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The large sums of money with which the admiralty

contrast with the anarchy of the previous pontificate, as

and his brother Evan (or Ewan) to his own endowed school,

power to amend their laws so as to make them conform to the

examining the books of Sawbridge and Company, by Charles

attempt met with violent opposition, and though resumed by

of mineral and nitrogenous manure give much more than either

Gross Scheerhorn . . . . . . . 10,814 Selbsanft. . . . . . . . . . . . .9,938

origin and spread of the racial stocks which form the

82 New York Reports, 313; and Lake Shore & Michigan Southern

remained unheeded for nearly half a century. The inhalation

foundation. It is rather by men than by books that these

1890 by his son, Wilfrid Airy, B. A., M. Inst. C.E. Amongst

as sleeping sickness. (The ravages of this disease, which

the same author's Indische Palaographie in the Grundriss der

(1) Cyclosporinae (Fucaceae)--4 families, 32 genera, 347 species.

of these send up one alderman each, the other two combine

Studies, (Series 20, No. 4); and W. L. Martin's Code of

according to tradition, was the tomb of Charlemagne, which, on

groups. The prior's group ``entered at the south-east angle

best makers are able to defer the failure for a fairly long

court under the Naval Prize Act, with all the powers of the

prosecuted, not, indeed, with much of philosophical depth,

Liberia. Following the coast southwards from Cape Blanco is

abbeys, and has only one aisle to the nave--that to the

part in aesthetic experience? (2) What are the ``higher''

O. Parlour. (over. h. Pig-sties. i. Sheep-folds.

advised that a special officer be appointed by the Local

Thenceforward he became a specialist in marine ichthyology,

whilst 24,265,000,000 cubic metres are annually withdrawn

In heredity, complete albinism among animals is always

buildings and gardens, for their stiff, rugged habit. The

readily with the halogens. Oxidation by strong oxidizing

of Afghanistan is worthy of attention. The great mass of it

illustrate more than one of these points. It is taken from

Theory of Transmutation.--The fundamental theory of the

and sodium acetate (J. Tafel, Ber., 1886, 19, p. 1925; 1889,

Encyclopaedia (1630), the most considerable of the earlier

Zn(C2H5)2 H2O

with fine shady trees, this feature renders Adelaide one of

L. Laelius, Legio, Lex, Libens, Liber, Libra, Locus, Lollius,

of the ``Relief visit'' of Acts xi. 30, xii. 25, seems

whom 17,718 were foreign-born (6612 being Irish, 5903 German,

people, and there is no evidence to contradict ancient

1874) and by J. T. Fowler (Oxford, 1894). Adamnan's other

hohere Heitung im Kriege, and Kritische Betrachtunger

1903 897,645 825,679 569,920 27,719

and the aftermath of all the medowes be eaten in X. or XII.

The nature of the contents of the cells of Cyanophyceae has

Leopold revived his claims to the Bahr-el-Ghazal province

Battenberg,'' in Fortnightly Review, January 1894. (J. D. B.)

The object for which the academy was founded, as set forth

ABYDOS, an ancient city of Mysia, in Asia Minor, situated at

issued statedly in connexion with the Quarterly Journal of

surrounding fluid as it passes. The motion of the well-known

merchandise. This general trading, which, on the one hand,

of 16,500 volumes, a faculty of 19, and an enrolment of 483

Ispahan, but spent his youth and made his early studies in

visited Khorassan, where he enjoyed the favour of Abdallah ibn

Rome, and to the Exarchate, and the Pentapolis. In his

its reactions, and since it is a weak electrolyte, one must

especially the northern counties, there was a custom (now

noteworthy as the pope who ordered St Wilfrid to be restored

formed to promote the cultivation of colonial produce.

with him, since he acted in this spirit in Gal. ii. 11 f., until


its functions to the Highland and Agricultural Society.

again to the surface at the summit of an anticlinal which

1609, but it is sometimes asserted that he was still living in

production at Athens of Aeschylus' plays after his death.

and in 1814 Persia was compelled to make a disadvantageous

a quality in objects which is not sharply differentiated from

of any county, wheresoever such contracts were broken, for

process of nature encouraged innovations, and that all

has charge of finance and some other business, and the civil

a name applied to the finer kinds of asbestos (q.v.), in

1891 630,802 893,175 503,584 33,396

Touraine and Maine at the national synod held in 1631 at

geologists have considered to represent an old arm of the

men, in proportion to the enlargement of their intellectual

schists. The strata are thrown into folds which run in

in early days to the sheriff for his service. It was the

conceptacles. Both organs may occur in one conceptacle, as

of the Mzab country, annexed by France in 1882. This country

receives no comment at the hands of the narrator, and in its

(San Francisco, 1886); W. H. Dall, ``Alaska as it was and

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