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Technical data - Facility

1 Power and degrees of efficiency

Qzu/Qm Energy supplied/mechanical ±5% kWh/kWh 2,43
pme Effective mean pressure bar 18,00
Pm Mechanical power kW 1095
Blocked ISO standard power ICFN according to ISO 3046
Pel Electric power output at cos phi = 1 kW 1067
ηel Electrical efficiency % 40,19
ηtherm Therm. efficiency % ---
ηges Total efficiency % 40,19

2 Standard reference conditions

Air pressure mbar 1000*)
Air temperature °C 25
Relative humidity % 30
*) or 100 m above mean sea level

3 Exhaust system
Maf Exhaust gas volume moist --- kg/h 5693
LP Residual sound pressure level when operating a module dB (A) at 10m 75
NOx Nitrogen oxides mg/Nm3 2) -
CO Carbon monoxide mg/Nm3 2) -
NMHC1) Non-methane hydrocarbons mg/Nm3 2) -
At a total installation emission of > 3 kg/h.
The exhaust gas emission values refer to dry exhaust gas with 5% 02, in standard reference
conditions, during which the gas engine should, at the very least, be operated at half load.
Exhaust gas emission values expressed in mg/m3 for dry exhaust gas, in standard reference
conditions, with 5% 02.

4 Fuel gas system

Mz methane number 70-94
Hu Calorific value kWh/Nm 3
Vgas Fuel gas volume --- 3
Nm /h 279

5 Water circuit
Vww Cooling Water --- m3/h 30,5
Vgk Mixture cooling water --- 3
m /h 25

6 Intake air
Vl intake air volume --- Nm3/h 4256

Identification: EPC ORIENT 2013_JGS 320_23-26 Device number: J S543 Module number: 1112291
Module type: JGS 320 GS-N.L Engine version: C 105
Author: Huber Responsible: Dokumenation Release date: 19/01/2011
Index: 3 Page No.: 1/3
GE Proprietary Information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the cover or on the first page.
Technical data - Facility

7 Energy balances
Ambient temperature 25 °C --- °C
Qag Heat exchanger exhaust gas / water - °C ±8% kWh 0 ---
Qgk1 Heat exchanger mixture / water (stage 1) ±8% kWh 165 ---
Qgk2 Heat exchanger mixture / water (stage 2) ±8% kWh 80 ---
Qgetr Gearbox --- kWh --- ---
QkW Heat exchanger engine cooling water / water ±8% kWh 353 ---
Qoil Heat exchanger engine oil / water ±8% kWh 116 ---
Qre Residual heat --- kWh --- ---
Qst Radiation heat (engine and generator) --- kWh 91 ---
Qww Total usable thermal output ±8% kWh 634 ---

8 Temperatures
Hot water return temperature + --- °C 37,0 / 70,0
(technical diagram A) ----
Hot water inlet temperature + --- °C .. / 90,0
(technical diagram B) - ---
Inlet temperature + --- °C 40,0
(heat exchanger mixture / water, stage 2) - ---
(Technical diagram M)
Outlet temperature + --- °C 43,1
(heat exchanger mixture / water, stage 2) - ---
(Technical diagram N)

9 Weight
Mges tr Total engine weight (dry) (Module Container) kg 11100
Mges gf Total engine weight (filled) (Module Container) kg 11600
MMot tr Engine weight dry kg 5200
MMot gf Engine weight filled kg ---
MAggr Module weight 1)
kg ---
MGen + Getr Weight of generator and transmission kg ---
MGen Generator weight kg 3506
In type 6 engines (version E), the generator is mounted on a separate frame. Its weight is
therefore not included in this value.

10 Dimensions
Length mm ~6300
Width mm ~1900
Height mm ~2300

Identification: EPC ORIENT 2013_JGS 320_23-26 Device number: J S543 Module number: 1112291
Module type: JGS 320 GS-N.L Engine version: C 105
Author: Huber Responsible: Dokumenation Release date: 19/01/2011
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Technical data - Facility

11 Lacquer coat
LMot Engine RAL No. 6018
LGen Generator RAL No. 6018
LFra Frame RAL No. 6018
LCon Container RAL No. ---
LSch Switch cabinet RAL No. 7035

The operating materials and system peripherals must conform to TI 1100-0110 "Requirements for GE
Jenbacher Gas Engines".

Identification: EPC ORIENT 2013_JGS 320_23-26 Device number: J S543 Module number: 1112291
Module type: JGS 320 GS-N.L Engine version: C 105
Author: Huber Responsible: Dokumenation Release date: 19/01/2011
Index: 3 Page No.: 3/3
GE Proprietary Information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the cover or on the first page.

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