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Simulated verification of NC part programs from 2D

a b b
S. Srinivasa Rao , B. Satyanarayana & M.M.M. Sarcar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignan's IIT, JNTU, Kakinada, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
Available online: 19 Aug 2011

To cite this article: S. Srinivasa Rao, B. Satyanarayana & M.M.M. Sarcar (2011): Simulated verification of NC part programs
from 2D images, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 24:9, 800-810

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International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Vol. 24, No. 9, September 2011, 800–810

Simulated verification of NC part programs from 2D images

S. Srinivasa Raoa*, B. Satyanarayanab and M.M.M. Sarcarb
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vignan’s IIT, JNTU, Kakinada, India; bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India
(Received 2 August 2010; final version received 20 March 2011)

This paper describes a new approach to extract information from the 2D-drawing image files to determine turning
features existing on rotational parts to be machined on turning centres; and later utilise this information to generate
process plans and numerical control (NC) part programs. The software package is developed using ‘Java’ language
incorporating the advanced features of Java Advanced Image (JAI) package. With the developed software package,
one can achieve full automation of all aspects of the process plan, including sequence of operations, selection of
tools, machining parameter selection and NC part program generation, etc. Thus, it becomes possible to go from
image to NC part program in a fully automated fashion. This package is menu-driven and needs no programming
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skills to prepare NC part program for machining the parts. The paper includes an illustration of the procedure for
extracting turned features, generating process plans and NC part programs from the image. The results are verified
through CNC train simulation package and are satisfactory.
Keywords: turned features; process planning; NC part programs

1. Introduction better quality of product (Yusof and Case 2008).

In the present scenario, almost every computer-aided Creating link between CAD and computer-aided
design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) process planning (CAPP) is one of the most difficult
system has its own feature-based modeller. Hence, tasks in concurrent design and manufacturing. With-
when a model is created and used for manufacturing out proper interface between CAD and CAPP, it is
and other downstream applications on the same impossible to generate a process plan efficiently.
platform, the feature information is readily available. Feature recognition or feature extraction is the key
The real need for feature recognition is only when the to achieve this objective (Ahmad and Anwarul Haque
model passes from the parent CAD/CAM system to 2001).
another CAD/CAM system in the form of a neutral Several researchers have approached automatic
format file (Venkata Reddy and Nagarajan 2010). In recognition of features, process planning and NC
the traditional approach, design and manufacturing part program generations from different approaches
are considered to be separate but in the modern global for the past two decades. Srinivasa rao et al. (2010)
environment, separation becomes a major weakness developed a novel method for automated recognition
leading to slow and costly production cycles. This of surface features for turning of turned components
happens because design has its own team as does from the 2D images. Valilai and Houshmand (2010)
manufacturing. The design task is to design the proposed a three-layered integrated and interoperable
product and pass information to engineers to decide platform, named INFELT STEP, for collaborative
how to make the product or how to realise the design. and interoperable product design/development using
If anything happens and there is a need to redesign different and diverse CAD/CAPP/CAM/CNC soft-
the product, the engineer will pass information back to ware. Hardwick (2010) developed third generation of
the design team. Today, with the use of computer and STEP systems that creates new information for
communication technologies in the manufacturing intelligent machining from data made by CAD and
industries, the methods mentioned above are largely CAM systems. Siva sankar et al. (2008) focussed on the
being replaced by CAD and CAM to implement development of a new generative computer-aided
concurrent engineering. Widespread CAD/CAM sys- process-planning framework for rotational compo-
tems will reduce human interaction and the result nents. Verma and Sunil (2008) developed a hint-based
should be increased production, reduced costs and machining feature recognition system for 2.5D parts

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 0951-192X print/ISSN 1362-3052 online

Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2011.575180
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 801

with arbitrary feature interactions. A pre-processor is by minimising the number of tool changes and
used to screen out invalid 2.5D parts automatically tool-travelling distance to decrease the cost per
and calculate the possible machining directions. Valino operation. The part programs are then automatically
et al. (2007) presents an automatic set-up planning generated in standard ISO codes on the basis of
module integrated in a CAPP system for rotational specific CNC lathe controllers. Sabourin and Ville-
parts to be machined on a lathe. Satish and Prakash neuve (1996) developed an expert system for CAPP,
(2006) developed a novel method for automated which takes the feature-based model from CATIA as
process planning for boring of turned components input and determines the operation sequence and
with arbitrary internal geometry from a semi-finished setups for the machining features.
stock. Tolouei-Rad and Payeganeh (2006) deal with It is observed from the literature review that based
different machining problems with the aid of two on many of researchers extracting geometrical data
expert systems. It recognises machining features, from the standard formats like IGES, DXF, STEP,
determines required machining process plans, cutting etc., there is no literature reporting the study of how to
tools and parameters necessary for generation of NC extract geometrical data from the 2D drawing images.
programs. Therefore, there is a vital need to make an attempt to
Yildiz et al. (2006) developed an automatic feature extract surface features from the image files. This paper
recognition and CNC code generation (AFR/ACCG) addresses the algorithms developed for automatic
system for rotational parts. This system was prepared recognition of surface features, generation of process
Downloaded by [S. Srinivasa Rao] at 09:32 19 August 2011

using Delphi 7 programming language. The data input plans and NC code for axisymmetric component
to the system is done by DXF prepared in any CAD drawing images.
program. Kingsly et al. (2005) developed a feature-
based design system that can be applied in the concept-
to-manufacturing stages of the machining process is 2. Feature recognition
explained. Srinivasa rao and Satyanarayana (2005) Significant research has been focussed on automatic
developed interactive modules using C language to feature recognition in the last two decades. In
generate process plans and NC code for axisymmetric automatic feature recognition, a computer application
components. Ben-arieh et al. (2003) proposed an automatically generates a feature model, given a
algorithmic graph-theoretic approach towards deter- geometric model and some description of all possible
mining the optimal process plan such that the part’s features. Automatic feature recognition is an impor-
overall accuracy is maximised. Saad and Khalil (2001) tant component in knowledge-based machining, is
proposed three modules, namely, structured modelling, used to scan the image, determine salient point
feature recognition and feature sequencing for machin- coordinates of features exist and extract the features
ing rotational components. Saravanan et al. (2001) for subsequent processing. It will be possible for the
used the genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing software to automatically select the machining pro-
algorithm (SA), simplex and boundary search proce- cesses, speeds and feeds and cutting tools, and then
dures for optimising the CNC turning process, but the automatically create the final NC part programs.
work was limited to straight turning only. Bhandarkar Automated feature recognition has been an active
and Nagi (2000) developed a standard oriented form- research area in solid modelling for many years, and
feature extraction system that converts lower level is considered a critical component for CAD/CAM
geometrical and topological data specified in a STEP integration. Automatic use of feature recognition
file into relevant manufacturing data. minimises the need to manually analyse and manip-
Liu (2000) reported a new approach for a ulate part geometry to prepare it for machining
component framework for feature-based design and (Kumar and Saha 2008). Automated feature recogni-
process planning in order to provide a productive and tion can best be facilitated by CAD systems capable of
powerful development mode. Tu et al. (2000) described generating the product geometry based on features
a computer-aided process-planning system for virtual exist.
one-of-a-kind production. Prasad et al. (1997) pre-
sented the advantages of implementing optimisation
techniques for determining the process parameter for 3. Process planning
rotational components. A combination of geometric Process planning can be defined in simple terms as
programming and linear programming were used in converting a given engineering 2D drawing image into
the CAPP system to predict the optimum parameters manufacturing instructions, which gives the informa-
for each operation. Kayacan et al. (1996) presents an tion about sequence of operations, tools, cutting
optimised process-planning system for rotational parameters such as speed, feed and depth of cut,
parts. An optimum sequence of operations is found etc. Process planning is also defined by the Society
802 S. S. Rao et al.

