1 ApplicationFuelStations

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Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758

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Comparing the p-median and flow-refueling models for locating

alternative-fuel stations
Christopher Upchurch a,*, Michael Kuby b,1
Department of Geography, University of South Carolina, 709 Bull St., Columbia, SC 29208, USA
School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The p-median and flow-refueling models are two of the more popular models for optimal location of
Refueling facilities alternative-fuel stations. The p-median model, one of the most widely used location models of any kind,
Optimal location locates p facilities and allocates demand nodes to them to minimize total weighted distance traveled. In
Electric vehicle comparison, the flow-refueling location model (FRLM) is a path-based demand model that locates p sta-
tions to maximize the number of trips on their shortest paths that can be refueled. For a path to be con-
Natural gas
sidered refuelable, one or more stations must be located on the path in a way that allows the round trip to
be completed without running out of fuel, given the vehicle driving range. In this paper, we analyze how
well the facilities located by each model perform on the other’s objective function on road networks in
Florida. While each objective function degrades somewhat when facilities are located by the other model,
the stations located by the flow-refueling model generally do better on the p-median objective than the
stations located by the p-median model do on the flow-refueling objective. This difference between
the two models is even more pronounced at the state scale than at the metropolitan scale. In addition,
the optimal locations for the FRLM tend to be more much more stable as p increases than those located
by the p-median model.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction fuel may not be high enough to support private stations without
subsidies, it is especially important that the initial networks of sta-
Over the next several decades, as countries transition from gas- tions be located in a way that maximizes the potential for consum-
oline and diesel to alternative fuels, they will need to invest heavily ers to adopt alt-fuel vehicles.
in new refueling station infrastructure. Many studies have empha- In the literature, several approaches have been used to locate
sized the critical role that refueling stations play in facilitating the refueling stations optimally. One group of studies has employed
development of alternative fuels (California Environmental Protec- variants of the p-median model, perhaps the most widely used
tion Agency, 2005; Greene et al., 2008; Huleatt-James, 2008; model in the field of optimal facility location analysis. The
Melaina, 2003; Melaina and Bremson, 2008; Ogden, 1999). The p-median is a location-allocation model that locates a given num-
which-comes-first ‘‘chicken-and-egg” dilemma involving alterna- ber p of facilities, and allocates demand nodes i to facilities j to
tive-fuel (alt-fuel) stations and vehicles is widely acknowledged minimize the total distance traveled by consumers to facilities
by researchers and industry representatives alike (Melendez, (Hakimi, 1964; Revelle and Swain, 1970). For locating alterna-
2006; National Research Council, 2004; US Department of Energy, tive-fuel stations, the p-median model has the appeal of locating
2002). A common strategy for breaking this cycle and building to- stations convenient to where people live. Several studies have
wards necessary economies of scale involves government require- demonstrated empirically that consumers generally prefer to re-
ments for alternative-fuel fleets for government agencies, utilities, fuel near their homes (Sperling and Kitamura, 1986; Kitamura
and other large organizations, plus government subsidies for de- and Sperling, 1987). The p-median model was first applied to fuel
pot-based fuel stations. However, recent studies have highlighted stations by Goodchild and Noronha (1987), who used it as one of
the difficulty of transitioning from fleets to consumers (Melendez, the objectives in a multiobjective programming model for ratio-
2006). In the early stages of transition, when consumer demand for nalizing stations from existing gas station networks. For alterna-
tive fuels, it has been used in studies by Nicholas et al. (2004)
and Nicholas and Ogden (2006) and adopted for several major
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 803 777 5867; fax: +1 803 777 4972.
studies of the transition to hydrogen by Oak Ridge National
E-mail addresses: chris.upchurch@sc.edu (C. Upchurch), mikekuby@asu.edu (M.
Kuby). Laboratory (Greene et al., 2008). Lin et al. (2008) developed what
Tel.: +1 480 730 8457. they called the ‘‘fuel travel-back” approach that is structurally

