silver-staining inductive factor, but of a
— has never seen a scientist quite like her. nerve cells. Developed by growth-promoting one that
Born into a well-to-do Jewish family in Camillo Golgi in the late would normally be released
Turin in 1909, Levi-Montalcini fought hard nineteenth century and by the budding limbs2.
for her career from the beginning. First there later refined by the Span- Towards the end of 1942,
was her domineering father, who didn’t believe ish neuroscientist Santiago bombing forced the Levi-Mon-
in higher education for women. Then there Ramón y Cajal, the technique talcini family to move into the
were Benito Mussolini’s race laws, which allowed individual nerves to be countryside, where she continued her
ejected Jews from universities and forced her seen under the microscope research undaunted, cycling
into hiding. And after that there was the sci- with perfect clarity. Growing up, Levi-Montalcini to farms to buy fertilized eggs.
entific establishment, which refused to believe Levi-Montalcini’s inde- fought her father to be able to She stopped only when Italy
in the existence of nerve growth factor (NGF), pendent research started attend medical school. switched allegiance to the
the discovery of which eventually won Levi- when Mussolini’s race laws Allies in 1943, and Hitler’s
Montalcini a share of the 1986 Nobel Prize were passed in 1938, and all Jews were expelled troops invaded northern Italy.
in Physiology or Medicine, together with from universities and other public institu- After the war, Levi-Montalcini returned to
her colleague Stanley Cohen. “That discov- tions (Levi, too, was thrown out). Inspired by Turin as Levi’s assistant. But at 36, the role no
ery was huge — it opened up a whole field the story of Cajal, who had worked alone in longer suited her — after all, he had been an
in understanding how cells talk and listen to a makeshift lab in out-of-the-way Valencia, occasional assistant to her in the days of her
each other,” says neuroscientist Bill Mobley of she set up a bedroom laboratory at her family bedroom lab. She found her way out when
Stanford University in California, an admirer home. When Levi returned to Turin some time Hamburger, who had read the papers she had
for more than 30 years. Hundreds of growth later, he joined her at her bedroom bench. published with Levi during the war, invited her
factors are now known to exist and they affect She had already identified her research to St Louis for a semester to repeat and extend
almost all facets of biology. challenge: to work out how nerves emerg- her experiments.
Despite her age, Levi-Montalcini still works ing from the embryo’s developing spinal cord Just as she was doing those experiments,
every day, exquisitely dressed, hair stylishly find their way to the budding limbs they will something happened that extended her stay in
coiffured, hands perfectly manicured. In eventually innervate. She had recently come St Louis from one semester to 26 years. One of
the mornings she shows up at her namesake across an exciting paper1 published a few years Hamburger’s graduate students, Elmer Bueker,

European Brain Research Institute (EBRI)– earlier by embryologist Viktor Hamburger at was trying to see if any piece of fast-growing
Rita Levi-Montalcini, on the outskirts of Washington University in St Louis, Missouri. tissue could attract nerve fibres in the same
Rome. In the afternoons she goes downtown Hamburger had removed the growing limbs way that fast-growing developing limbs do. He
to the offices of an educational foundation for of chick embryos and found that doing so grafted a lump of proliferating mouse sarcoma
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NEWS FEATURE NATURE|Vol 458|2 April 2009

tumour onto a chick embryo and found that action was not accepted in those days,” recalls

Levi-Montalcini worked at Washington

nerve fibres grew and invaded the tumour University through the 1950s (left) and 1960s Ralph Bradshaw, who joined Washington
mass more abundantly than the limb bud. He (middle). In 1986, she and Stanley Cohen (seated University in 1969 as its first protein chem-
postulated that the greater surface area of the either side of table) were awarded a Nobel prize . ist and is now at the University of California,
tumour allowed more nerves to grow up to it. San Francisco. “And Rita was saying it was in
Levi-Montalcini is renowned for her excep- from the ganglia like suns, with their highest tumours, snake venom, as well as many nor-
tional intuition, and Bueker’s experiment made density facing the tumour. Her many letters to mal tissues — well, people just didn’t believe
her antennae vibrate. To her eye, the invasion Hamburger include beautiful drawings of the it was serious biology.”
did not look quite right. Although nerves haloes. Levi-Montalcini’s strong artistic bent is More people started to believe when Cohen
grow into developing limbs in an orderly way, also evident in her research papers, which she discovered another, related factor that was
their growth into the tumour was massive illustrated by hand, and in the clothes that she later called epidermal growth factor4. Then,
and wild, with the fibres branching randomly. designs for herself. in 1959, Levi-Montalcini developed with him
She became convinced that the transplanted By the time she returned from Rio, Cohen an antiserum to purified NGF. The antiserum
tumour tissue was releasing the same sort had joined the Hamburger group. The pair abolished the in vitro halo, and wiped out the
of factor she claimed the developing limbs worked together for six years trying to identify relevant part of the nervous system when
released, a factor able to diffuse to the ganglia injected into newborn mice5. The last remain-