of Manufacturing Engineers as ‘the systematic deter- of the present work is to develop a software package
mination of the methods by which a product is to be for automation of process planning and NC code
manufactured economically and competitively’. The generation for axisymmetric turned components. The
quality of a product and its cost of production are package has been developed using ‘Java’ language
strongly influenced by the process plan (Jain et al. incorporating the advanced features of Java Advanced
1998). CAPP has been seen as a critical link between Image (JAI) package. The developed package contains
CAD and CAM. There are two approaches to CAPP. five modules, namely, extract module, geometrical data
The first is the variant approach, in which a new module, turning features module, process-planning
process plan is generated using existing standard module and NC part program module. These have a
process plans stored in the database. The second is user-friendly environment and interact effectively
the generative approach, in which a new process plan is during data transfer compared with the commercial
generated from scratch, i.e. it will not use any standard software tools. The overall structure of these modules
existing process plan. The basic requirement for a is briefly given in this section. Figure 1 shows the
generative process-planning system is to interpret the architecture of the developed software package and is
given component image in terms of manufacturable explained through the following steps.
features. The technology used for this purpose is called
feature recognition technology. As feature recognition Step 1: After executing the Java program, the
technology has not yet matured (Sadaiah et al. 2002), main window will be displayed.
Downloaded by [S. Srinivasa Rao] at 09:32 19 August 2011

there is a third category of process-planning approach Step 2: Enter 2D drawing image file name with jpg
called the semi-generative approach. In this approach, extension, by pressing extract button, the centre Y
attempts have been made to integrate features of the coordinate of the part will be extracted and
above two approaches and to relieve certain require- determined from the image and assigned to
ments of a truly generative process-planning system. variable Y for further processing.
Most of the developed CAPP systems are in this Step 3: Enter the size of raw workpiece and
category. Further, a semi-generative approach is choose the part material, then by pressing
considered to be a good option for present industrial geometrical data button, the complete geometri-
applications until a truly generative CAPP system has cal data of the image will be extracted and stored
been developed (Sadaiah et al. 2002). in a file.
Step 4: By pressing the turning features button,
the turning features of the image from left to right
4. Part programming are generated and displayed on the screen.
Today, the operation and appearance of production
systems have changed propelling us into the world of
computer integrated manufacturing. However, prepar-
ing tapes or tape images is time consuming. Since part
programmers have difficulty keeping up with the
demand for new part programs, the tendency is to
develop efficient procedures capable of replicating this
human process and install them on the shop floor.
Once the geometric data is processed, the preparation
of NC tape images and many other downstream
manufacturing applications can be done more easily
(Wang and Lin 1987). The methods mentioned above
are largely being replaced by the proposed system.
By implementing this, the system will reduce human
interaction and results in the reduction of time
required for hiring and training labour; and increases
production, reduces lead-times, facilitating quicker
response to customer needs; minimises waste, inven-
tory and work-in-progress, etc.

5. Architecture of the developed system

This paper deals with manufacturing of axisymmetric
components like spindles, screws, shafts, etc. The aim Figure 1. Architecture of the developed software system.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 803

Step 5: By pressing the process-planning button, 5.1. Extract module

the sequence of machining operations along with In this module, firstly, compute the Y-coordinate of the
the machining data is generated and displayed on centre axis of the part by scanning the image, pixel by
the screen. pixel and extract black colour (based on red-green-blue
Step 6: By pressing NC part program button, NC (RGB) values, for black colour R ¼ 0, G ¼ 0, B ¼ 0) pixel
code is generated and stored in a separate file. coordinates starting from left top to right bottom of the
Step 7: Generated NC code files sent to CNC lathe image. The first pixel X coordinate is assigned to X1 and
machine for machining the component Y coordinate is assigned to Y1. The last row Y
accordingly. coordinate is assigned to Y2. The Y coordinate of the
Step 8: Exit option makes physical termination of centre axis of the part can be computed by using the
the system. formula Y ¼ Y1 þ (Y2 7 Y1)/2. This coordinate is re-
quired to compute the different diameters of the part.

5.2. Geometric data extraction algorithm

In this section, the algorithm for extracting salient
points (D, E, F, G and H) coordinates of the second
segment is described below. For example, consider
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three segments image as shown in Figure 2 marked by

salient points on 1st and 2nd segment. The points E, F
and G are taken on the bottom edge of the second
segment at 1/4th, 1/2 and 3/4th length of the segment,
respectively. These three points are very much required
to recognise turned feature of the segment. By
comparing Y-coordinate values of these three points
with the other points, the system can recognise type of
turned feature and compute their geometrical data as
Figure 2. Sample of three-segment image. shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Different logics used to recognise turned features.