0966-6923/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Upchurch, M. Kuby / Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758 751

similar to the p-median model but with nodes weighted by the geographic scales. The second problem is that, for longer inter-city
quantity of fuel consumed on segments ‘‘pointing to” demand trips, one station anywhere along the path may not be enough to
node i (instead of population) and with travel time between enable a vehicle with a limited driving range to complete the trip
demand nodes i and candidate facility locations j substituted without running out of fuel. This is especially a problem for bat-
for distance. Essentially, this model uses vehicle-miles traveled tery-powered electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles because of
(VMT) data to minimize the total travel time for all fuel (in the limited energy storage capabilities of these technologies. To
gallon-minutes) to travel from where it is burned back to the address this limitation, Kuby and Lim (2005) developed the flow-
nearest station. The p-median model has the additional advan- refueling location model (FRLM). The FRLM counts a flow as
tage of having simple data requirements. Road network data refueled only if a combination of stations exists on a path that can
and population data are widely available in GIS format from successfully refuel the round trip between the origin and destina-
various sources (e.g., US Census Bureau, 2010), and inter-node tion, given the assumed driving range of vehicles. Like the FILM,
distances can be easily computed using a custom program, in this the FRLM tries to maximize the number of trips that can poten-
case a script written in the Python programming language. tially be refueled by p stations. The FRLM has been applied to
A second approach aims to locate stations on high-traffic routes. real-world networks at both the metropolitan scale and state scale
In addition to the p-median objective they used, Goodchild and in Florida (Kuby et al., 2009) and Arizona (Kuby et al., 2004), and
Noronha (1987) employed a second objective that maximizes the has been extended to stations with limited capacities (Upchurch
traffic flows on the roads passing by a station. Melendez and et al., 2009), locations along arcs (Kuby and Lim, 2007), and maxi-
Milbrandt (2005) considered only roads with at least 20,000 vehi- mizing trip-miles instead of trips (Kuby et al., 2009). At the metro-
cles per day in their GIS analysis of a national hydrogen station politan scale, if no round trips are longer than the assumed vehicle
network. This approach recognizes that many drivers refuel on driving range, the FRLM reduces to the FILM.
their way to somewhere else, and tries to maximize the passing In this paper, we compare the two main approaches—the node-
traffic. Nicholas (2010) operationalized a version of this criteria based p-median model and the flow-based FRLM—in terms of how
as the total vehicle-kilometers traveled within an aggregated zone. well each one does in satisfying the other’s objective. Other
Bapna et al. (2002) introduced an objective that is a hybrid of the researchers have combined traditional point-based demands with
first two types, which maximizes the population on covered links. flow demands in several ways (Berman, 1997; Berman and Krass,
The potential problem with traffic-count methods, however, is 1998; Hodgson and Rosing, 1992), but using FILM rather than
they count the same trips by the same drivers more than once if FRLM, and not applied to refueling stations. Using the Orlando
the trip travels multiple links, even though drivers might refuel metro area and statewide Florida networks developed in Kuby
only once. As a result, the traffic-count or VMT methods could et al. (2009), we locate p stations to maximize the flows refueled,
locate stations on several adjacent links of a high-volume freeway. and calculate how well the solutions perform in minimizing the
These methods are therefore probably best suited as a secondary total weighted distance traveled from population nodes to stations,
objective that competes with a primary objective that would that is, the p-median objective. Then, we locate p stations to min-
spread the stations around, as in Goodchild and Noronha (1987), imize the p-median objective and calculate how well the stations
or as a ‘‘threshold”-type constraint guaranteeing a certain mini- so located would be able to refuel the trips in the trip table. Our
mum potential demand for each station. purpose here is not to assess which model more accurately repre-
A third general approach to locating refueling stations maxi- sents typical consumer refueling behavior. Rather, assuming that
mizes passing flows without double counting. This approach orig- both models capture an important aspect of refueling behavior—
inated with Hodgson’s (1990) flow-capturing location model, later refueling near home (p-median) and refueling on the way
termed the flow-intercepting location model (FILM) by Berman (FRLM)—our goal is to assess which model does better in satisfying
et al. (1992). These models are classified as path-based or flow- the other’s objective. We also investigate which model provides
demand models. The basic units of demand in these models are more stable solutions in which locations that are optimal for
not points in space representing where people live (p-median smaller numbers of stations remain optimal when networks are
models), nor network links (traffic-count models), but flows on expanded with additional stations.
paths across a network representing the routes people travel. The
basic objective of the FILM is to locate p facilities to maximize
2. Model descriptions
the number of trips intercepted. A demand is considered captured
or intercepted if there is a facility anywhere along the path. The
The p-median model minimizes the total distance between pop-
standard FILM counts each flow intercepted only once, regardless
ulation and the closest facility. The formulation for the p-median
of how many stations are along its route.2 Behaviorally, the FILM model is as follows:
is well-suited for facilities at which consumers stop along their XX
way to somewhere else rather than making a special trip from home Min hi dij Y ij ð1Þ
and back. Given that drivers rarely make special-purpose trips from i j
home to stations and back solely to refuel their vehicles, it can be Subject to :
argued that flow capturing provides a behaviorally realistic basis X
Y ij ¼ 1 8 i ð2Þ
for locating refueling stations.
There are two main problems, however, in applying the basic X
FILM to locating refueling stations. First, the model requires a ma- Xj ¼ p ð3Þ
trix of traffic flows from origins to destinations, each of which must
then be assigned to a particular likely path through the network. Y ij  X j 6 0 8 i; j ð4Þ
These ‘‘trip table” data are more challenging to work with than X j ¼ 0; 1 8 j ð5Þ
population data, and are not always available for all regions and Y ij ¼ 0; 1 8 i; j ð6Þ

