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Tima-an is Born!

It felt from its deep slumber. It remained viceless and un-heard. It may have seen the
circumstances around, but it was too weak. to dare to write the letters. It didn't exist... it didn't
exist. It didn't until a group of neophyte yet Grave student journalists has awakened its senses!
Tima-an has been born! It has been given life. And now, it has become a part of our own lives.
Tima-an is the official student publication of Gala National High School. Finally, after many years
of waiting, we now have a student publication that will keep you posted with what is happening
around, give you reading material whose content concerns no one but you, and of course will
serve as on avenue for budding student writers to hone their journalistic writing skill.
The journey towards the realization of this student publication organization was not as smooth
as you may suppose. It took, much time and thinking prowess to brainstorm and envisage its
name. The people be-find it thought of a name that would encapsulate the purpose of its
existence. There were a number of names being suggested, but only three stood out. They were
"Lamdag," "Tinta" and "Tima-an.
The latter was decided to Ge the final name. Tima-an is a vernacular term which means in
English a sign. Hence, the newly born student publication is the school's sign of progress. The
articles Tima-an may publish are signs that Gala National High School is moving forward towards
being globally competitive. It is a sign that our school has gone far beyond and will go even
farther. And that's the purpose of our paper. We want to keep records of the achievements we
have dine and will soon do. By doing so, we can always look back at things that make us great,
and thus remind us to continue doing great for us to have something to look forward to.
So the name is solved. What about the people to work on it? Well, having an ever supportive
Teacher - in - Charge, Mr. Junriel Sinarillos plus the entire teaching force of Gala National High
School is a plus factor to keep its 6lood running. Also, under the tutelage of Mr. Dandie
Somoson, an English teacher, and Ms. Agustisa Pata-an, a Fili pino teacher, Tima-an will always
have its air to continue breathing. But of course the very body of this student publication for it
to mow should not be out of the picture. They are the students who are brat enough to try
doing things they are not accustomed to. They are the student journalists who are willing to
sacrifice much of their time 1 behalf of responsible reporting, of responsible journalism. They
are the students who can go beyond their limits to fit in the current needs o time. They are the
students who represent our voice. They are the students who are determined enough to effect
better change.
These students were not just chosen randomly. They had undergone screening. At first, there
were actually twenty of them. But perhaps because of constant pressures, the figure went down
to seventeen. You can see their names in the editorial page.
So, those are they. You are reading this paper because of them. But wait! Yes, Tima-an has now
blood, air to breathe, and body to move. But it's not enough. It's never enough to have only
them. Ultimately, Tima-an won't exist without YOU Yes, young! You may have not noticed it, but
student readers like you is Tima-an's eyes, mouth, ears, hands, and legs. You are capable of
resonating what we have writ-ten. You are capable of cascading everything about us. You are
capable of keeping us more moving even afar. Hence, you are part of us. You are part of Tima-
an. And we hope you will always be.
Now it is wide awake. It has a voice and is heard. It sees the circumstances around, and it's
capable of writing them down. It exists. It really does. Again, that is Tima-an… and that is us!

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