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Biological Classification, The Plant Kingdom, The Animal Kingdom) Class : II PUC-A

Q.101 Phylum that exhibit bilateral symmetry are –

(A) Platyhelminthes (B) Aschelminthes (C) Annelids (D) All of these

Q.102 Cells that are peculiar to the phylum-Porifera.

(A) Chimeras (B) Chondrocytes (C) Dendrocytes (D) Choanocytes

Q.103 The radial symmetry is observed in –

I. Platyhelminthes II. Coelenterates III. Aschelminthes IV. Annelids V. Echinoderms
(A) II, III and V (B) I, II, III and V (C) II, III and I (D) II and V

Q104 Which of the following statements are true/false?

I. In higher phyla cellular level of organisation is seen.
II. Phylum-Platyhelminthes have cellular level of organisation.
III. Cellular level of organisation is seen when the cells are not arranged as loose cell
IV. Molluscs exhibit tissue level of organisation.
Choose the correct option of the following.
(A) I and II are true, but III and IV are false. (B) All statements are false.
(C) All statements are true. (D) III and IV are true, but I and II are false.

Q.105 Among the following organisms which is a completely non-parasitic form?

(A) Sea anemone (B) Tapeworm (C) Leech (D) Mosquito

Q.106 Which of the following features are present in chordates?

(A) Dorsal heart, presence of post-anal tail and central nervous system in dorsal.
(B) Ventral heart, presence of post-anal tail and presence of gill slits.
(C) Dorsal heart, pharynx perforated by gill silts and dorsal ventral system.
(D) Ventral heart, absence of notochord but presence of post-anal part of the tail.

Q.107 Which of the following animals have a single opening to the outside that serves both
as mouth as well as anus?
(A) Octopus (B) Asterias (C) Ascidia (D) Fasciola

Q.108 Metameric segmentation is the main feature of phylum

(A) Annelida (B) Echinodermata (C) Arthropoda (D) Coelenterata

Q.109 Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched with its
characteristic feature without any exception?
(A) Reptilia : possess 3-chambered heart with an incompletely divided ventricle.
(B) Chordata: possess a mouth with an upper and a lower jaw
(C) Chondrichthyes: possess cartilaginous endoskeleton
(D) Mammalia : give birth to young ones.

Q.110 Which of the following is not a Porifera

(A) Sycon (B) Spirulina (C) Euspongia (D) Spongilla

Q.111 Fill in the blanks from the given characters with respect to a, b, c and d and choose the
correct option.
I. Phylum-Echinodermata are __a__
II. Phylum-Mollusca have a __b__
III. __c__ of Echinoderms is its distinctive character.
IV. Echinodermata got their name from __d__
Given characters
1. radially symmetrical 2. Larvae 3. endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles
4. water vascular system 5. Radula 6. mantle cavity
(A) a-1, b-6, c-4, d-3 (B) a-1, b-5, c-3, d-2
(C) a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2 (D) a-1, b-2, c-5, d-6

Q.112 Which one of the following groups of animals is bilaterally symmetrical and
(A) Coelenterates (cnidarians) (B) Aschelminthes (roundworms)
(C) Ctenophores (D) Sponges

Q.113 Laccifer belongs to –

(A) Phylum-Mollusca (B) Phylum-Arthropoda
(C) Phylum-Annelida (D) Phylum-Coelenterata

Q.114 Which statement is incorrect about members of phylum-Porifera?

(A) have cellular level of organisation
(B) have separate sexes
(C) sexual reproduction takes place by gamete formation
(D) have a water canal system

Q.115 What is common between parrot, platypus and kangaroo?

(A) Toothless jaws (B) Functional postanal tail
(C) Oviparity (D) Homoiothermy

Q.116 Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
a. Amphioxus 1. Hag fish
b. Petromyzon 2. Lamprey
c. Trygon 3. Sting ray
d. Myxine 4. Ascidia
5. Branchiostoma
(A) a-1, b-5, c-2, d-4 (B) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-5
(C) a-5, b-4, c-1, d-2 (D) a-5, b-2, c-3, d-1

Q.117 Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
a. Physalia 1. Liverfluke
b. Taenia 2. Sycon
c. Fasciola 3. Tape worm
d. Scypha 4. Portugese man of war
(A) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4 (B) a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
(C) a-1, b-3, c-2, d-4 (D) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4

Q.118 The phylum-Mollusca lack, which one of the following.

(A) visceral hump (B) Malpighian tubules (C) gills (D) radula

Q.119 Which one of the following pairs of animal comprises ‘jawless fishes’?
(A) Lampreys and eels (B) Mackerals and rohu
(C) Lampreys and hag fishes (D) Guppies and hag fishes

Q.120 Which one is correct?