where Yij is 1 if customer i is served by facility j, 0 if not; Xj is 1 if a

Extensions of the FILM have considered multiple exposures, such as to billboards
facility is located at candidate site j, 0 if not; hi is demand at location
or inspection stations, with diminishing benefits of subsequent exposures (Berman i; dij is distance from location i to location j; p is the number of facil-
et al., 1995a,b; Zeng et al., 2008, 2010a,b; Berman, 1997). ities to be located.
752 C. Upchurch, M. Kuby / Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758

The objective function (1) minimizes the demand-weighted dis- To solve the FRLM, this study used a greedy substitution heuris-
tance between each demand node and the nearest facility. The first tic (Lim and Kuby, 2010). This heuristic includes two distinct algo-
constraint (2) ensures that each demand node will be allocated to rithms, run one after the other. The greedy algorithm places the
one and only one facility. The second constraint (3) sets the num- first facility at the candidate site where it can refuel the greatest
ber of facilities to open to exactly p. The next constraint (4) pre- amount of flow. Additional facilities are added one at a time until
vents demand from being allocated to candidate sites that do not the algorithm has located p facilities. Each additional facility is
have facilities. The last two constraints ensure that Xi and Yij have placed where it can refuel the maximum amount of additional
Boolean values of 0 or 1. flow. While greedy algorithms perform optimally on some location
The formulation of the FRLM is as follows: problems, this is not the case with the FRLM. The FRLM requires
X specific combinations of stations to refuel flows that are longer
Max fq Y q ð7Þ than the vehicle’s range. Because the algorithm adds stations one
q2Q at a time, a purely greedy heuristic will often miss these combina-
Subject to : tions of stations.
X To make it more likely that the heuristic will find these combi-
bqh v h P Y q 8q2Q ð8Þ
nations (and thus the optimal solution), this study uses a substitu-
tion algorithm similar to the one used for the p-median heuristic.
ahk X k P v h 8 h 2 H; k 2 K ð9Þ
X The substitution algorithm uses the output of each step of the gree-
Xk ¼ p ð10Þ dy algorithm as its input. It goes through each facility on the list
k and attempts to replace it with every possible candidate site. If a
X k 2 f0; 1g 8 k ð11Þ candidate site increases the amount of flow captured, it is substi-
0 6 Y q 6 1 8 q; 0 6 v h 6 1 8 h ð12Þ tuted for the original facility (if more than one candidate site
improves the output, the best site is substituted). After each substi-
where Yq is 1 if path q is refuelable, 0 if not; vh = 1 if all facilities in tution the process begins again and the algorithm attempts to
combination h are open, 0 if not; Xk is 1 if facility k is open, 0 if not; replace another facility with a better candidate site. Lim and Kuby
fq is the total volume on path q; bqh is 1 if combination h can refuel (2010) compared the best solutions from the greedy substitution
path q, 0 if not; ahk is 1 if combination h includes facility k, 0 if not.
The objective function (7) maximizes the amount of flow that
can be refueled. The first constraint (8) ensures that flows can only
be refueled if there is a combination of open facilities that can re-
fuel the entire round trip. In this mixed-integer linear program-
ming (MILP) formulation, the combinations of facilities that can
refuel each flow would have to be precalculated based on the dis-
tance between candidate sites along each path and the range of the
vehicle (see Kuby and Lim (2005) for the algorithm for generating
all feasible combinations). The second constraint (9) prevents a
combination from being used unless all facilities in that combina-
tion are open. The third constraint (10) requires exactly p facilities
to be opened. The fourth constraint (11) ensures that only whole
facilities will be located. The last constraint (12) prevents the pro-
portion of the flow refueled from exceeding 1.

