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Name:________________________________________ Grade, Section, and Shift:___________

Age:________ Gender:_________________

Direction: For each statement in the survey, please answer by putting a check mark in the right side of
the statement, on how much you agree or disagree. Please answer with whole honesty.

5- Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Neutral 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

Questions 5 4 3 2 1
1.)I feel that the amount of time I spent on the
internet has increased since I’ve got my mobile
2.I feel the “ frequency of the internet usage” has
increased since I got my mobile device
3.I repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control,
cut back, or stop using the internet connection with
my mobile device?
4.When my mobile device is not working properly to
the internet, I feel depressed, isolated, or bored?
5. My job and/or school work suffer from the amount
of time I spend on the internet with my mobile device?
6.Other people in my life complain about the amount
of time I spend on the internet with my mobile device?
7.I have accessed the internet with my mobile device
during a time I were asked not to (school, work,
church, theatre, etc.)?
8.I stay connected to the internet with my mobile
device longer than intended?
9.I lose sleep due to late night mobile device Internet
activity at least once a week?
10.I watch online videos ( YouTube, Netflix, TV
Networks) on my mobile device at least once a week?
11.I spend free time for playing games on my mobile
device at least once a day?
12.I prefer communicating through my mobile device
over face-to-face communication?
13.At home, I you carry my mobile device into every
room (even the restroom and bedroom)?
14.I often go over my monthly data plan plan with my
mobile device?
15.When I receive a notification alert, I immediately
check my mobile device?
16.I purchase a digital product (misic, video, book, or
app) with my mobile device at least once a month?
17.I experience using my mobile device as a
navigational device instead of asking others for
18.I check for real time online information using my
mobile device (stock prices, sports scores, or online
auction) at least once a day?
19.I check my online accounts with my mobile device
(email, voice mail, or social networking) at least
several times a day?
20.I do not feel good all day If I forgot my cellular
21.I do not like to go places with poor signal strength
22. I spend more on my cellular phone bills than I
spend on clothing bills
23.I recharge my cellular phone everyday
24.I talk on my cellular phone even with others
25.I find it difficult to socialise to people who don’t
have a cellular phone

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