(A) Notochord is ectodermal in origin present in some animals.
(B) Notochord is a mesodermally derived rod like structure formed on the dorsal side in
embryonic development in some animals.
(C) Arthropoda are non-chordates.
(D) Both (B) and (C)

Q.121 Which one of the following sets of animals belong to a single taxonomic group?
(A) Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Silverfish, Dogfish, Starfish
(B) Bat, Pigeon, Butterfly
(C) Monkey, Chimpanzee, Man
(D) Silkworm, Tapeworm, Earthworm

Q.122 Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
a. Ancylostoma 1. Hookworm
b. Wuchereria 2. Filaria worm
c. Ascaris 3. Roundworm
d. Fasciola 4. Liverfluke
5. Flatworms
(A) a-1, b-4, c-3, d-5 (B) a-2, b-5, c-1, d-3
(C) a-4, b-1, c-5, d-3 (D) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4

Q.123 Choose the correct option.

(A) Annelida – Exhibit bilateral symmetry, metamerism and coelom
(B) Echinodermata – Exhibit tissue level organisation and radial symmetry
(C) Arthropoda – Exhibit incomplete digestive system and segmentation
(D) Notochord – is present on ventral side in vertebrate

Q.124 Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Radial symmetry – Coelenterates (B) Coelomates – Aschelminthes
(C) Metamerism – Molluscs (D) Triploblastic – Sponges

Q.125 Triploblastic, unsegmented, acoelomate exhibiting bilateral symmetry and reproducing

both asexually and sexually, with some parasitic forms. The above description is the
characteristic of phylum
(A) Annelida (B) Ctenophora (C) Cnidaria (D) Platyhelminthes

Q.126 Medusa is the reproductive structure of

(A) Hydra (B) Obelia (C) Sea anemone (D) None of these
Q.127 Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
a. Statocysts 1. Radiating plates
b. Radula 2. Respiratory function
c. Gills 3. Organs of balance
d. Tentacles 4. Sensory organs
5. Organ of feeding
6. Organs of locomotion
(A) a-4, b-1, c-3, d-6 (B) a-3, b-5, c-2, d-4
(C) a-4, b-1, c-5, d-3 (D) a-2, b-3, c-5, d-4

Q.128 Which of the following statement is true?

(A) All chordates are vertebrates
(B) All vertebrates are chordates
(C) Invertebrates possess a tubular nerve cord
(D) Non-chordates have a vertebral column

Q.129 Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct option from the codes given
Column-I Column-II
a. Choanocytes (i) Platyhelminthes
b. Cnidoblasts (ii) Ctenophora
c. Flame cells (iii) Porifera
d. Nephridia (iv) Coelenterata
e. Comb plates (v) Annelida
(A) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(v), e-(iii) (B) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(v), e-(iii)
(C) a-(v), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(ii), e-(iv) (D) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(v), e-(ii)

Q.130 The cells that help in excretion in Fasciola are called

(A) choanocytes (B) nematocytes (C) nephridia (D) flame cells

Q.131 Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
a. Honey bee 1. Aedes
b. Mosquito 2. Apis
c. Laccifer 3. Lac insect
d. Bombyx 4. Silkworm
(A) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4 (B) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
(C) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4 (D) a-4, b-1, c-3, d-2

Q.132 Match the following columns

Column-I Column-II
Common name Zoological name
a. Star fish (i) Sepia
b. Jelly fish (ii) Astropecten
c. Devil fish (iii) Aurelia
d. Cuttle fish (iv) Octopus
(v) Hippocampus
(A) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(i) (B) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(v)
(C) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(iii) (D) a-(v), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(ii)

Q.133 Which one of the following pairs is mismatched?

(A) Pila globosa-Pearl (B) Apis indica-Honey
(C) Kenia lacca-Lac (D) Bombyx mori-Silk

Q.134 Which of the following is a flightless bird?

(A) Ostrich (B) Emu (C) Kiwi (D) All of these

Q.135 Which of the pairs of animals has non glandular skin

(A) Snake and Frog (B) Chameleon and Turtle
(C) Frog and Pigeon (D) Crocodile and Tiger

Q.136 Consider the following statements.

