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January 1, 2023

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More fo
fossil fuels equal more losses and is the increase in terrorist violence in Pakistan It is not often Baloch musicians get a entries were sent to Cannes by Pakistani
damages — Catherine Abreu between Aug 15, 2021 and Aug 14, 2022 platform — Naeem Dilpul TikTok creators

Economy above
In an exclusive interview,
former finance minister
Miftah Ismail shares his
thoughts on Pakistan’s
economic future, how
the country can stave off
default and how it can
return to the path of growth


s the year 2022 comes to an end and the in Sindh. But the rice fields of southern Punjab remained
country welcomes a new year with hope,
the prognosis for Pakistan’s economy
If Pakistan does default, God forbid – which, I believe can be safe. Pakistan rice production remains good enough and
the country will also manage to export this crop.
seems bleak. While the government at avoided – it would take six months at the minimum to recover.
various levels has tried to allay concerns What would happen if such a thing happens to pass is that we SA: Pakistan’s textile sector, which accounts for
the largest number of exports from the country, is
pertaining to the likelihood of default, economic experts
and observers continue to warn against worst case sce-
will have to go back to the International Monetary Fund and also dependent on imported yarn due to insuffi-
narios while exhorting concerned stakeholders to join other lenders, and will have to request them that we will pay cient cotton production locally. Much of the cotton
hands for the country’s best interests. crop was destroyed in the devastating floods as
In an exclusive interview, former finance minister
any amount due to them this year in the year that follows well. Do you believe our textile sector will be able
Miftah Ismail shares his thoughts on the country’s eco- to compete in the global market if it continues to
nomic future, sharing suggestions for leaders to steer rely on imported raw material?
Pakistan towards the path of growth and progress. government of Imran Khan was incompetent and SA: If we suppose that Imran Khan sabotaged or MI: I do not think this is big problem. While we are defi-
that its policies were ill planned, but what about derailed the IMF deal at the start of 2022, what nitely forced to import raw material, our textile industry
SA: Many observers and experts have been ring- the Pakistan Democratic Movement? Have things about status of the agreement under the current is capable of generating four to five times the value from
ing alarm bells that Pakistan is dangerously close not gone from bad to worse under the watch of the finance minister? Why is the IMF review currently the products manufactured using it. Thus there is no
to default. According to them, all indicators are incumbent PDM government? hanging? Is Finance Minister Ishaq Dar trying to imbalance.
pointing in this direction. What can a country that MI: To answer this question, we need to look back into salvage political mileage for his party by refusing
ends up defaulting expect? How could such a situ- the country’s recent past when then finance minister of to accept the demands of the IMF? SA: What can the government and other stakehold-
ation affect the common citizen? If a country does the PTI government, Shaukat Tareen, presented a very MI: We cannot compare Ishaq Dar with Imran Khan. It ers do to increase Pakistan’s exports?
default, how long would it need to recover from expansionary budget in June 2021. A lot of unneeded tax is like comparing the one who brought us on the verge MI: There should be a proper strategy for export pro-
such a crisis? cuts and relief were given in the budget, which began of default with the ones who averted it. Imran Khan motion and we should reject import substitution. Just
MI: Default is a very negative situation for a country. It to exhaust our reserves. and his populist policies were responsible for bringing ensuring a proper supply of electricity and gas to the
occurs when a country finds itself unable to pay back the Tareen also delayed the agreement with the IMF. Al- about this critical situation – of Pakistan being on the industry at the competitive rates that the governments
debt it owes. That is what is meant by default. though it was eventually agreed to in November 2021, verge of default. The PDM, on the other hand, managed of India or Bangladesh are offering along with keeping
The common citizen is directly affected by default or the deal was once derailed by February the following to avert it by agreeing to compromise its popularity and Pakistan’s currency at its realistic value will yield results
a default-like situation because such a scenario brings year. This was when Pakistan’s default rating started vote bank. in the export sector in the coming years.
about a shortage or no supply at all of imported com- to climb. And who can forget the famous $1.5 billion I do not believe that there is any harm in doing poli-
modities. For Pakistan and many other nations, these subsidy Imran Khan announced for fuel and electricity tics per se. There is always a margin for it and politics is SA: Is there any sector that government should
commodities include things like petrol, cooking oil at the end of February 2022. what a politician is supposed to do. But yes, when the focus for export promotion?
and many food items, among others. When the PDM government took charge, we had nation is facing tough situations, the national interest MI: No, this is not the job of the government. Just pro-
If Pakistan does default, God forbid – which, I to increase the gas and electricity tariffs, which the should be placed above everything else. In this, I hold vide our industries with electricity, gas and security,
believe can be avoided – it would take six months PTI government had subsidised. These subsidies were a firm belief. and things will eventually get better. Provide Pakistan’s
at the minimum to recover. What would happen if placing a huge burden on Pakistan’s economy. We had youth good education and you will also see our IT exports
such a thing happens to pass is that we will have to increase the prices for fuel because the country was SA: The recent unprecedented monsoon and the increasing.
to go back to the International Monetary Fund and buying it from the international market at an expen- subsequent floods ravaged many of our food For information technology, let me be clear, Pakistan
other lenders, and will have to request them that sive rate. Our economy was not in a position to subsi- crops. At the same time, we also have import curbs lacks trained youth in the field of IT. I have written
we will pay any amount due to them this year in dise the fuel. imposed on the country. Should we foresee a crisis about this too that when India in the 1950s was open-
the year that follows. We would also have to request All of these steps were taken at the cost of our politi- pertaining to the supply of food and other essential ing Indian institutes of technology, Pakistan had sent
them to reschedule any other future payments Pak- cal mileage, but these same steps eventually helped us commodities in Pakistan? home seven prime ministers. We should focus on build-
istan owes. reach the agreement with the IMF. We showed that MI: Food items are being imported and there is not going ing institutes at the same level as the IITs and gradually
Pakistan comes first and that our political priorities to be a shortage of wheat or rice in the country. Yes, the we will have similar opportunities in this field too.
SA: The public was given the impression that the should always be second. rice crop was somewhat destroyed by the rains and floods CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


