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Thank you so much for booking my class.

You did an amazing job in our class today!

Thank you for giving your best in our class.
I hope to see you again. Bye!!

Hello Mamiko-chan.
Thank you very much for sparing your time with me.
I am so happy to see you today.
I really appreciate you for exerting efforts in answering my questions.
I am also very happy because you practiced asking questions in our class. Keep it

I'd like to express my gratitude for always sparing your time studying English with
I am very happy to see you today!
You did a great job in today's lesson.
See you next time

Subject-Lesson: Daily Greetings; Self Introduction; Asked how’s the day; Free
Side by Side Extra 1page: 79 NEXT 80

Thank you very much for the fun lesson.
Our conversation today was very interesting and fun.
Please continue studying English.
Be careful all the time.
See you very soon!!!

Subject-Lesson: Daily Greetings; Self Introduction; Asked how’s the day; Free
Side by Side Extra 1page: 76-77 NEXT 77(Selection part)

Hi Souhei ! Thank you so much for booking my class.

I am very happy because you did great in our grammar activity today.
Please continue being good.
Seeing you in my class each day makes me really happy.
Please be careful when you go to school.
Always make sure to wear facemask.
See you and enjoy school tomorrow.

Subject-Lesson: Daily Greetings; Self Introduction; Asked how’s the day; Free
International English 4 Page/s: 32-33B NEXT 33C

Hello Sana-chan.
You did great in our grammar lesson for today.
Please keep it up.
I'm so happy seeing you doing your best in our class.
I know sometimes the activity is a little bit difficult.
I want you to know that I understand that sometimes it's hard for you to answer
some of the task.
It's really fine. Don't push yourself too hard.
Just keep on studying and doing the best in you.

Hi ! Thank you so much for booking my class.

You did great in our listening activity.
You were able to answer the lesson exercises.
keep it up!
See you soon and enjoy the rest of the day!

Thank you very much for the fun lesson.

Our conversation today was very interesting and fun.
Please continue studying English.
You got a very good listening skill.
You can also follow the lesson well.
Be careful all the time.
See you very soon!!!

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