I. In red algae vegetative reproduction takes place by fragmentation.
II. In red algae the food is stored as floridean starch, which is very similar to amylopectin and
glycogen in structure.
III. Cell wall of red algae consists of chitin.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(A) I and II (B) I and III (C) II and III (D) All of these

Q.137 Select the correct sequential arrangement of reproductive structures for pteridophytes.
(A) Sporophyll - Strobilli - Sporangia - Spore mother cell -Spores
(B) Strobilli – Sporophyll-Sporangia - Spores
(C) Spores - Sporophyll - Sporangia - Strobili
(D) Spores - Sporangia - Sporophyll - Strobili

Q.138 Mosses (along with lichen) are of great ecological importance because
(A) they colonise on barren rocks and decompose rock
(B) its contribution to prevent soil erosion
(C) its contribution in ecological succession
(D) All of the above

Q.139 Oogamous means

(A) fusion between female and male gametes. Both are similar in size.
(B) fusion between one large female gamete and a smaller non-motile male gamete.
(C) fusion between one large female gamete and a smaller motile male gamete.
(D) fusion between one smaller female gamete and a large motile male gamete.

Q.140 Which of the following is incorrect with respect to angiosperms?

(A) Endosperm – Triploid (B) Megaspore – Diploid
(C) Pollen grain – Haploid (D) Synergid – Haploid

Q.141 In case of heterosporous pteridophyte the gametophyte is

(A) always dioecious (B) monoecious
(C) may be monoecious or dioecious (D) vascular

Q.142 Which of the following does not belong to class-Phaeophyceae (brown algae)?
(A) Ectocarpus and Dictyota (B) Laminaria and Sargassum
(C) Fucus and Dictyota (D) Polysiphonia and Gelidium

Q.143 The moss plant is

(A) sometimes gametophyte and sometimes sporophyte
(B) predominantly gametophyte with sporophyte attached to it
(C) gametophyte
(D) sporophyte

Q.144 In gymnosperm dominant phase is

(A) sporophyte (B) gametophyte (C) haploid (D) diploid

Q.145 Kelp (branched form) and Sargassam (filamentous form) belongs to

(A) green algae (B) brown algae (C) red algae (D) blue-green algae

Q.146 The characteristic features of bryophytes are

I. main plant body is gametophytic.
II. main plant body is sporophytic.
III. requirement of water for fertilisation.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(A) I and II (B) I and III (C) II and III (D) I, II and III

Q.147 Which of the following group of marine algae are used as food?
(A) Chlamydomonas, Volvox and Gracilaria
(B) Porphyra, Laminaria and Sargassum
(C) Laminaria and Gracilaria
(D) Porphyra and Chlamydomonas
Q.148 Which of the following plants produces seeds but not flowers?
(A) Maize (B) Mint (C) Peepal (D) Pinus

Q.149 Mannitol is the stored food in –

(A) Chara (B) Porphyra (C) Fucus (D) Gracilaria

Q.150 In which of the following group would you place a plant, which produce seeds but
lacks fruits?
(A) Fungi (B) Pteridophytes (C) Bryophytes (D) Gymnosperms

Q.151 Which of the following liverworts have thalloid plant body?

(A) Marchantia (B) Funaria (C) Sphagnum (D) Pogonatum

Q.152 In the angiosperm ovule, central cell of the embryo sac prior to the triple fusion,
(A) a single haploid nucleus (B) one diploid nucleus
(C) two haploid polar nuclei (D) one diploid and one haploid nuclei

Q.153 Cycas are

(A) homosporous and dioecious (B) homosporous and monoecious
(C) heterosporous and dioecious (D) heterosporous and monoecious

Q.154 Eight nucleated female gametophyte is found in

(A) bryophytes (B) gymnosperms (C) angiosperms (D) pteridophytes

Q.155 Chlamydomonas shows

(A) isogamy (B) anisogamy (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) oogamy

Q.156 Which of the following pigments gives brown and golden algae their color?
(A) Phycobilins (B) Fucoxanthin (C) Chlorophylls (D) Carotenoids

Q.157 In majority of the Pteridophytes all the spores are of similar kind such plants are called

(A) Homosporous (B) Heterosporous (C) Prothallus (D) Protanema

Q.158 Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids are found

(A) green algae, red algae, and land plants
(B) green algae, euglenoids, and land plants
(C) brown algae, green algae, and golden algae
(D) brown algae, diatoms, and golden algae

Q.159 Which is the dominant phase of Pteridophytes –

(A) Gametophyte (B) Sporophyte (C) Spores (D) Gametes

Q.160 Phycoerythrin is present in

(A) Polysiphonia (B) Laminaria (C) Kelps (D) Chlamydomonas

Q.161 Which protists have photosynthetic pigments similar to those of the cyanobacteria?
(A) golden algae (B) diatoms (C) euglenoids (D) red algae

Q.162 Gemmae are asexual buds, which originate from small receptacles called gemma cups.
These are found in
(A) Funaria (B) Marehantia (C) Fern (D) Sphagnum

Q.163 Land plants are thought to have evolved from

(A) green algae (B) fungi (C) bryophytes (D) mosses

Q.164 Which of the following does not have true roots?

