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Case Study 16 > HxGN MinePlan> Activity Scheduler



The Customer

Region: Commodity: Mine Type: Solution:

New Mexico Copper Surface Mine Planning

The Challenge
Fragmented tactical planning was delaying processes There was insufficient control over the ore hardness,
and preventing engineers from understanding the grade, and mineralogy characteristics, which sometimes
impacts of decisions. This affected steps of the led to mill ore shortages and poor mill production periods.
process and the overall schedule.
Creating mine plan reports was time consuming and at
Short-range mine plans were disconnected from the the expense of more optimal and achievable mine plans.
blending plans and did not account for the blending End-of-period maps were prepared from mining cuts by
process because the old method was unable to place hand, and the mine plan data was output into an archaic
item constraints. format.

HxGN MinePlan Activity Scheduler is a software package for generating, streamlined and
robust tactical schedules. These schedules integrate the level of detail necessary for
achievable and operational plans, minimizing variance between plan and execution.

The Solution
Using embedded pivot tables and the end-of-period maps tool, HxGN MinePlan Activity Scheduler transformed
archaic reporting methodology into a quick and efficient process. By integrating the pieces required to make proper
decisions into a single process, engineers are aware of the effects on a process step and can evaluate schedules
faster. By obtaining immediate feedback on the impact of cutoff grade in relation to the shovel dig plan, haul plan,
dump plan, and operational implications, better decisions are made that support the business objectives.

Faster schedule evaluations and improved quality in scheduling decisions result in better mineral production and
operations results. More realistic and achievable mine plans will narrow the gap between planning and execution.
Activity Scheduler ensures that ore characteristics are better controlled, which allows preparing short-range mine
plans as a guide for the creation of the blending plans. Integration of the mine plan with the blend plan ensures that
both can now be achieved with greater certainty and consistency.

HxGN Case Study Faster Schedule Evaluations and Improved Scheduling Decisions

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