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and Set-up of the Philippine Judicial branch or instrumentality of the government,

Academy, A.M. No. 01-1-04-SC (2006)]. the court will decline exercising its power of
judicial review [G.R. No. 115786-87 (1996)].
The provision in the Charter of the GSIS, Chavez v. COMELEC: Judicial review shall
i.e., Section 39 of RA No. 8291, which involve only those resulting in grave abuse of
exempts it from “all taxes, assessments, discretion by virtue of an agency’s quasi-
fees, charges or duties of all kinds,” cannot judicial powers, and not those arising from its
operate to exempt it from the payment of administrative functions [G.R. No. 105323
legal fees. Unlike the 1935 and 1973 (1992)]
Constitutions, which empowered Congress
to repeal, alter or supplement the rules of 2. The issue is a political question.
the Supreme Court concerning pleading, Even when all requisites for justiciability have
practice and procedure, the 1987 been met, judicial review will not be exercised
Constitution removed this power from when the issue involves a political question.
Congress. Hence, the Supreme Court now
has the sole authority to promulgate rules But see Francisco v. House of
concerning pleading, practice and Representatives, G.R. No. 160261 (2004): At
procedure in all courts [GSIS v. Caballero the same time, the Court has the duty to
G.R. No. 158090 (2010)]. determine whether or not there has been grave
abuse of discretion by any instrumentality of
12. The SC alone may initiate rules of court. government under its expanded judicial review
[Sec. 5 (5), Art. VIII] powers. This allowed the SC to interfere in a
traditionally purely political process, i.e.
The separation of powers among the three impeachment, when questions on compliance
co-equal branches of our government has with Constitutional processes were involved.
erected an impregnable wall that keeps the
power to promulgate rules of pleading, Guidelines for determining whether or not a
practice and procedure within the sole question is political [Baker v. Carr (369 US
province of the Supreme Court. The other 186), as cited in Estrada v. Desierto, G.R. Nos.
branches trespass upon this prerogative if 146710-15 (2001)]:
they enact laws or issue orders that 1. There is a textually demonstrable
effectively repeal, alter or modify any of the constitutional commitment of the issue to a
procedural rules promulgated by the political department;
Supreme Court. [Estipona Jr. v. Lobrigo, 2. Lack of judicially discoverable and
G.R. No. 226679 (2017)]. manageable standards for resolving it;
3. The impossibility of deciding without an initial
13. Only the SC may order the temporary detail policy determination of a kind clearly for
of judges. [Sec. 5(3), Art. VIII] nonjudicial discretion;
4. Impossibility of a court’s undertaking
14. The SC can appoint all officials and independent resolution without expressing lack
employees of the judiciary. [Sec. 5(6), Art. of the respect due coordinate branches of
VIII] government;
5. An unusual need for unquestioning
Judicial Restraint adherence to a political decision already made;
The judiciary will not interfere with its co-equal 6. Potentiality of embarrassment from
branches when: multifarious pronouncements by various
1. There is no showing of grave abuse of departments on one question.

PPA v. Court of Appeals: If there is no showing

of grave abuse of discretion on the part of a
Page 89 of 116

experience [Cayetano v. Monsod, G.R. No.

C. APPOINTMENTS TO 100113 (1991)].
THE JUDICIARY Note: In the case of judges of the lower courts,
the Congress may prescribe other
qualifications. [Sec. 7(2), Art. VIII]
1. Qualifications of Members of
the Judiciary Disqualification from Other Positions or
Justices RTC Judge MTC/MCTC
of the SC (Sec. 15, Judge (Sec. Sec. 12, Art. VIII. The Members of the
and the B.P. 129) 26, B.P. 129) Supreme Court and of other courts
Collegiate established by law shall not be designated to
Courts any agency performing quasi-judicial or
Citizenship administrative functions.
Natural-born citizen
The SC and its members should not and
Age cannot be required to exercise any power or to
At least 40 At least 35 At least 30 perform any trust or to assume any duty not
years of years of age years of age pertaining to or connected with the
age administering of judicial functions [Meralco v.
Experience Pasay Transportation Co., G.R. No. L-37838
15 years or Has been Has been
more as a engaged for engaged for 2. Judicial and Bar Council
judge of a at least 10 at least 5
lower court years in the years in the
OR has practice of practice of a. Composition
been law OR has law OR has
engaged in held public held public Ex-officio members [Sec. 8(1), Art. VIII]
the office in the office in the a. Chief Justice as ex-officio Chairman
practice of PH requiring PH requiring b. Secretary of Justice
law in the admission to admission to c. One representative of Congress
PH for the the practice the practice
same of law as an of law as an Regular members [Sec. 8(1), Art. VIII]
period indispensable indispensable a. Representative of the Integrated Bar
requisite requisite b. Professor of law
c. Retired member of the SC
Tenure [Sec. 11, Art. VIII]
d. Representative of private sector
Hold office during good behavior until they
reach the age of 70 OR become Secretary ex-officio [Sec. 8(3), Art. VIII,
incapacitated to discharge their duties Const.]: Clerk of Court of the SC, who shall
Qualifications [Sec. 7(3), Art. VIII] keep a record of its proceedings; not a member
of the JBC.
Person of proven competence, integrity,
probity, and independence In the absence of the Chief Justice because of
his impeachment, the most Senior Justice of
Note: “Practice of law” is not confined to the Supreme Court, who is not an applicant for
litigation. It means any activity in and out of Chief Justice, should participate in the
court, which requires the application of law, deliberations for the selection of nominees for
legal procedure, knowledge, training and the said vacant post and preside over the
proceedings, pursuant to Section 12 of
Page 90 of 116

Republic Act No. 296, or the Judiciary Act of Supervisory authority of SC over JBC
1948 [Famela Dulay v. Judicial and Bar The supervisory authority of the Court over the
Council, G.R. No. 202143 (2012)]. JBC covers the overseeing of compliance with
its rules [Jardeleza v. Judicial and Bar Council,
Appointment, Tenure, Salary of JBC G.R. No. 213181 (2014)].
Ex-officio members: the position in the Council Supervisory power, when contrasted with
is good only while the person is the occupant control, is the power of mere oversight over an
of the office. inferior body; it does not include any restraining
authority over such body. [Aguinaldo v. Aquino,
Only ONE representative from Congress: G.R. No. 224302 (2016)].
Former practices of giving ½ vote or 1 full vote
each for the Chairmen of the House and Procedure of Appointment
Senate Committees on Justice is invalid. Any
The JBC shall submit a list of three (3)
member of Congress, whether from the upper
nominees for every vacancy to the President
or lower house, is constitutionally empowered
[Sec. 9, Art. VIII]
to represent the entire Congress.

The framers intended the JBC to be composed Any vacancy in the Supreme Court shall be
of 7 members only. Intent is for each co-equal filed within ninety (90) days from the
branch of government to have one occurrence thereof [Sec. 4(1), Art. VIII]
representative. There is no dichotomy between
the Senate and HOR when Congress interacts For lower courts, the President shall issue
with other branches. The lone representative the appointment within ninety (90) days from
from Congress is entitled to one full vote the submission by the JBC of such list [Sec.
[Chavez v. JBC, G.R. No. 202242 (2012)]. 9, Art. VIII]

Regular Members [Sec. 8(2), Art. VIII]: The

Note: The prohibition against midnight
regular members shall be appointed by the
appointments does not apply to the judiciary
President with the consent of the Commission
[See De Castro v. JBC, G.R. No. 191002
on Appointments.
The term of the regular members is 4 years.
But the term of those initially appointed shall be
staggered in the following way so as to create
continuity in the council: D. THE SUPREME COURT
1. IBP representative: 4 years
2. Law professor: 3 years
3. Retired justice: 2 years 1. Composition
4. Private sector: 1 year
a. Chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices
b. Powers b. May sit en banc or in divisions of three, five,
or seven members
Primary Function: Recommend appointees to c. Vacancy shall be filled within 90 days from
the judiciary; may exercise such other the occurrence thereof
functions and duties as the SC may assign to d. Strict Composition: There is but one
it. [Sec. 8(5), Art. VIII] Supreme Court whose membership
appointments are permanent [Vargas v.
Note: Judges may not be appointed in any Rilloraza, G.R No. L-1612 (1948)]
acting or temporary capacity as this would
undermine the independence of the judiciary.
Page 91 of 116