(A) Conifers (B) Ferns (C) Flowering plants (D) Mosses

Q.165 Stored food in Phaeophyceae is –

(A) Laminarin or manitol (B) Starch (C) Cellulose (D) Algin

Q.166 Seed plants lack which of the following structures?

(A) ovules surrounded by integuments.
(B) microspores and megaspores.
(C) vascular tissues
(D) a large, nutritionally independent Gametophyte

Q.167 Gymnosperms include –

(A) Medium sized trees (B) Tall tree (C) Shrubs (D) All the above

Q.168 In Gymnosperm which is not found –

(A) Antheridia (B) Archegonia (C) Both (D) None of these

Q.169 A strobilusis –
(A) on a diploid plant (B) on a haploid plant
(C) on a vascular plant (D) all of the above

Q.170 Conifers, cycads, ginkgo, & gnetophytes are collectively called –

(A) fern allies (B) gymnosperms (C) angiosperms (D) dicots

Q.171. Noctiluca is a colourless dinoflagellate, which is an important constituent of coastal

plankton of both temperate & tropical seas.
II. The cellular slime moulds have the characters of both plants and animals.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) Only I (B) Only II (C) I and II (D) None of the above

Q.172 Consider the following statements.

I. All prokaryotic organism were grouped together under kingdom-Monera.
II. The unicellular eukaryotic organism were placed in kingdom-Protista.
III. Chlorella and Chlamydomonas, both were having cell walls.
IV. Paramecium and Amoeba lack cell walls.
V. Kingdom-Protista has brought together Chlamydomonas, Chlorella with Paramecium and
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(A) I, II, III and IV (B) II, III, IV and V
(C) I, II, III and IV (D) I, II, III, IV and V

Q.173 Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
a. Amoeboid protozoans 1. Plasmodium
b. Flagellated protozoans 2. Paramecium
c. Ciliated protozoans 3. Trypanosoma
d. Sporozoans 4. Entamoeba histolytica
5. Leishmania
6. Pelomyxa
7. Vorticella
Codes 8. Monocystis
(A) a-1, 8 ; b-2, 7 ; c-3, 6 ; d-4, 5
(B) a-3, 7 ; b-2, 8 ; c-1, 6 ; d-4, 5
(C) a-4, 6 ; b-3, 5 ; c-2, 7 ; d-1, 8
(D) a-2, 5 ; b-1, 6 ; c-4, 8 ; d-3, 7

Q.174 Which one of the following is a characteristics feature of group-Chrysophyta?

(A) They are parasitic forms which cause disease in animals.
(B) They have a protein rich layer called pellicle.
(C) They have indestructible wall layer deposited with silica.
(D) They are commonly called dinoflagellates.

Q.175 Lichens shows

(A) mutualism (B) commensalism (C) parasitism (D) saprophytism

Q.176 Which of the following statements are correct?

(A) Slime moulds are haploid (B) Protozoans lack cell wall
(C) Dinoflagellates are immotile (D) Pellicle is absent in Euglena

Q.177 The multinucleate slimy mass of protoplasm which forms the body of slime moulds is
called as
(A) plasmodium (B) myxamoeba (C) sporocytes (D) periplasmodium

Q.178 _______ is a parasite of large intestine of human beings and causes the disease _____.
(A) Escherichia coli, amoebic dysentery
(B) Entamoeba histolytica, amoebic dysentery
(C) Plasmodium vivax, malaria
(D) Trypanosoma gambiense, sleeping sickness

Q.179 Select incorrect statement about fungi?

(A) The cell walls are composed of chitin & polysaccharides.
(B) These are heterotrophic organisms.
(C) They are autotrophic organsism.
(D) They are absorptive in nature.

Q.180 The protists that have been studied very closely to understand the process of
differentiation belong to the group.
(A) Opisthokonts. (B) Archaeplastida (C) Excavates. (D) Amoebozoa
Q.181 The conclusion that fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants was based
in large part on comparing –
(A) molecular clocks (B) polymerase chains
(C) nucleotides in DNA (D) ribosomal RNA sequences

Q.182 Water molds reproduce asexually by forming _____, and sexually by forming _____.
(A) oospores; holdfasts (B) zoospores; zooxanthellae
(C) zoospores; oospores (D) hold fasts; isogametes

Q.183 Select correct matched pair / pairs :-

(A) Claviceps - Ascomycetes
(B) Morels - Ascomycetes
(C) Agaricus - Basidiomycetes
(D) All the above

Q.184 Which of the following is not true of the protists?