With its rich multi-ethnic and multi-religious

community, the small landmass southwest
of Karachi offers a unique opportunity for
recreational and religious tourism

By SARAH ATHER KHAN al security concerns it cannot be ful-

ly developed as a tourist destination
Manora has a long lineage of human despite its rich cultural, religious,
habitation, having attracted a vari- ecological, and physical diversity.
ety of cultures and civilizations that Planning for Manora, generally and
have left their mark, as evidenced by specifically for tourism, revolves
the island’s tangible and intangible around two key questions: How
heritages. Manora is a small land- much tourism? And how?
mass lying southwest of Karachi, Lack of tourism planning in any
and it enjoys a rich ecological, physi- area often causes threat to pristine
cal, cultural, and religious history. environments, irreversible damage
Manora’s pluralistic fabric is a rich to cultural and heritage, and over-
blend of multiethnic communities exploitation of natural resources,
speaking Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, to name a few drawbacks. The pen-
Pashtu, Kokani, and Urdu. This insula calls for an integrated plan,
multiethnicity is the consequence made with collaboration of all local
of a number of reasons, including and administrative stakeholders,
the diverse ethnic admissions to the with a concern for its ecological and
Karachi Port Trust (KPT, people who social cultural assets.
chose to remain in Manora after According to Arif Hasan, one of
their term was ended, and the local the Indus River. Varuna is a Hindu 1921. For the celebration of their of the Manora Island. The KCCDZ hotels, shopping malls, office build- Pakistan’s leading architects, activ-
fishing community, which makes god who represents water and is significant religious celebrations of project calls for building of three ings, and business centres, in addi- ists, social researchers, and writers,
up the majority of the Sindhi and thought to watch out for the safety Christmas, and Easter, the Chris- artificial islands by reclamation of tion to a golf course, clinics, schools, urban development must be based
Balochi populations in the area. of fisherman at sea. The temple is tian community is drawn to these land in the nearby seas; it will be technical colleges, universities, a on certain principles of sustainabil-
Presently, the culture of the is- one of the island’s most significant historic landmark religious loca- situated in the backwater area on marina, theme parks, resorts, and ity, equity, and justice; it must re-
land is visibly split; only a very historical landmarks. Worshipers tions. the west embankment of the KPT. co-generation facilities. Highway spect the ecology, with land use de-
small portion of the population can of the temple bow to their Lord as Manora offers a unique opportu- KCCDZ was initially planned in bridges with six to eight lanes would termined on the basis of social and
be considered as “locals”. Most of they cross the waves, showing how nity for recreational and religious 2001, and it has since been updated connect Karachi with the imagined environmental considerations; it
the island is dominated by security highly they esteem the structure. tourism. For a long time, Manora in 2022 to exclude the Machar Col- Diamond Bar Island City. must give priority to the needs of the
agency personnel recruited locally, Due to the puja (worship) that is has been favoured by local and for- ony’s four hundred acres from the The multi-million-dollar propos- local population; and, most impor-
along with a culture of official con- held there on the full moon dates eign tourists for its brown sandy plan. An ultra-modern urban in- als attest to the fact that this area tantly, it must respect and promote
trol and discipline. However, the of every month, and the two main beaches and clear blue skies, major frastructure zone, residential rede- possess a huge potential for devel- the tangible and intangible cultural
locals still cherish and practise a Hindu religious holidays, Diwali attractions of recreational tourism velopment to raise local living stan- opment and is therefore attracting heritage of the communities.
shared culture of respect, security, and Holi, the temple becomes a key that provide opportunities for reju- dards, integration of industries like foreign investors. However, they Kamil Khan Mumtaz, one of Pak-
privacy, social trust, and peaceful- destination for religious tourists. venation far from the chaotic and IT, fashion, and media, improve- are examples of large-scale, high istan’s leading architectural design-
ness that has been long prevailing The thousand-year-old shrine of urban Karachi. Due to the preva- ment of marine ecosystem, and a rise, high end, modern, gentri- ers, prioritizes the qualitative quali-
on this island. Yousuf Shah Ghazi is the princi- lence of the old belief of crossing sea significant amount of potential for fied development that pose a risk ties of people over the quantitative
