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The Human Rights Salutation 2022 of the Human Rights Office Kandy was held at the Good Shepherd

Kandy on the 11th December 2022 with the theme “Protect freedom of expressions to uphold democracy". Rt. Rev. Dr.
Valence Mendis the Bishop
of the Central Province was
the chief guest and Hon.
Ruby Woodside, the political
officer of the US embassy to
Sri Lanka was the guest of

Three prominent Human

Rights Activists were
awarded this year for their
commitment in protecting and promoting Human Rights midst of nemours challenges. The winners of the inter
school - Kandy district art and essay competition were also awarded during the Human Rights Day celebration.

Fr. Nandana Manatunga, the Director of the Human Rights

Office, welcoming the chief guest and the guest of honor,
congratulated the award winners and the school Art and Essay
competition winners. Explaining the purpose of the
International Human Rights day event, he recalled the efforts
of the people expressing their desire for a democratic country
free of corruption and political stability. However, he said now
people have lost the democratic space to freely express and
therefore the Human Rights Office selected the theme "Protect
freedom of expressions to uphold democracy".
Bishop Valence, in his keynote address explained the Fundamental Rights
enshrined in the constitution that are essential for the Human Person to live a
fuller human Life. Further, he said that Human Rights should not be in conflict
with religious values. In his address, Bishop Valence mentioned that Justice
was still to be delivered to the victims of the Easter Sunday attack and our
country was experiencing the worst Economic crisis due to the
mismanagement of funds and political decisions. The Bishop reiterated that
the people have only two options that is to seek God's intervention and work
together with harmony.

Hon. Ruby Woodside, the political officer of the US embassy to Sri Lanka
addressing the gathering pointed out the urgency to uphold democratic
values, especially the freedom of expression and she explained U.S. -
Sri Lanka relations based on shared democratic values and a rules-based
regional and international order. Current U.S policy in Sri Lanka aims to
support Sri Lanka’s democratic institutions,
encourage its economic development and
promote a free, open, and prosperous Indo-
Pacific region the US assistance.

Rt. Revd. Kumara Illangasinghe was awarded for his commitment as a Religious Leader
in protecting & promoting Human Rights, especially for defending the Rights of the Poor
and the Marginalized.
Mrs. Visaka Dharmadasa was awarded for her commitment
in defending the Rights of the War Affected Women and
becoming a voice for the voiceless.

Mr. Tharindu Jayawardhana was awarded for his

commitment in safeguarding the freedom of expression and
information, and for the untiring work defending the rights of
the defenseless as a Journalist and a Human Rights Activist.

There were 538 Sinhala

Essays and 436 Tamil
Essays for the essay
competition while there
were 1233 Arts from all
age groups. In total 2207
participated in Art &
essay competitions from
138 schools from Kandy
The arts competitors were further encouraged by displaying the selected Arts of all age categories and the selected
essays were compiled into a book and were given to the essay competitors and the special invitees. Further, the
2022 International Human Rights day event was made meaningful with video presentations on the efforts made by
HRO, the cultural items and the preforming art on freedom of expression. The birth of Christ, the Prince of Peace was
reminded with a fusion of carols by the choir of the Good Shepherd Convent Kandy.

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