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4.5 bn years ago-Theia is heading to the young earth.

2 young

planets turned into liquid. Planet Theia`s collision with the Earth

is theorized to have created the Moon.

The birth of the moon. Just 14.000 miles away located from us.

The Earth spins so fast that the entire day lasts 6 hours.

3.9 bn years ago- Meteors attack. Inside of meteorites, there are

crystal-like figures, and inside of them-water. (20 mln years


Megastorms. The Moon is so close to The Earth. And Moon’s

gravity made storms.

But over time moon moves away. The waves calm down and the

planet spins slower.

3.8 bn years ago- (700 mln years after the planet’s birth)-tiny

islands. Volcanic islands. In the future, these islands will come

together to make continents. Now the earth has water and land.

But the atmosphere is still toxic and the temperature is so high.

New meteorites begin to attack. The meteorites carry something

besides water. As they dissolve the meteorites release minerals.

Carbon and primitive proteins-amino acids. Transports to the

bottom of the ocean.

Underground craters spilling hot liquid. The water becomes a

chemical soup. These chemicals come together to create life.

The water is now full of microscopic organisms. Single-cell

bacterias-earliest form of life. For 100 million years nothing

changed. The only life is that single cell bacterias.

3.5 bn years ago- Shallow ocean. Stromatolite called bacterias.

They can Photosynthesis. They use the power of sunlight and

turns water and carbon dioxide into glucose (a simple form of

sugar). And this transformation releases a gas called oxygen.

Stromatolites slowly fill the ocean with oxygen. The oxygen

transforms into the atmosphere.

Over the next 2 billion years oxygen level continues to rise. And

as the planet spins slower the days are getting longer (16 hours).

1.5 bn years ago- The earth is a blue ball. Tectonic plates

happened. Brings islands together. It takes 400 million years to

take shape. It is called Rodinia. The Stromatolites are now

pumping oxygen for over 2 billion years. The temperature is 85

degrees. And the days are 18 hours long.

750 million years ago- Heat weakens the earth’s layer and now

the continent split into two. Volcanoes pump carbon dioxide into

the atmosphere. The Carbon dioxide mixes with water and

creates acid rain. The rocks absorb the rain including its carbon

dioxide. Now there is not enough c.d. in the air to trap the sun’s

heat around the planet. In just a few thousand years the

temperature decreases to around – 60 degrees. (650 mln years

Snowball earth-the coldest ice age ever to grip the planet. 3000

m thick ice sheet covers the entire planet. For 15 million years

the earth is a massive frozen ball. The volcanoes have been

erupting since the earth began to freeze but until now even their

heats have no impact on the ice. Volcanoes pump out billions of

ton c.b. Before the big freeze the rocks absorb the most of

CO2(c.d), but now with the rocks are under the ice there is

nothing to absorb the gas, so it fills the atmosphere. This causes

the temperature to rise. After 15 million years the ice begins to

melt. The volcanoes release more c.d and push the temperature

even higher. And oxygen levels rise. Through chemical

reactions, the ice has created oxygen. The Sun’s ultraviolet rays

reacted with the water molecules in the ice to produce

Hydrogen-peroxide (water with oxygen(H2O2)).

600 mln years ago- the atmosphere is warmer. The day is 22

hours long. The perfect recipe for life. Before snowball earth
primitive bacterias emerged in the oceans. But they couldn’t

have survived the freeze.


540 mln years ago- in an ocean full of oxygen, those primitive

bacteria have evolved. There are plants on the sea floor and smth

else. Armed slugs-Wiwaxia the new generation of complex

multicell organisms. The earth enters one of its dynamic

periods-The Cambrian explosion. An increase in oxygen allows

creatures to grow larger and develop bony selections. There are

worms, sponges, and relatives of insects. Life in the ocean is

blossomed. From bacteria to monsters- Anomalocaris-70 cm

long, large eyes…Pikaia-4 cm. Maybe the first organism with

the spine. Over millions of years, this simple structure will

evolve into the spine that keeps us standing.

460 mln years ago- The plates have been moving again. A new

continent now exists-Gondwana. It’s 90 degrees and oxygen

levels are close to what they are today. The land should be

covered by plants and crawling with creatures. But there is not

much here, besides a few patches of Alg. There is only one

Explanation- the Sun. It blasts the surface with deadly radiation.

When oxygen meets the Sun’s radiation it turns into another

kind of gas called- Oson. This gas absorbs the radiation. Over

120 mln years the Oson layer gets thicker. And preventing more

and more radiation from reaching the surface.

375 mln years ago - Small clumps of algae is the first land

plants. They pump out even more oxygen. A new species swim

in the water. Tiktaalik- a strange fish. It uses its neck to raise

itself up. Water to land movement. Until 360 mln years ago

their relativets called Tetrapod make the land their home.

Tetrapods eventually evolve into dinousars, birds, mammals and

eventually humans. There are Moses everywhere. A seed carried

by the wind. Until now plants reproduce using spores-single-cell

particles that need lots of water to grow. But this seed is miles

away from water. That embryonic plant has its own food and

water supply. Unlike a spor a seed can survive without water for

months, even years. The environment is very much like today.