How many divisions can it have? suspension of the privilege of the writ [Sec.
18, Art. VII]
2 divisions 7 members
g. When sitting as Presidential Electoral
3 divisions 5 members Tribunal [Sec. 4(7), Art. VII]
h. All other cases which under the Rules of
5 divisions 3 members Court are required to be heard by the SC
en banc. [Sec. 4(2), Art. VIII]
En banc
Requirements and Procedures in Divisions
a. Cases decided with the concurrence of a
Note: They have full discretion on the number majority of the Members who actually took
of divisions. Right now, they sit in 3 Divisions. part in the deliberations and voted
b. In no case without the concurrence of at
En Banc and Division Cases least three (3) of such Members
En banc: Cases decided with the concurrence c. When a required number is not obtained,
of a majority of the Members who actually took the case shall be decided en banc.
part in the deliberations and voted. i. Cases v. Matters. Only cases are
referred to En Banc for decision
Instances when the SC Sits En Banc when required votes are not
a. Those involving the constitutionality, obtained.
application, or operation of: ii. Cases are of first instance; matters
1. Treaty are those after the first instance,
2. Orders e.g. MRs and post-decision
3. International or executive agreement motions.
4. Law iii. Failure to resolve a motion
5. Presidential decrees because of a tie does not leave the
6. Instructions case undecided. MR is merely lost
7. Proclamations [See Fortrich v. Corona, G.R. No.
8. Ordinances 131457 (1998)].
9. Other regulations
The SC En Banc is not an appellate court vis-
b. Exercise of the power to discipline judges à-vis its Divisions. The only constraint is that
of lower courts, or order their dismissal any doctrine or principle of law laid down by the
[Sec. 11, Art. VIII] Court, either rendered en banc or in division,
c. Discipline of judges can be done by a may be overturned or reversed only by the
division, BUT En Banc decides cases for Court sitting en banc [PUP v. Firestone
dismissal, disbarment, suspension for Ceramics, G.R. No. 143513 (2001)].
more than 1 year, or fine of more than
P10,000 [People v. Gacott, G.R. No. There is but one Supreme Court of the
116049 (1995)] Philippine Islands. It is the jurisdiction of this
d. Cases or matters heard by a Division Supreme Court, which cannot be diminished.
where the required number of votes to The Supreme Court remains a unit
decide or resolve these is not met [Sec. notwithstanding it works in divisions. Although
4(3), Art. VIII] it may have two divisions, it is but a single
e. Modifying or reversing a doctrine or court. Actions considered in any one of these
principle of law laid down by the court in a
divisions and decisions rendered therein are, in
decision rendered en banc or in division
effect, by the same Tribunal. The two divisions
[Sec. 4(3), Art. VIII]
of this court are not to be considered as two
f. Actions instituted by citizens to test the
separate and distinct courts but as divisions of
validity of a proclamation of Martial law or
one and the same court [US v. Limsiongco, G.
R. No. 16217 (1920)].

Page 92 of 116

2. Powers and Functions determine or add more qualifications when

such policies are necessary and incidental to
Procedural Rule-Making the function conferred in the Constitution
[Villanueva v. JBC, G.R. No. 211833 (2015)].
Sec. 5, Art. VIII. The Supreme Court shall
have the following powers: […] Period for Deciding Cases [Sec. 15(1), Art.
Promulgate rules concerning the protection
and enforcement of constitutional rights, Supreme Lower Other Lower
pleading, practice, and procedure in all Court Collegiate Courts
courts, the admission to the practice of law, Courts
the integrated bar, and legal assistance to
24 months 12 months, 3 months,
the under-privileged.
unless unless
reduced by reduced by
The 1987 Constitution took away the power of the SC the SC
Congress to repeal, alter, or supplement rules
concerning pleading, practice and procedure.
The power to promulgate rules of pleading,
practice and procedure is no longer shared by Notes:
the Court with Congress, more so with the a. Period counted from date of submission.
Executive [Echegar#ay v. Secretary of Justice, b. Case deemed submitted upon filing of the
G.R. No. 132601 (1999)]. last pleading, brief or memorandum required
by the Rules or the court [Sec. 15(2), Art. VIII].
a. Shall provide a simplified and inexpensive Upon expiration of the period, the Chief Justice
procedure for speedy disposition of cases or presiding judge shall issue a certification
b. Uniform for all courts in the same grade stating why the decision or resolution has not
c. Shall not diminish, increase or modify been rendered within the period [Sec. 15(3),
substantive rights Art. VIII].

Administrative Supervision Over Lower This provision is merely directory and failure to
Courts decide on time would not deprive the
Administrative Powers of the Supreme Court corresponding courts of jurisdiction or render
a. Assign temporarily judges of lower courts their decisions invalid [De Roma v. CA, G.R.
to other stations as public interest may No. L-46903 (1987)].
b. Shall not exceed 6 months without the The failure to decide cases within the 90-day
consent of the judge concerned; period required by law constitutes a ground for
c. Order a change of venue or place of trial to administrative liability against the defaulting
avoid a miscarriage of justice; judge. [People v. Mendoza, G.R. No. 143702
d. Appoint all officials and employees of the (2001)].
Judiciary in accordance with the Civil
Service Law; The Sandiganbayan, while of the same level as
e. Supervision over all courts and the the Court of Appeals, functions as a trial court.
personnel thereof; Therefore, the period for deciding cases which
f. Discipline judges of lower courts or order applies to the Sandiganbayan is the three (3)
their dismissal. month period, not the twelve (12) month period
[In Re: Problems of Delays in Cases before the
Note: The qualifications of judges of lower Sandiganbayan, A. M. No. 00-8-05- SC
courts as stated by the Constitution are (2001)].
minimum requirements. The JBC may

Page 93 of 116

Original and Appellate Jurisdiction e. Cases where only a question of law is

Jurisdiction is the authority to hear and involved;
determine a case [US v. Limsiongco, G. R. No.
16217 (1920)]. Note: A party who has not appealed from a
decision may not obtain any affirmative relief
Original Jurisdiction [Sec. 5(1), Art. VIII] from the appellate court other than what he had
a. Cases affecting ambassadors, other public obtained from the lower court, if any, whose
ministers and consuls decision is brought up on appeal [Daabay v.
b. Petition for certiorari Coca-Cola Bottlers, G.R. No. 199890 (2013)].
c. Petition for prohibition
d. Petition for mandamus Doctrine of judicial stability or non-
e. Petition for quo warranto interference: No court can interfere by
f. Petition for habeas corpus injunction with the judgments or orders of
another court of concurrent jurisdiction having
Note: Original jurisdiction also extends to writs the power to grant the relief sought by
of amparo, habeas data, and the injunction. The rationale for the rule is founded
environmental writ of kalikasan. on the concept of jurisdiction: a court that
acquires jurisdiction over the case and renders
The Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction to judgment therein has jurisdiction over its
issue writs of certiorari (as well as prohibition, judgment, to the exclusion of all other
mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus and coordinate courts, for its execution and over all
injunction) is not exclusive. Its jurisdiction is its incidents, and to control, in furtherance of
concurrent with the CA, and with the RTC in justice, the conduct of ministerial officers acting
proper cases [Cruz v. Judge Gingoyon, G.R. in connection with this judgment [United Alloy
No. 170404 (2011)]. Philippines v. UCPB, G.R. No. 179257 (2015)].

Appellate Jurisdiction [Sec. 5(2), Art. VIII]: on Finality of Judgments: A decision that has
appeal or certiorari (as the Rules of Court acquired finality becomes immutable and
provide), SC may review, revise, reverse, unalterable and may no longer be modified in
modify, or affirm final judgments and orders of any respect even if the modification is meant to
lower courts in: correct erroneous conclusions of fact or law
a. Cases involving the constitutionality or and whether it was made by the court that
validity of any treaty, international or rendered it or by the highest court of the land
executive agreement, law, presidential [Genato v. Viola, G.R. No. 169706 (2010)].
decree, proclamation, order, instruction,
ordinance, or regulation, except in Exceptions
circumstances where the Court believes a. The correction of clerical errors;
that resolving the issue of constitutionality b. Nunc pro tunc entries which cause no
of a law or regulation at the first instance is prejudice to any party;
of paramount importance and immediately c. Void judgments;
affects the social, economic and moral d. Whenever circumstances transpire after
well-being of the people [Moldex Realty v. the finality of the decision rendering its
HLURB, G.R. No. 149719 (2007)]; execution unjust and inequitable.
b. Cases involving the legality of any tax,
impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty Note: “Finality of Judgment” means that while
imposed in relation thereto; the court loses jurisdiction to amend, alter, and
c. Cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower modify the decision, it does not lose its power
court is in issue; over the case with respect to enforcement and
d. Criminal cases where the penalty imposed execution. The Court can suspend the
is reclusion perpetua or higher; enforcement of a sentence. Presidential
reprieve does not preclude Court control over
Page 94 of 116

the enforcement of decisions after finality. This Additional Rules:

