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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712

Mid July Y2K+4 My new web site addresses - &

“And the nations

were angry, and thy
wrath is come, and
the time of the dead,
that they
should be
judged, and that thou
shouldest give
reward unto thy
servants the
prophets, and to the
saints, and them that
fear thy name, small
and great; and shouldest destroy
them which destroy the earth.” Exhibit #92 in the new series.
Dear SDA friends around the world,
Greetings from my sweet V and me in Jesus’ holy name.
Things are happening so fast that if people don’t have their equilibrium grounded on the solid rock of God’s word,
they’ll get so dizzy that they’ll fall into one of the ten thousands ditches of the devil.
Faith: Please tell us what these pictures mean, and tell us what’s going on in the new world order in fulfillment of
prophecy, leading to the devil’s Sunday law, the close of
probation, the seven last plagues, and the coming of Jesus in
the sky. Also, please explain to us why it is that we are told
that in the end, they will be crying “peace and safety,” and
looking forward to the long expected millennium of peace,
{when they think that all the world will be converted}, and at
the same time, the prophet says “In the last scenes of this
earth’s history war will rage.” LDE 24. How can things be
like in the days of Noah, when the birds will be singing, and
the flowers will be blooming, and the sun will be shining, and
the wedding bells will be chiming, and at the same time war
will be raging, and all chaos will be breaking loose?
Pastor Jan: Many things are happening all at once. I
have documentation showing what is happening in the
church, in the schools, in the courts, in the Congress, in the
war, in the media, in the Vatican, and around the world. I
can’t show it all to you now, but I will show you as many
Exhibit #93 in the new series. In this letter, I’m going things as I can - which show what is happening in the new
to reveal to you what went on in Congress the other day world order, and which show that Jesus is coming very soon.
that was amazing to me. I’m going to show you the In Exhibit #92, you see the front cover of a book by the
speakers and tell you what they said. These things
show that Jesus is coming soon name of The Life of Death. It’s a new age book. There are a
pile of books like this which help give the answer to the
question as to how the large class of non-Christian liberals are going to be tricked into going along with a national
Sunday law. The answer is found in the third prong in the “three-fold union.” That third prong is Spiritualism. The
piles of “New Age” books, and tapes, etc. are really a tricky form of
Spiritualism. The person you see in Exhibit #92 is a movie star. Her
name is Ann. She has also been the Lesbian friend of another T.V. star
named Ellen. The liberals love it. I wouldn’t watch any of them for
one minute. But there is something in this type of thing that is going to
get them to sign on to the mark of the beast - and they don’t know it
Hope: What is it?
Pastor Jan: It is the fact that the famous movie star lesbian named
Ann, has gotten into Spiritualism. The influence of Ann, and many
liberals like her in Hollywood, is what the devil needs for the three-
fold union. In the picture above, I only show you the top of Ellen’s
head. It’s more appropriate to show you the half skull-face on the front
of the book than to show you Ellen - so I put the “Face of Death” in the
place of Ellen’s face. But Ann is not just a Lesbian. She’s a

spiritualist. Ann revealed on T.V. how she was visited by some kind of supernatural being who told her that her new name
is Celestia, and told her that she now has supernatural powers. Other famous singers, actors, and movie stars have also
experienced this type of thing. If I told you their names, you’d recognize them. Satan comes to them and tells them that if
they’ll give themselves completely to him, he’ll make them rich and famous. And so most of them do. Most people don’t
suspect this when they see them on T.V. or in the movies. One musician said that he knew that it was no longer him
playing. Another power was moving his fingers.