The multi-religious community of pal magnet for believers who have to ward off evil spirits, historically, foreign investors are part of this $3.1 to fisherman communities, local effects of growth while making
Manora, which includes Muslims, spiritual attachment with the Sufi Manora has been a popular spot for billion redevelopment project pro- populations, historical buildings, plans for human settlements. He
Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs, is a saint. The shrine is visited via boats removal of spells and witchcraft. posed on 1,581 acres. and visual and cultural identity of advocates that inclusiveness, pros-
good example of how different reli- by many people—irrespective of Another reason for Manora’s ro- The Karachi Waterfront Sugar Manora. They are also a huge threat perity, and wellbeing of local stake-
gious communities can live in peace age, religion, caste, and colour— bust diversity is its governance. Land City was proposed in 2005– to Karachi, exposing her to natu- holders should be among the guid-
with one another. The 2.5 square- throughout the year. But the an- KPT, the Cantonment Board of 2006, suggesting a development of ral disasters due to deforestation of ing principles of planning, along
kilometre peninsula has a variety nua urs is the time when there are Manora, and Pakistan Navy are world class infrastructure and ame- mangroves. with economy based on need rather
of religious places, and holy festi- thousands of devotees visiting the the three most significant stake- nities on 60,000 acres at Hawk’s Recently, a few small-scale ini- than greed, sustainability, and con-
vals of every religion are held here island. Between the 12th and the holders governing Manora. They Bay Sadnspit area and Manora tiatives have been implemented in servation of history and values.
with great fervour and enthusiasm, 19th of Rabi-ul-Awal, the Urs of oversee providing, managing, and ridge, turning the island into a Manora to aid in the promotion of Planning for Manora should take
strengthening its multi-religious Baba Yousuf Shah Ghazi is grandly maintaining public services and tourist resort with a water sports tourism. These spot interventions, into account the island’s cultural,
fabric. The three most significant observed with great religious fer- social and physical infrastructure arena on the shore. The concept without any comprehensive plan- historical, religious, and ecological di-
festivals observed here are Christ- vour, and meals are provided at the within their respective domains of featured residential, commercial, ning, are attracting and facilitating versity, capacity for tourism develop-
mas, Urs of Shah Ghazi, and Diwali. langar for everyone, regardless of influence. This fractionalization, recreational, and entertainment fa- thousands of day-trippers to Mano- ment should be evaluated in the phys-
The site for Diwali celebration is faith, caste, gender, ethnicity, or however, has resulted in the frag- cilities, as well as special economic ra beachfront, but inevitably are ical-ecological, socio-demographic,
Shri Varun Dev Mandir, a Hindu socioeconomic status. mented development of the island; zones, with the goal of creating a also contributing to problems like and political-economic domains to
temple owned by the Pakistan Hin- Two churches on this island are it is devoid of a comprehensive inte- hub for trading, manufacturing, stress to limited resources, environ- safeguard the island from the detri-
du Council. The Varun temple con- reminiscent of the British colonial- grated plan. and services industries. mental deterioration, overcrowd- mental effects of unplanned and un-
tains two other shrines, one to Jhule ism. One of the oldest churches is The Karachi Coastal Comprehen- In 2006, plans for the Diamond ing, and congestion. regulated tourism development.
Lal and the other to Shiva. Jhule Lal St Paul’s; it is a Protestant commu- sive Development Zone (KCCDZ), Bar Island, which would have in- The Manora Island is a gateway Sarah Ather Khan is a freelance contribu-
is believed to be an incarnation of nity Church and was constructed Diamond Bar Island, and Sugar- cluded 12,000 acres of the Bandal, to Pakistan’s main economic hub, tor and an assistant professor the NED Uni-
Varun and is usually represented in 1864. The other is Sir Anthony’s land City Karachi Waterfront were Buddo, and Manora Islands, were a home to three naval bases and a versity Architecture Department. All facts
sitting cross legged on a lotus, bal- Church, a Roman Catholic Church; among the proposals made in the suggested. The project included cantonment area. Due to its close and information are the sole responsibility of
anced on a palla (fish) swimming in its foundation stone was placed in past for and surrounding the areas residential villas and apartments, proximity with the port and nation- the writer

