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Reported speech

1. If the reporting verb is in the past there are some tense

Present Simple -> Past Simple
“I travel a lot for my job.” -> She said she travelled a lot for
her job.
Pres. Continuous -> Past Continuous
“The baby is sleeping!” -> He told me the baby was
Pres. Perfect -> Past perfect
“I’ve hurt my leg.” -> She said she had hurt her leg.
Past Simple -> Past perfect
“I lost my keys yesterday.” -> She said she had lost her keys
the day before.
Past Continuous -> Past perf continuous
“It was raining.” -> He said it had been raining.
Past perf -> Past perf
“I had tried everything.” -> He said he had tried everything.
- modal verbs change too
can->could / may->might/ must -> had to
- we don’t change: could, should, would, might, ought to,
used to
!! We don’t change must if it’s negative or if we deduce
 When the reporting verb is in the present we don’t
change the tense:
“I want to get some flowers.” -> She says she wants to get
some flowers.
2. Reported questions
“Do you like action movies?” -> He asked me if I liked
action movies.
- we keep the rules for tense change
- when we report a question we use the order of the words
from a statement
“What time does the train leave?” -> He asked me what time
the train left.
- we don’t use the aux verbs
- when we report yes/no questions we put IF/WHETHER
after the verb
Homework - pag 173 - 175

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