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TRAINEE 1 - Strarting pa lang NIKO R. RIBON
TRAINEE 2 - gitna na (Produce organinc vegetable) SHELLA MARIE A. RAPADA
TRAINEE 3 - patapos na (produce concoctions) KEVIN DUSTIN U. RANCE

1. Check facilities, documents, resources, tools, materials and equipment’s for training
3. Introduction
Good morning trainees!
Welcome to Romblon Institute a TESDA accredited training center. By the way my name is
Angelyn R. Tansiongco and I will be your trainer for the whole duration of this training
program. With the qualification OAP NCII.
4. Prayer
Before we start please rise for our prayer. Amen. Please take your seats.
5. Attendance
Now let us check your ATTENDANCE. Please say here as I call your name and sign the
attendance sheet. Perfect attendance, very good! I just want to remind everyone to log-in
and log-out when you enter and exit our premises. This is to monitor your movement. And
please observe our safety protocols.
(Trainees’ 2 and 3 )

Trainee 2
Based on your TRAINING RECORD BOOK and TRAINING ACTIVITY MATRIX, you are done with
the Basic and Common Competencies and you are about to proceed to Core Competencies.
Okay, this is your module for the next Unit of Competency. Please answer the PRE-TEST in
“Produce Organic Vegetable”. Please read the instruction carefully. This is a 10 item test. Don’t
worry this is just a diagnostic test to see if you have prior knowledge regarding this topic and
please be honest. I will give you 15 minutes to answer it. After that, read the INFORMATION
SHEET, and answer the SELF-CHECKS and do the JOB SHEET. You can now go to LEARNING
Trainee 3
done with Competencies number 1 to 3 and now you are in Competency No. 4 which is Produce
Organic Concoctions and Extracts. And you are about to undergo Institutional Competency
Evaluation. You’re getting closer to the end. So you will be evaluated by means of the following:
a. Written Examination, b. Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Are you ready for the written exam? (Not yet Ma’am)Okay, I will give you time to review
and you may watch the videos on how to produce organic concoctions.
Please follow me to the LEARNING RESOURCE AREA
Back to Trainee 1
This training recognized prior learning so that won’t have to undergo that same training again.
So I have here the TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS to determine your characteristics and other
important matters relevant to your training program so that your training will be personalized
according to your needs. I will give you 15 minutes to answer. Time’s up, please pass. Thank

I also have here the SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST that will help me determine your current
competencies that is relevant with this qualification. I will give you 20 minutes to answer. Please
read the instructions carefully. Time is up, please pass. Thank you.
As what I can see form the questionnaires Ms. ____________ have a relevant experience in raising
organic chicken, hogs and small ruminants. That’s great!

So if ever you will finish this qualification, career opportunities are waiting for you like the

 Organic Agriculture Farmer

• Organic Chicken Raiser
• Organic Hogs Raiser
• Organic Small Ruminants Raiser
• Organic Vegetables Farmer
• Organic Concoctions and Extracts Producer
• Organic Fertilizer Producer
These are the possibilities that you might become in the future after taking up the qualification.
This time we will discuss what or how our training program works. Our program is not just a
program. It follows a definite standard. The program has this what we call CBT or Competency-
based Training. What does this CBT mean?
1. Competency based training.
2. 10 Principles of CBT
1. The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standards.
The curriculum of the training program offered by the training institution is developed based on
the competency standards. Competency standards are developed in consultation with industry.
2. Learning is competency based or modular in structure.
Learning is skill based. It has something to do with your skills. It follows a certain modules. It
means you cannot proceed to the next module without accomplishing the first module. Modular
learning means the training program is designed and implemented using the modules identified
in the curriculum.
3. Training delivery is individualized and self-paced.
The pace of the learning is driven by the learner. Self-paced learning is not time bound. Learning
is compete when the learner can demonstrate competence. The self-paced learning environment
is supported by a range of materials, courseware and worksheets to assist learner management.
4. Training is based on work that must be performed.
The knowledge, skills and attitudes to be learned by the learner is determined by the work or
task to be performed as defined in the competency standards.
5. Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum.