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 similar weather. If India can yield crease Pakistan’s tax base? Why Pakistan’s economy? What are spending of Pakistan and India, lead India, peace between the two
is it always the salaried class your basic suggestions for the including the defence budget
one maund (40 kilogrammes) of countries will be very difficult.
SA: The government is burdened that bears the brunt over other country to progress? of both countries, we see a
wheat from a single acre, why are If we opt for peace believing Paki-
with so many loss-making income groups in the country? huge disparity. Would initiating
we only yielding 32 kilogrammes MI: It is very simple and no rocket stan to be a weaker side in contrast,
departments. Would privatisation trade relations between the two
from the same size of land. MI: I absolutely agree that Pakistan’s science. If our exports of $31 bil- it is going to be a very uneven, un-
be a good option for government neighbours not bring mutual
Similarly we can also increase tax base should be widened. For ex- lion and remittances of $30 billion sustainable peace. So, it is better
to ease its burden? benefit?
productivity of the cotton crop by ample, there are 2.2 million retail- amount to collective $61 billion of to remain hostile neighbors for
MI: Governments are not supposed to adopting modern methods in the ers or shop owners in the country foreign inflows, why can we not keep MI: At the moment, I see India as a another 10 years as we have been
sell petrol or run airlines. These en- field of agriculture. Let me con- but only 30,000 of them are paying our import bill under this figure in- bigger reason behind whatever ten- for past 70 years instead of unequal
tities or corporations should be sold clude this by saying that India has taxes. There is no harm in bring- stead of running it up to $80 billion. sions or problems persist between treatment in the name of peace.
to the private sector. Not only these, bigger land and that we should not ing these shop owners into the tax In a way, it is as simple as run- India and Pakistan at the moment.
but electricity supply companies, do a complete comparison. But we base as it cannot be only the salaried ning your household or a factory, Or you can also say India’s Prime SA: As a former finance minister
including transmission companies, can compare the province of Pun- class that pays taxes in the country. but why can the government of Minister Narendra Modi is that rea- and a politician, how do you feel
should be privatised regardless of jab in both countries in term of Therefore, the tax base should be Pakistan not understand that we son. His politics has always revolved when you hear about the brain
whether they are turning a profit or crop production on both sides. widened to increase revenue. cannot continue to borrow money around stoking and exploiting anti- drain from Pakistan?
running into loss. It will relieve the for our deficits. Some day those Muslim sentiment. Two thousand MI: Yes, it is a phenomenon and
government from a great burden. SA: Why has the government SA: Why do people prefer lending us money will eventually people died in the anti-Muslim riots people who are eligible do opt for bet-
failed to control inflation despite investing in real estate instead either refuse to loan us more or put in Gujarat and the Indian Supreme ter opportunities in foreign lands,
SA: Do you think our agriculture imposing a higher interest rate of investing in manufacturing forward strict conditions on lend- Court failed to provide justice to including educational scholarships.
sector needs any sort of overhaul? of 16 per cent? and export industry, etc, in ing. Pakistan simply needs to start Muslims in this regard. What is going to be left behind if our
Should we focus on increasing MI: Prices of essential commodi- Pakistan? living within its means or income. Even if we put aside the issue of qualified youth will leave the country?
the yield of our crops using new ties are at an all time high glob- MI: In the recent past, we did see a Privatisation, as I said before, is a Kashmir and the oppression against But, if things get better in Pakistan,
technology and techniques such ally. Increasing interest rates is boom after PTI government provided must otherwise the burdens on the Kashmiri Muslims, people are be- this issue will be resolve itself.
as those used in India and China? one way to control inflation but on amnesty and relief to the real estate state will continue to multiply. Oth- ing killed in a state like UP for eating
MI: The government can support the other hand the government is sectors. Meanwhile, if you are set- er than this, the government should beef. Narendra Modi’s anti-Pakistan SA: What do you think about the
the agriculture sector with cheap focusing on providing relief to the ting up a manufacturing industry, prioritise birth control in the coun- agenda is basically an extension of future of leadership in Pakistan?
supply of gas, subsidised fertilizer lower income or less-privileged you will be burdened with so many try. Last but not least, the children his anti-Islamic rhetoric. He needs to MI: Pakistan has never had any
but other than that, what we lack is strata through the Benazir Income questions and compliances from of this country should be provided show his voters that he is anti-Mus- vacuum of leadership in the coun-
the availability of genetically modi- Support Programme. The govern- various government departments, with the best opportunities for edu- lim and anti-Islam, and so, he must try. In 1970s we had Zulfikar Ali
fied organism seeds. ment disbursed Rs70 billion for provision of utility services, labour cation and this is a great responsibil- express his for Pakistan as well. Bhutto. Later Benazir Bhutto and
If farmers are provided with mod- those affected by the floods as well. related issues and heavy taxations. ity on the part of government. Provi- Another element in this regard Mian Nawaz Sharif emerged as lead-
ern seeds and agriculture extension These are the measures taken by the If you choose to park your wealth in sion of education to every child will is how in Pakistan, political par- ers and then we saw Imran Khan’s
training, we will start to see results government to minimise the affects buying a plot, you are going to have automatically set Pakistan’s course ties do not get any votes for using entry into the nation’s politics.
in the field of agriculture. I do not of inflation on the less-privileged no such issues. And yes, it is the on the right track for the future. anti-India rhetoric. In India, how-
compare our agriculture sector with segments of Pakistani society. easiest way to get rich in Pakistan. ever, a large number of votes can Sheharyar Ali is a freelance journalist. All
China but we can compare it with SA: If we draw a comparison be gained by abusing Pakistan. facts and information are the sole responsi-
India since both the countries have SA: Why have we failed to in- SA: What is the way forward for between the economies and So, as long as Modi continues to bility of the writer

