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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Biliran
Naval Public Schools District 3
Larrazabal, Naval, Biliran
Sch. ID: 303330

1st. Quarterly Examination in Music Arts Physical Education and Health

(MAPEH) - 8

Instruction: Carefully read the question and chose the correct answer, write
the letter only in a 1/4 sheet of paper and no erasures.


1. What is a Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually

accompanies ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples?
a. Samphor b. Kongvong c. Pinpeat d. Gamelan

2. Which of the following that best describe the Slendro of Indonesian music
a. Heptatonic 7 tone scale with semi-tone
b. Five equidistant tones in octave
c. Heptatonic 8 tone scale
d. No tone scale

3. What is an Indonesian term for tempo?

a. Gamelan b. Gerong c. Pesindhen d. Irama

4. What do you call the female soloist singer who sings with a gamelan?
a. Pesindhen b. Gerong c. Gamelan d. Polyphonic

5. What orchestra is the most popular in Indonesia?

a. Gerong b. Irama c. Gamelan d. Irama

6. What do you call the unison male chorus that sings with the gamelan?
a. Gerong b. Pesindhen c.Irama d. Gamelan

7. What kind of sounding that is performed in open-air ensembles at

ceremonies and festivals in Myanmar?
a. Soft sounding b. Loud sounding c. Pat Waing d. Hne

8. What do you call Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble?

a. Hne b. Wayang Kulit c. Hsaing Waing d. Kyi Waing

9. What do you call Myanmar’s harp it composed a 13-string instrument?

a. Saung Gauk b. Harp c. Pat Waing d. Hne

10.What is the term of Myanmar’s classical songs?

a. Pi Wait b. Dayak c. Mahagita d. Folk music

11.What musical ensemble from the Malay Peninsula that consists of

xylophones played swiftly and rhythmically in traditional Malay functions?
a. Silat melayu b. Dikir barat c. Gong d. Kertok

12.What musical ensemble of Thailand that is mid-sized orchestra that is

performed in either outdoor style with hard mallets or indoor style with
padded mallets?
a. Pinpeat b. Piphat c. Gyong d. Mahori

13.The music performed in religious rituals or at funerals:

a. Religious and Ceremonial Music c. Classical Music
b. Folk Music d. Court Music

14.What form of musical ensembles of Malaysia that is form of martial art that
is similar to t’ai chi?
a. Silat Melayu b. Dikir Barat c. Kertok d. Piphat

15.What type of musical instrument that produces sound primarily by causing

a body of air to vibrate?
a. Form b. Chordophone c. Idiophone d. Aerophone


1. What type of Cambodian weaving of Cambodia that patterns are diverse and
vary by region and common motifs:
a. Uneven twill b. Ikat technique c. Weaving d. Silk thread

2. Vietnam’s famous fabric is known for its __________ design:

a. Silk thread b. Golden thread c. White thread d. Printing

3. What is the famous fabric design of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore?

a. Free Form Design b. Hand Painted c. Batik d. Block Printed

4. What is the Malay word for batik?

a. Titik b. Watik c. Batik d. Kulit

5. The word batik which means _________:

a. Pot b. Hand c. Block d. Dot

6. A kind of printed welding together strips of metal to form a metal block;

a. Hand painted b. Geometric c. Block Printed d. Batik

7. Brunei’s traditional batik also highlighted with what particular national

flower printed in the fabric:
a. Simphur b. Batik c. Sampaguita d. Linen

8. What is Thailand’s famous arts and crafts?

a. Pots b. Jars c. Sky Lantern d. Wayang Kulit
9. What is Indonesia’s famous craft?
a. Silk Painting b. Linens c. Kite d. Wayang Kulit

10.What is Vietnam’s famous craft?

a. Silk Painting b. Dastar c. Serban d. Hand Painting

11.A kind of relief carving/sculpture in Malaysia that is completely carved from

its surface, highly shaped, with very little of the structure touching the base
or plane.
a. Bas form b. Alto form c. Stone carving d. Relief carving