3. Heuristics
Fig. 1. Performance of the FRLM and p-median facility locations on the FRLM
The networks used in this study are reasonably large (the Orlan- objective for the Orlando network.
do area network has 287 nodes, while the Florida network has 293
nodes). This is too large to solve using the MILP formulations given
above due to the computing time and memory that would be
needed to compute and store all possible combinations of stations
that can refuel the longer paths, and then solve the subsequent
MILP (Lim and Kuby, 2010). To provide a quicker solution, this
study relies on heuristics to solve both the p-median problem
and FRLM.
The p-median problem was solved using a substitution algo-
rithm outlined by Daskin (1995). This heuristic is seeded with an
initial list of p facilities. The algorithm attempts to replace each
facility on the list with every possible candidate. If one of these
replacements results in a better performance on the objective func-
tion, the replacement facility is substituted for the original one and
the process begins anew. This continues until the algorithm finds a
list of facilities that cannot be improved by replacing any facility on
the list with any other candidate site. The substitution (a.k.a. ex-
change) algorithm widely attributed to Tietz and Bart (1968) is
one of the most widely used methods for solving the p-median
problem, and was described by Densham and Rushton (1992) as Fig. 2. Performance of the FRLM and p-median facility locations on the p-median
‘‘more robust than competing algorithms.” objective for the Orlando network.
C. Upchurch, M. Kuby / Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758 753

algorithm for the FRLM with the global optimum solution from 4. Orlando results
mixed-integer programming on a test network. Using a driving
range longer than any of the arc lengths (which is typical of The Orlando network dataset was developed by Kuby et al.
real-world problems), the greedy substitution algorithm found (2009). It includes highways and major surface streets in Orange
the optimal solution for 22 of the 25 p values, and the solutions and Seminole counties, and the northwest portion of Osceola
were never more than 0.52% below optimal. County. The area is broken down into 102 demand zones, each of


FRLM stations

p-median stations

Candidate Sites
475 - 6768
6768 - 12961
12961 - 18641

18641 - 24506

24506 - 37073

0 - 7228

7229 - 18362

18363 - 34798

34799 - 68458

68459 - 131917

Fig. 3. Map of the Orlando network with p = 5 solutions.

