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Why Pineapple on Pizza is Acceptable

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Pizza has earned enormous loyal consumers since its establishment. However, inclusion

of pineapple into pizza has raised a contentious debated for the last few years. Although the old-

age chefs from Italy never included pineapple into their recipes of preparing pizza. Research

conducted on chefs globally shows that there has been massive number of orders of pineapple-

topped pizzas among the consumers. As a result, they have given into the demands and started

preparing Pizzas that have pineapple topping since it is becoming more acceptable to the

consumers than the former one. There are several reasons as to why pineapple should get

included into the pizza preparation. This paper presents the support side of the argument as to

why pineapples inclusion into pizza is acceptable.

The first reason as to why pineapple is applicable onto pizza is that it has a great flavor

and scent that makes it attractive to the consumer. The great scent that emanate from the

pineapple flavor makes it lure the hungry food consumers and opt for the attractive flavor

category of food. Secondly, the sweet taste that comes from pineapple neutralizes the salty levels

of pizza making it more attractive and addictive for the consumers. Research articulates that a

huge number of people prefers sweet-tasting food regardless of the necessity of salt. There are

also health benefits that are associated with pineapple topping in pizzas. The pineapple fruits are

rich sources of vitamin C, fiber and potassium which are crucial elements in promoting the

health wellbeing of an individual.

Having realized the importance of pineapples on pizza, Chef Anthony Carron of 800

Degrees Pizzeria a major chef allowed inclusion of pineapples in pizza refuting his former

standing for the sake of customers and merits of the fruit (Ritschel, 2019). I feel that pineapple

belongs to pizza not only because of the customer taste and preferences but also for other health

merits and great tastes obtained from them.



Ritschel, C. (2019, April 9). The definitive answer on whether you should put pineapple on

pizza, according to top Italian chefs. The



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