Cover: Mohsin Alam

2 January 1, 2023

While COP27 concluded last month with a
landmark agreement to create a loss and
damage fund for vulnerable nations, a
prominent climate expert explains why the
summit continued a legacy of failure by not
winning a pledge on reducing fossil fuel use

By HAMMAD SARFRAZ To learn more about the recent

climate talks, the Express Tribune
The UN climate talks, known as contacted Catherine Abreu, direc-
COP27, concluded last month with tor of the non-profit Destination
what has been hailed as a landmark Zero, which calls for an end to
agreement to create a fund to aid fossil fuel use. According to the
vulnerable nations harmed by cli- award-winning Ottawa-based
mate change. While poor countries expert on climate policy, the re-
have every reason to celebrate the cent UN climate talks failed to
promise of financial compensa- acknowledge the cause of climate
tion to deal with the brutal conse- change and continued to focus on
quences of climate change that they the consequences. “We saw that
are barely responsible for, the COP this COP continued a legacy of
27 ended without moving the nee- failure of COPs to acknowledge the
dle on the emissions pledges – the cause of climate change which is
central stalemate that has haunted the production and combustion of
these conferences. fossil fuels,” Abreu said by email.
Since the conference, experts Despite the harm caused due to
have raised several questions over the production and combustion
the rhetorical performances, pro- of fossil fuels, the world seems
posals, and promises that usu- to have an insatiable appetite
ally emerge after every meeting for coal. According to a report re-
of this nature. Not too long ago, leased by the International Energy
COP26 was presented to the world Agency (IEA), the Paris-based en-
as a ‘make or break’ moment for ergy watchdog, the global use of
humanity. Alok Sharma, the coal is expected to set new records next COP that is to be held in the But for developing nations, climate-related disasters than before. the loss and damage agreement —
conference president, termed the as the conflict in Ukraine and United Arab Emirates, Abreu, COP27 offered a glimmer of hope According to UN estimates, the as vague and toothless in a recent
gathering as ‘our last best hope’. growing demand in India and Eu- who has served as the Executive – the creation of the loss and dam- ongoing degradation of the eco- New York Times article. “It repre-
He wasn’t alone on the list of per- rope push consumption of the fuel Director of Climate Action Net- age fund, something they have system would cost a whopping sents a remarkable step forward
formers who came across as hy- to new highs. In Europe alone, work, Canada’s primary network struggled for decades. On this, $3tn every year by the end of this following decades of desperate
perbolic; Charles, now King of the consumption of coal is expected of organizations working on cli- Abreu had a very straightforward decade.“The loss of nature and advocacy by the world’s climate-
United Kingdom and the 14 other to increase this year for the second mate change and energy issues assessment: “There is nothing biodiversity comes with a steep vulnerable countries and decades
Commonwealth realms, called year in a row due to the reduction said: “I think eliminating the yet that developing countries can human cost – a cost we mea- of indifference exhibited by the
the summit ‘the last-chance sa- in gas supplies from Moscow in cause of climate change which is count on beyond the idea that a sure in lost jobs, hunger, disease world’s historic polluters,” David
loon’. the wake of the Ukraine war. Ac- fossil fuels, will be the big battle loss and damage fund will be cre- and deaths,” UN chief António wrote.
One year on, we are where we cording to the IEA’s report, three heading into COP28 and will likely ated.” Guterres cautioned in a speech this Other experts have termed the
were, struggling to reduce the of the world’s biggest coal produc- be a conversation that continues to The real money, she said, hasn’t week. Taking an aim at govern- agreement as an escape route for