is in the Court’s exercise of its judicial power a. Confidential Information secured by
[Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. justices, judges, court officials and
132601 (1999)]. employees in the course of their official
functions, mentioned in (2) and (3) above,
Judicial Privilege: A form of deliberative is privileged even after their term of office.
process privilege; Court records which are pre- b. Records of cases that are still pending for
decisional and deliberative in nature are thus decision are privileged materials that
protected and cannot be the subject of a cannot be disclosed, except only for
subpoena. pleadings, orders and resolutions that
have been made available by the court to
A document is pre-decisional if it precedes, in the general public.
temporal sequence, the decision to which it c. The principle of comity or inter-
relates. departmental courtesy demands that the
highest officials of each department be
A material is deliberative on the other hand, if it exempt from the compulsory processes of
reflects the give-and-take of the consultative the other departments.
process. The key question is whether d. These privileges belong to the Supreme
disclosure of the information would discourage Court as an institution, not to any justice or
judge in his or her individual capacity.
candid discussion within the agency.
Since the Court is higher than the
individual justices or judges, no sitting or
Judicial Privilege is an exception to the general
retired justice or judge, not even the Chief
rule of transparency as regards access to court
Justice, may claim.
records. Court deliberations are traditionally
considered privileged communication. Requirements for Decisions and
The following are privileged documents or Sec. 13, Art. VIII. The conclusions of the
communications, and are not subject to Supreme Court in any case submitted to it for
disclosure: decision en banc or in division shall be
a. Court actions such as the result of the reached in consultation before the case is
raffle of cases and the actions taken by the assigned to a Member for the writing of the
Court on each case included in the agenda opinion of the Court. A certification to this
of the Court’s session on acts done effect signed by the Chief Justice shall be
material to pending cases, except where a issued and a copy thereof attached to the
party litigant requests information on the record of the case and served upon the
result of the raffle of the case, pursuant to parties. Any Member who took no part, or
Rule 7, Section 3 of the Internal Rules of dissented, or abstained from a decision or
the Supreme Court (IRSC); resolution must state the reason therefor.
b. Court deliberations or the deliberations of The same requirements shall be observed
the Members in court sessions on cases by all lower collegiate courts.
and matters pending before the Court;
c. Court records which are “pre-decisional”
and “deliberative” in nature, in particular, Sec. 14, Art. VIII. No decision shall be
documents and other communications rendered by any court without expressing
which are part of or related to the therein clearly and distinctly the facts and the
deliberative process, i.e., notes, drafts, law on which it is based.
research papers, internal discussions,
internal memoranda, records of internal No petition for review or motion for
deliberations, and similar papers. reconsideration of a decision of the court

Page 95 of 116

6. The Chairmen and members may not be

shall be refused due course or denied
appointed in an acting capacity.
without stating the legal basis therefor.
7. The salaries of the Chairmen and members
may not be decreased during their tenure.
A "Resolution" is not a "Decision" within the 8. The Commissions enjoy fiscal autonomy.
meaning of Sec. 14 of Art. VIII. This mandate 9. Each Commission may promulgate its own
applies only in cases "submitted for decision," procedural rules, provided they do not
i.e., given due course and after the filing of diminish, increase or modify substantive
Briefs or Memoranda and/or other pleadings, rights (though subject to disapproval by
as the case may be. It does not apply to an the Supreme Court).
Order or Resolution refusing due course to a 10. The Commission may appoint their own
Petition for Certiorari [Nunal v. COA, G.R. No. officials and employees in accordance
78648 (1989)]. with Civil Service Law.

Promotional Appointment of Commissioner

COMMISSIONS Sec. 1(2), Article IX-D of the Constitution does
not prohibit a promotional appointment from
commissioner to chairman as long as:
1. The Commission on Elections, 1. The commissioner has not served the
2. Commission on Audit, and full term of 7 years; and
3. Civil Service Commission 2. The appointment to any vacancy shall
be only for the unexpired portion of the
The grant of a constitutional commission’s term of the predecessor. [Sec. 1(2),
rulemaking power is untouchable by Congress, Article IX-D]
absent a constitutional amendment or revision. 3. The promotional appointment must
conform to the rotational plan or the
The laws that the Commission interprets and staggering of terms in the commission
enforces fall within the prerogative of membership [Funa v. Commission on
Congress. As an administrative agency, its Audit, G.R. No. 192791 (2012)].
quasi-legislative power is subject to the same
limitations applicable to other administrative Jurisprudence on Sec. 1(2), Art. IX-D
bodies [Trade and Investment Development 1. The appointment of members of any of the
Corporation of the Philippines v. Civil Service three (3) constitutional commissions, after
Commission, G.R. No. 182249 (2013)]. the expiration of the uneven terms of office
of the first set of commissioners, shall
A. CONSTITUTIONAL SAFEGUARDS TO always be for a fixed term of seven (7)
ENSURE INDEPENDENCE OF years; an appointment for a lesser period
COMMISSIONS is void and unconstitutional. The
appointing authority cannot validly shorten
the full term of seven (7) years in case of
the expiration of the term as this will result
1. They are constitutionally created, hence
in the distortion of the rotational system
may not be abolished by statute.
prescribed by the Constitution.
2. Each commission is vested with powers 2. Appointments to vacancies resulting from
and functions which cannot be reduced by certain causes (death, resignation,
statute. disability or impeachment) shall only be for
3. Expressly defined in the Constitution as the unexpired portion of the term of the
independent constitutional bodies. predecessor; such appointments cannot
4. The Chairmen and members may not be be less than the unexpired portion (as it will
removed except by impeachment. disrupt the staggering).
5. Fixed term of office of 7 years.

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3. Members of the Commission who were not affected by the hold-over. The tenure may
appointed for a full term of seven (7) years be shorter than the term for reasons within or
and who served the entire period, are beyond the power of the incumbent.
barred from reappointment to any position
in the Commission. The first appointees in
the Commission under the Constitution are
also covered by the prohibition against COMPOSITION AND
4. A commissioner who resigns after serving
in the Commission for less than seven (7) CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
years is eligible for an appointment as Sec. 3, Art. IX-B. The Civil Service
Chairman for the unexpired portion of the Commission, as the central personnel
term of the departing chairman. Such agency of the Government, shall establish a
appointment is not covered by the ban on career service and adopt measures to
reappointment, provided that the promote morale, efficiency, integrity,
aggregate period of the length of service responsiveness, progressiveness, and
will not exceed seven (7) years and courtesy in the civil service. It shall
provided further that the vacancy in the strengthen the merit and rewards system,
position of Chairman resulted from death, integrate all human resources development
resignation, disability or removal by programs for all levels and ranks, and
impeachment. This is not a reappointment, institutionalize a management climate
but effectively a new appointment conducive to public accountability. It shall
(considered a promotion).
submit to the President and the Congress an
5. Any member of the Commission cannot be
annual report on its personnel programs.
appointed or designated in a temporary or
acting capacity [Funa v. Commission on
Audit, G.R. No. 192791 (2012)]. Functions
a. In the exercise of its powers to implement
Term of Office of each Commission Member R.A. No. 6850, the CSC enjoys a wide
The terms of the first Chairman and latitude of discretion, and may not be
Commissioners of the Constitutional compelled by mandamus [Torregoza v.
Commissions under the 1987 Constitution Civil Service Commission, G.R. No.
must start on a common date, irrespective of 101526 (1992)].
the variations in the dates of appointments and b. Under the Administrative Code of 1987,
the Civil Service Commission has the
qualifications of the appointees, in order that
power to hear and decide administrative
the expiration of the first terms of seven (7), five
cases instituted before it directly or on
(5), and three (3) years should lead to the
appeal, including contested appointments.
regular recurrence of the two (2) year interval
c. The Commission has original jurisdiction
between the expiration of the terms. This
to hear and decide a complaint for
common appropriate starting point must be on
cheating in the Civil Service examinations
February 2, 1987, the date of the adoption of
committed by government employees
the 1987 Constitution [Gaminde v. Commission [Cruz v. CSC, G.R. No. 144464 (2001)].
on Audit, G. R. No. 140335 (2000)]. d. It is the intent of the Civil Service Law, in
requiring the establishment of a grievance
Term – the time during which the officer may procedure, that decisions of lower level
claim to hold office as of right, and fixes the officials (in cases involving personnel
interval after which the several incumbents actions) be appealed to the agency head,
shall succeed one another. then to the Civil Service Commission
[Olanda v. Bugayong, G.R. No. 140917
Tenure – term during which the incumbent (2003)].
actually holds the office. The term of office is

