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Don’t Get Sick!

A WebQuest for 2020 (Science)

Designed by



In this webquest, the you will learn about the proper ways to keep your body clean wherein
you will be more knowledgeable on how good hygiene works. With this information, you will
find out the things that you must use to keep your body clean.

As a human, you need many things in order to survive! You need food, water, air, and many
more. Have you ever thought about how you can sustain and maintain your good health?
Well, proper personal hygiene can keep you clean and healthy. Join me in this journey
where we will learn about the good personal hygiene as well as the personal hygiene kits to
be use to help you be clean and away from sickness!

The Task

Your task is to be able to learn about the proper personal hygiene and the personal hygiene
kits to be use in order to keep your body clean. You will use some videos and web sources
to find out as much as you can about the ways on keeping your body healthy.
The Process

These are the steps you should go through to accomplish the task.

You will be assigned to a group of three students.

Click here on the link to listen and watch the Science Tips- How to keep our Body Neat
and Clean to stay Fit and Healthy. Take down notes as you watch this video twice.


As a group, enumerate the ways to keep your body clean.

1. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________

As a group, draw 8 personal hygiene kits that you use to keep your body clean. Discuss the
uses of each thing briefly.
Here are the lists of other websites that talks about the ways of keeping the body clean by
having proper personal hygiene. Click on the links that follows:

Click here

Click here

Click here


This is how your work will be evaluated.

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4
 Able to Able to
Not able to
enumerate Able to Able to enumerate 6
enumerate at
all the ways enumerate 2-3 enumerate 4-5 and above
least 2 ways
to keep the ways to keep ways to keep ways to keep
to keep the
body clean. the body clean the body clean the body
body clean
Able to draw
Not able to Able to draw
at least 8 Able to draw 3- Able to draw 5-
draw at least all the 8
hygiene kits. 4 hygiene kits. 7 hygiene kits.
2 hygiene kits. hygiene kits.

Able to
Not able to Able to
discuss the Able to discuss Able to discuss
discuss at discuss all the
uses of each 3-4 uses of 5-7 uses of
least 2 uses of 8 uses of
hygiene kits hygiene kits hygiene kits
hygiene kits hygiene kits
briefly. briefly. briefly.
briefly. briefly.

Congratulations! You should now be a pro when it comes to knowing the ways on how to
keep your body clean and discussing the use of each hygiene kits. Try and show off your
skills by telling a friend, sibling, parents, or guardian all that you learned throughout this

(March 13, 2020)

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