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Film Title: Visionary Needs

Group Name:
Role: Subject 1
Role: Director
Role: Environmentalist and Psychologist
Role: Cinematographer
Role: Subject 2

Title: Visionary Needs

1. What is/are the subject and how it relates

in addressing the SDG?

Environmental pollution had been a major issue even before the invention of automobiles arose. Global
warming, drought, climate change, and other many effects of pollution had been consistently getting
worse and are still being observed by environmental professionals all over the world. This became an
alarming point to global leaders and is still being discussed especially on how to at least lessen the
effects of humanity's exploitation of the environment.

The documentary film that we plan to produce, entitled Visionary Needs, focuses on the people's state
of mind in terms of using beauty products to enlighten the implication of acceptance brought by societal
standards and how the consumption of those chemically formulated products incrementally affect the
environment both by sea and by land. The products mentioned above involves ways or methods that
greatly contributes to pollution and other environmental issues such as the side-effects of specific
substances commonly found mainly on beauty products; and also the industry involved in terms of
manufacturing and distribution of the main source of their business which emits hazardous chemicals
and methods during the process of production.

2. What idea/s do you intend to share with the viewers and how do you want this to happen in your

Our mind is capable of deluding many things that we thought to be our reality, and most of the time,
these occurrences are the main reason for our misleading action that we thought to be the only solution
to our problems. Our best friend and our worst enemy reside within us. Unfortunately, most of us access
the latter far more often than the former. And so, we plan to use the theory that depicts the creation of
illusion brought by none other than our mind with the intent to lessen the cause of pollution on our
environment by using chemically formulated products and the possible risk when those products find
their way to the marine environment where aquatic and wildlife consume them. Even worse, when we
then consume animals, we might also ingest them. After all, they are non-degradable.

As mentioned earlier, our goal is to make the viewers realize that most beauty products are not
essential and the effects that manufacturers intended to describe are just our beliefs brought by the
acceptance of misinformed encryption done by our mind. To properly deliver our intended outcome, we
plan to conduct an observation for 2 months between two people with similar skin disease and skin
condition and giving them both beauty products as a treatment where one subject uses a fake product,
which the subject doesn't know, and doesn't contain any solution at all. At the end of the experiment,
we'll make the viewers realize the misleading belief brought by our mind through the person who uses
the false product by revealing both subjects' skin disease was cured and will then inform them that the
other uses a fake one.

3. Briefly discuss the storyline of your documentary. You may discuss the general scenes in your film
starting in the beginning until the end.

On Saturday morning at Central Park, Manhattan, wildlife environmentalist and psychologist, Laurence
Kyle Dizon, was roaming at the park as his form of relaxation and daily routine, however as he walks by,
he observed that a flock of pigeons picked up some wipes and plastic containers of whitening cream in
the trash can. This event concerned him about the effects of those beauty products if those pigeons
accidentally digest one of them or managed to drop those trashes at someplace like farms or at the sea.

He then tried to research the possible chemicals in most beauty products and he was alarmed that most
of them contain chemicals that are hazardous to the environment and a cause of pollution.
Unfortunately, these chemicals are harmful to our bodies and the environment. Some of these toxic
products are known and written in scientific symbols on the brand packaging. Worse, others enjoy
protection under “trade secrets” laws, which means that manufacturers may not disclose them. As such,
it becomes so hard to determine what these chemicals are. And, in turn, the degree of effects they can
have on our body. The problem is that we then find ourselves having cancer a few years afterward
because of these chemicals.

After a few nights of continuous research and as a psychologist, he decided to conduct an experiment on
two people to lessen the use of those products and inform the public of the true intent of most
descriptions on every label on each of them. Together with his cinematographer, Charles Arron Emlano,
he plans to conduct an observation including two people, Erika Mae De Dios and Kristel Mar Flores, with
mild skin disease and similar skin conditions. He will then give them both beauty products to be applied
daily on their skin which is the treatment of their condition while also changing both their diet and they
will observe their progress and final output within 2 months. However, the catch is one beauty product
is fake and doesn't contain any chemically formulated substance of the original without telling the user
it until the end of the allotted time of the whole progress.
On the last day of the experiment, both subjects were stunned by the change and effect of the product
used on their skin and were completely healed. After a few discussions, Laurence finally said that Erika
used a fake product and doesn't really bring effects at all. The subject who used the fake product was
surprised that she thought she was using the original and saw continuous improvement. She realized the
sense of need of using the product to bring our best self was just a false belief encrypted on our mind by
the information given to us. At the end of the day, the experiment was successful and Laurence planned
to inform the public about it.

4. Discuss your choice.

The documentary film, Visionary Needs, is a participatory documentary since it was defined by the
interaction between the documentary filmmakers and their subject. A cinematographer is equally
responsible for capturing the interviewer as he is the interviewee. The film often presents the
filmmaker’s version of the truth as “the” truth, focusing on direct engagement with subjects and
capturing real emotional responses and interactions. Many of the interactions on our documentary film
that are captured support the filmmaker’s point of view or prove the film’s intent. The film is
characterized as participatory, however, some aspects are also blended elements of observational and
performative modes.

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