12.A kind of relief carving/sculpture in Malaysia that the relief barely extends
past the base.
a. Bas form b. Alto form c. Stone carving d. Relief carving

13.A fine carving of craft in Malaysia.

a. Cengal b. Sunken c. Ukiran halus d. Ukiran kasar

14.What is the famous sculpture of Singapore, which is conceived by the

Singapore Tourism Board an image representing its nation and history.
a. Ukiran kasar b. Merlion c. Gopuram d. Sunken relief sculpture

15.The rough carving of Malaysia’s relief sculpture.

a. Bronze, Silver &, Gold b. Ukiran kasar c. Merlion d. Gopuram


1. A condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and

enjoy life.
a. Fitness b. Health c. Wealth d. Cardiovascular

2. Which of the following that best describe cardiovascular fitness?

a. Muscle’s ability to produce effort or perform work.
b. Ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles
for an extended period of time.
c. Ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint.
d. The ratio of body fat to lean body mass.

3. Which of the following that best describe flexibility?

a. Muscle’s ability to produce effort or perform work.
b. Ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles
for an extended period of time.
c. Ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint.
d. The ratio of body fat to lean body mass.

4. Which of the following that best describe the body composition?

a. Muscle’s ability to produce effort or perform work.
b. Ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles
for an extended period of time.
c. Ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint.
d. The ratio of body fat to lean body mass.

5. Which of the following that best describe the muscular strength and
a. Muscle’s ability to produce effort or perform work.
b. Ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles
for an extended period.
c. Ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint.
d. The ratio of body fat to lean body mass.

6. Angela’s weight is 34kg. and a height of 112cm. What is the body mass
index-BMI and classification of Angela?
a. 26.0 - normal
b. 27.89 - normal
c. 27.2 - overweight
d. 26.2 - obese

7. Mark’s weight is 30kg. and a height of 156cm. What is the body mass index-
BMI and classification of Mark?
a. 12.34 – underweight
b. 13.34 – underweight
c. 12.34 – normal
d. 13.43 – normal

8. Jonnie’s weight is 45kg. and a height of 183cm. What is the body mass
index-BMI and classification of Jonnie?
a. 13.6 - underweight
b. 14.65 - obese
c. 12.87 - normal
d. 13.47 – underweight

9. Karen’s weight is 58kg. and a height of 134cm. What is the body mass
index-BMI and classification of Karen?
a. 30.1 – normal
b. 31.42- obese
c. 32.40 – obese
d. 29.12 – normal

10.Ronald’s weight is 30kg. and a height of 144cm. What is the body mass
index- BMI and classification of Ronald?
a. 13.34 - underweight
b. 15.12 - normal
c. 14.52 - underweight
d. 13.69 - underweight


1. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological characteristics?

a. Sex b. Gender c. Sexuality d. Androgyny

2. Which of the following illustrates gender?

a. Miguel loves to cook
b. Marco does not cry in public
c. Hazel has a positive body image
d. Ahmed is attracted to felicity

3. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers as appropriate
for men and women?
a. Gender role c. Gender identity
b. Gender equality d. Gender sensitivity

4. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?

a. We will all be mature adults.
b. We have similar sexuality issues.
c. There is a specific age for developing one’s sexuality.
d. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others.

5. Which characterizes a good decision?

a. Easy to make
b. Makes your friends happy
c. One that your teacher told you to make
d. Made after a thoughtful consideration of consequences

6. Which of the following that best describe making good decisions?

a. Making choices that are healthy and responsible.
b. Can be accomplished through information about good sexuality.
c. Evaluating your physical self.
d. Chose what makes you happy and forget the others.

7. A communicable disease that is spread by a pathogen from one person

through sexual contact.
a. Bacteria b. Virus c. STD d. cold

8. It refers to how an individual value relationship.

a. Emotional self b. Ethical self c. Physical self d. Social self

9. It refers to the norms and standards set by society that could affect your
values regarding sexuality.
a. culture b. family c. media d. peers

10.Melody is a friendly person. She loves to interact with other people. What
dimension of one’s personality is manifested?
a. Emotional self b. Ethical self c. Physical self d. Social self

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