There are now fish, plants, and the. dragonfly-it’s called

Meganuera is the size of an eagle. There are also spiders, and

millipedes down there. Arthropods ( insects) were among the

firsts that foot on land hundreds of millions of years ago. They

are so big because the oxygen level is so high. So far animals

have been laying their eggs in water. But the lizard-like creature

Hylonomus prefers land. Its egg contains all the water and

nutrients. The egg is a major evolutionary breakthrough.

Allowing animals to leave water behind and conquer the land.

Reptile. The dead plants matters build up and decay and create
layers. Over hundreds of millions of years rocks cover this

layers. And the earth’s core heat and pressure transform these

layers into coal. Each lump of coal burned today is made of

plants that died 300 mln years ago.

250 mln years ago- Small lizards are now giant reptiles.This

“Scutosaur” is a distant relative of turtles. They are plant eaters.

Carnivorous (etobur)- Gorgonopsid (a killing machine). The

lava sputs into the air. The entire landscape is erupted. Basalt

eruption rises from Manto. Scutosaurs and the Gorgonopsids

are now dead—The Permian extinction. On the other side of

the continent Gondwana nothing is changed, yet. Ashes from

volcanoes kill animals. The sulfur dioxide from the eruption fills

the atmosphere. As it rains the gas turns into sulfuric acid and

burns everything it falls on. The Siberian eruption increases the

carbon dyoxide level. Water evaporates. Temp increase.

Vegetation fies. Oceans turn pink. Life disappears. A new hotter

atmosphere heats oceans and strip their oxygen. Pink alg is one

of the few life forms could survive in that water. Metan gas

escape from beneath the sea bed. Until now that gas has been

frozen but as the sea temp. rises it begins to melt. Release into

the atmosphere this gas pushes up the temp even further. Temp.

is now around 105 degrees. Creatures that survived the initial

destruction is now facing a new deadly environment.

It's been 500 mln years since the eruption first began and all this

time the lava has been pouring out. 95% of species are gone.

250 mln years ago the earth reverts back to an almost lifeless


200 mln years ago- There is one supercontinent-Pangea. After

the trauma of mass extinction, the planet heals. Temp. stabilizes.

Vegetation returns. New species to emerge.-The Dinosaurs.

Ammosaurus- big and slow, they evolved from the reptiles that

survive from the Permian extinction. (like the all Dinosaurs).

Dilophosaurus-they are small and fast.

The earth crust is thinning, it releasing lava and shaking with

earthquake. The earth plates are all moving again. 190 mln

years ago the supercontinent Pangea tore apart. Tethys- at

Middle East. Dead fish and planktons covered the ocean floor.

Over the next 10 mln years layers of rock will bury and hit the

dead creatures. The dead creatures will become oil.

180 mln years ago- The North American plate is still moving

away from The Asian and European plates. It shifts about 2.5

cm each year.

Fast forward 35 mln years New ocean forms as well as new

continents. America breaks away from Africa. The World as we

now take shape. Atlantic Ocean created. In the middle rises a

volcano. The entire sea floor tears in two halves. And push up
into mountains and volcanoes. The water here is hot. As the

lava cools it creates a new range of volcanic mountains and a

new ocean floor. Pangea breaks apart and our world rearranges

again. Inhabitants adapt and evolve. Like the Ichthyosaurus-

reptile ancestors. Oceans the fastest and most efficient creature.

Pliosaur their nemesis.

65 mln years ago- Dinosaurs survived volcanic eruptions,

earthquakes, and the splitting apart of continents. Few mammals

also survived. Enormous Asteroid moving to the Earth (bigger

than Mount Everest). Straight forward to the Gulf of Mexico.

The Earth under the attack of asteroids. The Earth is dying

again… Dinosaurs extinct. Their 165 mln years reign is over.

But dinos dying bring opportunity for another species-

Mammals. They’re eating anything they survived while selective

eaters dyed.
47 mln years ago- Our Mammals ancestors are evolving.

Unlike earlier mammals, this creature has bigger eyes and brain-

Darwinius Massillae-Ida. This creature might evolve into

monkeys, apes, and eventually humans. The atmosphere is much

like today.

The Earth plates are moving again. The India moves north to

Asia. The Himalayas formed.

20 mln years ago- The every ocean and continent was like as

we know.

4 mln years ago- Along the African coast the Great Rift opens

up. The Mountains ups along it and their height was around

6000 m. The growing mountains acted like a wall and prevents

moister from the Indian Ocean from passing over the land. Its

getting hotter and drier. The new climate changes the creatures

forcing them to search for food. Soon they stop dragging their
knuckles like apes and began to stand and walk on 2 foot. It’s

the most important step in human history.

1.5 mln years ago- Homo-Erectus (early species of humans).

70 min years ago- Climate changes again. Sea level fall. And

the gap between Arabia and Africa shrinks to just 1.5 km. The

Red sea is now narrow and shallow enough for small groups

to cross out of Africa. Homo-sapiens. Scientists believe that the

entire world beyond Africa was populated by descendants of

these 200 .000 individuals.

40 min years ago- It’s getting colder. Everything is frozen. The

Earth enters an ice age.

20 min years ago- Much of the Northern hemisphere covered

with ice. Sea level falls. A strip of land emerges from the ocean

between Siberia and Alaska. It’s a bridge between two vast

continents, a gateway that takes humans from Asia to America.

The last great human migration.

14 min years ago- The changes that trigger the ice age

reversed. As the ice retreats it reveals very different northern

hemisphere. Glacier lakes.

6 min years ago- The ice retreats back to the poles.

The End

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