I believe that this also happens {though more subtly} in some churches, youth sessions, and camp meetings, where they
use guitars, drums, keyboards, etc. with words about Jesus, to produce blends of sounds from both heaven and hell. You
saw and heard some of this on my CCA video series at camp meetings and churches. “Another power” helps them. It
wouldn’t be as dangerous to hear the same sounds coming from a group of ground hogs in a field. What’s more dangerous
in church, is the spiritual languor, and hypnosis from spirit over spirit when produced by smiling fellow church members
and church officials,
moved by a certain
“converted” {GC 588}
power in the church. I
trust that you don’t have
such a thing where you
live. Some of the saints
who have been piously
taught that they must stay
in the midst of this type
of thing - have become
sick. Do you believe
that? Most people would
never dream that it was
planned, and piously
revealed in the 1000 page
Vatican II document from
the Vatican II council in
Rome {from 1962-1965}
which I gave you a
glimpse of in my video
series. Some godly souls
who leave those
congregations to seek to
worship God in peace
with other Godly SDAs,
in both Spirit and in truth,
are pitied as the poor lost
offshoots who left the
church. If some timid
souls - who are afraid to
be persecuted for Jesus’
sake, force themselves to
stay in it long enough,
their brains obey the law
of the mind - “by
beholding we become
changed into the same
image.” Then, before
they know it, it doesn’t
seem so bad after all.
They see the pastor and
many of their church
officials and friends
liking it, and after a
while, their conscience doesn’t bother them about it any more. They hear the pastor and his friends kindly teaching
of God’s unconditional love for all who sing and swing and sin and celebrate, and that we must love and accept all,
just the way they are. They hear words of love and think of the joy of having salvation “as a group,” while being
accepted by both God and the church, to practice only the acceptable sins which the church people approve. And
then they relax and think - “These are God’s people. Everything’s alright. What’s wrong with me? Throw caution
to the wind. After all, the whole congregation couldn’t be wrong.”
When the Sunday law soon comes, the minds of Catholic Celebration movement.] Watch closely -
millions will be expanded {big time}, and they’ll finally “Satan has long been preparing for his final effort to
see that the “narrow way” upon which the lovely Jesus deceive the world. . . Little by little he has prepared the
and His true SDA remnant people are on, is too narrow way for his masterpiece of deception in the development
to include Satan’s tricks, and too broad to exclude those of spiritualism. . . Marvelous beyond expression is the
who really love and obey God. blindness of the people of this generation. Thousands
So the movie star {Ann} told how she healed a friend reject the word of God as unworthy of belief and with
of hers, and can do other supernatural things. She said, eager confidence receive the deceptions of Satan.
“I know that this happened. It is true. People may think Nothing can arouse their fears. So fully have they
that I’m crazy, but I know it’s true. It happened.” yielded to the tempter, so closely are they united with
This type of thing from famous Hollywood stars, the him, and so thoroughly imbued with his spirit, that they
Harry Potter series, T.V. shows with their commercials, have no power and no inclination to break away from his
movies, etc. is going to help unite the large class of non- snare. The whole world will be swept into the ranks of
Christian liberals with the Christian evangelicals enough this delusion. The people are fast being lulled to a fatal
for them to all be swept into spiritualism - [along with security, to be awakened only by the outpouring of the
millions of poor SDAs who have fallen for the Roman wrath of God.” GC 561,662.

“As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of

the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is For those who need “peace” in
converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the the last days
How do we get it?
character of an angel of light. Through the agency of spiritualism, “‘Being justified by faith, we have peace with
miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans
undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will 5:1.
profess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of As you learned in my last letter, you receive
this blessing the very moment you believe it and
the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine receive it! Listen - “Whoever consents to
power. renounce sin and open his heart to the love of
“The line of distinction between professed Christians and the Christ, becomes a partaker of this heavenly
ungodly is now hardly distinguishable [Many church members go to peace.” MB 27. Praise God!