Shape of
Sl. no. Logic the feature Name of the feature Geometrical data
1 If (Y2 ¼ Y3 ¼ Y4 ¼ Y5 ¼ Y6) Plain turning D ¼ 2 6 (Y2 7 Y)/SF
2 If (Y3 ¼ Y4 ¼ Y5 ¼ Y6) & (Y2 4 Y6) Step turning D ¼ 2 6 (Y2 7 Y)/SF

3 If (Y3 ¼ Y4 ¼ Y5) & (Y4 5 6) Groove turning D ¼ 2 6 (Y2 7 Y)/SF

4 Y0 ¼ Y6 þ (Y2 7 Y6)/2 Right-hand taper turning DL ¼ 2 6 (Y2 7 Y)/SF;

If (Y3 4 Y4 4 Y5) & Y4 ¼ Y6 DR ¼ 2 6 (Y6 7 Y)/SF

5 If (Y3 5 Y4 5 Y5) & Y4 ¼ Y6 Left-hand taper turning DL ¼ 2 6 (Y2 7 Y)/SF;

DR ¼ 2 6 (Y6 7 Y)/SF

6 If (Y3 4 Y9 & Y4 5 Y9 & Concave contour turning DL ¼ 2 6 (Y2 7 Y)/SF;

Y5 5 Y9 & Y3 6¼ Y5) or DR ¼ 2 6 (Y6 7 Y)/SF;
(Y3 ¼ Y5 & Y4 5 Y5 & Y2 ¼ Y6) R ¼ Radius
7 If (Y3 4 Y9 & Y4 4 Y9 & Convex-contour turning DL ¼ 2 6 (Y2 7 Y)/SF;
Y5 5 Y9 & Y3 6¼ Y5) or DR ¼ 2 6 (Y6 7 Y)/SF;
(Y3 ¼ Y5 & Y4 4 Y5 & Y2 ¼ Y6) R ¼ Radius
8 If ((Y3 ¼ Y4 ¼ Y5) & Y33 5 Y4) Thread cutting D1 ¼ 2 6 (Y33 7 Y)/SF;
Y33 ¼ point on core dia. D2 ¼ 2 6 (Y6 7 Y)/SF
804 S. S. Rao et al.

Step 1: Scan the image again, pixel by pixel and The exact size of the part is obtained only if the
extract black colour pixel coordinates starting image is in normal position. In all other positions (zoom
from left top to right bottom of the image. in or zoom out), the size may vary. To overcome this
Step 2: If X1 equals to X coordinate of the pixel, problem, the scale factor is considered in the algorithm.
corresponding Y coordinate is assigned to Y2. The system will compute scale factor automatically
Step 3: If Y coordinate of the centre axis of the based on size of raw workpiece available. This scale
part equals to Y coordinate of the pixel, then factor is used to compute all the dimensions proportio-
increase counter j by one (1) nately to the size of raw workpiece.
Step 4: If j equals 2, assign X coordinate of the Table 1 presents the logics used to recognise
pixel to X6 j equals 3, assign X coordinate of the different types of turned features of the axisymmetric
pixel to X10 etc. parts. As shown in the first row of Table 1, if the value
Step 5: If X2 þ 1 equals X coordinate of the pixel, of Y coordinates of all the salient points is equal then
corresponding Y coordinate is assigned to Y7. recognise the feature as a plain turning. Similarly,
Step 6: Calculate X coordinate of the second compare Y coordinates of different points of the
segment at 1/4th length X3 ¼ X2 þ (X6 7 X2)/4, segment and recognise other features as shown in
at 1/2 length X4 ¼ X2 þ (X6 7 X2)/2 and at 3/4th Table 1. For all the features, length of the feature is
length X5 ¼ X4 þ (X6 7 X2)/4. computed by using the formula L ¼ (X6 7 X2)/SF,
Step 7: If X3 equals X coordinate of the pixel,
Downloaded by [S. Srinivasa Rao] at 09:32 19 August 2011

corresponding Y coordinate is assigned to Y3.

