MGT1001 - IA - Soh Hui Yong - CB1

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INTI International College Penang

Program: _______________________________ School: __________________________________

Subject Code & Title: ___________________________________

Semester: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 (circle one)

Assignment Method: Lab / Project / Report / Written Work / Others ___________

Assignment Title: ______________________________________



Instructor: ____________________________

I certify that this assignment is my own work. Where material has been used
from other sources has been properly acknowledged.

Student’s Name: _________Soh Hui Yong___________ Signature:


Assessor’s Feedback:
Question 1
Formulating and executing long-term goals for my personal life is the essence of strategic
planning. Both the process and the ceremony are formal. Because it involves setting long-term
goals and putting them into action, I identify more with strategic planning than with long-term in
my personal life.

In order to attain my goals, I will first decide what they are, and then I will make the necessary
preparations on how to deal with any unforeseen changes in my plans going forward. Following
the determination of the goal, it is vital to begin putting into practice the techniques and procedures
required to produce the outcomes that would be seen after extensive use.

My strategic planning will have a clear direction and aim thanks to the fact that the first segment
of time is the direction that is constant, unending, and timeless. Goals can be replaced by subgoals
and have a deadline. Specificity comes second. The aim is more particular and may be
accomplished at a given time, while the specificity relates to a broader and more comprehensive
content that incorporates impression, style, and expertise. The third is what is being highlighted.
The direction of the focus point is frequently stated in terms of the external world, whereas the
objective is introverted and refers to how to employ the resources of the company.

Because of how similar my character is to this strategy; I shall utilize strategic planning. It is
marked by definite objectives. The objectives of strategic planning should be distinct and
unambiguous. Its articles ought to be upbeat and motivating. The language used to describe goals
should be solid and direct. They should be challenging yet doable with effort. Good execution
comes next. A good approach should have a well-liked, understandable, and workable description.
It should serve as a manual for leaders at all levels so that they can fully comprehend it, put it into
practice, and align their own strategies with it.

Question 2

In order to protect the environment, businesses cut back on waste production, single-use plastics,
pollution from greenhouse gases, and pollution of the water supply. They also use alternate energy
sources, recycled or entirely recycled components, and renewable energy. More trees should be
planted, research should be funded, and relevant charities should be supported. These are just a
few examples of strategies to lessen negative environmental effects.
They do not cheat their clients in any way. Everyone conducts thorough study before buying in
today's culture where information is readily available. They might or might not decide to invest in
that specific product, but there is no doubt that they will contact them again soon because of the
sincere and appropriate advice they received. Give them advice on the best plan and solution for
their problems.

Additionally, the success and profitability of their business over the long term depend on their
after-sales services. After the sale is over, they must continue to communicate with their customers
if they want to withstand the fierce competition. Customers seem to be searching more actively for
companies that offer goods and services that are truly socially responsible, which has an effect on

Employers are obligated to cover the wages and taxes of their employees. As an employer, the
employer is accountable for paying the workers. The employer makes sure that they at least receive
the company's legal minimum hourly wage as a result. The additional hours worked by the
employees as well as any personal time off are included in their remuneration. Additionally, the
employer has a responsibility to ensure that workers receive their pay on time and should take all
reasonable steps to prevent delaying that pay in order to allow workers to meet their financial
obligations on time. The employer is also responsible for paying workers' compensation benefits
for accidents at work. Employers are not allowed to impede, restrict, or stop employees from filing
their own claims if they are hurt while working. as a result of the law. They could face not just
severe criminal penalties but also jail time if it is determined that they, as the employer, breached
any of the provisions of the agreement.

So, excellent communication is the first strategy. When dealing with organisational issues,
communication skills are crucial to avoid misunderstandings. If there is good communication
among the workforce, employees may be able to violate company rules and regulations without
being punished. If the issue is made known and the employee informs the employer that they will
be late due to unforeseen issues, for instance, they might not be late.

The successful whistleblowing procedure is the next method. Bringing out unethical behaviour in
a company is a smart way to learn about it. The organisation should make sure the process is
uncomplicated and unthreatening in order to encourage information sharing and offer options for
official and unofficial reporting. To foster clarity, honesty, transparency, and justice, the company
should trust teams to report honestly rather than dishonestly. Whistleblowing can take many
different forms, such as reporting violent crimes like theft or unethical workplace practises like
discrimination, racism, or homophobia.

Question 3

Some official training programs exist. Group induction is the first category of official training. In
order to calm their nerves, new hires might interact with colleagues who are going through similar
situations. I'll emphasize important employee training concepts, such as acquiescence, during
group onboarding meetings where I can also outline the fundamentals of workforce management.
I will allow them to do a few quick exams, quizzes, and questionnaires to gauge their prior
knowledge in order to prevent them from forgetting it, and then, one week later, I'll follow up with
an interactive message. An early mentor is given as the second sort of formal training. Early
training, in contrast to conventional training programs, doesn't truly encourage new employees to
train with a particular objective in mind. In addition, mentors, such as friends of the new hires, are
always on hand to respond to inquiries, resolve issues, and assist with practical training. The final
formal training method is to schedule a week for shadowing. By exposing new hires to complex
theories and concepts, businesses run the risk of overloading their knowledge bases. During a
specified week of shadowing, new employees can watch their seniors ask them questions and get
practical training information.

