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Physical Education (Reviewer)

Recreational and Leisure activity

Recreational Activity- usually refresh one’s mind and spirit. Even sports can be considered leisure if
these are done not for competition but for fun.

Leisure Activity- is an essential part of human life.

2 Types of Recreational Activity
Active- Active recreation means and includes all outdoor recreational activities which involve field and
court games

Passive- refers to recreational activities that do not require prepared facilities like sports fields or

Aquatic Recreational Activity

Swimming- the propulsion of the body through water by combined arm and leg motions and the
natural flotation of the body.

Recreational Swimming- when one swim to have fun and to enjoy the water.
Competitive Swimming- where participants follow structured guidelines when it comes to learning
the requisite skills.

Water Based Recreational Activity

Kayaking- It is a propelling a small boat by paddling a double blade paddle and the structure of the
deck is closed.

Canoeing- an activity which involves paddling a small boat with a single -bladed paddle and the
structure of the deck is open.

Surfing- refers to the act of riding a wave, regardless of whether the wave is ridden with a board and
regardless of the stance used.

Siargao- surfing capital of the Philippines.

Wakeboarding- another type of surface water sports which the techniques adopted from surfing and
snowboarding, can be towed either by a motorboat or closed -cable system.

Snorkeling- A swimming activity along the surface of the water and enjoying the underwater world
equipped with a mask (or googles), a snorkel (a shaped breathing tube) and usually swim fins (or
Free Diving- a water -based recreational activity use a method of underwater diving which does not
require the help of a breathing apparatus.

Scuba- a water activities is a type of diving that need the help of a self - contained underwater
breathing apparatus.

Water Aerobics- A form of aerobic exercise that requires water -immersed participants.

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