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We have held onto the construct that managers cannot be leaders for a while
now. We’ve learned to view the two entities as separate. However, the present
challenges call for more people to take on leadership.
In business, managers can become the leaders who usher in the future. They
can influence change and lead the organization in the holistic utilization of
resources for a sustainable future.
What does it mean to lead ?
The term lead is itself a call to action. Therefore, leadership refers to
harnessing all resources to produce value or add value to something that's
already existing. Leadership is a process that's continuously unfolding to
create a good bottom line.
If you are aiming for a good bottom line, then a top-line — or the human
aspect of the organization — should also be priority.
Managers are in a position of influence, and by segmenting them, a company
risks not optimizing their potential. Managers handle resources and ensure
business processes are completed in time. They handle matters about
delegation, control, and productivity. When visionary companies face high
attrition rates and slacking employees, you need managers who can inspire

Managers should be able to lead, and leaders should manage. The sooner a
company realizes that it stands to gain a lot more from breaking down the
boundary between leader and manager, the faster they focus on achieving
sustainable success. Every manager has the potential to lead. Conversely,
every leader should be able to manage effectively.

The first step is recognizing your purpose. This requires you to understand
what matters to you. Moreover, it calls you to meditate on your higher aims
and consider your passions. Failure to understand your purpose means you'll
be pursuing leadership from the old paradigm of managerial competition.
However, this is unsustainable as it fails to harness the value of cooperation or
the unique talents at the workplace.

Leadership also requires you to reorient your compass from the inside. This
points back to purpose and passion; when you understand where you're going
and why you're heading there, you'll be in a better position to create powerful
strategic milestones. Learn to embrace new paths that will benefit you, your
team, and your company.
If organizations want to achieve sustainable success, they need to go beyond
the traditional constructs. It's time to wake up to the reality that managers
can become visionary leaders, and ultimately serve in the best interests of all
involved stakeholders and the greater good.

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