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Alipin, Joefrel P.

AB International Studies- 2

The River in Metropolis: A 21st Century Flood

-Joefrel P. Alipin-

When bad weather conditions occur, would you choose to stay calm while
drinking your best-loved hot coffee or would you rather remain alert and be updated on
the news for signs of flooding? If you have done any of these before, during and after
heavy rainfall, then you have taken into account that natural occurrences are not a
stranger for Filipinos. The Philippines has long been experiencing storms and other
weather phenomena per annum however, 21st century floods have been ruinous
compared to the past.

The flash flood that happened in Cebu City is no different from the floods that
occur in major cities in the Philippines due to heavy downpour. However, due to
insufficient drainage outlets that buffer water flow, this further resulted in the escalation
of flood water in the busy streets of Colon. Living in highly urbanized areas is not always
a bad thing especially if you are living in Cebu City. But the lack of a proper sewage
system compels the city to experience flooding. Poignantly, the inconvenience that
elicited towards the Cebuanos were exhibited via their drenched shoes and garments.

Flash floods may happen with very little warning, it is the sad truth that can't be
foreseen. It is significant to be aware of common warning signs that may include
continuous rainfall and via accessible news outlets. Thus, the inevitability of potential
flood damage is minimized to an extent that it shall accelerate the recovery process.

It may sound far-fetched and cliché, but the government should be able to
generate plans of action. It is a faux pas when the government will turn a blind eye.
What we need to do is help mitigate and implement action, whereof the people along
with the government should contribute in filling the gaps we failed to foster.
Collaboration through planting more trees, creating subtle plans in addition to mitigating
proper sewerage systems must be the top priorities of urbanized areas. Cooperation
from the people to the government and vice versa is the manner of working in order to
preserve the city's beauty and visage.

Indeed, we cannot control any of the natural phenomena that come about. But
the resiliency we Filipinos portray made us wiser and has even reached global news.
Deus spes nostra, the storms we faced have made us value life even more. Truly!
There is a rainbow after the storm.
The River in Metropolis: A 21st Century Flood
-Joefrel P. Alipin-
When bad weather conditions occur, would you choose to stay calm while
drinking your best-loved hot coffee or would you rather remain alert and be updated
on the news for signs of flooding? If you have done any of these before, during and
after heavy rainfall, then you have taken into account that natural occurrences are not
a stranger for Filipinos. The Philippines has long been experiencing storms and other
weather phenomena per annum however, 21st century floods have been ruinous
compared to the past.
The flash flood that happened in Cebu City is no different from the floods that
occur in major cities in the Philippines due to heavy downpour. However, due to
insufficient drainage outlets that buffer water flow, this further resulted in the
escalation of flood water in the busy streets of Colon. Living in highly urbanized areas
is not always a bad thing especially if you are living in Cebu City. But the lack of a
proper sewage system compels the city to experience flooding. Poignantly, the
inconvenience that elicited towards the Cebuanos were exhibited  via their drenched
shoes and garments.
Flash floods may happen with very little warning, it is the sad truth that can't be
foreseen. It is significant to be aware of common warning signs that may include
continuous rainfall and  via accessible news outlets. Thus, the inevitability of potential
flood damage is minimized to an extent that it shall accelerate the recovery process.
It may sound far-fetched and cliché, but the government should be able to
generate plans of action. It is a  faux pas when the government will turn a blind eye.
What we need to do is help mitigate and implement action, whereof the people along
with the government should contribute in filling the gaps we failed to foster.
Collaboration through planting more trees, creating subtle plans in addition to
mitigating proper sewerage systems must be the top priorities of urbanized areas.
Cooperation from the people to the government and vice versa is the manner of
working in order to preserve the city's beauty and visage.
Indeed, we cannot control any of the natural phenomena that come about. But
the resiliency we Filipinos portray made us wiser and has even reached global
news. Deus spes nostra,  the storms we faced have made us value life even more.
Truly! There is a rainbow after the storm.

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