There’s nowhere else that a person can get
the beach after church; watch T.V. before the sun sets; go out to eat this “heavenly” peace except in Jesus.
the carcases of dead animals at a restaurant; or go to other places of Nowhere! “There is no other ground of peace
amusement on Sabbath afternoon, and know nothing of what it than this. . . He who is at peace with God and
means {in a sweet relationship with our kind Father} to “keep it his fellow men cannot be made miserable. . .
holy.” Some of their pastors have seen to it that their new members The heart that is in harmony with God is a
partaker of the peace of heaven. Christ's
have never even heard of the Spirit of Prophecy. I’ve met them. I’m followers are sent to the world with the message
also thankful that our Father has some godly pastors scattered around of peace. Whoever, by the quiet, unconscious
the world.] Church members love what the world loves and are ready influence of a holy life, shall reveal the love of
to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body Christ; whoever, by word or deed, shall lead
another to renounce sin and yield his heart to
and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of God, is a peacemaker. And ‘blessed are the
spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the peacemakers: for they shall be called the
true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder working power; children of God.’” MB 27,28.
and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be
deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the
form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world
and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium. [There it is! Dear Jesus used Sister White to expose this whole
massive attack.]
“Through spiritualism, Satan appears as a benefactor of the race, healing the diseases of the people, and professing to
present a new and more exalted system of religious faith; [Much spiritualism is now right in the churches - as the article
on page 2 revealed.] but at the same time he works as a destroyer. His temptations are leading multitudes to ruin.
Intemperance dethrones reason; sensual indulgence, strife, and bloodshed follow. Satan delights in war, for it excites the
worst passions of the soul and then sweeps into eternity its victims steeped in vice and blood. It is his object to incite the
nations to war against one another, for he can thus divert the minds of the people from the work of preparation to stand
in the day of God.
“Satan works through the elements also to garner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has studied the secrets of the
laboratories of nature, and he uses all his power to control the elements as far as God allows. . . It is God that shields His
creatures and hedges them in from the power of the destroyer. But the Christian world have shown contempt for the law
of Jehovah; and the Lord will do just what He has declared that He would – He will withdraw His blessings from the
earth and remove His protecting care from those who are rebelling against His law and teaching and forcing others to do
the same. Satan has control of all whom God does not especially guard. He will favor and prosper some in order to
further his own designs, and he will bring trouble upon others and lead men to believe that it is God who is afflicting
“While appearing to the children of men as a great physician who can heal all their maladies, he will bring disease
and disaster, until populous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. [In a minute, you’ll learn about the great crisis
along this line, which
several State
brought to view the
other day in the U.S.
Congress.] Even now
he is at work. In
accidents and calamities
by sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in fierce
tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests, floods,
cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place
and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power.
He sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and
distress follow. He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and
thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are
to become more and more frequent and disastrous. [This
last sentence agrees with the warning the Congressmen
gave.] Destruction will be upon both man and beast.
‘The earth mourneth and fadeth away,’ ‘the haughty
people . . . do languish. The earth also is defiled under
A year ago, {June 18} the Chicago Tribune showed these the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed
headlines. This was a reaction to 9/11. The case, meanwhile has the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting
been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court {for the benefit of
prisoners at the U.S. Air Force base in Cuba. Now, the Supreme covenant.’ Isaiah 24:4, 5.
court has ruled that the President may suspend the rit of habeas “And then the great deceiver will persuade men that
corpus {so that they need give no reason for a person’s arrest, or those who serve God are causing these evils. [Don’t
tell your loved ones - or anyone - where or who you are} as long
as those secretly arrested have a lawyer and an appeal to some expect things to get better before Jesus comes.
court - which they called a “tribunal.” It may sound nice, but I see Those days are over. But set your affections on our
that little by little, the high court - with mainly Roman Catholic Lord Jesus Christ, and you won’t be frightened.] The
Chief Justices, is - {with words so technical that you wouldn’t
understand them for 30 seconds} - doing some “good things” while class that have provoked the displeasure of Heaven
“trickishly” biting away at the “unalienable rights” that God has will charge all their troubles upon those whose
given people. These things are coming in handy in the work of the obedience to God’s commandments is a perpetual
NWO “Professionals” toward the “sensible solution” of the reproof to transgressors. It will be declared that
enforcement of the mark of the beast.”