Increase counter k by one (1).
Step 8: If k equals 1, corresponding Y coordinate
of the pixel is assigned to Y8.
Step 9: If X4 equals X-coordinate of the
pixel, corresponding Y coordinate is assigned
to Y4.
Step 10: If X5 equals X coordinate of the pixel,
corresponding Y coordinate is assigned to Y5.
Step 11: If X6 equals X-coordinate of the pixel,
corresponding Y-coordinate is assigned to Y6.
Step 12: If Y6 5 ¼ (Y þ (Y2 7 Y)/2), calculate Figure 3. Radius of curvature for concave or convex
Y9 ¼ Y6 þ (Y2 7 Y6)/2.
Step 13: If Y6 4 (Y þ (Y2 7 Y)/2), calculate Y9
(Y8 7 1) þ (Y6 7 Y8 7 1)/2.
Step 14: If X coordinate less than width of the
image, go to step 2, otherwise go to next step.
Step 15: If Y coordinate less than height of the
image, go to step 2, otherwise stop.

The same logic is applied to extract salient point’s

coordinates of the remaining segments.

5.3. Turned feature recognition algorithm

Owing to the fact that the rotational parts are
symmetrical along their axis, designing their processes
can be done according to the symmetry axis, so the
feature recognition process is performed on the
symmetry axis (Yildiz et al. 2006). In the present
work, eight features are considered, namely, plain
turning, step turning, groove turning, right-hand taper
turning, left-hand taper turning, concave contour
turning, convex contour turning and thread cutting.
To identify any of these features and its geometrical
data (length, diameters, radius, etc) it is necessary to
get the information of salient points. Figure 4. Flow chart for the process planning.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 805
where ‘SF’ is scale factor. The radius of curved ða  x2Þ2 þ ðb  y2Þ2
surfaces is computed by considering any three points Radius of the curvature R ¼
on the curved surface as shown in Figure 3. SF

ðy4  y2Þ
Slope of the first line m1 ¼ and 5.4. Process-planning algorithm
ðx4  x2Þ
Automation of process planning implies a methodol-
ðy6  y4Þ ogy that is able to generate process plans based on the
Slope of the second line m2 ¼
ðx6  x4Þ information available in the feature extraction data-
base. The optimum sequence of operations is con-
X coordinate of centre of the curve a sidered based on minimum number of tool changes
m1  m2  ðy2  y6Þ þ m2  ðx2 þ x4Þ and the minimum tool travelling time, in order to
m1  ðx4 þ x6Þ maximise the amount of products in a unit time. Under
¼ this condition, the non-cutting time, namely, the time
2  ðm2  m1Þ
for extracting tools while producing a part, is mini-
mised. After selection of the machining operations,
Y coordinate of centre of the curve b process planning moves on to the selection of cutting
ðx2  x6Þ þ m1  ðy2 þ y4Þ  m2  ðy4 þ y6Þ tools. The main concerns in tool selection include the
Downloaded by [S. Srinivasa Rao] at 09:32 19 August 2011

2  ðm1  m2Þ tool type, material, geometry and tool dimensions.

Figure 5. Flow chart for NC part program.

806 S. S. Rao et al.

Selection of the tool type is based mainly on the The process-planning generation algorithm can be
operations to be carried out and the machined tools expressed in the form of a flow chart as shown in
(CNC trainer lathe) involved. Figure 4. A brief description of the flow chart is shown

Step 1: Open a turned feature data file.

Step 2: Read all turned features, material,
geometrical data and assign those values to
corresponding variables.
Step 3: Identify total number of turned features
Figure 6. An example of part 2D drawing image. and assign the number to variable K.
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Figure 7. The extracted turning features of the 2D drawing image.

Figure 8. The generated process planning of the 2D drawing image.

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 807

Step 4: Select the appropriate machining data, i.e. program have been implemented on a microcomputer.
cutting speed, feed and depth of cut corresponding These modules are independent of the design/drawing
to assigned material and size of raw material from system in which it is implemented. The use of object-
the database. oriented (including advanced features of JAI package)
Step 5: Always choose first operation as facing approach for the implementation of the entire system
and second operation as plain turning for overall was chosen. This approach helps in extracting the
length of the job. geometrical data of the image and recognises part
Step 6: Call an appropriate sub-routine based on feature geometry and related process information
variable K and assign sequence of operations. to achieve the desired part-process integration. The
Step 7: Select an appropriate tool corresponding following example illustrates and explains the proce-
to type of operations carried out. dure for extracting turning features, generating process
Step 8: Write the results in a tabular form and plans and NC code generation for a typical axisym-
displayed. metric part.
Step 9: Stop.