Page 97 of 116

As the central personnel agency of the 1. Open career positions: Where prior
government, the CSC has broad authority to qualification in an appropriate
pass upon all civil service matters. The examination is required.
mandate of the CSC should therefore be read 2. Closed career positions: e.g. scientific
as the comprehensive authority to perform all or highly technical in nature;
functions necessary to ensure the efficient 3. Career Executive Service: e.g.
administration of the entire civil service, undersecretaries, bureau directors
including the Central Executive Service (CES). 4. Career Officers: Other than those
[Career Executive Service Board v. Civil belonging to the Career Executive
Service Commission, G.R. No. 197762 (2017)]. Service who are appointed by the
President, e.g. those in the foreign
Scope of the Civil Service service
Embraces all branches, subdivisions, 5. Positions in the AFP, although
instrumentalities and agencies of the governed by a different merit system
Government, including GOCCs with original 6. Personnel of GOCCs with original
charters [Sec. 2(1), Art. IX-B, Constitution]. charters
7. Permanent laborers, whether skilled,
The Civil Service does not include government- semiskilled or unskilled
owned or controlled corporations which are b. Non-career Service: Characterized by
entrance on bases other than those of the
organized as subsidiaries of government-
usual tests utilized for the career service;
owned or controlled corporations under the
tenure limited to a period specified by law,
general corporation law [National Service
or which is co-terminus with that of the
Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. L-69870 (1988)].
appointing authority or subject to his
pleasure, or which is limited to the duration
1. Elective officials, and their personal
A Chairman and two (2) Commissioners
and confidential staff;
2. Department heads and officials of
Qualifications: [Sec. 1(1), Art. IX-B] Cabinet rank who hold office at the
a. Natural-born citizens of the Philippines; pleasure of the President, and their
b. At the time of their appointment, at least 35 personal and confidential staff;
years of age; 3. Chairmen and members of
c. With proven capacity for public commissions and bureaus with fixed
administration; and terms;
d. Must not have been candidates for any 4. Contractual personnel;
elective position in the election 5. Emergency and seasonal personnel.
immediately preceding their appointment.
Note: Except as otherwise provided by the
Term of office Constitution or by law, the Civil Service
Seven (7) years (except those first appointed) Commission shall have the final authority to
pass upon the removal, separation and
Classes of Service: [CSC v. Sojor, G.R. No. suspension of all officers and employees in the
168766 (2008)] civil service and upon all matters relating to the
a. Career Service: Characterized by entrance conduct, discipline and efficiency of such
(a) based on merit and fitness to be officers and employees [CSC v. Sojor, supra].
determined, as far as practicable, by
competitive examinations, OR (b) based Appointments in the Civil Service
on highly technical qualifications; with
The role of the CSC in the appointing process
opportunity for advancement to higher
is limited to the determination of qualifications
career positions and security of tenure.
of the candidates for appointments and plays

Page 98 of 116

no role in the choice of the person to be Removal or Suspension only for Cause
appointed [BERNAS at 1052] No officer or employee of the civil service shall
be removed or suspended except for cause
General Rule: Made only according to merit provided by law. [Sec. 2 (2)]
and fitness to be determined, as far as
practicable, by competitive examination COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS

Exceptions Powers and functions

a. Policy determining: Where the officer lays a. Enforce all laws relating to the conduct of
down principal or fundamental guidelines election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum
or rules; or formulates a method of action and recall
for government or any of its subdivisions;
e.g. department head. Initiative: The power of the people to
b. Primarily confidential: Denoting not only propose amendments to the Constitution or
confidence in the aptitude of the appointee to propose and enact legislation through an
for the duties of the office but primarily election called for that purpose. There are
close intimacy which ensures freedom of 3 systems of initiative: Initiative on the
intercourse without embarrassment or Constitution, initiative on statutes, and
freedom from misgivings or betrayals on initiative on local legislation [Sec. 3(a), R.A.
confidential matters of state [De los Santos 6735].
v. Mallare, G.R. No. L-3881 (1950)]; OR one
declared to be so by the President of the Referendum: The power of the electorate
Philippines upon the recommendation of to approve or reject legislation through an
the CSC, subject to judicial review [Salazar election called for that purpose. There are
v. Mathay, G.R. No. L-44061 (1976)]. 2 classes: referendum on statutes or
c. Highly technical: Requires possession of referendum on local laws [Sec. 3(c), R.A.
technical skill or training in supreme 6735].
degree [De los Santos v. Mallare, supra].
Recall: The termination of official
Disqualifications [Art. IX-B]: relationship of a local elective official for
1. No candidate who has lost in any election loss of confidence prior to the expiration of
shall within one (1) year after such election, his term through the will of the electorate.
be appointed to any office in the
Government or any GOCC or in any of its
Plebiscite: The submission of constitutional
subsidiaries. [Sec. 6]
amendments or important legislative
2. No elective official shall be eligible for
measures to the people for ratification.
appointment or designation in any
capacity to any public office or position
during his tenure. [Sec. 7[1]] b. Recommend to the Congress effective
3. Unless otherwise allowed by law OR by the measures to minimize election spending,
and to prevent and penalize all forms of
primary functions of his position, no
election frauds, offenses, malpractices,
appointive official shall hold any other
and nuisance candidacies
office or employment in the Government or
c. Submit to the President and the Congress,
any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
thereof including GOCCs or their a comprehensive report on the conduct of
each election, plebiscite, initiative,
subsidiaries. [Sec. 7(2)]
referendum, or recall
4. No officer or employee in the civil service
d. Decide administrative questions pertaining
shall engage directly or indirectly, in any
electioneering or partisan political activity. to election except the right to vote (the
jurisdiction of which is with the judiciary)
[Sec. 2(4)]

Page 99 of 116

Power to declare failure of election: The valid if it reaches into speech of persons
COMELEC may exercise such power motu who are not candidates or who do not
proprio or upon a verified petition, and the speak as members of a political party if
hearing of the case shall be summary in they are not candidates, only if what is
nature [Sison v. COMELEC, G.R. No. regulated is declarative speech that, taken
134096 (1998)]. as a whole, has for its principal object the
endorsement of a candidate only.
e. File petitions in court for inclusion or
exclusion of voters The regulation (a) should be provided by
f. Investigate and prosecute cases of law, (b) reasonable, (c) narrowly tailored to
violations of election laws meet the objective of enhancing the
opportunity of all candidates to be heard
Note: RA 9369 (Sec. 43) of the Automated and considering the primacy of the
Election System Law of January, 2007 guarantee of free expression, and (d)
grants to the Department of Justice demonstrably the least restrictive means to
concurrent jurisdiction to investigate and achieve that object. The regulation must
prosecute violations of election law. only be with respect to the time, place and
manner of the rendition of the message. In
However, the COMELEC may validly no situation may the speech be prohibited
delegate this power to the Provincial Fiscal or censored on the basis of its content.
[People v. Judge Basilia, G.R. No. 83938- [The Diocese of Bacolod v. COMELEC, GR
40 (1989)]. No. 205728, January 21, 2015].
g. Recommend pardon, amnesty, parole or
suspension of sentence of election law Note: This power may be exercised only
violators over the media, not over practitioners of
h. Deputize law enforcement agencies and media. Thus, a COMELEC resolution
instrumentalities of the Government for the prohibiting radio and TV commentators and
exclusive purpose of ensuring free, newspaper columnists from commenting
orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible on the issues involved in the forthcoming
elections plebiscite for the ratification of the organic
i. Recommend to the President the removal law establishing the CAR was held invalid
of any officer or employee it has deputized [Sanidad v. COMELEC, G.R. No. L-44640
for violation or disregard of, or (1976)].
disobedience to its directive
j. Registration of political parties, l. Decide election cases
organizations and coalitions and
The Commission on Elections may sit en
accreditation of citizens’ arms
banc or in two divisions and shall
k. Regulation of public utilities and media of
promulgate its rules of procedure in order
to expedite disposition of election cases.
[Sec. 3, Art. IX-C].
While respondent COMELEC cited the
Constitution, laws and jurisprudence to
Cases which must be heard by division
support their position that they had the
a. All election cases, including pre-
power to regulate the tarpaulin, however,
proclamation contests originally
all these provisions pertain to candidates
cognizable by the Commission in the
and political parties. xxx COMELEC does
exercise of its powers under Sec. 2(2), Art
not have the authority to regulate the
enjoyment of the preferred right to freedom
of expression exercised by a non- Pre-proclamation contests or controversies
candidate. Regulation of election are election cases which are instituted prior
paraphernalia will still be constitutionally to the proclamation of the winning
Page 100 of 116

candidate. They are deemed to be still in Composition

the administrative stage. A Chairman and six (6) Commissioners.

It includes the questions of: Qualifications

1. The legality of the composition of a. Must be natural-born citizens;
the Board of Canvassers, and b. At least 35 years of age;
2. Questions of fraudulent election c. Holders of a college degree;
returns. d. Have not been candidates in the
a. An election contest, on the immediately preceding election;
other hand, only occurs e. Majority, including the Chairman, must be
after the proclamation of a members of the Philippine Bar who have
winner. Only after a winner been engaged in the practice of law for at
has been proclaimed can least ten (10) years. [Sec. 1, Art. IX-C,
there be an actual Constitution]
"contest", with a contestant
who seeks not only to oust COMMISSION ON AUDIT
the intruder but also to
have himself installed into Powers and Functions
office. Examine, audit, and settle accounts pertaining
b. Jurisdiction over a petition to government funds or property: its revenue,
to cancel a certificate of receipts, expenditures, and uses
c. Even cases appealed from Post-audit basis:
the RTC or MTC have to be ● Constitutional bodies, commissions, and
heard and decided in offices;
division before they may be ● Autonomous state colleges and
heard en banc. universities;
● GOCCs with no original charters and their
If the COMELEC exercises its quasi-judicial subsidiaries;
functions then the case must be heard through ● Non-governmental entities receiving
a division. Upon motion for reconsideration of subsidy or equity, directly or indirectly, from
a decision, the case is heard en banc [Manzala or through the Government, which are
v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 176211 (2007)]. required by law or the granting institution to
submit such an audit as a condition of
If the COMELEC exercises its administrative subsidy or equity.
functions then it must act en banc [Bautista v.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 15496-97 (2003)]. Complementing the constitutional power of the
COA to audit accounts of “non–governmental
A motion for reconsideration of a decision or entities receiving subsidy or equity, directly or
resolution of the Comelec En Banc or of a indirectly, from or through the government” is
division may be granted upon vote of a majority Section 11(1), Book V of the Administrative
of the members of the en banc or of a division, Code, which authorizes the COA to audit
as the case may be, who actually took part in accounts of non–governmental entities
the deliberation of the motion. If the voting “required to pay xxx or have government
results in a tie, the motion, the motion for share” but only with respect to “funds xxx
reconsideration is deemed denied. [Legaspi v. coming from or through the government.”
COMELEC, G.R. No. 21657 (2016)].
COA does not have the exclusive power to
examine and audit government agencies. The
framers of the Constitution were fully aware of
the need to allow independent private audit of
Page 101 of 116