754 C. Upchurch, M. Kuby / Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758

which is represented by a node at a carefully selected intersection can be built progressively and remain close to optimal even when
within the zone. These demand nodes serve as the population cen- not all facilities are complete.
ters in the p-median model and as the origins and destinations of
trips in the FRLM. Population data for the p-median model are 5. Florida results
based on census data, while OD trip volume data are from the Flor-
ida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Travel times are based The Florida network covers the entire state and includes all
on posted speed limits, with the speed reduced 15% on arterial interstate and US highways, toll roads, and selected state high-
streets to reflect more realistic driving conditions. The vehicle ways. Travel times are again based on the posted speed limits
range for the FRLM station solution and objective is assumed to and are reduced by 15% on non-limited access highways. The state
be 100 miles. Because this is longer than the longest origin–desti- is divided into 74 demand nodes (all counties or groups of coun-
nation distance in the Orlando area, this effectively turns the FRLM ties) in order to model inter-city flows. Origin–destination flow
into a flow-intercepting location model. data, however, are not available at the state level, so flows are esti-
We used the p-median and FRLM heuristics to locate 1–25 alt- mated using a gravity model based on the Michigan statewide tra-
fuel stations on the network. Each set of alt-fuel station locations vel demand study (Kuby et al., 2009; KJS Associates, 1996). The
was evaluated using both the p-median and FRLM objective func- vehicle driving range is set at 100 miles.
tions, showing how well stations located using the FRLM perform The flow-refueling objective displays a very large difference be-
on the p-median objective and vice versa. tween the FRLM and p-median solutions (Fig. 4). The p-median sta-
As expected, the FRLM stations perform better on the flow-refu- tions refuel an average of 79% less flow than the FRLM stations.
eling objective than the p-median stations do (Fig. 1). The average Unlike the Orlando area results, the p-median solutions do not dis-
flow captured by the stations located by the FRLM is 39% higher play much of a trend towards increasing performance on the FRLM
(better) than the flow captured by the stations located by the p- objective as the number of stations increases. This abysmal perfor-
median model. This represents a fairly substantial difference, par- mance at the state scale stands in stark contrast to the perfor-
ticularly during the early phases of a transition to alternative fuels. mance of the p-median solutions on the FRLM objective at the
The p-median stations outperform the FRLM stations on the p- metropolitan area scale in Orlando. For several values of p, the per-
median objective. The difference, however, is not as great as on centage of statewide flows that can be refueled hovers barely
the flow-refueling objective (Fig. 2). The average demand- above 0% because all stations happen to be located at intersections
weighted distance for the p-median stations is 26% lower (better) on roads with minimal flow.
than the FRLM stations. The proportional differences between the The performance of the FRLM solutions on the p-median objec-
two objectives are smallest for lower numbers of stations and grow tive is considerably better, but still far from optimal (Fig. 5). The
as the number of stations increases. average demand-weighted distance for the p-median stations is
As seen in Fig. 3, when the p-median and FRLM are asked to lo- 68% lower than the demand-weighted distance for the FRLM sta-
cate five stations in Orlando, there are no common locations. Both tions. The FRLM results show two dramatic drops (that is, improve-
algorithms disperse their stations around the urban area, but the ments): one when going from 2 to 3 stations, the other when going
FRLM locates its stations exclusively on high-volume highways, from 12 to 13 stations. The first drop occurs when the first station
often at major intersections. The p-median model locates some of outside the Miami metro area is introduced in Tampa. The second,
its stations in similar locations, but others are found in much less smaller, drop is a result of the introduction of a station in Jackson-
traveled areas. Because the p-median model is attracted to popula- ville, the first station north of Orlando.
tion, rather than traffic flow, hitting these high-volume intersec- Fig. 6 shows the Florida network with the FRLM and p-median
tions is a matter of happenstance. For instance, the FRLM locates solutions for eight stations. The p-median solution disperses facil-
the first station in downtown Orlando, where two major highways ities throughout the state in an attempt to cover as much of the
meet and a huge number of trips can be intercepted. The p-median population as possible. In contrast, the FRLM stations are concen-
model does not locate any stations in the downtown area because trated in two distinct clusters in the southern and central parts
of the lack of residential population in and around the central busi- of the state, building up connected networks that cover local and
ness district. some long-distance flow. This behavior is driven by two aspects
One important difference between the p-median solutions and of the FRLM: multiple refueling and distance decay. Any trip with
the FRLM solutions is the stability of the solutions as the number a one-way distance longer than the vehicle range of 100 miles will
of stations changes. The FRLM solutions are quite stable. It is very require at least two refuelings to reach its destination. This, in turn,
rare for a station that was part of the solution for a given number of
stations to drop out of the solution for a higher number of stations.
Stations are somewhat ‘‘riveted” to the particular locations that
heavy traffic flows funnel through, and only move around to avoid
duplication and cannibalization of flows captured. The entire series
of solutions from 1 station to 25 stations only involves the selec-
tion of 29 distinct candidate sites. In contrast, the p-median solu-
tions are far less stable. Stations regularly drop out of the
solution and reappear. It is not hard to visualize why. With one sta-
tion, the p-median would tend to place it in the population-
weighted center of the network. With two stations, the center
would no longer be a good location, as one would want a station
in each half of the network. As a result, in our analysis, the p-med-
ian solutions for 1–25 stations involve a total of 60 different candi-
date sites. Because alternative-fuel stations are likely to be
completed over a moderately long time span, the performance of
a partially completed set of stations may be as important as the
performance of the completed system. The stability of the FRLM Fig. 4. Performance of the FRLM and p-median facility locations on the FRLM
solutions potentially makes it much easier to design a system that objective for the Florida network.
C. Upchurch, M. Kuby / Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758 755