(A) they are unicellular,colonial, coenocytic, or simple multicellular organisms.
(B) their cilia and flagella have a 9+2 arrangement of microtubules.
(C) they are prokaryotic, like the eubacteria and archaebacteria.
(D) some are free-living, and some are endosymbionts.

Q.185 Unicellular protists that are free-living or parasitic, move by means of flagella, and do
not photosynthesize are called
(A) euglenoids (B) dinoflagellates (C) myxamoebas (D) zooflagellates

Q.186 Paramecium and other ciliates often display a sexual phenomenon called
(A) oogamy (B) conjugation (C) anisogamy (D) red tide

Q.187 Malaria –
(A) is transmitted by the bite of a female tsetse fly.
(B) is caused by a parasitic zooflagellate, Giardia intestinalis.
(C) is a serious form of amoebic dysentery caused by Entamoeba histolytica.
(D) is caused by an apicomplexan that spends part of its life cycle in the Anopheles
mosquito and part in humans.

Q.188 Yeast participates in the brewing of beer by –

(A) adding vital amino acids (B) fermenting grain
(C) fermenting fruit sugars (D) producing ethyl alcohol

Q.189 According to five kingdom classification Protista includes

(A) Chrysophytes, Dinoflagellates, Protozoans
(B) Diatoms, Euglenoids, Virus
(C) Dinoflagellates, Protozoans, Red algae
(D) Chrysophytes, Bryophytes, Protozoans, Slime mould.

Q.190 Which statement is not true of the ascomycetes?

(A) their sexual spores are produced in asci
(B) their asexual spores are produced in basidia
(C) some species in this group are yeasts
(D) their asexual spores are called conidia

Q.191 The ascomycete life cycle typically includes –

(A) mainly diploid thalli.
(B) the formation of a thick zygosporangium.
(C) the production of eight haploid ascospores within an ascus.
(D) intertwined hyphae to form a basidiocarp

Q.192 Which statement is not true of the basidiomycetes?

(A) they have a diploid thallus that produces zoospores.
(B) their sexual spores are called basidiospores
(C) they produce a secondary mycelium with n + n hyphae.
(D) mushrooms & bracket fungi are examples of this group.

Q.193 Which statement is not true of deuteromycetes?

(A) many are ascomycetes that lost the ability to reproduce by forming ascospores.
(B) they are also known as imperfect fungi.
(C) they have both sexual and asexual reproduction.
(D) their asexual spores are called conidia.

Q.194 A ______ is a symbiotic association between a phototroph and a fungus.

(A) mycorrhizae (B) deuteromycete (C) lichen (D) haustorium

Q.195 Which characteristic is true of all fungi?

(A) saprotrophic (B) parasitic (C) nonflagellate (D) pathogenic
Q.196. Match Column-I with Column-II
Column-I Column-II
a. Planaria (i) Binary fission
b. Fungi (ii) Asexual spores
c. Yeast (iii) Budding
d. Amoeba (iv) True regeneration
(v) Fragmentation
(A) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(iv) (B) a-(iv), b-(ii), (v), c-(iii), d-(i)
(C) a-(ii), b-(v), c-(i), d-(iv) (D) a-(v), b-(ii), (i), c-(iii), d-(iv)

.Q.197 Which describes how a fungus infects a plant?

(A) infiltrates leaves with lichens.
(B) forms relationships by attaching mycorrhizae to stems.
(C) secretes powerful digestive juices onto the leaves.
(D) hyphae enter leaves through a stoma
Q.198 Correct statement regarding heterocysts.
(A) These are present in some filamentous cyanobacteria such as Nostoc and
(B) These cells are specialized to perform N2 fixation.
(C) These cells contain enzyme nitrogenase.
(D) All of these

Q.199 The cell wall is composed of two thin overlapping shells which fit together like a soap
case, in
(A) desmids (B) diatoms
(C) dinoflagellates (D) slime moulds.

Q.200 Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct option from the codes given
Column-I Column-II
a. Edible delicacies (i) Penicillium, Streptomyces
b. Experimental (ii) Neurospora crassa
c. Source of (iii) Puccinia, Ustilago
d. Rust & smut (iv) Morels and truffles
(A) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i) (B) a-(iii), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iv)
(C) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(i), d-(iii) (D) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(i)

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