use of fossil fuels – the primary ers India, China and Indonesia characterize these talks for years to been placed on the table yet. “So, ments and companies, Guterres developed nations, allowing them
cause of current climate change – will create new records by the end come. What we saw in Sharm El- for developing countries to be urged both sectors to move away to abdicate their main responsi-
that has significantly altered the of this year. Sheikh was a real reckoning and able to count on this process they from nature-destroying activities. bility, which is to focus on lower-
Earth’s ecosystems. an attempt to wrestle this process need to see real money being de- Commenting on the fund cre- ing emissions to prevent climate
Ironically, a month before the Empty promises into something that can deliver livered. Unfortunately, we have ated to compensate countries for change.
COP27 talks in Egypt, the UN According to experts, this trend flies meaningful practical results and seen a long history of financial the damages caused by climate Describing the agreement as
cautioned that without reducing in the face of promises made at last that’s why countries are pushing commitments made under this change, Abreu said: “Any one fund a huge win for vulnerable coun-
emissions by 45 per cent, human- year’s climate talks, where more for this process to go into the nitty process being walked back from is not going to be able to deal with tries who had been asking for the
ity was on a spiral of self-destruc- than 190 countries pledged to reduce gritty details on the causes and or long delayed, in particular the the multiple compounding cri- UN climate talks to acknowledge
tion. In its annual edition of the the use of coal to rein in emissions. consequences of climate change.” 100-billion-dollar pledge from ses that countries and communi- the true consequences of climate
Emissions Gap Report, the body Even at last month’s COP27, despite “It’s not until we see the process Copenhagen that hasn’t yet been ties around the world are dealing change which are losses and dam-
stated that the “global community apparent support from the United achieving that balance of being delivered.” with and we need a fundamental ages for three decades, Abreu said:
was falling far short of the goals States, language emphasizing the able to address both sides of the “So, the big question now is will reconfiguration of our financial “It is true, however, that the de-
set in Paris, with no credible path- need to not just phase down but problem that we’ll get to a place real money be put on the table for infrastructure in order deal with tails of what the loss and damage
way to 1.5°C in place.” phase out the use of fossil fuels was where it is delivering that imple- loss and damage that developing those multiple compounding cri- fund is going to look like, how it
According to the 132-page docu- scuttled by Russia, Iraq, Iran, and mentation space that countries so countries can count on as they ses, find solutions and provides will operate, who will be able to
ment, the updated national pledg- Saudi Arabia. desperately need to cooperate on move forward dealing with mul- support to those who are experi- access it, what kinds of support
es since COP26 – held in 2021 in Describing the outcome as un- delivering their Paris agreement tiple compounding crises and at- encing the biggest impacts from it will offer, how much support
Glasgow, UK – make a negligible balanced, Abreu said: “More fossil commitments,” she added. tempting to meet their countries’ those crises.” it will offer, what kinds of condi-
difference to predicted 2030 emis- fuels equal more losses and dam- Last month’s climate conference energy access needs and develop- tions countries will have to meet
in order to access that support - all
of these questions are up in the
The language and ambiguity,
the Ottawa-based expert noted,
would become a major source of
contention and need for negotia-
tions in the year ahead.
“The COP agreements are al-
ways a consensus-based docu-
ment. So, yes there’s often con-
structive ambiguity that is built
into the language of these agree-
ments in order to achieve consen-
sus and leave the door open for
further negotiations and position-
ing,” she explained.