certain government agencies in addition to the

COA audit [DBP v. COA, G.R. No. 88435
The COA has the exclusive authority to
• Define the scope of its audit and No member of the Constitutional Commissions
examination; shall, during their tenure:
• Establish techniques and methods 1. Hold any other office or employment. This
required; is similar to the prohibition against
• Promulgate accounting and auditing rules executive officers. It applies to both public
and regulations. and private offices and employment;
2. Engage in the practice of any profession;
This includes giving the COA Assistant 3. Engage in the active management or
Commissioner and General Counsel the control of any business which in any way
authority to deputize a special audit team [The may be affected by the functions of his
Special Audit Team, Commission on Audit v. office; or
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 174788 (2013)]. 4. Be financially interested, directly or
indirectly, in any contract with, or in any
Note: No law shall be passed exempting any franchise or privilege granted by, the
entity of the Government or its subsidiaries in Government, its subdivisions, agencies or
any guise whatever, or any investment of instrumentalities, including GOCCs or their
public funds, from the jurisdiction of the subsidiaries [Sec. 2, Art. IX-A].
Commission on Audit [Sec. 3, Art. IX-D,
Constitution]. The CSC Chairman cannot be a member of a
government entity that is under the control of
Congress cannot exempt foreign grants from the President without impairing the
the jurisdiction of the Commission on Audit. Its independence vested in the CSC by the 1987
jurisdiction extends to all government-owned or Constitution [Funa v. Civil Service
controlled corporations, including those funded Commission, G.R. No. 191672 (2014)].
by donations through the Government
[Petitioner Corporations v. Executive
Secretary, G.R. Nos. 147036-37 & 147811 D. JURISDICTION

A Chairman and two (2) Commissioners CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
The CSC has been granted by the Constitution
Qualifications and the Administrative Code jurisdiction over
a. Natural born Filipino citizens all civil service positions in the government
b. At least thirty-five (35) years of age service, whether career or non-career. [Civil
c. CPAs with not less than ten (10) years of Service Commission v. Sojor, G.R. No. 168766
auditing experience OR members of the (2008)]; see CSC Resolution No. 991936
Philippine bar with at least ten (10) years detailing the disciplinary and non-disciplinary
practice of law jurisdiction].

Note: At no time shall all members belong to The Board of Regents (BOR) of a state
the same profession. university has the sole power of administration
over the university. But xxx there is no showing
that such power is exclusive. The CSC has
concurrent jurisdiction over a president of a
state university [CSC v. Sojor, supra].

Page 102 of 116


Appellate Jurisdiction involves the determination of the persons who

The appellate power of the CSC will only apply must act on its behalf. Thus, the COMELEC
when the subject of the administrative cases may resolve an intra-party leadership dispute,
filed against erring employees is in connection in a proper case brought before it, as an
with the duties and functions of their office, and incident of its power to register political parties
not in cases where the acts of the complainant [Lokin v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 193808 (2012)].
arose from cheating in the civil service
examinations [Cruz v. CSC, G.R. No. 144464, Appellate Jurisdiction
(2001)]. All contests involving elected municipal officials
decided by trial courts of general jurisdiction or
In administrative disciplinary cases decided by involving elective barangay officials decided by
the COA, the proper remedy in case of an a court of limited jurisdiction [Garcia v. De
adverse decision is an appeal to the Civil Jesus, supra].
Service Commission and not a petition for
certiorari before SC under Rule 64 [Galindo v. Jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari
Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 210788 Interpreting the phrase "in aid of its appellate
(2017)]. jurisdiction,” if a case may be appealed to a
particular court or judicial tribunal or body, then
The Philippine National Red Cross, although said court or judicial tribunal or body has
not a GOCC, is sui generis in character. The jurisdiction to issue the extraordinary writ of
sui generis character of PNRC requires the certiorari, in aid of its appellate jurisdiction
court to approach controversies involving the [Bulilis v. Nuez, G.R. No. 195953 (2011)].
PNRC on a case-to-case basis. Since the issue
involves the enforcement of labor laws and COMMISSION ON AUDIT
penal statutes, PNRC can be treated as a LGUs, though granted local fiscal autonomy,
GOCC. Thus, the CSC has jurisdiction. are still within the audit jurisdiction of the COA
Moreover, the CSC has appellate jurisdiction [Veloso v. COA, G.R. No. 193677 (2011)].
on administrative disciplinary cases involving
the imposition of a penalty of suspension of The Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) is a
more than 30 days or fine in an amount public corporation and its funds are subject to
exceeding 30 days’ salary [Torres v. De Leon, the COA’s audit jurisdiction [Boy Scouts of the
G.R. No. 199440 (2016)]. Philippines v. COA, G.R. No. 177131 (2011)].

COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS The Constitution formally embodies the long-

The Constitution vested upon the COMELEC established rule that private entities who
judicial powers to decide all contests relating to handle government funds or subsidies in trust
elective local officials as therein provided may be examined or audited in their handling
[Garcia v. De Jesus, G.R. No. 97108-09 of said funds by government auditors [Blue Bar
(1992)]. Coconut Philippines, Inc. v. Tantuico, G.R. No.
L-47051 (1988)].
Exclusive Jurisdiction
All contests relating to the elections, returns Primary jurisdiction over money claims
and qualifications of all elective regional, Limited to liquidated claims: The COA has
provincial, and city officials. primary jurisdiction to pass upon a private
entity’s money claims against a provincial
Jurisdiction over intra-party disputes gov’t. However, the scope of the COA’s
The COMELEC’s powers and functions under authority to take cognizance of claims is
the Constitution, "include the ascertainment of circumscribed by cases holding statutes of
the identity of the political party and its similar import to mean only liquidated claims,
legitimate officers responsible for its acts." The or those determined or readily determinable
power to register political parties necessarily from vouchers, invoices, and such other
Page 103 of 116

papers within reach of accounting officers. factual findings of the Commission [Aratuc v.
[Euro-Med Laboratories, Phil. Inc. v. Province COMELEC, G.R. No. L-49705-09 (1999)].
of Batangas, G.R. No. 148106 (2006)]
Synthesis on the Rules of Modes of Review
No jurisdiction over their validity or 1. Decisions, order or ruling of the
constitutionality: The jurisdiction of the COA Commissions in the exercise of their quasi-
over money claims against the government judicial functions may be reviewed by the
does not include the power to rule on the Supreme Court.
constitutionality or validity. 2. The mode of review is a petition for
certiorari under Rule 64 (not Rule 65).
3. Exception: The Rules of Civil Procedure,
however, provides for a different legal route
RESOLUTIONS, AND in the case of the Civil Service
DECISIONS Commission. In the case of CSC, Rule 43
Rendered in Exercise of Quasi-Judicial will be applied, and the case will be brought
Functions to the Court of Appeals.

Decisions Rendered in the Exercise of Administrative

Each Commission shall decide by a majority Functions
vote of all its members (NOT only those who
participated in the deliberations) any case or Sec. 4, Art. IX-A. The Constitutional
matter brought before it within 60 days from the Commissions shall appoint its own officials in
date of its submission for decision or resolution accordance with law.
[Sec. 7, Art. IX-A].
Sec. 6, Art. IX-A. Each Commission en banc
Any decision, order or ruling of each
may promulgate its own rules concerning
Commission may be brought to the SC on
pleadings and practice before it or before
certiorari by the aggrieved party within thirty
any of its offices. Such rules however shall
(30) days from receipt of the copy thereof.
not diminish, increase, or modify substantive
In resolving cases brought before it on appeal,
respondent COA is not required to limit its
review only to the grounds relied upon by a Sec. 8, Art. IX-A. Each Commission shall
government agency’s auditor with respect to perform such other functions as may be
disallowing certain disbursements of public provided by law.
funds. Such would render COA’s vital
constitutional power unduly limited and thereby
useless and ineffective [Yap v. COA, G.R. No Note: Parts IX.-XIII. of the bar syllabus are
158562 (2010)]. contained in succeeding parts of the reviewer.

Certiorari jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

Limited to decisions rendered in actions or NATIONAL ECONOMY AND
proceedings taken cognizance of by the PATRIMONY
Commissions in the exercise of their quasi-
judicial powers.