and stimulate the growth of nerve fibres. ing pockets of scepticism in the scientific com-
munity dissolved when Bradshaw, together
Inspired insight with Ruth Hogue Angeletti, the only PhD stu-
She repeated the experiment, ingeniously dent Levi-Montalcini ever had, determined the
placing the tumour outside the sac contain- structure of the protein in 1971 using one of
ing the embryo. This area, although physically the first automated protein sequencers6. “Rita
separate, shares the embryo’s blood supply. It didn’t put her name on the paper as we would
was a killer experiment. Nerves sprouted and have expected someone in her position to do,”
grew wildly, supporting her theory that the says Bradshaw. “A typical Rita gesture.”
tumour was releasing a factor that diffused Although Levi-Montalcini loved the scien-
into the blood and travelled to the embryo3. tific atmosphere in the United States, she was
“She realized there was another way to inter- always homesick for Italy and for her fam-
pret the data, and she knew what had to be ily. In the early 1960s, she began to split her
done,” says Lloyd Greene, who studies neu- Halo effect: Levi-Montalcini found that a growth time between St Louis and Rome, where the
ronal differentiation at Columbia University factor causes nerves to sprout from chick ganglia. CNR, Italy’s major research organization, cre-
in New York, and has known Levi-Montalcini ated a laboratory for her. Her working style
since he was a student. the factor released by the tumour. Both were was relentless, demanding and passionate. In
But to really prove her point, Levi-Montal- determined to provide the sceptical scientific the decades in which her research was most
cini needed a system that was more reliable community with solid chemical evidence that intense, she would call her co-workers before
and flexible than the fertilized egg, and one the nerve-promoting factor was a reality. But seven in the morning as well as last thing at
that would allow her to quantify the responses scepticism only increased when Cohen and night to discuss experiments. Angeletti refers
she was measuring. She wanted to learn how Levi-Montalcini proposed that snake venom to the regime as inspiring rather than brutal.
to culture isolated chick-embryo ganglia, and and extracts of mouse salivary glands, both of “Even as a highly motivated young American
knew of only one laboratory that could do so. which also promoted profuse nerve growth, I had never before observed this kind of dedi-
So she put two live, tumour-riddled white mice were abundant sources of the factor they were cation,” she says. “I realize how lucky I was to
into her handbag and boarded a plane for Rio seeking. work with someone so brilliant, expansive and
de Janeiro, where another of Levi’s former stu- For many scientists, it required too great generous of spirit.”
dents was running a big tissue-culture facility. a leap of the imagination to believe in this When the study of growth factors finally
In Rio she learned to culture isolated ganglia unlikely soluble factor, which was supposed became respectable and other scientists flooded
and she grew them close to pieces of mouse to diffuse from one tissue and then potently into the area, rather than being gratified, Levi-
sarcoma. After 24 hours of culture, she was affect specific processes in nerves. “You have Montalcini was annoyed by the invasion of what
thrilled to see haloes of nerve fibres growing to remember that such a mode of biological she saw as her territory. “She fell out with most
© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
NATURE|Vol 458|2 April 2009 NEWS FEATURE

people in the NGF field at one time or another Levi-Montalcini has published 21 popular books research and the name Levi-Montalcini cuts no

— including myself,” recalls Bradshaw. At meet- and continues to work at her namesake brain ice with it.
ings, she had a tendency to educate audiences research institute in Italy (right). The EBRI, which now has a staff of 28, runs
on the order in which discoveries had been with an annual deficit of €200,000. Earlier this
made, recalls Greene. After one of his own herself to work at all levels to improve the state year, University of Turin neuroscientist Pier-
talks, hers was the first hand raised. “It was not of Italian science. A socialist by lifelong convic- giorgio Strata took over as scientific director
a question, but a long statement about NGF and tion, she became good friends with Prodi, who with a mandate to turn things around. “We
its history,” he says. “As she spoke, she little-by- had been prime minister in two centre-left gov- need maybe €3 million per year to survive,” says
little made her way to the stage and the podium, ernments. After she was made senator for life Strata, who is confident that he’ll be successful.
and the next thing I knew, she was next to me in 2001, she showed up for every parliamentary The ever-determined Levi-Montalcini puts her
at the microphone still asking her ‘question’.” vote to support Prodi’s fragile coalitions. trust in him. “I’m an optimist,” she says. “I still
Under the circumstances, he says, he could do She also champions social issues related to hope we can find a way to carry on.”
no more than “step aside, cede the microphone research, such as ethics and women in science. Levi-Montalcini is now hard of hearing
to her, raise my eyebrows and let her finish”. The Rita Levi Montalcini Foundation has sup- and sees poorly, but her mind is sharp. At the
ported education for more than 6,000 African EBRI she runs a research project to see how
Peacemaker women — “to improve their far back NGF goes in evolu-
In the early 1980s, Levi-Montalcini started to chances of becoming scien- “If I die tomorrow or tion. Several young scientists
bury the hatchet with everyone in the field, tists”, she says. A keen writer, are helping by trying to find
says Bradshaw. Their own quarrel — over a she has published 21 popular in a year, it is the same out whether the factor exists
paper he had published without showing her books. As a young bookworm, — it is the message in a series of invertebrates.
first — was patched up when she took him her favourite among the clas- you leave behind you They are gratified to be able
aside for a chat at a meeting. “It ended what sics was Emily Brontë’s tale to speak with her most days.
had been a strained and difficult time for me,” of dark passion, Wuthering that counts.” “She is an inspiration for us,”
says Bradshaw. “But Rita had to endure a great Heights. Such romantic incli- — Rita Levi-Montalcini says Francesca Paoletti, one of
deal of scepticism in the early days and there nations remained literary the postdocs working there.
were times when she was justifiably defensive.” though — despite a brief engagement while at And they, in turn, make her happy. “I am not
Her later discoveries faced no such scepticism. medical school, she never had any long-term afraid of death — I am privileged to have been
She showed, for example, that NGF had major romances. In a 1988 interview with Omni maga- able to work for so long,” says Levi-Montalcini.
effects on the immune system, yet another zine she said, tellingly, that even in a marriage of “If I die tomorrow or in a year, it is the same
unexpected finding that became a major turn- two brilliant people, “one might resent the other — it is the message you leave behind you that
ing point in biology7. being more successful”. counts, and the young scientists who carry on
By the time she and Cohen were awarded One of her remaining desires has been to your work.” And with that, clutching her micro-
the Nobel prize, considerable peace had been leave as a legacy a well-run research institute of graphs of NGF in octopus tissue, she walks
achieved. But controversy picked up again in international significance in her country, where away on the arm of a friend, with a slow but
the wake of the award. Some were upset by what underfunding, inefficiency and bureaucracy stately gait. With her high heels and the swing
they saw as her failure to acknowledge her debt have crippled much of the state research sys- of her tailored coat, she still looks as though she
to others, such as Levi and Hamburger. Ham- tem. The Santa Lucia Institute in Rome, keen stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine. ■
burger, who lived to be 100, claimed that their to expand its own research activities, offered Alison Abbott is Nature’s senior European
friendship suffered after she explained publicly rent-free premises for the first ten years of her correspondent.
why he should not have shared the prize with neuroscience institute. But the EBRI is now
1. Hamburger, V. J. Exper. Zool. 68, 449–494 (1934).
her as some had thought appropriate. looking shaky. Levi-Montalcini expected the 2. Levi-Montalcini, R. & Levi, G. Arch. Biol. Liège 54, 189–200
But such criticism gained no traction in Italy, government to make funds available for run- (1943).
where Levi-Montalcini had by now settled ning the institute, but in the event the Prodi 3. Levi-Montalcini, R. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 55, 330–343 (1952).
Cohen, S. J. Biol. Chem. 237, 1555–1562 (1962).
permanently. Many viewed her as a national government provided only a one-off dona- 4. 5. Levi-Montalcini, R. & Booker, B. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 46,
treasure for her achievements, outsize person- tion of €3 million (US$4 million) just before 384–391 (1960).
ality, energy and eloquence. Her CNR institute its demise one year ago — and no other major 6. Angeletti, R. H. & Bradshaw, R. A. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA
68, 2417–2420 (1971).
became one of the largest biological research donor was found. The right-wing government 7. Levi-Montalcini, R. et al. Progr. Neuroendocrinol. 3, 1–10
centres in the country. She also took it on of Silvio Berlusconi has shown little interest in (1990).

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