What’s in store for the future?

According to data from the Global
Carbon Project, a coalition of interna-
tional climate science bodies, carbon
dioxide emissions are expected to rise
1 per cent, crossing the 37bn mark
this year. And the highest increases,
Global Carbon Project said, will come
from India and the US. Both coun-
tries have set net zero targets but no
coal commitment, according to data
published by the IEA, the Paris-based
energy watchdog.
Similarly, according to projec-
sions and that the world appeared ages and while we a fund has been was always going to be a struggle, ment goals without further ex- COP27 – the agreement tions from Climate Action Tracker,
far from the Paris Agreement goal set to address those damages, we experts had no doubts about that. panding fossil fuel.” an independent research group,
of limiting global warming to don’t yet have the UN climate talks The ongoing Ukraine-Russia con- Most experts view the agreement which rates countries’ climate fi-
well below 2°C, preferably 1.5°C. putting forward mechanisms to flict that has resulted in an energy Can funds cope with the demand? reached in Egypt last month as vague nance pledges, every rich nation’s
And yet, despite the huge ramifi- mitigate the mounting losses and crisis, simultaneously triggered The climate crisis is unfolding at a on all key points: who will cough up funding promises are inadequate.
cations, the recent climate talks damages and the costs associated global inflation, food shortages greater pace than expected. Given the the cash for the fund and who will That coupled with the changing
failed to deliver on reducing emis- with them by eliminating the and all of this was never expected rise in consumption of fossil fuels, receive it. geopolitical landscape, the cli-
sions and limiting global warm- cause of climate change which is to mean well global climate agen- and the decarbonisation strategy David Wallace-Wells, an Ameri- mate agenda, many experts be-
ing to agreed temperature thresh- fossil fuels.” da and the uphill task of reducing being sidelined by some, the chances can journalist known for his writ- lieve is expected to face tough days
olds. When asked to comment on the emissions. are that the world will witness more ings on climate change, described ahead.
Photos: Agencies

January 1, 2023 3


Years of vacillating between appeasement

and use of force towards the TTP has brought
Pakistan back to square one. As the terror
outfit ramps up terror activities in the
country after tearing up a ceasefire that it
never really honoured, the country finds
itself with difficult options to strike back

