Buddhisteconomics 101023221619 Phpapp02

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Buddhist Economics

Buddhist View of Resources

Modern economists do not distinguish between non-renewable and renewable resources.

Modern economists believe it’s very method is to equalize and quantify

everything by means of a money price.

Buddhists however believe non-renewable goods must be used only if they are

Buddhists believe this to use non-renewable resources heedlessly or extravagantly is an

act of violence.

This violence is in particularly a violent action against the earth which inevitably will
result in war amongst man.

Buddhism and Materialism

Most materialists from a modern economic standpoint are interested in goods.

The Buddhist is mainly interested in liberation.

It is not wealth that stands in the way of liberation but the pure attachment of wealth.

The most important thing to remember about Buddhist economics is simplicity and the

act of non-violence not only to man but to nature because one act of violence can lead to an act

of violence to the other. Modern economists are astounded and are in awe at the Buddhist way

of life because the rational of the people is that a small means will result in extraordinarily

satisfactory results. This is difficult to understand for many economists as we measure the

“standard of living” by total consumption. A Buddhist economists would consider the aim

should be to obtain the maximum of well-being with the minimum of consumption.

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