Seminar On Work

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Work-life balance is a concept that describes the prototype of splitting one's time
and energy between work and other important aspects of their life.
It is the state of equilibrium in which demands of personal life, professional life,
and family life are equal. Work–life balance consists of, but it is not limited to,
flexible work arrangements that allow employees to carry out other life programs
and practices.
Work–life balance is a term commonly used to describe the balance that a
working individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of
life. Areas of life other than work–life can include personal interests, family and
social or leisure activities.
The division of one's time and focus between working and family or leisure


1. We become less liable to burnouts;
Whilst occasional stress is normal for every job, burnouts are certainly not
normal. According to THE HELP GUILD, burnouts occur “when you feel
overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands”. The negative effects of a
burnout impact every area of your life, including your personal and social life.
Work life balance is important as it allows you to separate work and home,
meaning that the stress of work should stay at work, and not follow you outside
of office hours. Allowing work stress to infiltrate your home life is one of the
primary indicators that you are not achieving a work life balance. If this is
happening to you, take the time to talk this over with your manager, or come up
with a plan to avoid a burnout as a result of your professional demands.
How to minimize stress in case it occurs;
 Take a proper lunch break
 Harness power of communication
 Share your feelings – but don’t gossip
 Know your limits

2. Attention is paid where due;

With a balance between work and home, comes greater control of where your
focus remains. If you leave your work at the office, your full attention will be on
your home life and giving your relationships the attention in which they deserve.
When spending time with your partner, children or friends, your mind should be
solely focused on the experience you are having, rather than thinking of work
concurrently. Similarly, if you are in the office, greater focus should be paid on the
tasks at hand. In turn, this makes you a more efficient worker, and demonstrates
one of the many benefits of achieving a work life balance

3. We experience fewer health problems;

It’s no secret that when we are run down, tired or stressed; our immune system is
the one to suffer. HEALTHLINE explains that “stress can cause a variety of
symptoms and can affect your overall health and wellbeing”, from less serious
conditions such as the flu, to more serious health issues such as respiratory or
digestive problems. Either way, the fact that stress can impact your health so
much is even more of a reason as to why maintaining a healthy work life balance
is important. Taking the time to look after yourself by exercising, eating well and
relaxing can contribute to limiting your health problems and make you a more
efficient worker during business hours.
Work-life imbalance
It is quite the opposite of Work-life balance.

Causes of work–life imbalance

 Having salaries that haven't increased much, but expenses that have.
 Increased responsibilities at work.
 Working longer hours.
 Increased responsibilities at home.
 Having children.

9 Signs You Have Work-Life Imbalance

 Your body is always in pain
 You are always tired
 Your patience is wearing thin
 You can't remember the last time you enjoyed yourself
 Your relationships are struggling
 Your personal and professional space is a mess
 You're glued to your phone
 You're unclear about your priorities
 You strive for perfection

Ways to create a better work-life balance

1. Accept that there is no “perfect” work-life balance
2. Find a job that you love
3. Prioritize your health
4. Don't be afraid to unplug
5. Take a vacation
6. Make time for yourself and your loved ones
7. Set boundaries and work hours
8. Set goals and priorities (and stick to them)
9. Respect your private time
10.Get plenty of exercise
11. Learn how to say NO
12. Ask for support
13. Evaluate your work-life balance often

Achieving balance in both your work and personal lives allows

you to perform optimally in both areas.

 Wikipedia

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