requires pairs of alt-fuel stations less than 100 miles apart. Only
three pairs of the p-median stations are less than 100 miles apart,
giving very few opportunities for longer distance trips. The dis-
tance decay phenomena is a product of the gravity model used to
generate the underlying trip data, and is in turn an accurate reflec-
tion of the prevalence of shorter trips in real life. Nearby nodes will
generate more traffic between them than more distant cities. The
high volume of short distance trips leads the model to serve large
urban areas as comprehensively as possible. This is particularly
evident in the Miami metropolitan area. The FRLM locates four sta-
tions in the Miami area, two to the north in Delray Beach and Fort
Lauderdale and two to the south in Hialeah and Miami proper.
These four stations provide a fairly comprehensive coverage of
trips within the metropolitan area. The p-median model, on the
other hand, locates a single station in the Fort Lauderdale area. This
location is well-suited for minimizing demand-weighted distance,
but it will only capture a handful of shorter flows from the north-
ern half of the metro area to the southern half, completely missing
Fig. 5. Performance of the FRLM and p-median facility locations on the p-median
objective for the Florida network.
inter-city flows within the two halves of the region. As in the


P-Median Stations
FRLM Stations
Candidate Sites
(population) Tampa

7022 - 87366
87367 - 217955
217956 - 365196
365197 - 582653 Delray
582654 - 937276
Major Roads Hialeah Lauderdale
0 - 6000000
6000001 - 18000000
18000001 - 50000000
50000001 - 120000000
120000001 - 220000000 0 25 50 100 Miles

Fig. 6. Map of the Florida network with p = 8 solutions.

