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General Directions

Select the correct answer for each of the following questions

Encircle the letter of the correct answer

Encircling two or more letters will invalidate your answer

Avoid erasures

Any form of cheating is strictly prohibited

Multiple Choice

A professional communication intervention deployed by an institution to induce voluntary behavioral

change with presumed public utility

Extension education

Agricultural extension

Extension science

A process of facilitating self directed learning that seeks to produce competent people who are able to
apply learning under changing conditions

Adult education

Formal education

Informal education

Lifelong education

An organized, systematic educational activity carried outside the framework of the formal system to
provide selected types of learning to subgroups in the population

Informal education

Formal education

Non formal education

Lifelong education

An applied science with its own body of philosophy, principles, content, methods focused on the
problem of out of school education for adults and youth

Agricultural education

Extension education

Formal education

Informal education
A system which assist farm people through educational procedures to improve farming methodology
and income, better their levels of living and lift the social and education standards of rural life

Agricultural education

Extension education

Formal education

Informal education

The first to institutionalize extension in a university

Cambridge University

London University

Oxford University

University of Chicago

The federal act in the United States of America that established and the land grant universities which
served as models to our countrys agricultural colleges and universities

1860 Morill Act

1887 Hatch Act

1890 Morill Act

1914 Smith Lever Act

The act which established the first legislated extension education in the world
1860 Morill Act

1887 Hatch Act

1890 Morill Act

1914 Smith Lever Act

The Republic Act which is also known as the Local Government Code of 1991

RA 7160

RA 8435

RA 7610

RA 3844

The policy arm of the government to effect rural development

Agricultural extension




The Local Government Code of 1991 affected the ____________of extension functions to the local
government unit



None of the above

One of the aim of rural development is

Promote utilization of technologies

Ensure wider distribution of benefits

All of the above

(a) only

The expected outputs of agricultural extension are


Selling fertilizers

Change in knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices

None of the above

The basic consideration in planning extension program include


Percieved problems of target groups

A and B

A only
Paradigm in agriculture characterized by the use of input such as fertilizers and other chemicals, soil
tillage, irrigation and physical infrastructure to arrest soil erosion is known as

Farming system

Conservation farming

Conventional farming

All of the above

Alternative agriculture includes :

Sustainable agriculture

Contour farming

Sloping agricultural land technology

Modern farming

Common features of agricultural extension worldwide are

Target system, change system, change agent system

Target system, policy system, input system

Market system, communication system technology system

None of the above

The individual involved to facilitate change in agricultural extension programs is called

Extension clientele
Extension agent

Extension system

All of the above

A type of service provided by the Philippine agriculture extension system is

Information and communication support service

Civil service

Public service

None of the above

Agricultural modernization is characterized by

Appropriate production practice

Market and favorable environment

Availability of inputs and agro-support services

All of the above

The shift to participatory agricultural extension took place because of the failure of the linear top-down
extension to recognize that

Farmers group is very heterogeneous and they need different appropriate to in extension to satisfy
varied needs

Farmers knows best their needs and problem in farming

Farmers are not passive receivers of technology

All of the above

A participatory form of agricultural extension is

Transfer of technology model

Transfer of technology feedback model

Farmer back-to farmer model

All of the above

Which of the following is not a problem of agricultural extension in the Philippines

Lack of national agenda and unifying framework

Inadequate support service

Poor institutional linkages

None of the above

The type of agriculture characterized as low cost, low input, resource conserving environmentally sound
and economically viable farming system is called

Agricultural modernization

Good agriculture

Conventional agriculture

Alternative agriculture

It is a system of cultivation based on mutual understanding with society where farmers have an
obligation to society as providers of safe and nutritious food products; stewards of soils, water, air and
natural landscape for the sake of future generation

Organic farming
Sustainable agriculture

Farming for children

Contour farming

Which among the following is not related to the practice of participatory extension

Social mobilization

Community Action Planning

Implementation and Farmer Experimentation

None of the above

A systematic and continuous process of assessing the progress and changes caused by the
implementation of an activity over period of time

Community analysis

Project planning


Data analysis

When end users of information are involved in the process of assessing progress and chance, the activity
is called

Participatory extension

Participatory planning

Participatory monitoring

Participatory evaluation
Information obtained in monitoring and evaluation of agricultural extension activities serve the
following purposes

Field demonstration

Project management and planning

Field day


A management function in agricultural extension could help prevent the occurrence of unanticipated
negative impact. This is known as





An activity in preparing for monitoring and evaluation wherein methodology and instrument are fined
tuned for appropriateness prior to actual implementation is called

Data collection

Data analysis


Development of data collection instrument

The extension teaching method that gives the change agent the maximum of information about his
Office call

Farm and Home visit

Method demonstration

Personal letter

The extension teaching method that indicates peoples recognition/acceptance of the change agents
technical expertise or that he has gained the confidence of his clients

Office / Technical service calls

Result demonstration

Farm visit

Informal discussion

The least useful method under rural Philippine condition

Office/ technical service call

Result demonstration

Telephone call

Informal discussion

The method that reaches a larger number of people and allows for immediate interaction between the
audience and the change agent

General meetings

Technical calls
Farm and home visits


Reaches ate one time a large number of people who are physically and socially isolated

Farm and home visit

Field day



Method(s) which requires a certain level of literacy among the clients


Technical calls



A method which allows the combination of the different teaching methods in one setting

Field days

Field tours

Result demonstrations

Method demonstrations

The most appropriate method to use in teaching the mothers how to preserve fruits
Result demonstrations

Method demonstrations


Informal discussion

Requires a local leader/ cooperator to work with


Method demonstration

Farm visit

Result demonstrations

The most appropriate method to use to show to the community the superior qualities of high yielding
varieties of rice over the traditional one.