Unofficial training comes in a few different forms. Verbal communication is the earliest kind of
informal training. Verbal communication is defined as the exchange of ideas through language and
words. Verbal communication can take the form of speeches, presentations, texts, calls, and emails.
Written communication is the second kind of informal training. When several people correspond
in writing, this is known as written communication. Furthermore, the most typical method of
expressing ideas, instructions, and demands is through written communication. Examples include
memos, journals, magazines, written letters, bulletins, and more. The third kind of informal
education aims to improve higher-order and analytical thinking skills. The thoughts of new
employees may be improved by the employer. Employers can also help new hires become better
at taking notes, conducting research, and performing analyses. In the end, the employer can assist
new employees in developing fair-minded, educated perspectives as well as the capacity to use
reasoning and evidence.
Both formal and informal training can benefit new hires by helping them develop their skills and
knowledge, which will increase their success and productivity. New hires will benefit from these
training programs as well, which will improve the effectiveness and success rate of the company's
operations. New employees learn a variety of skills throughout training, including relationships,
protection, and work ethic. The second benefit of training is that it can help new hires adjust to
their duties. Training programs might be advantageous for newly hired staff members who take on
responsibility. They can gain the abilities they need to flourish in the position with the aid of these
training programs. Additionally, training can raise the spirits of new hires. Through training, they
acquire a sense of accomplishment and employment security. Not only will the new hires improve
as workers, but they will also perceive themselves as being more useful to the business. Training
also has the power to improve results. It aids new hires in achieving greater productivity and

Question 4

The ability of change to bring about fresh chances for advancement makes it crucial. The
acquisition of new skills, the discovery of new opportunities, and the unleashing of the company's
creativity through organisational change can all have a beneficial effect on the organisation as it
undergoes change and lead to new ideas and improved involvement. In order to prepare the
organisation for all these changes, the company considers providing workers with the tools and
training they require to learn new skills. Training may also be provided through traditional
instruction or online learning courses. Additionally, the company needs to assess the skills of its
workers and take any necessary action to close the skills gap between those currently in use and
those required to handle expansion.

Malaysian tourism is provided by Forever Travel Company. People are not allowed to travel since
covid-19 has spread throughout the entire earth. The tourism industry is also struggling as a result
of the economic downturn in our nation. To stabilise the economy later, the tourism sector needs
to act quickly to implement creative solutions to the current problem. The tourism sector faces
enormous challenges as well, primarily due to the fact that visitors will differ from those in the
past. It's crucial to satisfy the public's progressive hygiene and safety demands.

Strategies for attracting visitors are the first category of innovation. As a result, the travel and
tourism sector will unavoidably develop vigorously, embracing technology in many different
ways. A few examples of how the tourism industry's economy will be heavily dependent on digital
and technology include the use of chatbots for reservations, mobility patterns to manage tourist
traffic, artificial intelligence, service-oriented robotics, emotional gamification approach
monitoring, and more. Through all of these advances, new travel experiences will be created.
Technology innovation will also have a shorter lifespan for ideas as more business executives
enlist the aid of innovation management software solutions. Robots are a safer option, as evidenced
by the fact that several businesses, like tourism, have already begun to replace employees with
service-providing robots.

Create entertaining and interesting travel circumstances as the second type. Virtual reality (VR),
augmented reality (AR), and other related technologies continue to offer travellers authentic
images, dynamic somatosensory, and personal experience information output, direct travellers to
impromptu image exploration, improve scenic memory, and work to support destination brands in
creating an unmatched "immersive" experience. As a result, the "immersive" interactive
experience turns "description and explanation" into "actual experience," enabling users to interact
with the virtual scene's information in real-time while also producing sensory input through their
bodies, their voices, and their hearing. Technologies have benefited the tourism sector. It can adapt
to new technology, fulfil the needs of various demographic groups, and maximise consumption
potential. As an illustration, consider holographic projection, VR, and AR.

A new location for the third kind of tourism is within the country. It is highly possible that people
will have little alternative except to travel domestically if the government continues to forbid travel
abroad. The tourism sector must now be able to communicate effectively with those who plan to
travel and employ promotional strategies to raise the value of domestic travel.

The final category of innovation in tourism takes the road of the service model. While also
providing value to tourists, these advances improve operational effectiveness. As a result of
continuing innovation, service providers have improved the quality of their offerings and offered
a more personalised experience. In order to do this, it will be necessary to anticipate customer
needs and expectations, cultivate loyalty through various initiatives, grow the customer base while
reducing capacity waste, and increase efficiency and effectiveness. Service innovation decides
how and when to produce and deliver more value to the consumers through technologies or
processes. For the purpose of empowering staff, partners, and customers, it incorporates ongoing
development and conceptual simplicity. As a result of innovation, new types of customer
experiences have emerged. As an illustration, consider smart tourism, augmented reality city tours,
and aircraft luxury suites.

These innovations are crucial, but additional effort must be done in a coordinated manner to
properly recover the tourism industry and get enterprises up and running. The long-term
implications of the crisis must, of course, also be considered by the administration. This crisis
provides a chance to reconsider how tourism will develop in the future.

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