The TTP terror redux is here. But shall we call it a “redux”? Did the
TTP ever call off its terror campaign in Pakistan? No, it did not. A
ceasefire it publicly tore up in November had already been violated
countless times by the group since its announcement in June 2022.
The government wouldn’t say it publicly, perhaps to maintain an
illusion of peace in the country. The ceasefire collapse, or its formal
announcement by the TTP – to put it correctly – was the final nail in
the coffin for the latest peace initiative brokered by Afghanistan’s
new Taliban rulers. It wasn’t the first time the government engaged
the TTP in negotiations. It had tried multiple times in the past, but
every time the result was the same.
What’s wrong with our counter-TTP strategy?
In one word: ambivalence.
The government approach vacillated between appeasement and
use of force until December 2014 when the TTP carried out the most
sickening attack in its bloody campaign at Army Public School
in Peshawar. This was the decisive moment in Pakistan’s battle
against homegrown terror. It united the nation against the TTP. All
political parties sat together to produce what is now known as Na-
tional Action Plan (NAP), a 20-point comprehensive strategy for a
coordinated national effort to eliminate terrorism. Operation Zarb-
e-Azb, which was already underway in the Waziristan region, was
expedited and expanded to other areas along the Afghan border to
destroy TTP’s de facto rule there. An in-sync nationwide effort was
also initiated to deoxygenate religious extremists’ narrative by in-
troducing a set of policy reforms. The aim was concrete, verifiable
and irreversible gains against terrorism and violent extremism.
Monitoring committees were formed at the federal and provincial
levels to oversee NAP’s implementation. The subsequent Operation
Radd-ul-Fasaad tried to eliminate the “residual/latent threat of ter-
rorism” and consolidate the gains made in the earlier military op-
The military’s kinetic operations were a success. Beaten, bat-
tered, and bruised, but not broken, the TTP and its affiliates fled
across the border into Afghanistan to recuperate and regroup in
safe havens there.
NAP started napping and our priorities shifted elsewhere as the
TTP violence ebbed.
Paradoxically, while the TTP was officially branded as the biggest
threat to the state of Pakistan, its mother-ship in Afghanistan was
treated as a “strategic asset” for the achievement of foreign policy
The National Counter- Kabul were touted as success of our Afghan strategy. And to prove
it, Pakistan’s then spy chief, Lt Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed, made a
objectives in a fissiparous country notorious for its fluid political Terrorism Authority said in euphoric dash to Kabul to reassure a disconcerted world, “Don’t
loyalties. To expect anything good from the Afghan Taliban, the worry, everything will be okay,” and then prime minister, Imran
source of TTP’s inspiration, simply defied explanation, but our a report last month that the Khan, praised the Afghans for “breaking the shackles of slavery”.
strategists were blinded by their obsession with India’s growing in- The euphoria proved short-lived.
fluence on the West-backed Afghan rulers. TTP used the peace process to Dozens of TTP commanders and fighters were released from
On August 18, 2021, the Pakistani strategists made no secret of
their glee when an Indian military plane, carrying the country’s
regroup and reorganize. “The Afghan prisons after the fall of Kabul. The Taliban victory re-
juvenated the TTP and offered it greater operational freedom
diplomats, took off from an Afghan air base, temporarily ending
Delhi’s diplomatic presence in Afghanistan which officials in Is-
TTP, during peace process, gained in Afghanistan. An upsurge in TTP attacks followed. Unofficial
data show a 51% increase in terrorist violence between August 15,
lamabad frequently blamed for stoking terrorism in Pakistan. considerable ground; increased 2021, and August 14, 2022. At least 433 people were killed and 719
The Taliban’s rapid victory march, the dramatic escape of Presi- injured in 250 attacks across Pakistan, according to a tally main-
dent Ashraf Ghani, the chaotic exit of foreign forces, and the fall of its footprint and magnitude of tained by Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies. There were 165 at-
activities,” it stated. tacks that killed 294 people and injured 598 from August 2020 to
August 14, 2021.
Pakistani officials were surprisingly unperturbed. At the time,
a top security official tried to downplay the uptick in the TTP at-
tacks during a background briefing. He sought to reassure the
audience that the fresh wave of TTP terror would subside within
“four to five months”, saying that the new Afghan rulers should
be given time to establish their writ.
The Taliban regime was non-committal on a crackdown on
the TTP despite repeated calls from Pakistani officials. Instead
Sirajuddin Haqqani, the interior minister in the interim Taliban
regime, offered to broker peace negotiations between the two
sides. