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Latihan 1 :

1. 1. Kadita usually ... To school foot

A. go .

B. goes

C. went

D. going

2. Prabu .... badminton with his friend now.

A. plays

B. played

C. is playing

D. was playing

3. Ratu always .... her mother although she is just eight years old.

A. is helping

B. helped

C. helps

D. help

4. Perdana sometimes. ... twice a week. to Tasikmalaya

A. came

B. comes

C. was coming

D. will come

5. The passengers of the aeroplane.... when the plane hit the mountain last week.

A. are sleeping

B. have been sleeping

C. were sleeping
D. have slept

6. The visitors of the annual ceremony already.

A. came

B. have come

C. were coming

D. will come

8. I... exercises everyday because I don't want to get fat.

A. takes

B. taking

C. take

D. is going to take

9. I...studying at SMU next year.

A. will start

B. started

C. is starting

D. start

10. They....the computer game for two hours.

A. have played

B. have been playing

C. played

D. are playing

11. Prabu: "Where did you get the novel from?"

Perdana: "I borrowed from the library last week. I want to return it now because already."

A. read

B. am reading
C. have read

D. am going to read

12. Do you know who ...the book "Treasure Island'?

A. write

B. writes

C. wrote

D. did write

13. Prabu ... his Biology assignment these days.

A. was finishing

B. has finished

C. finished

D. has been finishing

14. The boys were swimming at the beach when the rain ... to fall.

A. has begun

B. began

C. was beginning

D. begun

15. "Where is your brother?"

"In his room. He.....a computer game.

A. has been playing

B. played

C. plays

D. is playing

16. He ...the teacher is in the classroom.

A. know
B. knew

C. knows

D. known

17. I don't .... why he can't come on time.

A. understand

B. understood

C. understanding

D. understands

18. She mustn't believe what her friend has...her.

A. tell

B. telling

C. tells

D. told

19. Prabu and Ratu are at Kadita's house. They want to finish their homework. They_____ it seriously

A. are doing

B. were doing

C. do

D. did

20. Today Seanu has a toothache, all the time he is crying. i .... him to a dentist as soon as possible.

A. bring

B. am bringing

C. brought

D. will bring

21. Every vacation my brother goes away from home. He seldom...., at home.

A. stay
B. stays

C. stayed

D. is going to stay

22. Ratu started working here in 1999 for four years.

A. works

B. has been working

C. is working

D. will be working

23. Boss: "Have you seen

Ratu?" Manager: "Yes, sir. She.... a letter in her room now."

A. was typing

B. will be typing

C. is typing

D. has been typing

24. I was sleeping when my father....the announcement about me on the radio.

A. heard

B. was hearing

C. hears

D. will be hearing

25. My that firm from 1980 to 1985.

A. worked

B. has worked

C. has been working

D. is working

26. I'm sure I...him two yeas ago.

A. am seeing

B. have been seeing

C. have seen

D. saw

27. church on Sundays.

A. goes

B. is going

C. went

D. has been going

28. By this time tomorrow, all the celebrations...

A. will have ended

B. have ended

C. ended

D. end

29. I get there at nine o'clock, they...out.

A. went

B. go

C. are going

D. will be going

30. At this time next month we...uniforms.

A. wear

B. will be wearing

C. wore

D. were wearing

31. Ratu often .... in the living room.

A. sleeps

B. slept

C. sleep

D. sleeping

32. Perdana ...his homework at present time.

A. does

B. will do

C. is doing

D. was doing

33. Kadita always .... her own room after she gets up.

A. is tidying

B. tidied

C. tidies

D. tidy

34. Perdana sometimes... fried rice for breakfast.

A. has

B. have

C. was having

D. will have

35. clothes for camping when you phoned me last night.

A. am preparing

B. have been preparing

C. was preparing

D. have prepared

36. My father...from his job already.

A. resigned

B. has resigned

C. resigns

D. will resign

37. this postcard three days ago.

