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English Class 6 Gulmohar

1. Meeting Cezanne – Michael Morpurgo
2. Wild Duck – Romesh Gunesekera
1. Meeting Cezanne – Michael Morpurgo
I. Multiple choice questions:
1. What is the meaning of ‘Provence’?
i) a palace famous for its food in south-eastern France
ii) a region in South-eastern France, famous for its scenery.
iii) a famous monument in France
iv) the place where Yannick live
2. What is the meaning of ‘Monsieur’?
i) made a sound expressing annoyance.
ii)when the time came at the right time
iii) a word in French for the title, Mr.
3. What is the full name of Picasso?
i) Picasso Picasso ii) Pablo Picasso
iii) Painter Picasso
4. Yannick threw the tablecloth into the fire because
i) He was careless.
ii) He always did this when he cleaned the table.
iii) Amandine told him to do so
5. The artist did not get angry at Yannick for not recognizing him because
i) He was touched by Yannick’s innocence and his earnest attempt to set
things right.
ii) He knew that Yannick was his friend’s nephew and no ill will.
Iii) Because doing so would change a bad situation
6. “Did Yannick know that he sketches something on the tablecloth and
leaves it behind for us?” Who speaks the above lines? To whom?
i) The speaker ask the question to Amandine
ii) Uncle Bruno speaks the above lines. He speaks to his daughter, Amandine.
7. Who sketches on the tablecloth?
i) Uncle Bruno who ran a small restaurant in a village in the Provence region.
ii) The most famous person in the village sketches on the tablecloth in the
iii) Amandine Yannick's cousin and uncle's daughter
iv) Yannick is a young boy living in France
8. Who has written meeting Cezanne?
i) Michael Morpurgo ii) Roald Dahl iii) Oscar Wilde
iv) Rabindranath Tagore
II. Answer the following:
1. Why did the speaker’s cousin tell him to be extra careful about serving at
the inn one evening?
Ans. She told him that one of their best customers was coming to dine with his
friends. This person was also famous and so had to be treated well.
2. Why was Yannick not impressed by the special customer?
Ans. He seemed quite ordinary, like any other balding gentleman. However, he
was happy the man was pleased with the dessert he had made.
3. Why does Yannick’s cousin, Amandine, shout at him?
Ans. Yannick had crushed and thrown into the fire the paper tablecloth used
for special clients without realizing that it had a sketch from the customer, a
famous artist who drew on the tablecloth as a tip if he liked the food. On this
occasion, he had liked the dessert Yannick had made.
4. How did the customers react when Amandine shouted at Yannick?
Ans. They were shocked at the scene Amandine had created. They stopped
eating and sat silent.
5. Who helped to clear the strained ambience?
Ans. Amandine’s father and proprietor of the inn, Yannick’s Uncle Bruno, came
in to see what had happened. His arrival and taking control of the situation
would have helped to clear the air.
6. How did her father show Amandine that she was at fault and not Yannick?
Ans. Uncle Bruno told Amandine that Yannick did not know he was wrong in
tossing the tablecloth into the fire. She had not told him about the artist’s way
of sketching on the tablecloth to show his approval of their service.
Consequently, she had to apologies to Yannick.
7. How do we know if Amandine did the right thing?
Ans. She accepted that she was in the wrong and apologized to Yannick.
8. How did Uncle Bruno comfort Yannick?
Ans. He told Yannick not to fret about what he had unknowingly done. He was
to be happy that the august customer had liked his dessert and always
remember with pride that he had held a drawing by a famous painter even
though only for a few moments.
9. Why does Uncle Bruno tell Yannick to look at the bright side of things?
Ans. He was teaching Yannick a life-skill when asking him to look at the bright
side of things. Then, he would be able to see the good things in a situation that
turned out bad, like seeing a silver lining in a cloud.
10. Why was Amandine crying?
Ans. She was sad because her father had scolded her. He hardly ever scolded
her and it made her feel bad that she had offended him. She also realized that
he had been right in telling her she was wrong in shouting at Yannick. She
apologized to him and they were friends again.
11. What did Yannick notice about the man that seemed to belie his age?
Ans. Though the artist was old his eyes were alert and curious, like that of a
younger person.
12. How is suspense maintained as Yannick talks to the man?
Ans. The artist does not reveal his identity; he does not say if he is really
Cézanne. Instead, he asks how Yannick’s mother let him come alone all the
way to his house.
13. How does Yannick explain his visit?
Ans. He explains how he had destroyed the artist’s drawing the previous day
and asks him to draw a picture for his Uncle Bruno.
14. How can we make out that the artist is a kind person?
Ans He makes friendly conversation with the child. He asks Yannick what he
would like him to draw and as he draws the sailing boats, he finds out about
the child and tells him that he too likes boats.
15. How is the suspense about the identity of the artist resolved?
Ans. He signs his name as Picasso while Yannick thought he had met Cézanne.
16. What can we make out about Picasso when he tells Yannick he wished he
was Cézanne?
Ans. He was a humble man; he was not upset that the child did not recognize
him, great as he was. He was touched that the boy had taken the trouble to get
a drawing to replace the one he had destroyed unwittingly. So, he played
along, saying that he too wished his name was Cézanne. It really did not matter
that the boy mistook his identity. For him, life was more than just a name.
17. How does Uncle Bruno comfort Yannick?
Ans. Amandine shouted at Yannick for throwing the tablecloth into the fire,
without knowing that it had the sketch on it. On realising that Yannick was not
fully responsible, Uncle Bruno comforted him by saying that the famous
painter had shown his appreciation by liking the crème brûlée made by
Yannick. He said that the drawing he had made on the tablecloth was actually
for Yannick. He also added that Yannick was lucky to have held it, even if only
for a moment.
18. What did Yannick do when he heard Amandine cry? How did she react?
Ans. Yannick was extremely guilty for upsetting Amandine. Later, when he
heard Amandine crying in her room, he felt even more sad and upset. Hence,
he went into her room and apologised for inadvertently upsetting her.
Amandine understood and said that she was more upset because she did not
want to upset her father. She felt sorry for impulsively shouting at Yannick.
19. What do you understand about Yannick from the story?
Ans. Yannick was a highly sensitive boy. When Amandine shouted at him, he
was very hurt but did not retort and quietly understood that he had done
something terrible to have upset Amandine. He was also a considerate boy. He
was very upset to see his cousin sad and annoyed. So, he was determined to
somehow make amends for upsetting Amandine. Hence, he took sincere
efforts to meet the famous painter without any hesitation.
2. Wild Duck - Romesh Gunesekera

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