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A second chance is a first chance to do it right.

So I suppose I don't believe in second chances because

you've blown that opportunity. If God grants a similar opportunity, that one is as unique as the first.

What I believe is that the most people have in their hearts the desire to do what is correct. This is not a
group effort. It rests solely upon the shoulders of the individual. If they want to do something correctly,
they will. Despite obstacles and roadblocks it will be attempted.

Hence, “Belief” may not be the best word. “Desire" “Will" “Intent” may better suit.

However, no amount of desire or belief can control the actions of another. If a wrong has been done to
someone and that one is not willing to accept another's attempt to correct something, then the attempt
is not a failure.

At that point, an unwilling party might now be graced with another opportunity to exercise enough
humility to mend the rift.

Simply because someone may have the ability to change, does not necessasrily mean they are likely to
change. In addition, it is important to remember that healthy relationships are based on mutual positive
feelings and commitment to the relationship, as there really isn’t any kind objective measure of
relationship “worthiness.” It can be helpful to focus on whether this a person who has demonstrated the
ability and interest to do the work involved in positive change, and whether or not this is a healthy
relationship for you to continue.

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