A. sends

B. has sent

C. sent

D. will send

38. He...very week because He wants to lose weight.

A. exercises

B. exercise

C. exercising

D. is exercising

39. We ....Senior high school in the following six months.

A. will enter

B. is entering

C. entered

D. enter

40. We...for you for forty minutes.

A. have waited

B. waited

C. have been waiting

D. are waiting

Latihan 2
May 5th, 2018

Dear Mr. Danu,

Thank you so much for staying after school to help me prepare for my Math Mid Test. I'm so glad to
have passed the exam, and I have no doubt that it was your help that made the difference. The tips that
you taught me will help me throughout the rest of the course and in future Math classes I really
appreciate your dedication to your students.



16. What is the main idea of the letter?

A. Benny's failure in Math Midtest

B. Mr. Danu's doubt of Benny's test score

C. Benny's gratitude for Mr. Dana's guidance

D. Mr.Danu and Benny's appointment to study

17. What did Benny do in order to pass the exam?

A. He wrote a letter to Mr.Danu.

B. He joined a Math course outside.

C. He made a really great achievement.

D. He studied hard with MrDanu's guidance.

18. "....and I have nodoubt that it was your help".

The meaning of the underlined words is...

A. For sure.

B. Not true.

C. Very good.

D. Unbelieveable.

Questions 19-21 refer to the following text.

Read the manual below:

1. Pull the mask toward you.

2. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth.

3. Secure the elastic band behind your head.

4. Breathe normally. Although the bag doesn't inflate, oxygen is flowing to the mask.

5. If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first.

6. Then assist the other person. 7. Keep your mask on until crew member advises you to remove it.

19. According to the text, what should you do if a child requires your assistant during emergency?

A. Ask for the crew cabin to help.

B. Wait for a crew member to help

C. Help him/her first and then help yourself.

D. Secure your mask on first then assist the child

20. What should the readers do after securing the elastic band behind the head?

A. Breathe normally

B. Ask for the crew cabin to help.

C. Wait for a crew member to help.

D. Help children first and then help yourself.

21. "Place it firmly over your nose and mouth." The underlined word has similar meaning with

A. tightly

B. loosely

C. quickly

D. carelessly

Questions 22-24 refer to the following text.

Telaga Pasir
Once upon a time, there lived a husband and wife in the jungle of Lawu Mountain, East Java. They were
Kyai Pasir and his wife NyaiPasir. Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field while Nyai Pasir was a

It was a beautiful morning, Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking, he
stumbled upon something. He found the egg. He carefully brought the egg home. Arriving at home, he
gave it to NyaiPasir. Nyai Pasit did not wait for long to boil the egg. And when it was done, they both ate
the egg.

After eating the egg, KyaiPasir went back to the field. On the way to the field, he felt his body so
uncomfortable. He felt his body itchy. Suddenly he felt his throat so hot. He badly needed water. He was
screaming in pain. He was so shocked! He saw his skin changed into scales. Just like scales of reptile. He
touched his head. He felt something was growing on his head. He was completely shocked. A horn was
growing. And he also had a tail. His body was slowly getting bigger. He changed into a dragon!

Meanwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She was running to the field to look for her husband.
When she arrived at the field, she saw a dragon was moving his body on the ground. Slowly Nyai Pasir
also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk but they were too weak to do that.
They just could move their bodies on the ground and it made a very big hole. The hole was getting
deeper and deeper. Soon water came out of the hole and it became a lake. Since then, people named
the lake as Telaga Pasir.

22. What does the texttell us about?

A. The situation of Telaga Pasir

B. The legendary origin of TelagaPasir

C. The beauty of Pasir lake in East Java

D. The wonderful couple living in Lawu Mountain

23. From the text, we may conclude that

A. Kyai Pasir earned his life by selling the egg

B. Kyai Pasir and his wife lived by themselves

C. Nyai Pasir worked in a field like her husband

D. Nyai Pasir didn't change into a dragon just like Kyai Pasir

24. "He badly needed water." (paragraph 3 sentence 5)

The underlined word has similar meaning with...

A. unwell

B. seriously

C. unhealthy

D. not in a good condition

Questions 25-27 refer to the following text.



Celebrating the Heroes Day, our school will have a Debate Contest. Participants:All students of our
school are allowed to join. Agroup consists of three students.

* It will be held from 12 to 14 November 2018

*Prizes: Free school fee.

Make sure your group register. Don't miss it. For further information, please contact the OSIS.

The Committee

The Chairman of OSIS

25. What is the aim of the announcement?

A. To tell about the Heroes Day

B. To inform some competition

C. To explain the rule of the game

D. To ask for information of the contest

26. From the text, we may conclude that...

A. The prize is cash money

B. The event will take place for three days

C. The committee of the event is the teachers

D. The participants are students from third grade

27. It will be held in 12 to 14 November 2018 The word 'it' here refers to...

A. The school fee

B. The heroes day

C. The group of students

D. The debate competition

Questions 28-30 refer to the following text.

The director of Indonesian Import Company request the company of

Mr. John Taylor

Managing Director of Woolest Ltd. Manchester

on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of their company at the International Club in Jakarta

on 8 December 2018 at 08.00 p.m (dinner at 9.00 p.m.)

(Dress formal)


AlehandroDito, Indonesian Import Company,

250 Kuningan Road Jakarta, Indonesia

28. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To express some condolence

B. To state deep sympathy

C. To invite someone

D. To congratulate

29. Which statement is true based on the text?

A. Mr. John Taylor becomes the host of the event

B. The event will take place at 8 o'clock in the morning

C. The Indonesian Import Company is located in Manchester

D. Mr. AlehandroDito is the director of Indonesian Import company

30. What should the invitees do if they can attend the event?

A. To call Mr. John Taylor

B. To come to Kuningan road

C. To contact Mr. Alehandro Dito

D. To register at the International Club

Questions 31-33 refer to the following dialogue.

Laura: im going to watch an action movie tonight. Would you like to come with me?

Anita : No, thanks. I'm not really interested in action movie. I can't stand with fighting scene. I love the
entertaining one.

Laura : What if we have dinner out? My mother is going to go to Surabaya with my father tonight. Well, I
cannot cook.

Anita: It sounds nice. Where?

Laura: I heard Rocket restaurant is excellent.

31. What is the topic of the text?

A. Asking for help

B. Inviting someone

C. Giving permission

D. Making an apology

32. Based on the text, we may conclude that...

A. Laura goes to cinema at last

B. Laura decides to have some dinner with Anita

C. Anita would like to have some dinner by herself

D. Anita cooks the dinner together with Laura at home

33.If Anita goes to cinema, what kind of movie would she like to watch?

A. Action

B. Horror

C. Comedy

D. Documentary

Questions 34-36 refer to the following dialogue.

Mary: Hi, Kevin, have you ever been to Australia?

Kevin : No, I haven't but I have been to New Zealand. What about you?

Mary: Yeah, I have visited Australia before. You have to visit Australia, Kevin. I had a great time while
staying there.

Kevin: Tell me about it.

Mary: Well... start from the English course. Since my English is not good, I want to improve my speaking
skill. So I went there using Student Visa.

Kevin: Wow that sounds interesting.

Mary: Now, tell about New Zealand. Did you visit the famous place used for shooting The Lord Of The

Kevin : Yes, I have visited that place. It's located in Wellington. It was so terrific, beautiful and amazing.
This is the first time I have ever seen an awesome place.

Mary :Ooh, I am so envious of you.

34. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The experience of going abroad.

B. Watching the Lord of The Ring.

C. Joining an English course.

D. Visiting beautiful places.

35. From the text we know that

A. Kevin stayed in Australia to work.

B. Mary has never been to Australia before.

C. Kevin has been staying in Australia for a long time.

D. Wellington was used for filming The Lord Of The Ring.

36. "It was so terrific, beautiful and amazing. What does the underlined word refer to?

A. New Zealand

B. The filming location

C. The Lord of The Ring

D. The location of Wellington

Questions 37-39 refer to the following dialogue.

Agent: Thank you for calling the Nirwana Resort. This is the reservation agent, Radi, speaking

Caller: My name's Rico Rodriguez, from Mexico City. I am going to Bintan Island, Indonesia and I need a
room with beautiful vision outside.

Agent: Would you mind telling me how many people there are in your party, Mr. Rodriguez

Caller: Just me.

Agent: Are you one of the convention participants at the hotel?

Caller No, I am not, but I do have a Garuda Indonesia Frequent Flyer Discount card.