Result demonstrations

Method demonstrations

Farm visit


An effective activity for wide execution after a recommended practice is found acceptable to the local



Telephone calls

Eye catchers which are useful in sharing information on new technologies




A and C

The method which could turn to be a pleasure and not an educational activity if not carefully planned
and executed

Method demonstrations

Result demonstrations

Farm and Home Visit

Guided tour/ Educational trip

Method(s) adapted to all subject matters

Method demonstration

Result demonstation

Farm and Home visit

A and B
An organized /planned visit of farmers/ housememakers/ youths to see the result of a new practice
implemented in other areas

Field day

Result demonstration


Field tours

The method that reflects a high level of interest in the part of the client which the change agent can
make use of as a teaching-learning situation

Office / technical service

Home visit


Informal discussions

The method that may be combined

Radio and result demonstration

Home and Visit and exhibit

Movies and campaigns

All of these

A message sent back to the source, intentionally or unintentionally by the receiver, message or channel




The choice of appropriate extension methods/ techniques to use is primarily dependent upon the

Nature of the technology

Resources required

Objective(s) of the activity

Competence of the change agent

The most practical method/ strategy to use for creating awareness among farmers about swine flu




Home visits

An extension strategy which may be conducted on a weekly basis to discuss about cooperative

Informal discussion

Farmers/ Womens class


Technical call
A message sent to the source, intentionally or unintentionally by the receiver, message or channel is





Which do you think would be the best combination of methods in order to effect adoption of a new corn

Radio and farmers classes

Result demonstration and field day

Exhibit and farm visit

Result demonstration and farmers class

In evaluating the usefulness of an audio-visual aid in extension, which among the following questions is
least important?

Is it easily perceived

Is it culturally appropriate to the intended audience

Is it memorable

Is it colorful

If you were a change agent, which of the following would you choose to effect understanding of the life
cycle of a stemborer
Pie chart

Wall chart


Bar graph

In communication, feedback does not come from the :





In this approach, field personnel tend to be recruited locally and remain in the project for a long period
of time

Farming system development approach

Educational institutional approach

Cost sharing approach

Participatory approach

Extension undertaken by academic institutions.

General extension approach

Educational institution approach

Participatory agricultural extension approach


Effective communication if

They have similar education background

They are of the same nationality

They are of the same sex

They have established a common field of experience

Research result shows the amount of information remembered using various teaching methods. Which
among the following yields the highest?


Lecture and visuals

Seeing and doing


Indicators in evaluation usually derived from the:



Review of Literature

Other reports

The type of evaluation conducted right after project completion is called

Formative evaluation

Summative evaluation

Periodic evaluation

All of these

One method of collecting data to study changes in landscape is :

Social maps


Using forms


Institutional/ Venn diagram is best used to illustrate

Popularity of individuals

Location of households in the barangay

Work linkages among different agencies

None of the above

To illustrate schedule of planting different cops over certain periods of the year, one can gather data




Network diagrams
Causal chain analysis of project impact could be established using

Matrix scoring

Critical event analysis

Impact flow diagram

Social mapping

Impact refers to :

Short term output of products

Medium term results

Long term consequences

All of the above

Who benefits from feedback?

The receiver

The message

The channel

The source

Any contamination in the communication channel is



Static sound

Who should possess good encoding skills for an effective communication?

The message

The Channel

The receiver

The source

Good decoding skills should be possessed by whom for an effective communication

The message

The channel

The receiver

The source

Refers to the potential of a communication channel for covering an extensive geographic area with
speed and timeliness

Channel multiplicative power

Channel complementarity

Channel feedback

Channel permanency
Which among the following channels possess the dimension referred to in the proceeding number?




Farmers meeting

Two individuals (like the extension worker and a farmer) will have more

Which of the following has the least effect on a change agents credibility

Technical competence

Client orientation

Personal appearance


When a change agent tries to put himself in the situation/ reality of the farmer, he is exercising the
principle of





A condition in which two individuals are similar in some attributes like sex, age, culture etc




In extension, the first and foremost of a change agent is that of a





As a community organizer, which of the following knowledge / skills a change agent needs the least?

Technical knowledge on rice

Eliciting community participation

Value formation and community commitment

Community-based resource management

In the extension delivery system, under what subsystem does the change agent generally belong?

