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I&S_Grade 7_Unit 3_Exploration_

Q1 Key words: p 81



Q2 What is exploration? (3 lines) p 82

Q3 What is the message of the poem? (4-5 lines) p 82

Q4 Why do people explore? (8 bullet points) p 83

Q5 How did exploration begin? (3-4 lines) p 84 paragraph 1

Q6 How was the Silk road important and challenging at the same time? (5-6 lines) p 84
paragraph 2

Q7 Explain briefly Marco Polo's exploration. (6 sentences) p 85

Q8 Source analysis. p 86

Q9 What was the Renaissance? (3-4 lines) p 87

Q10 .87Which new developments supported the adventurous explorations? (3-4 lines) p

Q11 Why and how was the Maritime exploration organized? (5-6 lines) p 87

Write two - three lines about each of the following explorers: (p 88-89)


Bartolemu Dias

Christopher Columbus

Zheng He

Vasco Da Gama

Sir Francis Drake

Ferdinand Magellan

Q13 What is Columbian exchange? (4-5 lines) p 92

Q14 Who were the Conquistadors? (4-5 lines) p 93

Q15 “agree?
The Spanish conquests of the Americas negatively affected the World.” Do you
(6-7 lines) p 94-95

Q16 How did industrialization affect the world? (4-5 lines) p 96

ade 7_Unit 3_Exploration_Study Guide

The subjugation and asumption of control of a place or people by military force.

The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.
A group of territories or people under one ruler.
Travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn more about it.
The process or activity of accurately ascertaining one's position and planning and following a route.

A person who is sent to a foreign country to do religious work.

Exploration is defined as a process of discovery, seeking out new ways of looking at things. People
have explored the world to find resources, to set up trade with other civilisations, to conquer and
control and as a form of adventure. We explore to discover ways to make society more advanced.

The poem consists of 3 paragraphswith 5 line stanzas. Each of the paragraphs are talking about 1
different ship and its voyages with their cargoes. This poem is talking about the history of cargo ships
as well and talks about the different periods of cargo ships.

-Adventure, -To discover new things, -For trade and exchange of ideas, -To find resources, -To
conquer new lands, -For survival, -due to advances in technology, -It is human nature to be curious
about the world.

Although exploration became a major global phenomenon in the 15th and 16th centuries, during the
Age of Exploration or the Voyages of Discovery, exploration occured before this time. Many of the
early civilizations of the world expanded their territory in search of new lands and resources, and
established trading routes. This mostly occured through land-based travel, but a number of maritime
routes also developed.

The silk road was a route created for trade and exploring the old that linked europe with Asia across
a network of roads. The route included difficult terrains like deserts like Gobi, as well as the mountain
areas. But despite these dangers, the silk road was succesfully estabilished and the start of the
exchange of ideas and culture has began.

When they finally arrived, they ended up working for Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty
of Imperial China, for many years before making a perilous journey back to Venice that lasted two
years. Three years after he returned to Venice, Marco Polo was placed in prison for a time for leading
a battle against the rival city state of Genoa. In prison he wrote his Book of Marvels of the World or,
more commonly, The Travels of Marco Polo. It has been widely read and has become an inspiration
for other explorers and travellers ever since.
SOURCE.. B ORIGIN The origin of this source is from the travels of Marco Polo, chapter XX, 'the
Wearisome & Desert Road that now has to be Travelled - PURPOSE - Like the last source A, source B
describes or informs us about the adventurous route Marco Polo took, but this time starting from
Kerman & the challenges faced - VALUE - This source is valuable for historians & people who are
studying Marco Polo for the people who are interested in travelling or exploring and for people
exploring this road in the future LIMITATIONS The limitations are that the author didn't exactly
include the good things that happened through the journey

The revival of European art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th - 16th
centuries. The Renaissance is a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle
Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries, characterized by an effort to revive and
surpass ideas and achievements of classical antiquity.

Improved technology made long distance travel by sea more achievable. In allowing this to occur,
advance in the fields of navigation and map making were particularly significant. A technique called
'dead reckoning' was use to navigate seas.

The Maritime exploration was organized in order to make profits by accessing new markets and
resources. As many of the established trade routes had been blocked by the spread of the Ottoman
Empire during this time, new trade routes around the world were therefore needed.

He was a Portuguese explorer who lived from 1451 to 1500. He discovered the Cape of Good Hope
off the coast of South Africa, which became a maritime route around the southern tip of Africa and
into the Indian Ocean.

He was an Italian explorer from Genoa and lived from 1451 to 1506. He is credited with the discovery
of the Americas in 1492, leading on to European colonisation and the Columbian Exchange.

He was a Chinese explorer during the Ming Dynasty from 1371 to 1433. He carried out multiple
journeys and brought back various goods to China, including animals native to Africa. He was also
regarded as one of China's greatest explorerers.

He was a Portuguese explorer and lived sometime in the 1460s until his death in 1524. He was the
first European explorer to reach India by sea. This led to stronger trading connections between Asia
and Europe and the further development of the Indian Ocean trade.

He was an English explorer and politician who lived from 1540 to 1596. He successfully
circumnavigated the world, and also fought against the Spanish in the conflicts between Spain and
England during this time.
He was a Portuguese explorer who was an expert navigator who lived from 1480 to 1521. His
expedition was the first to circumnavigate the world. He died in the Philippines during a conflict there
in 1521.

The Columbian exchange, also known as the Columbian interchange, was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, precious

Conquistadors or conquistadores were the explorer-soldiers of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires
of the 15th and 16th Centuries. During the Age of Discovery, conquistadors sailed beyond Europe to
the Americas, Oceania, Africa, and Asia, colonizing and opening trade routes.

The coin can flip on either side, the Spanish conquest of the Native American region was a significant
global event due to the impact of the Columbian Exchange. But the negative impact of disease &
subjugation to native civiliazations such as Aztec & the Inca can make it to be viewed in a negative
light. They invaded the land of the native americans, treating them in an unfriendly and violent
manner when they arrived. The effects of colonization on the native populations in the New World
were mistreatment of the natives, harsh labor for them, and new ideas about religion for the

During the 19th 1814 century, the world continued to be explored and mapped by various people.
Industrialization led to developments in railways and shipping which made transport far quicker. For
instance, the development of railways meant that people could increasingly travel across their
country with relative ease. The invention of steam ships meant that large quantities of goods could
be traded with different areas of the world, which increased the importance of port cities.
Industrialisation affected us greatly and is one of the reasons we are here today.

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