Agent: Great, Mr. Rodriguez. Here, we offer executive room and deluxe room. Both executive and
deluxe are comfortable, but if you're keen of enhancing view, the executive will suit you.

37. How frequent does Mr. Rodriguez flies using Garuda Indonesia?

A. Once

B. Never

C. Often
D. Rarely

38. What will the caller do next?

A. reserve the executive suite

B. consider the deluxe room

C. close the line promptly

D. fly with Garuda

39. "Would you mind telling me how many people there are in your party... The word "party" here is
closest meaning to....

A. Celebration

B. Festival

C. Group

D. Feast


Questions 40 to 50: Choose the appropriate option to complete the dialogue.

40. Kristy: Have you ever been to this mall before?

Rachel: No, even this is my first time to go to Bandung.

Kristy: ...

Rachel: I think it is clean and modern.

A. How about going to the mall?

B. What do you think of it?

C. Do you agree with me?

D. Why don't you visit it?

41. X: I have two tickets for a basketball game. It's a final game.

Y: It sounds cool. When will the match be held?

X: It's on Friday afternoon. ... I don't want to go alone.

A. Should you come over?

B. Would you like to go with me?

C. Do you like me to give a hand?

D. Could you please buy the tickets?

42. Febri : I don't know how to send the document using this fax machine. Can you help me?

Dendi : Sure... First.

A. Insert the document to the fax machine

B. Take the paper out of the fax machine

C. Dial the fax number of the destination

D. Close the fax machine

43. Parto: Next week, …..

The roof need to be changed. You know it's been rained for several days.

Soleh : I think I can help your Dad. There will be nothing to do next week.

Parto: Thanks, God.. You're so kind!

A. you are going to stay with my family.

B. my dad is going to repairthe house.

C. my dad will be very busy.

D. I am going to buy a paint.

44. Yuyun: You look very cheerful, Dewa. What good news do you have?

Dewa: You know, I passed the administrative test and I get a scholarship to study abroad in tourism
department. It is in Canberra University, Australia. My dreams come true.

Yuyun: Terrific....

A. It's my pleasure to do that

B. Let me congratulate you on your success

C. You look fabulous on that tremendous suit

D. Our deepest condolence to you upon the passing.

45. Receptionist: Good morning. Aston Hotel. May I help you?

Caller : Good morning. This is Mrs. Anita from Orient restaurant. Can I speak to the manager?

Receptionist: I'm sorry. He has just left. He must attend the meeting in Surabaya....

A. Would you leave a message?

B. Would you hold a minute?

C. May I have your name?

D. Who is speaking?

46. Hans: What do you think of the best way to get to the conference?

Ria: ... We could get some works done on the way

Hans: That is a great idea.

A. To me walking is fun.

B. I believe riding a bike is healthy.

C. In my opinion bus will take longer time.

D. I think going by the train would be better.

47. Daughter: It is weekend, mum. There's nothing interesting on TV. What should I do?

Mother : So, Get outside the house, dear. Daughter But, you see it's very cloudy.

A. You had better turn off the TV

B. Let's have some meal

C. Change the channel.

D. It sounds nice.

48. Fairy: Hi, Betrand. Can you show me how to use this new printer?

Betrand: Oh, come on, Fairy. You can read the manual. Just open the lid. Put the paper, and press the
start button. Then, read what to do next..... you will be able to print the document.

Fairy : Okay, thanks alot.

A. If you follow the instructions

B. You'd better go to the store

C. I think that is the best idea

D. It can be repaired

49. Susi : Let's join some interesting seminar on Sunday afternoon. It is about millennial

Nani :...I have to babysit my little sister

A. That would be useful

B. Let's go with pleasure

C. Thanks, but I'm sorry I can't

D. I would love to join the program

50. Fitria : Mom, I've received my birthday present, thanks a lot.

Mrs. Yayuk : You're welcome, dear. Do you like it?

Fitria: Well, I think.

Mrs. Yayuk : Oh, I see. We can return it to the shop and ask for the other color, Ok?

Fitria : You're the best, mom.

A. My favorite color is red, and I want it.

B. It's very old fashioned. I really like it.

C. I like it, but the color is too dark.

D. Not bad mom.

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