Agro-support system

Extension organization / change system

Beneficiary system

Research system
Which of the following does the rural people not expect to learn from extension

New scientific facts in farming

Develop research linkages with service agencies

Always depend on the change agent to decide for them

Born to work with other people

In social change theory, the process of communicating new ideas or practice into the social system overt
time is





The category of social change which is caused by an outsider, usually a representative of planned
change, introduces new ideas to achieve definite goals

Permanent change

Immanent change

Selective contact change

Directed contact change

An idea, practice or object perceived as new by an individual or any unit of a social system




The mental process through which an individual passes from the time of awareness of an innovation to
final adoption or rejection

Adoption process

Adaption process

Social change process

Infusion process

When a farmer does not adopt a particular innovation because it is in conflict with his religious beliefs,
the innovation is not acceptable in terms of its


Relative advantage



A new variety of rice, say RCX has been readily adopted by the farmers because of its good eating quality
and high yield


Relative advantage


In Rogers classification of adopters the most respected ones are the


Early adopters

Early majority


If you were a change agent assigned in a particular community, with whom will you work first to more or
less assure of wide adoption of an innovation


Early adopters

Early majority

Late majority

Which among the following, needs to be convinced with individual strategies?

Early adopters



Early majority

Which among the following strategies, is not utilized in the Training and Visit Approach?

Frequent and regular in service training field workers

Fixed and regular visit of extension workers to farmers group

Shared decision-making by farmers group

Subject matter specialists train field worker

Which among the following strategies is/ are undertaken in the community specialized approach

Specialized extension approach

Recommended input made available and accessible

System approach

A and B

In this approach farmers association/ cooperative and other stakeholders in community, influence and
exercise greater control of extension priorities and activities

Farming system development approach

Participatory agricultural extension

Project approach

Cost sharing approach

An approach whereby extension services are concentrated in a particular location and usually there is an
infusion of a large amount of external resources

Farming system development approach

Educational institution approach

Project approach
Cost sharing approach

An approach to demonstrate what can be done in a short period of time

Farming system development approach

Educational institution approach

Project approach

Cost sharing approach

A holistic approach in which the farmers participate actively in partnership with interdisciplinary team of

Farming system development approach

Educational institution approach

Project approach

Cost sharing approach

An extension approach with the assumption that extension field personnel are poorly trained, not up to
date and supervision is inadequate

General extension approach

Commodity specialized approach

Training and visit approach

Project approach
An approach which is commonly found in Government Ministry/ Department i.e Ministry / Department
of Agriculture, implemented through a unit of the department by assigning field staff all over the

General extension approach

Commodity specialized approach

Training and visit approach

Cost sharing approach

An approach whereby all functions which are related to a particular crops production are orchestrated
under one administration to make it more effective

Training and visit

Participatory agricultural extension approach

Commodity specialized approach

Cost sharing approach

Approach that focused on one crop, usually for export

Training and visit

Project approach

Commodity specialized approach

Cost sharing approach

An approach with the assumption that farmers have much wisdom about food production from their
land and that their knowledge can be improved if through learning from outside sources
Cost sharing approach

Project approach

Participatory agricultural extension

Farming system development approach

An approach with the assumption that locales may not be able to sufficiently support their own
development, thus outside sources should supplement/ compliment

Farming system development approach

Educational institutional approach

Cost sharing approach

Participatory approach

Which among the following is highly controlled by the central government

Educational institution approach

Participatory agricultural extension approach

General extension approach

Farming system development approach

Which approach entails lower cost on the part of the government

Participatory agricultural extension approach

General extension approach

Farming system development approach

Project approach
The Masagana 99 program was an example of what approach

Specialized commodity approach

Project approach

Educational institutional approach

Participatory agriculture extension approach

Which approach seem not feasible in a democratic country like the Philippines

General extension approach

Farming system development approach

Agriculture extension participatory approach

Training and visit approach

Which of the following is a criteria applied in evaluating long term objectives

Equity of impact



All of these

SMART is used as a guide in writing project objectives. What does A stands for?




SMART is used as guide in writing project objectives. What does M stands for?




All of the above

Assessing the worth or value of something is called:





The process of evaluation shows any of the following

Whether extension activities implemented had achieved its desired objectives

Objectives are clear

Understand project activities

None of the above

What type of indicator in evaluation measures effect of activities in relation to objectives?

Process indicators

Impact indicators

Evaluation indicators

All of the above

Which of the following levels could impact be assesses?




All of the above

Which of the following is not type of extension service

Farm or business advisory service

Training services

Demonstration Projects

Rapid Rural Appraisal

Under the AFMA, the goals of agricultural extension are

Accelerate the transformation of agriculture and fisheries from a resource-based to technology based
Farm mechanization

Family planning

None of the above

Extension education is a

Conclusion-oriented science

Decision-oriented science

Both A and B

None of the above

Which of the following intervenes in a social progress to give deeper insights in the way society
functions by observing how change process occurs

Physical Science

Natural Science

Decision-Oriented Science

All of the above

Extension financial support at the LGU comes from the

Donor institution

State Colleges and Universities

Share in the IRA

All of the above

IRA is an acronym to :

Internal Resources Allotment

Internal Revenue Allotment

Internal Revenue Allowance

Internal Revenue Allowance


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