6.1. An illustrative example

5.5. NC part program generation algorithm An example part of 2D drawing image file is shown in
Automated generation of NC part programs implies a Figure 6. When the system is made to execute, it
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methodology that is able to create NC part programs

based on the information in a feature database without Table 2. The list of NC part program.
human intervention. The feature recognition algorithm
is a front end used to process the geometric entities and O8004 N60 G94 X-1 Z-0.5 F58
identity turned features for NC code generation. The BILLET X41 Z105 N70 Z-1
N10 G21 G98 N80 Z-1.5
G & M codes are considered for DENFORD FANUC N20 G28 U0 W0 N90 Z-2
lathe machine as per ISO 6983-1:2009 standards. The N30 M06 T02 N100 G90 X40
major routine of the NC code generation algorithm Z-102.17 F54
can be expressed in the form of a flow chart as shown N40 M03 S655 N110 X39
N50 G00 X41Z1 N120 X38
in Figure 5. A brief description of the flow chart is N130 X37 N380 R-1.0
shown below. N140 X36.0 N390 R-2.0
N150 G00 X36.0 Z-2 N400 R-3.0
Step 1: Open a process plan data file. N160 G71 U0.5 R1 N410 R-4.0
N170 G71 P180 Q210 U0.1 N420 R-5.0
Step 2: Read sequence of operations, cutting W0.1 S675 F55
tools, machining data (speed, feed and depth of N180 G01 X0.0 F54 N430 R-6.0
cut) and assign those values to corresponding N190 X28.57 Z-16.28 N440 R-7.0
N200 Z-30.56 N450 R-8.0
variables. N210 X36.0 N460 R-9.0
Step 3: Identify total number of machining N220 G70 P180 Q210 N470 R-10.0
operations and assign the number to variable N. S720 F25
Step 4: Always choose first operation as facing N230 G28 U0 W0 N480 R-10.76
N240 M06 T06 N490 G28 U0 W0
and second operation as plain turning for overall N250 M03 S365 N500 M06 T03
length of the job. N260 G00 X28.57 Z-16.28 N510 M03 S650
Step 5: If K less than N go to step f, otherwise N270 G75 R1 N520 G00 X36.0 Z-59.13
stop. N280 G75 X14.48 W-4.24 N530 G01 X14.48 F54
P100 Q1500 F22
Step 6: Call an appropriate sub-routine based on N290 G00 X36.0 N540 G03 X36.0
variable operation (K). There are eight major Z-48.56 R10.46
subroutines proposed in this algorithm, i.e. plain N300 Z-59.13 N550 G28 U0 W0
or step turning, groove turning, right-hand taper N310 G75 R1 N560 M06 T04
N320 G75 X14.48 W-7.76 N570 M03 S150
turning, left-hand taper turning, concave contour P100 Q1500 F22
turning, convex contour turning, thread cutting N330 G28 U0 W0 N580 G00 X36.0 Z-28.56
and multiple turning. N340 M06 T02 N590 G92 X35.0
Step 7: Increase counter K by one (1). Z-48.56 F1.75
N350 M03 S650 N600 X34.0
N360 G00 X36.0 Z-69.89 N610 X33.65
N370 G90 X36.0 Z-80.65 N620 G28 U0 W0
6. Implementation of the proposed system R0 F54
N630 M05
The proposed modules, extract, geometrical data, N640 M30
turning features, process planning and NC part
808 S. S. Rao et al.
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Figure 9. The simulation results for an example part.

displays the main window. By pressing turning features Table 2 presents the list of NC part program generated
button, the turning features of the image from left by the developed algorithm. The sequence of machin-
to right are recognised and displayed as shown in ing operations is verified through simulation package
Figure 7. By pressing process-planning button, the as shown in Figure 9. The results are obtained
sequence of operations is generated and displayed satisfactorily.
as shown in Figure 8. This file will give input to the
NC machine for machining the workpiece as per the
process planning generated by the package. By 7. Conclusions
pressing NC part program button, the NC part This paper reports an attempt to design and develop a
program of the 2D drawing image job84.jpg is software package for axisymmetric parts. The package
generated and stored in an output file pjob84. The developed can be applied to auxiliary industrial parts
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 809

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