men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin
has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be
strictly enforced; and that those who present the claims of the fourth
commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the
people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity.
“The miracle-working power manifested through spiritualism will exert its
influence against those who choose to obey God rather than men.
Communications from the spirits [to movie stars, church people, and maybe
people you know] will declare that God has sent them to convince the
rejecters of Sunday of their error, affirming that the laws of the land should
be obeyed as the law of God. They will lament the great wickedness in the Many of you have learned in this series
world and second the testimony of religious teachers that the degraded state on the New World Order much about the
secret society of the Masons. I revealed to
of morals is caused by the desecration of Sunday. Great will be the you how the Jesuit Order took control of
indignation excited against all who refuse to accept their testimony. [You can them in the 1800s, and how leaders of
see that increasing terrorism, crime, war, chaos, as well as these supernatural every major nation on earth are high
communications from Satan’s angels - who claim to be dead people - - to Masons, including Putin, the leader of
Russia. On my 2 big screens, many of you
T.V. and movie stars, as well as millions of non-religious liberals, will make learned that Osama bin Laden is a high
a gigantic change in their thinking concerning the feasability of a Sunday Mason in the New World Order, and is
law.] obeying his superiors in the Vatican.
“Satan’s policy in this final conflict with God’s people is the same that he That’s not too shocking when you
employed in the opening of the great controversy in heaven. He professed to be remember that Adolf Hitler and Mussolini
had concordats with Rome and were doing
seeking to promote the stability of the divine government, while secretly something similar. You also learned on
bending every effort to secure its overthrow. [The Vatican is secretly playing those screens that President FDR was also
that game right now with the U.S., and nations around the world.] And the very a 33 degree Mason, and knew of the
work which he was thus endeavoring to accomplish he charged upon the loyal attack on Pearl Harbor 12 days in advance
- leaving our boys to die - so that at the
angels. The same policy of deception has marked the history of the Roman end of WWII, the UN could be set up -
Church. It has professed to act as the vicegerent of Heaven, while seeking to which would be secretly controlled by the
exalt itself above God and to change His law. Under the rule of Rome, those Holy See {in fulfillment of GC 565} to rule
who suffered death for their fidelity to the gospel were denounced as evildoers; more in world affairs as time went by. The
they were declared to be in league with Satan; and every possible means was U.N. is, to a certain degree, working to take
over Iraq now through its new government
employed to cover them with reproach, to cause them to appear in the eyes of since 6/28/04. Like in Viet Nam, the whole
the people and even to themselves as the vilest of criminals. So it will be now. thrust behind the scenes is to get
While Satan seeks to destroy those who honor God’s law, he will cause them Catholicism into those Muslim nations - in
to be accused as lawbreakers, as men who are dishonoring God and bringing fulfillment of GC 565. Through the years,
judgments upon the world. Rome has tried over and over to “regain
“Those who honor the Bible Sabbath will be denounced as enemies of law control of the world.” GC 565. Do you
think that our kind Father is going to let it
and order, as breaking down the moral restraints of society, causing anarchy succeed? You’re going to find that God is
and corruption, and calling down the judgments of God upon the earth. Their going to allow people to get what they
conscientious scruples will be pronounced obstinacy, stubbornness, and really, truly want. Those who really truly
contempt of authority. They will be accused of disaffection toward the want with all their hearts - to live in heaven
with Jesus - having His character - will get
government. Ministers who deny the obligation of the divine law will present that. Those who want to be away from Him
from the pulpit the duty of yielding obedience to the civil authorities as forever will get that. Jesus revealed it
ordained of God. In legislative halls and courts of justice, commandment when He said, “All they that hate Me love
keepers will be misrepresented and condemned. A false coloring will be given death.” Proverbs 8:36. They really do love
it, because without His sweet presence,
to their words; the worst construction will be put upon their motives. life is so painful to many that they try to
“The dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe, persuade, or get little pieces of death when they go out
compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be of the world for a short time after taking
supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of drugs and alcohol, and many end their
justice and regard for truth; and even in free America, rulers and legislators, lives for good. May dear Jesus help us to
bring them to His love before it’s too late,
in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law is my prayer.
enforcing Sunday observance. [Notice that the law will come by “popular
demand.” It will be stirred up by the preachers.] Liberty of conscience, which has cost so great a sacrifice, will no longer
be respected. In the soon-coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophet’s words: ‘The dragon was wroth with the
woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ.’ Revelation 12:17.” GC 588-592.