Training materials have task related to the competency standard and their aim is not
information transmittal but experiential learning.
6. Assessment of learners is based in the collection of evidences of work performance based on
industry or organizational required standards.
Assessment is the process of collecting a range of evidences in order to judge the learner’s ability
to demonstrate competence. Evidence is based on the performance of work to the industry
7. Training is based on and off the job components.
Training is divided between learning in a formal classroom/workshop setting and supervised
training in the workplace.
8. The system allows Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
RPL, allows a learner to present evidence to indicate current competence. Evidence may include
qualifications, relevant experience to the industry and sector or competencies gained at another
TESDA approved institution.
9. The system allows for learners to enter and exit the program at different times and levels and
to receive an award for competencies attained at any point.
Multiple entry and exit refers to the structure of the training program. Training allows for
multiple entry and exit programs for learners leading to the receipt of certification for individual
10. Approved training programs are rationally accredited.
Institution training programs are delivered on the basis of having the appropriate equipment and
resources for training and assessment including qualified instructors as certified by a
registration certificate issued by TESDA. After completing the course, learners can be nationally
3. Difference between Traditional and CBT approach
4. CBT Flow
5. Role of the Trainer
6. Role of the Trainee
7. Qualification overview
(After discussion, give the Trainee Pre-test, please read the instructions carefully.)
Since we are done with the orientation, I welcome you to the training proper. This is a 45
item test. Don’t worry this is just a pre-test to help determine your current competencies so that
the training will be personalized according to your needs. Okay? (Yes,Ma’am) I will give you 45
minutes to answer. Please read the instruction carefully. Time’s up. Please pass. Thank you.
Please get you pen and notebook I will give a tour of workshop.
1. PRACTICAL AREA-this area is for demonstration of your knowledge and skills that you’ve
learned from the module.
2. INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT AREA-where your institutional assessment happens. So if ever
the space is limited, we can use practical area.

3. LEARNING RESOURCE AREA-where reading and studying of modules held in this area for
your reference.
4. COMPUTER LABORATORY- this area if for paper works related to attainment of knowledge.
5. CONTEXTUAL LEARNING AREA-where you can find the basic and common competencies.
6. QUALITY CONTROL-where outputs are being checked before it is being disposed.
7. SUPPORT SERVICE AREA-assists in some way or another problem that we may encounter as
we go along the training. (Certified technician, electrician)
8. TRAINER’S RESOURCE AREA-where the Trainer stays. The tables, instructional materials
related for the attainment of knowledge and skills to the trainees, as well as references for the
trainees could be found here also.
9. DISTANCE LEARNING AREA- it’s for learners who are at the distance and interested to learn.
Trainee 1
Now that I’ve toured you to the different workstations. Do you have any questions? (None Ma’am)
Okay, let’s return to the CONTEXTUAL LEARNING AREA. You can now have your 15 minutes
break. I’ll just check the other trainees.
Trainee 2
Are done with the pre-test? (Yes Ma’am) Great! Please pass it and I will check it, thank you.
You can now have your 15 minutes break.
Trainee 3
Hi, you can now have your break. Please be back here after 15 minutes for your assessment
Trainee 2
Since you are done with the pre-test I will now give you the learning module for “Produce
Organic Vegetables”. Kindly ready the module and answer the self-check. When it’s 11:55 you
can have your lunch break and don’t forget to log in and log-out. Please be back before 1PM for
your JOB SHEET. Understood? (Yes Ma’am)
Trainee 1
To those items that you have check YES on self-assessment check please provide me your
evidence after your lunch break. Please be back before 1P.M. for the validation of your prior
learning and don’t forget to log-out and log-in. (Yes Ma’am)
Trainee 3
Are you ready for your written exam? (Yes) Let us now proceed to the INSTITUTIONAL
ASSESSMENT AREA. This is a 20 item multiple choice type of test. Please read the instructions
carefully. I’ll give you 30 minutes to answer.
Are you done with the test? (Yes!)Please pass it to me and I will check it.
Congratulations, Mr. Rance! You passed the written exam. You did a great job! You can now
relax and have your lunch break. Please be back here before 1P.M. for your demonstration and

before you go kindly log-out on your attendance sheet. Is that clear? (Yes Ma’am) Great! You’re
now excused.