The Court exercises extraordinary jurisdiction, Goals [Sec. 1, Art. XII]

1. More equitable distribution of opportunities,
thus, the proceeding is limited only to issues
income and wealth;
involving grave abuse of discretion resulting in
lack or excess of jurisdiction, and does not 2. Sustained increase in amount of goods and
ordinarily empower the Court to review the services produced by the nation for the
benefit of the people; and
Page 104 of 116

3. Expanding production as the key to raising Rules on Educational

the quality of life for all, especially the
agricultural Institutions
lands [Sec. [Sec. 4(2),
3, Art. XII] Art. XIV]
Regalian Doctrine (1) Citizens Congress
Sec. 2, Art. XII. All lands of the public may lease may
domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, only < 500 increase
and other mineral oils, all forces of potential ha. (2) Filipino
energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, Citizens may equity
flora and fauna, and other natural resources acquire by participation.
are owned by the State. With the exception purchase,
of agricultural lands, all other natural homestead
resources shall not be alienated. [...] or grant only
< 12 ha.
Nationality and Citizenship Requirement Practice of Areas of
Provisions professions, Investment
Filipino Filipino Filipino save in as Congress
Citizens, or Citizens, or Citizens, or cases may
100% 60-40 70-30 provided by prescribe
Filipino Filipino Filipino law [Sec. (Congress
Corporation Corporation Corporation 14(2), Art. may
s s s XII] prescribe a
Use and Co- Engagement percentage)
enjoyment of production, in advertising [Sec. 10, Art.
marine Joint Industry XII]
wealth, venture, and [Sec. 11, Art.
exclusive to Production XVI] Small-scale Operation of
Filipino sharing utilization of public
citizens [Sec. agreements natural utilities [Sec.
2, par. 2, Art. over natural resources, 11, Art. XII]
XII] resources as may be
[Sec. 2(1), provided by Cannot be
Art. XII] law [Sec. for longer
Agreements 2(3), Art. XII] period than
shall not 50 years
exceed a
period of 25 Executive
years and
renewable managing
for another officers must
25 years be Filipino

Note: The Constitution holds that private

corporations or associations may not hold
alienable lands of the public domain except by
lease, for a period not exceeding 25 years,
renewable for not more than 25 years, and not
to exceed 1000 ha. in area, [Sec. 3, Art. XII] but

Page 105 of 116


the Constitution does not specify the capital Filipino First

requirements for such corporations.
Sec. 10, Art. XII. In the grant of rights,
A joint venture falls within the purview of an
privileges, and concessions covering the
“association” pursuant to Sec. 11, Art. XII and
national economy and patrimony, the State
must comply with the 60-40% Filipino foreign
shall give preference to qualified Filipinos.
capitalization requirement [JG Summit
The State shall regulate and exercise
Holdings v. CA, G.R. No. 124293 (2000)].
authority over foreign investments within its
national jurisdiction and in accordance with
What “capital” is covered – The 60%
its national goals and priorities.
requirement applies to both the voting control
and the beneficial ownership of the public
utility. Therefore, it shall apply uniformly, Such provision is per se enforceable and
separately, and across the board to all classes requires no further guidelines or implementing
of shares, regardless of nomenclature or rules or laws for its operation [Manila Prince
category, comprising the capital of the Hotel v. GSIS, G.R. No. 122156 (1997)].
corporation (e.g. 60% of common stock, 60%
of preferred voting stock, and 60% of preferred The Constitution does not impose a policy of
non-voting stock) [Gamboa v. Teves, G.R. No. Filipino monopoly of the economic
176579 (2012)]. environment. It does not rule out the entry of
foreign investments, goods, and services.
Two tests are employed to determine whether While it does not encourage their unlimited
the Nationality Requirement was met: entry into the country, it does not prohibit them
1. Control Test - Filipinos must own at least either. In fact, it allows an exchange on the
60% of the corporation’s capital. This test basis of equality and reciprocity, frowning only
is generally used, however when there is on foreign competition that is unfair. [Tañada v.
doubt as to the “beneficial ownership” and Angara, G.R. No. 118295 (1997)].
“control” of the corporation, it must be
subject to the grandfather test. Sec. 12, Art. XII. The State shall promote the
2. Grandfather Test - Where percentage of preferential use of Filipino labor, domestic
Filipino equity in a corporation is computed materials and locally produced goods, and
by attributing the nationality of the second adopt measures that help make them
or even subsequent tier of ownership to competitive.
determine the nationality of the corporate
shareholder [Narra Nickel Mining Dev’t
Corp. v. Redmont Consolidated Mines A. EXPLORATION AND
Corp., G.R. No. 195580 (2015)]. DEVELOPMENT, AND
Note: If the Filipino has the voting power of the RESOURCES
"specific stock", or the Filipino has the
investment power over the "specific stock", or
both, then such Filipino is the "beneficial The State, being the owner of the natural
owner" of that "specific stock." Being resources, is accorded the primary power and
considered Filipino, that "specific stock" is then responsibility in the exploration, development
to be counted as part of the 60% Filipino and utilization thereof. As such it may
ownership requirement under the Constitution. undertake these activities through four modes:
The right to the dividends, jus fruendi - a right 1. The State may directly undertake such
emanating from ownership of that "specific activities;
stock" necessarily accrues to its Filipino 2. The State may enter into co-production,
"beneficial owner" [Roy III v. Herbosa, G.R. No. joint venture or production-sharing
207246 (2016)]. agreements with Filipino citizens or
qualified corporations;
Page 106 of 116

3. Congress may, by law, allow small-scale FTAA (1987 Service Contract

utilization of natural resources by Filipino
Constitution) (1973 Constitution)
citizens; or
4. For the large-scale exploration, Parties
development and utilization of minerals,
petroleum and other mineral oils, the
President may enter into agreements with Only the President A Filipino citizen,
(in behalf of the corporation or
foreign-owned corporations involving
State), and only with association with a
technical or financial assistance subject to
corporations “foreign person or
the following limitations:
a. As to Parties. Only the President, in
behalf of the State, may enter into Size of Activities
these agreements, and only with
b. As to Size of the Activities. Only Only large-scale Contractor provides
large-scale exploration, exploration, all necessary
development and utilization is development and services and
allowed, i.e., very capital-intensive utilization technology and the
activities. requisite financing,
performs the
c. The natural resources subject of
exploration work
the activities is restricted to
obligations, and
minerals, petroleum and other
assumes all
mineral oils, the intent being to limit
exploration risks
service contracts to those areas
where Filipino capital may not be Natural Resources Covered
d. Consistency with the Provisions of
Statute. The FTAA must be in Minerals, petroleum Virtually the entire
accordance with the terms and and other mineral range of the
conditions provided by law. oils country’s natural
e. The FTAA must be based on real
contributions to economic growth
Scope of Agreements
and general welfare of the country.
f. The FTAA must contain
rudimentary stipulations for the Involving either Contractor provides
promotions of the development and financial or technical financial or technical
assistance resources,
use of local scientific and technical
undertakes the
exploitation or
g. Notification Requirement. The production of a given
President shall notify Congress of resource, or directly
every FTAA entered into within 30 manages the
days from its execution. productive enterprise,
h. Scope of the FTAA. Only for operations of the
agreements involving either exploration and
financial or technical assistance exploitation of the
and does not include “service resources or the
contracts” and “management or disposition of
other forms of assistance” [La marketing or
Bugal-B’Laan Tribal Assn. v. resources
Ramos, G.R. No. 127882 (2004)].

Page 107 of 116


Service Contracts Not Prohibited

The following are valid:
1. Financial and Technical Assistance
Agreements (FTAA): even supposing they
are service contracts, these are not
No franchise, certificate, or any other form of
prohibited agreements in the
authorization for the operation of a public utility
contemplation of the Constitution
shall be granted except to citizens of the
2. Philippine Mining Law (RA 7942)
Philippines or to corporations or
3. Its Implementing Rules and Regulations,
associations organized under the laws of
insofar as they relate to financial and
the Philippines at least 60% of whose
technical agreements
capital is owned by such citizens, nor shall
such franchise, certificate, or authorization be
The Constitution should be construed to grant
exclusive in character or for a longer period
the President and Congress sufficient
than fifty years [xxx] [Sec. 11, Art. XII].
discretion and reasonable leeway to enable
them to attract foreign investments and
Nature of a Franchise
expertise, as well as to secure for our people
1. It is a privilege not a right
and our posterity the blessings of prosperity
2. Shall NOT be exclusive;
and peace.
3. Shall NOT be for a period of more than 50
It is not unconstitutional to allow a wide degree
4. Shall be subject to amendment, alteration
of discretion to the Chief Executive, given the
or repeal by Congress [Id.].
nature and complexity of such agreements, the
humongous amounts of capital and financing
Congress does not have the exclusive power
required for large-scale mining operations, the
to issue franchises. Administrative bodies (i.e.
complicated technology needed, and the
LTFRB, Energy Regulatory Board) may be
intricacies of international trade, coupled with
empowered by law to do so. [Albano v. Reyes,
the State’s need to maintain flexibility in its
G.R. No. 83551 (1989)].
dealings, in order to preserve and enhance our
country’s competitiveness in world markets [La
What constitutes a public utility is not the
Bugal-B’laan Tribal Assn. v. Ramos, supra].
ownership but the use to the public. The
Constitution requires a franchise for the
Requisites for a valid service contract operation of public utilities. However, it does
under the Constitution
not require a franchise before one can own the
1. A general law that will set standards or
facilities needed to operate a public utility so
uniform terms, conditions, and
long as it does not operate them to serve the
public [Tatad v. Garcia, G.R. No. 114222
2. The president shall be the signatory for the
(1995)], e.g. X Company may own an airline
without the need of a franchise. But in
3. Within thirty (30) days of the executed operating an air transport business, franchise
agreement, the President shall report it to is required.
A franchise partakes the nature of a grant
which is beyond the purview of the non-
impairment clause of the Constitution. Under
Section 11, Article XII of the Constitution,
PAGCOR’s franchise is subject to amendment,
alteration or repeal by Congress [PAGCOR v
BIR, G.R. No. 172087 (2011)].