How long will these things take? We see them starting to happen around us.
Charity: Please tell us about what happened in Congress.
Pastor Jan: It’s about what Representative Marty Meehan called the “Global Threat Reduction Initiative.” Speaking
before Congress June 28, he said -
Congressman Marty Meehan: {D. Mass.} “We are in a race between
cooperation and catastrophe. This program {the Meehan amendment} has
been endorsed by political leaders and non-proliferation experts across the
political spectrum. In a recent speech, former Senator Sam Nunn called it
a significant global effort. We are serious about preventing nuclear
terrorism. We must work cooperatively, and effectively to remove the
most dangerous material
wherever it may be. . . I
don’t think Al Quaeda is
waiting for the next fiscal
year to seek nuclear
material, and we shouldn’t
wait to act either. The
urgency is clear. We need
to be quicker and bolder in
securing these dangerous nuclear radiological materials. . . .”
Congressman Adam Schiff: “Three hundred and forty five reactors in
58 countries possess highly enriched uranium. The State Department has
identified 24 of the highest priority facilities for cleanout operations
because they contain enough highly enriched uranium to make a bomb.
Many of these facilities are terrifyingly insecure.

“Osama bin Laden has declared that the

acquisition of weapons of mass distraction is a
religious duty! After the Taliban was defeated,
blueprints of a crude nuclear program were found
in the deserted Al Qaeda headquarters in
“Does anyone doubt - - does anyone doubt - that
if Al Qaeda could assemble a nuclear weapon, they
would use it? They would use it! The Secretary
of Energy announced what may be one of the most Revelation 13 brings to view only two super-powers in the end of the
important national security initiatives of our time - world. You already know that they are the Vatican and the U.S. The
Vatican insider book Keys of This Blood says the same thing. It says
a $450 million effort to cleanout highly enriched that the Soviet Union would go down - which it did. It says that Russia
uranium around the world. But we cannot wait to has been dedicated to the “immaculate heart” of Mary [the devil], and
implement this initiative, for Al Qaeda is not that the SDAs are “minimalists,” to be absorbed into Rome’s
waiting, and ecumenical movement - and finally cease to exist. I’m happy to say
we must act that while
the Vatican will be burned up in the fire of hell and cease to exist
God’s mighty 6000 year old SDA church will go to heaven in a
Dear Pastor, now. The
My wife found your book cloudy chariot - {read about it in EW 34,35.} It’s no surprise that the
Secretary’s U.S. president should ask for a little help from his friends in the New
“National Sunday Law” at a
pay phone today and gave it initiative World Order Vatican. If you want this article, or any documentation in
to me. I suspect that God had would take a this letter, just send anything to help cover the cost. Anything above
someone drop it off there just decade to that will be used to reach as many thousands with God’s mighty three
for me. I read the whole book implement angels’ messages as fast as we can - to help hasten Christ’s return.
tonight and only took one and there is
break during the whole no guarantee that nuclear material would not be stolen in the interim. Far from it! We
reading. I agree wth you
100%. I look forward to must accelerate the time-line for this initiative. Tragically, today, we find ourselves in a
receiving your follow-up new nuclear arms race. It is very simply a race as to whether we can secure nuclear
book. If it is half as good as material before the terrorists can buy or steal it. This amendment provides $30 million for
“National Sunday Law,” I this initiative to get this program under way immediately. We have spent countless
shall be spellbound. I hope billions of dollars on the war in Iraq - - a war which was waged to remove stockpiles of
that “National Sunday Law” weapons of mass destruction from the reach of terrorists. The terrible irony of our present
will become this world’s most
read book. situation is that while we have
not found weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq, Dear Pastor,
Dear Jan Marcussen, we know where there One motivating factor in bringing me to
I just finished reading your book are large stockpiles of write this letter is a sense of urgency.
“National Sunday Law.” Thank you weapons of mass Legislation was approved by the city council.
for opening my eyes to the facts that Ordinance 5401 prevents anyone from
were hidden from me by my destruction; large distributing literature that says anything about
“church.” I and my wife are Roman stockpiles of nuclear anyone’s sexual preference, nationality,
Catholic. I received a catechism as a materials, and we have a or religion (it states specifically - Catholic,
graduation gift, but didn’t read it until cooperative means of Protestant, Jewish). It holds a minimum fine
I finished reading your book. What a securing them, and of $500 or 5 days in Jail. We can no longer
shock! I was shocked at the material “legally” give God’s third Angel’s message to
in the catechism that did not align placing them beyond the
this city. They expect that other communities
with scripture!!!! For years I bought reach of terrorists. To will follow soon with their own legislation to
into the lies about Sunday, scrimp on this effort is the same effect. Are we not all called to be
Christmas, Easter, and “All Saints worse than negligence. watchmen on the walls of Zion? Are we not to
Eve” (Halloween). After I finished It is a betrayal of the cry and sigh for the abominations done in
your book I had the blinders taken off public trust. In this race, Israel? The prophet says “A crisis is upon us.
my eyes! I am now accountable to We must now by the Holy Spirit’s power
the Almighty! Are you a Seventh-day as Senator Nunn so aptly proclaim the great truths for these last days. It
Adventist? Please send me your describes it, we are in a will not be long before every one will have
follow-up book {Great Controversy} race between heard the warning and made his decision.
immediately! Hope to hear from you cooperation and Then the end will come.” EV 703. Most
soon!!!! Sincerely, Daniel catastrophe. We must Adventists have no idea of what is going on.
not flag or fail in Many just sweep it under the rug as if it didn’t
this race. I yield exist. My wife and I have witnessed the horror
of an avalanche of apostasy. Our feet are
back to the solid in God’s SDA Bible message. [May God
gentleman from help us to reach the people with that message
Massachusetts the fast - whether “legal” or not !!] May the Lord
balance of the time. of heaven be with you.
Marty Meehan: Oh friend, by the grace of God, I will say that all
who get 1000 little NSL preachers for a donation
“If some of these of 39¢ each to help save souls, will receive 100
dangerous nuclear weapons material get into the hands of terrorists, as extra ones free, plus free shipping, plus a free
we know they could, they could kill thousands or tens of thousands of copy of my new book to help save young people.
Americans. I believe, and Mr. Schiff believes that this amendment is With an average of 3 people in each home, those
vital to our national security, and to our winning a war on terrorism.” 1100 powerful preachers will reach about 3300
Oh friend, there’s no way that you can comprehend the vastness and souls with God’s last message of love and
warning. I’m sorry to disappoint the devil, the
speed of what the forces of both heaven and hell are doing around the agents of Rome, and the Olympia “City Fathers”
world. Osama bin Laden said that it’s their religious duty to get who are under their control - - but the commands
nuclear weapons, and any weapon [of mass destruction.] Will the of God make any inferior and contradictory laws
NWO terrorists succeed? May God give us His tender love for souls - of men and demons null and void. By the grace
to help save them from hell and death - - is my prayer! May He help us of God, His people will reach the cities, towns
to get His mighty 3 angels’ messages out to the people. The prophet of and counties as never before - and the devil can’t
stop it! Listen - - “God will soon do great things
God cries out - “As the angels of God cease to hold in check the fierce for us if we lie humble and believing at His feet. .