Trainee 2
Are you done with the information sheets and self-checks? (Yes Ma’am) Okay great!
Are you ready for your Job Sheet? (Yes ma’am) Okay! Please follow me to the PRACTICAL WORK
I have here the tools and materials used in “seed germination”. Have you read your job sheet?
(Yes Ma’am)Very Good. I have here the performance criteria, this will be the basis how you will
be rated in this activity. Do you have any questions or clarifications? (none Ma’am) Okay, if none
then you may proceed.
Great Job! Ms. Shella. Since you are done with the job sheet do you want to immediately have
your Institutional assessment? (not yet Ma’am) Okay, I will give you a couple of minutes to
review and I’ll get back on you when you’re ready.
Trainee 3
You may now proceed to your demonstration with oral questioning.
Please follow me to the PRACTICAL WORK AREA. I will observe you and ask a couple of
questions while you are having your demonstration. I have here the PERFORMACE CRITERIA
with me and this will be the basis on how I will rate your demonstration. I will give you 1 hour to
finish. Is that clear? (Yes Ma’am) Do you have any questions? (None Ma’am). If none, then you
may start now.
Great Job! Since you passed the written exam as well as the demonstration with oral
questioning. Based on my observations you have performed within the standard requirements
and proven to be competent in this unit of competency. Congratulations! I now present to you
the CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVMENT for completing the unit of competency “Produce Organic
Since you are done with all the core competencies I will give you time to review for your post-test.
You may now proceed to the LEARNING RESOURCE AREA
Trainee 2
Hi Ms Shella, are you ready for your written exam? (Yes Ma’am) Please follow me to the
Please have a seat. This a 20 item Multiple choice type of test. I will give you 30 minutes to
finish. Please read the directions carefully. I’ll get back to you after that.
Trainee 1
Mr./Ms. _________ please proceed to the INTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT AREA for the validation of
your prior learning.
Please have a seat. For the validation of your prior learning you undergo written test and oral
questioning. This that okay? (Yes)

This is a 45item test. I will give you 45 minutes to answer. Please read the instructions carefully.
Are you done? Please pass, thank you.
So for your oral questioning I have hare a couple questions.
Prepare questions and answers
Okay, just a moment I will just check your paper
Wow! According to your written test you got a score of 40 out of 45 which is very good. However
on your oral questioning please answer confidently next time, okay? (Yes Ma’am) Are you
nervous? (Yes Ma’am) It’s alright there is always room for improvement. Still your answers are in
line with the competency standards. So based on these evidences I found you competent in this
Unit of Competency “Raise Organic Chicken”. For that I am awarding you the CERTIFICATE OF
ACHIEVEMENT for successfully completing this Unit of Competency. Congratulation! So I will
now record your progress on our PROGRESS AND ACHIEVEMENT CHART.
Please proceed to the LEARNING RESOURCE AREA
I will now give you the module of “Produce Organic Vegetables”. The module consists Information
Sheets, Self-checks with Answer Keys, and Job sheets with Performance Criteria Checklist. This
will be your guide for the completion of your task even without your trainer.
The attainment of your knowledge and skills depends on how you work on to the different
competencies, your progress depends on your speed. So you have to read the module carefully.
You will read the module in the Learning Resource Area. Before you go there. I will give you also
the TRAINER’S RECORD BOOK (TRB), you can see here the units of competency, learning
outcomes and the tasks to be accomplished for the whole duration of the training. Please keep it
neat and clean and remember always to update it. (Yes, Ma’am)
It’s already time. Please don’t forget to Log-out. You are now excused.
Trainee 3
This time, I will give you a post-test, are you ready for this? (Yes Ma’am) Great! Now let’s
Have a seat. Since you already completed all the competencies enumerated in this qualification it
is time to have your post-test. This is a 45 item test same with your pre-test. Read the
instructions carefully. I will give you 1 hour to answer. Do you have any questions or
clarifications? (None Ma’am) If none you may start now.
Trainee 2
Are you done with your written test? Please pass and I will check it.
Wow! As what I can see here you’ve got 18 out of 20, very good! Since it’s already time. Be ready
for your demonstration and oral questioning tomorrow. Please log out for your attendance.
Trainee 3
Hello Mr. Rance. How’s the Institutional Assessment? (It’s a bit difficult)Are you done? (Yes
Ma’am) Please pass your paper. Just wait for a while. I will check your paper.
Based on the result of your post-test, you got 43 out of 45. It means you learned a lot from the
entire duration of the training. With this, I will now present to you your CERTIFICATE OF
ACHIEVEMENT (COA) for having completed the qualification “Organic Agriculture Production
Congratulations! I will now update your PROGRESS CHART and ACHIEVEMENT CHART.

I have here with me also our TRAINING EVALUATION FORM for you to rate the entire training if
it still needs improvement. Please rate us honestly. Thank you very much.
This is your APPLICATION FORM for the National Assessment, please fill this out. And don’t
forget to bring your PASSPORT SIZE PICTURE, with collar and white background. And you can
now proceed to our assessment centre. Congratulations and good luck!
Of course, kindly log out on the attendance sheet and you may go home.

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