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Trade Standards

Common Group Flows

The following common group flows are supported.

Lead Bank Model

A number of major banks have requested an extension to the Trade for Corporates service to
allow banks to offer their own Trade Finance solutions (e.g. Web Portal, Host-to-Host, etc) to
their corporate customers and allow their corporate customer to use the bank’s own Trade
Finance soutions to communicate with any other bank, not just the bank providing the service
(multi-banking option). Provision for this service feature has been incorporated in this guide and
has been implemented as the Lead Bank Model.

Typically, large users of Documentary Credits, Standby LC’s and Bank Guarantees use several
banks. In connection with this service, each corporate customer will designate a Lead Bank,
identifying the bank whose Trade Finance solution they will use to communicate not only with
that bank, but also any other bank they choose to do Trade Finance messaging with. The other
banks are known as Processing Banks.

The workflow for the Applicant side of Trade Finance messaging is as follows:

31 December 2012 9

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