winds of human passion, all the elements of strife will be let loose. . . More than one thousand will soon be
[The word “all” means “all,” and includes suitcase nuclear bombs, converted in one day, most of whom will trace
nuclear missiles, germ bombs, chemical bombs, and every other their first convictions to the reading of our
“element” of strife that evil men, Vatican monks, and the devil can publications.– RH 11/10/85. “The end is near,
invent.] The whole world will be involved in ruin more terrible than stealing upon us stealthily, imperceptibly, like
the noiseless approach of a thief in the night.
that which came upon Jerusalem of old.” GC 614. Do you believe May the Lord grant that we shall no longer sleep
that? as do others, but that we shall watch and be
“The season of distress and anguish before us will require a faith sober. The truth is soon to triumph gloriously,
that can endure weariness, delay, and hunger--a faith that will not faint and all who now choose to be laborers together
though severely tried. . . Those who are unwilling to deny self, to with God, will triumph with it. [Praise God!] The
time is short; the night soon cometh when no
agonize before God, to pray long and earnestly for His blessing, will man can work.” 9T 135.

Dear Pastor Marcussen, not obtain it. Wrestling with God – how few know what it is! How few have
I gave one of the NSL books to a ever had their souls drawn out after God with intensity of desire until every
neighbor. She read it in one night and power is on the stretch. When waves of despair which no language can express
came back the next day and said, “I’d sweep over the suppliant, how few cling with unyielding faith to the promises
better become a Seventh-day Adventist.”
It was so clear to her that she wants to of God. . .
read it again and again, and mark it up, “ God’s love for His children during the period of their severest trial is as
and give it to everyone she can. She is strong and tender as in the days of their sunniest prosperity; but it is needful for
planning to go to my church this coming them to be placed in the furnace of fire; their earthliness must be consumed,
Sabbath! So quickly does God work, and
such love He has for everyone! This is that the image of Christ may be perfectly reflected.” GC 621.
really exciting. “The ‘time of trouble, such as never was,’ is soon to open upon us; and we
shall need an
experience which
we do not now possess and which many are too indolent to We now have about 1/3 of what we need to reach
another million souls in the massive St. Louis area
obtain. It is often the case that trouble is greater in anticipation in the great 40 Million Man March. If you can help
than in reality; but this is not true of the crisis before us. The us reach this goal, just mark it at the end.
most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of the I’m scheduled to speak morning and afternoon in
ordeal.” GC 622. the Huntsville, AL area Sabbath, July 17. The SDA
Before probation for the world has closed, amid the fires of church will meet that day at Alabama A&M University
in Huntsville. Directions - From I-65 going N, go to I-
the last days, our mighty God will use us to reach the world. 565, and then get off on the Sparkman exit, and go L
Listen - “During the loud cry, the church, aided by the {east} to Meridian. Turn L on Meridian, go 1 ½ miles &
providential interpositions of her exalted Lord, will diffuse the the Univ. is on R. The meetings are in the Bibb Graves
knowledge of salvation so abundantly that light will be Auditorium in the Social Work Building. With the
urgency of the shortness of time and the love of the
communicated to every city and town. [Praise God! Even lovely Jesus, it will move you. Don’t miss it!
though all the conferences and corporate church buildings will August 15-21 is our 34th medical missionary soul-
be taken over by the government {see the last chapters of GC}, winning school. If you can come, or for info and
it will be found that God’s SDA “church” will include all who directions, please call my office. We’ll have several
will be walking with Jesus then, doing this last, special work of godly SDA doctors to teach you how to teach God’s
health principles, and I’ll be one of your teachers -
God, and it will exclude all who refuse to do it. They will have revealing amazing ways to reach the most people
received the mark of the beast.] The earth will be filled with the with the most truth in the best ways the cheapest.
knowledge of salvation. So abundantly will the renewing Spirit I’ll see you there! The registration fee of $300 covers
of God have crowned with success the intensely active agencies, food, room, materials, and everything. If you can’t
that the light of present truth will be seen flashing everywhere.” send it now, just bring it with you. If you can’t bring
it with you, you can send it later. If the Sunday law
RH 10/13/04. Praise God! is passed before you can send it, just forget it.
