2A Cash Receipts Transactions

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Potential Audit Procedures Test ASSERTIONS Substantive test of transactions Substantive test of details of balances Analytical Procedures
Controls Potential Substantive Audit Substantive Audit
Misstatements of Controls Assertions Analytical Procedures
Misstatements Procedures Procedures
1. A trustworthy employee prepares a Cash receipts may be Observe whether a prelisting is Fictitious cash receipts may be For a sample of entries in cash Cash recorded on the books exist. 1. Count cash on hand. Analytical procedures are not used extensively in auditing cash.
prelisting of cash receipts before misappropriated. prepared and inquire of preparer recorded. receipts journal, trace to the prelisting
further processing. about the procedures followed. of cash receipts and to remittance 2. Confirm bank balances. Auditors compare actual cash balances to budgeted cash balances to identify
advice. For a sample of entries, variations that merit investigation. A reasonable relationship between the
reconcile daily deposit to validated 3. Examine interbank transfers for the budgeted cash balance and the recorded cash balance provides evidence about
deposit ticket. last five days of the current period the existence of cash.
2. A validated deposit slip is obtained Cash receipts may be recorded that For sample of entries in the cash Existence/ and the first five days of the new
period. Comparing the monthly cash balances during the period with those of the
for daily deposits and compared to were not deposited. receipts journal, reconcile the total to Occurrence previous period also may identify variations that should be investigated.
the cash receipts summary. validated deposit tickets.
4. Perform analytical procedures.

3. Duties of handling cash receipts are Cash receipts may be misappropriated Observe separation of duties and Recorded receipts represent actual
segregated from posting to and lapping may occur. inquire of personnel about their collection from customers.
accounts receivable. responsibilities.

4. A bank reconciliation is prepared Bank reconciliations may cover Examine bank reconciliations and
monthly by a person not involved in shortages. determine that preparer does not
handling cash, accounts receivable, have a conflicting duties.
or general ledger records.

5.Prelisting of cash receipts and cash Cash may be misappropriated. Observe monitoring and inquire of Cash may be misappropriated. For a sample of days, verify that all All of the entity’s cash is included. 5. Perform cash cutoff test.
register procedures are monitored. prelister and cash register operator cash receipts are recorded by
about procedures. reconciling daily listing(s) of cash 6. Prepare a proof of cash.
Completeness receipts and validated deposit ticket
to cash receipts journal.

6.Checks are restrictively indorsed Cash may be misappropriated. Examine deposited checks for
upon receipt. endorsement. All receipts are processed and

7.Cash receipts are deposited intact Cash may be unrecorded or Observe procedure and inquire of
daily. misappropriated. personnel who perform the
8.A daily cash summary is prepared Cash may be misappropriated. For selected day, trace totals from
and reconciled to total of prelisting receipts journal to cash summary and
and over-the-counter receipts and validated deposit ticket.
the cash receipts journal.

9.The cash receipts journal total is Credits posted to customers’ accounts Observe procedure and inquire of
independently reconciled to the may be overstated or understated. personnel who perform the
total posted to accounts receivable. procedure.

Any restrictions on cash have been 7. Examine standard bank

identified. confirmations and read the
Rights minutes of the board of directors’
& obligations meetings to determine whether
any restrictions have been placed
on cash.

10. Cash receipts are recorded at the A customer may be given credit for an For a sample of entries in cash A customer may be given credit for an For a sample of entries in cash Cash is correctly valued. 8. Obtain a bank cutoff statements
amount received. amount greater than payment. receipts journal, examine remittance
Valuation/ amount greater than actual payment. receipts journal, examine remittance directly from the bank and use
advices. Measurement advice and verify that discount taken them to test the bank
was appropriate. Foot accounts reconciliation as of statement of
Debits to cash and credits to receivable subsidiary ledger and financial position date.
11. A responsible person approves A customer may take a larger discount For a sample of entries in cash accounts receivable are valued at reconcile to the general ledger
cash discounts taken. than appropriate. receipts journal, examine remittance amounts received. account .
advices for approval of discount

12. A supervisor approves account Entries may be made to wrong Observe procedure. Entries may be made to wrong Review account coding for a sample of Cash is presented and disclosed 9. Review the FS and perform
classification made in journalizing. accounts. Examine approvals by supervisor.
Presentation accounts. entries in the cash receipts journal. properly. analytical procedures to determine
& disclosure whether accounts are classified
and disclosed in accordance with
Cash receipts transactions are PFRS.
recorded to result in accordance with

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