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CEG Gbèdégbé de Sey Année Scolaire: 2022-2023

Commune de Toffo
BP: 91 Ouagbo
Epreuve: Anglais Classe: 1ère A Durée: 3heures Coefficient: 2/3
CD2: Réagir à un texte ou support multimédia
CD3: Produire un texte ou support multimédia de type particulier
A/La réaction à un texte ou multimédia

Contexte: Que pourrions-nous faire sans les technologies de l'information et de la
Text: Computers in the past and nowadays

1-First of all, computers are very accurate devices. They can do any jobs we order
them very quickly if compared to humans. People can do many tasks in a short time on
computer. They can use it personally at home and professionally at work. You can process
a text with it or display pictures or films on the screen. You can also print the text you

type on computer.

2-However, computers used to be very big and heavy in the old days. They also took a
lot of space. So computer scientists have developed small computers chips to make
computers smaller and thinner. They also made memories with larger capacity and
storage. As a result today, computers are small, compact, mobile and very light. Examples
of these computers are: laptop, tablets, iPads and smart phones.

3- Further, to keep safe your computer, some instructions should be followed. If you
are working on a desktop, you must plug the power cable in a socket, and then switch the

machine on. Sometimes, you need to restart the computer to finish the installation of a
software. When you finish working, it is advised to switch the apparatus off and plug out
the power cable. But most installed software can't work accurately without internet.

4-Next, internet has become necessary before we can use some softwares. Students
need to subscribe to internet bundle or go to cybercafé to do research, meet friends, chat
or fall in love ( date) on social networks such as Facebook, WhatsApp or use research

engines like Google or kiddle.

5- Last, the use of internet in an uncontrolled way can have negative sides such as :
cybercriminality (in form of piracy, identify theft, privacy violation, hacking and

cyberbulling) on one hand , and internet addiction which symptoms include, being
passive, having problems concentrating, doing homework, isolation from family or being

upset when offline on the other. So, beware!

Critères évaluation: Après avoir lu ce texte, tu montreras que tu l'as compris en :

- reconnaissant des détails du texte;
- exprimant tes appréciations sur le texte ;
- manipulant le vocabulaire du texte;
- traduisant une partie du texte en Anglais, ou quelques phrases en français ;
- reformulant certaines phrases de façon autonome.

Item1: Answer by right and wrong
1-Computers are accurate and fast people
2-In the past computers are very light and small
3-People can use Google only if they are connected to internet
4- We must be careful when using internet
Item2: Answer these questions on the text
1- Give two uses of computer according to the text
2- How do computers change with the time?
3- Can smartphones be considered as computers?
4- Is internet always safe? Justify
Item3: Find either synonyms or antonyms as indicated

1-Show: synonym (paragraph1)
2- Heavy: antonym (paragraph2)
3- Device: synonym (paragraph3)
4- Online: antonym (paragraph5)

Item4: Translation
A-Translate into French: The third paragraph of the text.
From:" Further, to keep................ Down to....... Without internet ''

Item5: Rephrase the following sentences using the given prompt. Don't change the
1- They used boys and girls for pornography
 They should................ ... .........................................
2-Internet is practical, nevertheless the cyberspace is risky

 Although................................................................
3- Parents bought smartphones to their little children, (what was not necessary)

 Parents needn't.....................................................
4- Raissa is computer literate,but she didn't get the job

 Despite Raissa 's..................................…….....................

B/ Production d’un texte ou support multimédia de type particulier
Contexte: De plus en plus de gens sont connectés, même de petits enfants

Critères d'évaluation: Tu montreras ta compétence à écrire un texte argumentatif en :

-respectant le contexte et le type de texte ;

-produisant un texte significatif et cohérent avec l'usage des connecteurs logiques ;

-utilisant le vocabulaire et la ponctuation appropriés ;

-respectant l'orthographe des mots et les règles grammaticales.

Writing: what do you think about the children's use of internet?
- Make sure you mention some advantages of the use of technology (internet) by children
-show the dangers of internet for children and which of their rights may be violated
- Give your opinion about what we can do to make the use of internet safe for children.

“Strike while the iron is hot”

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