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C. ACQUISITION, OWNERSHIP, AND 1. Hereditary succession [Sec. 7, Art. XII]
PRIVATE LANDS 2. A natural-born citizen of the Philippines who
has lost his Philippine citizenship may be a
transferee of private lands, subject to
Lands of the Public Domain are classified into:
limitations provided by law. [Sec. 8, Art. XII]
1. Agricultural Lands
2. Forest or Timber Lands
3. Mineral Lands
The primary purpose of the constitutional
4. National Park [Sec. 3, Art. XII]
prohibition disqualifying aliens from acquiring
lands of the public domain and private lands is
Note: The classification of public lands is a
the conservation of the national economy and
function of the executive branch, specifically
patrimony. [Muller v. Muller, G.R. 149615
the Director of the Land Management Bureau
(formerly Director of Lands). The decision of
the Director, when approved by the Secretary
Consequence of sale to non-citizens: Any sale
of the DENR, as to questions of fact, is
or transfer in violation of the prohibition is null
conclusive upon the courts [Republic v.
Imperial, G.R. No. 130906, (1999)]. and void [Ong Ching Po v. CA, G.R. No.
113472-73 (1994)]. When a disqualified
Alienable lands of the public domain shall be foreigner later sells it to a qualified owner (e.g.
Filipino citizen), the defect is cured. The
limited to agricultural lands [Sec. 3, Art. XII].
qualified buyer owns the land [See Godinez v.
Pak Luen, G.R. No L-36731 (1983)].
To prove that the land subject of an application
for registration is alienable, an applicant must
Can a former owner file an action to recover the
conclusively establish the existence of a
property? Yes. The Court in Philippine Banking
positive act of the government such as a
Corp. v. Lui She [G.R. No. L-17587 (1967)]
presidential proclamation or an executive order
provided an exception to the application of the
or a legislative act or statute [Republic v.
principle of in pari delicto. Thus, the action will
Candymaker, Inc., G.R. No. 163766 (2006)].
Foreshore land is that part of the land which is
However, land sold to an alien which was later
between the high and low water, and left dry by
transferred to a Filipino citizen OR when the
the flux and reflux of the tides. It is part of the
alien later becomes a Filipino citizen can no
alienable land of the public domain and may be
longer be recovered by the vendor, because
disposed of only by lease and not otherwise
there is no longer any public policy involved
[Republic v. Imperial, supra].
[Sarsosa vda. de Barsobia v. Cuenco, G.R. No.
L-33048 (1982); Republic v. IAC, G.R. No.
Citizens of the Philippines may lease not more
74170 (1989].
than 500 ha. or acquire not more than 12
hectares thereof by purchase, homestead, or
Foreigners are allowed to own condominium
grant [Sec. 3, Art. XII].
units and shares in condominium corporations
up to not more than 40% of the total and
Private Lands
outstanding capital stock of a Filipino-owned or
General Rule: No private lands shall be
controlled corporation. Under this set up, the
transferred or conveyed except to individuals,
ownership of the land is legally separated from
corporations, or associations qualified to
the unit itself. The land is owned by a
acquire or hold lands of the public domain [Sec.
Condominium Corporation and the unit owner
7, Art. XII].
is simply a member in this Condominium
Corporation. As long as 60% of the members
of this Condominium Corporation are Filipinos,
Page 109 of 116

the remaining members can be foreigners

[Hulst v. PR Builders, G.R. No. 156364 (2008)].
In Matthews v. Taylor, the Court upheld the
validity of an Agreement of Lease of a parcel of
land entered into by a Filipino wife without the Sec. 6, Art. XII. The use of property bears a
consent of her British husband. Being an alien, social function, and all economic agents
the husband is absolutely prohibited from shall contribute to the common good.
acquiring private and public lands in the Individuals and private groups, including
Philippines even if he claims that he provided corporations, cooperatives, and similar
funds for such acquisition. [G.R. No. 164584 collective organizations, shall have the right
(2009)]. to own, establish, and operate economic
enterprises, subject to the duty of the State
to promote distributive justice and to
D. PRACTICE OF intervene when the common good so

Sec. 14, Art. XII. The practice of all

professions in the Philippines shall be limited Sec. 18, Art. XII. The State may, in the
to Filipino citizens, save in the case interest of national welfare or defense,
prescribed by law. establish and operate vital industries and,
upon payment of just compensation, transfer
to public ownership utilities and other private
enterprises to be operated by the
Like the legal profession, the practice of
medicine is not a right but a privilege burdened
with conditions as it directly involves the very
lives of the people. A fortiori, this power F. MONOPOLIES, RESTRAINT OF
includes the power of Congress to prescribe TRADE AND UNFAIR
the qualifications for the practice of professions COMPETITION
or trades which affect the public welfare, the
public health, the public morals, and the public
safety; and to regulate or control such Sec. 19, Art. XII. The State shall regulate or
professions or trades, even to the point of prohibit monopolies when the public interest
revoking such right altogether [Imbong v. so requires. No combinations in restraint of
Ochoa, supra]. trade or unfair competition shall be allowed.

The Philippines allows Japanese nationals to

practice the medical profession, provided he
has taken and passed the medical board The Constitution does not totally prohibit the
examination and upon submission of a proof of operation of monopolies. It mandates the State
reciprocity between Japan and the Philippines to regulate them when public interest so
in admitting foreigners into the practice of requires [Eastern Assurance & Surety
medicine. It is enough that the laws in the Corporation v. LTFRB, G.R. No. 149717
foreign country permit a Filipino to get license (2003)].
and practice therein. xxx However, the power
to regulate the exercise of a profession or Monopolies are not per se prohibited by the
pursuit of an occupation cannot be exercised Constitution but may be permitted to exist to aid
by the State or its agents in an arbitrary, the government in carrying on an enterprise or
despotic or oppressive manner [Board of to aid in the performance of various services
Medicine v. Ota, G.R. No. 166097 (2008)].
Page 110 of 116
and functions in the interest of the public.
Nonetheless, a determination must first be
made as to whether public interest
requires a

Page 111 of 116


monopoly. [Agan, Jr. v. PIATCO, G.R. No. Social justice means the promotion of the
155001 (2003)]. welfare of all the people, the adoption by the
Government of measures calculated to insure
Despite the fact that our present Constitution economic stability of all the competent
enshrines free enterprise as a policy, elements of society, through the maintenance
nonetheless, the Government reserves the of a proper economic and social equilibrium in
power to intervene to promote the general the interrelations of the members of the
welfare. Free enterprise does not call for community, constitutionally, through the
removal of protective regulations. It must be adoption of measures legally justifiable, or
clearly explained and proven by competent extra-constitutionally, through the exercise of
evidence just exactly how such protective powers underlying the existence of all
regulation would result in the restraint of trade governments on the time-honored principle of
[Pest Management Association of the salus populi est suprema lex.
Philippines v. Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority
cited in Pharmaceutical and Health Care Social justice, therefore, must be founded on
Association of the Philippines v. Duque, G.R. the recognition of the necessity of
173034 (2007)]. interdependence among divers and diverse
units of a society and of the protection that
should be equally and evenly extended to all
groups as a combined force in our social and
SOCIAL JUSTICE AND economic life, consistent with the fundamental
HUMAN RIGHTS and paramount objective of the state of
promoting the health, comfort, and quiet of all
persons, and of bringing about "the greatest
A. CONCEPT OF SOCIAL good to the greatest number" [Calalang v.
JUSTICE Williams, G.R. 47800 (1940)].


Sec. 10, Art. II. The State shall promote CULTURAL RIGHTS
social justice in all phases of national
Economic and Social
Sec. 18, Art. II. The State affirms labor as a
Sec. 1, Art. XIII. The Congress shall give primary social economic force. It shall
highest priority to the enactment of measures protect the rights of workers and promote
that protect and enhance the right of all the their welfare.
people to human dignity, reduce social,
economic, and political inequalities, and
remove cultural inequities by equitably Sec. 3, Art. XIII. The State shall afford full
diffusing wealth and political power for the protection to labor, local and overseas,
common good. To this end, the State shall organized and unorganized, and promote full
regulate the acquisition, ownership, use, and employment and equality of employment
disposition of property and its increments. opportunities for all.