“I saw jets of light shining from cities and villages, and from For toll free credit card orders to “Printers Inc,”
the high places and the low places of the earth. . . His truth was you may call 1-877-439-4800.
proclaimed throughout the world.” 9T 28, 29. Praise the Lord!
You can have a part in it! And finally -
“As God spoke the day and the hour of Jesus’ coming and delivered the everlasting covenant to His people, He spoke one
sentence, and then paused, while the words were rolling through the earth. The Israel of God stood with their eyes fixed
upward, listening to the words as they came from the mouth of
Jehovah, and rolled through the earth like peals of loudest thunder. It
Dear Sir, was awfully solemn. And at the end of every sentence the saints
Some time ago I sat along side a road
selling produce. It was Saturday. A man shouted, ‘Glory! Alleluia!’ Their countenances were lighted up with
drove in. I thought that I had a sale. This man the glory of God; and they shone with the glory, as did the face of
just gave me a book called “National Sunday Moses when he came down from Sinai. The wicked could not look on
Law” and drove away. I never saw him again. them for the glory. And when the never-ending blessing was
Your book laid around in my room for a while. pronounced on those who had honored God in keeping His Sabbath
Then something happened which made me
read it. I read it 5 or 6 times. It changed my holy, there was a mighty shout of victory over the beast and over his
life. I grew up a Baptist, but there was always image. . .
something missing deep down inside. I had “Soon appeared the great white cloud. It looked more lovely than
no rest. After reading your book I searched ever before. On it sat the Son of man. We could behold His lovely
for a church. I found a small, little church. person. The voice of the Son of God called forth the sleeping saints,
Now I am a Seventh-day Adventist. I left
everything - a large Sunday school, social clothed with glorious immortality. The living saints were changed in a
events, everything. But I learned about God’s moment and were caught up with them into the cloudy chariot. It
Sabbath, [and His love], and I found peace of looked all over glorious as it rolled upward. On either side of the
mind. Thanks for your book! Don’t get tired chariot were wings, and beneath it wheels. And as the chariot rolled
of doing what’s right. upward, the wheels cried, ‘Holy,’ and the wings, as they moved, cried,
‘Holy,’ and the retinue of holy angels around the cloud cried, ‘Holy,
holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!’ And the saints in the cloud cried,
‘Glory! Alleluia!’ And the chariot rolled upward to the Holy City. Jesus threw open the gates of the golden city and led us in.
[Can you imagine that? Praise God!] Here we were made welcome, for we had kept the ‘commandments of God,’ and had a
‘right to the tree of life.’” EW 34,35. Praise God friend! Praise God.

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a donation of 39¢ each, plus 100 extra ones free, plus a copy of
the new Henry Potter book for soul-winning for young people, with free shipping {worth $60-70} in the U.S. ___. I want
2000 NSL preachers for a donation of 36¢ each, __ with the above mentioned things, and free shipping, and to be eligible to
come free to the next Medical Missionary Soul-winning School Aug. 15-21 ___. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of 49¢ each
and free shipping __. I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 45¢ each and free shipping ___. Please send me Pastor
Jan’s new book for young people entitled Cousin Henry Potter {and the Terrible Time Machine} for my donation of $16.95
___. Please send me 2-9 for a donation of $10 each __, 10 for $8 each___. Please use this donation to help bulk mail NSL
preachers to reach another million souls in St. Louis in the great 40 Million Man March_____. Please sign me up to
come to the medical-missionary soul-winning school Aug. 15-21___.
Number of books ____ videos ___ Amount of donation $___________ U.S.
Name ____________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________
Address ____________________________________________City ________________________Zip ___________
Make checks to M.V. Society of SDAs, P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 7.5.04

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