756 C. Upchurch, M. Kuby / Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758

Orlando example, many of the p-median stations are located on objective will result in a somewhat higher demand-weighted dis-
minor routes without much traffic flow. The FRLM stations, in con- tance as some people have to travel further to reach the facility.
trast, are all on freeways, often at major intersections between For the FRLM objective, a facility located just one node away from
them to capture flow on both routes. the optimal position may be just off a major route or slightly be-
yond a vehicle’s maximum range, leading to a large drop in the
6. Comparison of different scales of analysis objective. Close does not count for the FRLM, but it does for the
p-median. This conclusion is so strong that it suggests that
The dramatic differences between the Orlando area and state- researchers using the p-median model may want to exclude candi-
wide results are primarily a function of vehicle range and distance date sites that are not located at high-flow nodes.
decay of flow volumes. At the metropolitan scale, the differences A second major conclusion is the critical importance of the scale
between the FRLM and p-median models are less dramatic than of the network in relation to the vehicle’s range and the amount of
at the statewide scale, where vehicle range and distance decay distance decay of flows. There is a stark difference in the perfor-
both come into play to a much greater degree. At the metropolitan mance and behavior of the two models as the scale grows from
scale, the FRLM is effectively operating as a flow-interception mod- the Orlando urban area to the statewide level. At the metropolitan
el because almost no round trips are long enough require two refu- scale, the two algorithms produce somewhat similar results in
eling stops. Therefore, at this scale the FRLM can concentrate on terms of the dispersion of facility locations. Neither performs opti-
locating facilities at heavily traveled nodes that capture unique, mally on the other model’s objective function, but they each turn
non-duplicative flows. The p-median model is attempting to cen- in a respectable performance. At the statewide scale, however,
trally locate facilities where they are near clusters of large popula- the models produce very different patterns of station location. Per-
tion centers. Thus, while not an explicit objective or constraint of formance on the other model’s objective is extremely poor. Also,
either model, both models tend to disperse their facilities over a the gap between each model’s performance on its own objective
wide area. The p-median model works to decrease the distance compared with the other’s objective is much larger at the state
to population nodes, while the flow-interception model only needs scale than at the metropolitan scale (compare the gaps between
to capture each flow once, making facilities at nearby nodes on the curves in Figs. 1 and 4 and between Figs. 2 and 5). At the statewide
same major roadways a low-return proposition. The fact that both scale, the p-median model in particular does a very poor job of
models benefit somewhat from dispersing facilities at this scale intercepting flows. Because the p-median model is a location-allo-
leads to broad similarities in how spread out the stations are, cation model, each facility is being sited to be central to the subset
and as a result the performance of each model on the other’s objec- of nodes that are allocated to it, which can often place that facility
tive is not as poor as at the state scale. in the middle of nowhere (flow-wise, that is).
However, once the distances grow large enough that vehicle Finally, the third important conclusion is that the optimal loca-
range becomes a factor, the behavior of the FRLM changes consid- tions chosen by the FRLM are far more stable than those selected
erably. Rather than dispersing facilities to various high-traffic by the p-median model as the infrastructure is built out and the
nodes, the FRLM is now working to keep facilities relatively close number of stations increases. Especially at the metropolitan scale,
together, less than the vehicle range apart, so that vehicles can the stations that are optimal for small numbers of stations tend to
use a chain of facilities to refuel longer trips. Traffic flows are also remain optimal when more stations are added. Such is not the case
much heavier between nearby nodes because of distance decay, so for the p-median solutions, in which stations come in and out of
stations may be placed close together so as not to miss any of the the optimal solutions as p increases. Because the p-median model
really large flows in the network between nearby large cities. The is less influenced by the demand at the exact node where the sta-
network only slowly grows into the outlying areas, instead adding tion is located, the p-median solutions are less stable. This should
additional stations in areas already covered to handle as many trip be extremely important for decision-makers who want to use an
combinations as possible. The p-median model, on the other hand, optimization model to choose the first set of stations and want
covers the entire state even with very few stations, yet these sta- these locations to remain good when more stations are added later.
tions are so far apart that refueling long-distance trips is largely This finding is consistent with previous research on FILMs and
impossible. Rather than coming to similarly dispersed solutions p-median models. For instance, Zeng et al. (2010b) found that
from different directions, once the network becomes larger than FILMs for real-world transport systems tend to produce fairly sta-
the vehicle range, the two functions are now working towards en- ble solutions because major flows tend to be concentrated on a
tirely different goals. small number of paths, and a small number of nodes are able to
intercept most flows. For p-median models, Current et al. (1997)
recognized that the number of facilities to build may not be known
7. Conclusions
for certain, and if a different number than p end up being built, the
solution may be substantially suboptimal. They developed two
The most significant finding of this paper is that, at both scales
methods for locating p facilities to minimize the expected opportu-
of analysis, the FRLM facility locations perform better on the p-
nity loss or the maximum regret if a different number of facilities
median objective than the p-median facilities do on the FRLM
are eventually built.
objective. This indicates that the FRLM does a better job at fulfilling
In summary, we refer back to the oft-cited empirical survey of
both theories of fueling station location (stations near people’s
drivers by Kitamura and Sperling (1987). They interviewed drivers
homes and stations convenient to people’s trips) than the p-med-
while they refueled, and found that 74.8% were on trips to or from
ian model does. This statement comes with some caveats, how-
home, including 7% on single-purpose trips from home. The same
ever. The two objective functions are quite different: one is a
study, however, found 28.6% refueled on trips to or from work
maximization problem trying to capture as much of a finite
and reached the following conclusion (p. 243, with our italics):
amount of flow as possible, while the other is a minimization prob-
lem that works to reduce the demand-weighted distance from In particular the following is important for development of an
facilities to population. Direct comparison of performance on such initial distribution network for a new fuel: drivers tend to refuel
different objectives is difficult. The flow-refueling objective is also in areas that are detailed in their mental maps, e.g. in the vicin-
considerably less forgiving than the p-median objective. A facility ity of home and workplace; drivers tend to interrupt their jour-
that is located in a slightly suboptimal position for the p-median ney near the beginning or end, rather than in the middle, in
C. Upchurch, M. Kuby / Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2010) 750–758 757

order to refuel; refueling is frequently performed in commuting itan area. The analysis here strongly suggests that the FRLM is
trips, while it is linked with shopping with less-than-expected more suitable for locating stations at the statewide level. If a sim-
frequency; and single- purpose refueling is not uncommon. pler, less data-intensive method is desired, a maximum covering
When combined with existing databases that offer the distribu- model with a fairly short critical distance based on some assump-
tion of trips in a metropolitan area, these findings will comprise tions about how far people are willing to travel for fuel might do a
an essential set of relationships for establishing the spatial dis- better job than the p-median model of locating stations in popula-
tribution of refueling locations in the area that will be most tion centers at the statewide level. Another alternative mentioned
acceptable to drivers of nonpetroleum vehicles. As strategic earlier would be to restrict the p-median candidate sites to nodes
locations for initial outlets, the analysis at this stage points to with heavy traffic flows, or to use some kind of multiobjective ap-
locations along high-volume commuting routes. proach combining nodal traffic flows with a second objective.

This quote, based on an empirical survey of driver behavior

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