It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to

Sec. 2, Art. XIII. The promotion of social self-organization, collective bargaining and
justice shall include the commitment to negotiations, and peaceful concerted
create economic opportunities based on activities, including the right to strike in
freedom of initiative and self-reliance. accordance with law. They shall be entitled
to security of tenure, humane conditions of

Page 112 of 116


work, and a living wage. They shall also In the implementation of such program the
participate in policy and decision-making State shall respect the rights of small
processes affecting their rights and benefits property owners.
as may be provided by law. [xxx]

Sec. 10, Art. XIII. Urban or rural poor

Agrarian And Natural Resources Reform
dwellers shall not be evicted nor their
Sec. 4, Art. XIII. The State shall, by law, dwellings demolished, except in accordance
undertake an agrarian reform program with law and in a just and humane manner.
founded on the right of farmers and regular [xxx]
farmworkers, who are landless, to own
directly or collectively the lands they till or, in
The constitutional requirement (under Sec 10,
the case of other farmworkers, to receive a
Art XIII) that the eviction and demolition be in
just share of the fruits thereof. [xxx]
accordance with law and conducted in a just
and humane manner does not mean that the
validity or legality of the demolition or eviction
Sec. 5, Art. XIII. The State shall recognize is hinged on the existence of a resettlement
the right of farmers, farmworkers, and area designated or earmarked by the
landowners, as well as cooperatives, and government. What is meant by "in
other independent farmers’ organizations to accordance with law" and "just and humane
participate in the planning, organization, and manner" is that the person to be evicted be
management of the program, and shall accorded due process or an opportunity to
provide support to agriculture through controvert the allegation that his or her
appropriate technology and research, and occupation or possession of the property
adequate financial, production, marketing, involved is unlawful or against the will of
and other support services. the landowner; that should the illegal or
unlawful occupation be proven, the
Sec. 7, Art. XIII. The State shall protect the occupant be sufficiently notified before
rights of subsistence fishermen, especially of actual eviction or demolition is done; and
local communities, to the preferential use of that there be no loss of lives, physical
local marine and fishing resources, both injuries or unnecessary loss of or damage
inland and offshore. It shall provide support to properties. Precisely, the enactment of an
to such fishermen through appropriate anti-squatting law affords the alleged
technology and research, adequate "squatters" the opportunity to present their
financial, production, and marketing case before a competent court where their
assistance, and other services. [xxx] rights will be amply protected and due process
strictly observed [People v. Leachon, G.R. No.
108725-26 (1998)].
Urban Land Reform And Housing
Sec. 9, Art. XIII. The State shall, by law, and To ensure that evictions and demolitions
for the common good, undertake, in are conducted in a just and human manner,
cooperation with the public sector, a Sec. 28, Par. 2 of RA 7279 commands
continuing program of urban land reform and officials to comply with the prescribed
housing which will make available at procedure in executing eviction and/or
affordable cost decent housing and basic demolition orders:
services to underprivileged and homeless i. Notice upon the effected persons or entities
citizens in urban centers and resettlements at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of
areas. It shall also promote adequate eviction or demolition;
employment opportunities to such citizens. ii. Adequate consultations on the matter of
settlement with the duly designated

Page 113 of 116


representatives of the families to be resettled shall endeavor to provide free medical care
and the affected communities in the areas
to paupers.
where they are to be relocated;
iii. Presence of local government officials or Women
their representatives during eviction or Sec. 14, Art. XIII. The State shall protect
demolition; working women by providing safe and
iv. Proper identification of all persons taking part healthful working conditions, taking into
in the demolition; account their maternal functions, and such
v. Execution of eviction or demolition only facilities and opportunities that will enhance
during regular office hours from Mondays to their welfare and enable them to realize their
Fridays and during good weather, unless the full potential in the service of the nation.
affected families consent otherwise;
vi. No use of heavy equipment for demolition
In Saudia v. Rebesencio [G.R. No. 198587
except for structures that are permanent and
(2015)], Rebesencio et. al. were not granted
of concrete materials;
with their maternity leaves and were
vii. Proper uniforms for members of the
subsequently terminated by Saudia due to their
Philippine National Police who shall occupy
pregnancy. The Court ruled that Saudia's
the first line of law enforcement and observe
policy is discriminatory.
proper disturbance control procedures; and
viii. Adequate relocation, whether temporary or
There is the glaringly discriminatory nature of
permanent: Provided, however, That in
Saudia's policy since it entails the termination
cases of eviction and demolition pursuant to
of employment of flight attendants who become
a court order involving underprivileged and
pregnant. At the risk of stating the obvious,
homeless citizens, relocation shall be
pregnancy is an occurrence that pertains
undertaken by the local government unit
specifically to women. Saudia's policy excludes
concerned and the National Housing
from and restricts employment on the basis of
Authority with the assistance of other
no other consideration but sex.
government agencies within forty-five (45)
days from service of notice of final judgment
It would be the height of iniquity to view
by the court, after which period the said order
pregnancy as a disability so permanent and
shall be executed: Provided, further, That
immutable that it must entail the termination of
should relocation not be possible within the
one's employment. The respondents were
said period, financial assistance in the
illegally terminated.
amount equivalent to the prevailing minimum
daily wage multiplied by sixty (60) days shall
Role And Rights Of Peoples Organizations
be extended to the affected families by the
local government unit concerned [Kalipunan Sec. 15, Art. XIII. The State shall respect the
ng Damayang Mahihirap v. Robredo, G.R. role of independent people’s organizations to
No. 200903 (2014)]. enable the people to pursue and protect,
within the democratic framework, their
Health legitimate and collective interests and
aspirations through peaceful and lawful
Sec. 11, Art. XIII. The State shall adopt an
means. [xxx]
integrated and comprehensive approach to
health development which shall endeavor to
make essential goods, health and other Cultural
social services available to all the people at
affordable cost. There shall be priority for the Sec. 22, Art. II. The State recognizes and
needs of the underprivileged sick, elderly, promotes the rights of indigenous cultural
disabled, women, and children. The State communities within the framework of
national unity and development.

Page 114 of 116


1. Powers
Sec. 5, Art. XII. The State, subject to the
provisions of this Constitution and national I. Investigate, on its own or on complaint by any
development policies and programs, shall party, all forms of human rights violations
protect the rights of indigenous cultural involving civil and political rights;
communities to their ancestral lands to II. Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of
ensure their economic, social, and cultural procedure, and cite for contempt for
well-being. violations thereof in accordance with the
Rules of Court;
III. Provide appropriate legal measures for the
Sec. 15, Art. XIV. Arts and letters shall enjoy protection of human rights of all persons
the patronage of the State. The State shall within the Philippines, as well as Filipinos
conserve, promote, and popularize the residing abroad, and provide for preventive
nation’s historical and cultural heritage and measures and legal aid services to the
resources, as well as artistic creations. underprivileged whose human rights have
been violated or need protection;
IV. Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons,
Sec. 17, Art. XIV. The State shall recognize, or detention facilities;
respect, and protect the rights of indigenous V. Establish a continuing program of research,
cultural communities to preserve and education, and information to enhance
develop their cultures, traditions, and respect for the primacy of human rights;
institutions. It shall consider these rights in VI. Recommend to Congress effective
the formulation of national plans and measures to promote human rights and to
policies. provide for compensation to victims of
violations of human rights, or their families;
VII. Monitor the Philippine Government's
C. COMMISSION ON compliance with international treaty
HUMAN RIGHTS obligations on human rights;
VIII. Grant immunity from prosecution to any
person whose testimony or whose
Sec. 17, Art. XIII. (1) There is hereby created possession of documents or other evidence
an independent office called the Commission is necessary or convenient to determine the
on Human Rights. truth in any investigation conducted by it or
under its authority;
xxx IX. Request the assistance of any department,
bureau, office, or agency in the performance
(3) Until this Commission is constituted, the of its functions;
existing Presidential Committee on Human X. Appoint its officers and employees in
Rights shall continue to exercise its present accordance with law; and
functions and powers. XI. Perform such other duties and functions as
may be provided by law. [Sec. 18, Art. XIII]
The Constitution clearly and categorically
grants to the Commission the power to
investigate all forms of human rights violations
involving civil and political rights. But it cannot
try and decide cases (or hear and determine
causes) as courts of justice, or even quasi-
judicial bodies do. To investigate is not to
adjudicate or adjudge. [Cariño v. CHR, G.R.
No. 96681 (1991)].
Page 115 of 116

The Commission is not a court of justice or a

quasi-judicial body. The Commission cannot
try and resolve cases on merits as it is not
within its power to investigate. Its power to
investigate is only fact-finding. When providing
preventive measures, it can file a case before
a court to represent victims [EPZA v. CHR,
G.R. No. 101476 (1992)].

2. Composition and
Qualification of Members

Sec. 17, Art. XIII.

xxx (2) The Commission shall be composed
of a Chairman and four Members who must
be natural-born citizens of the Philippines and
a majority of whom shall be members of the
Bar. The term of office and other
qualifications and disabilities of the Members
of the Commission shall be provided by law.

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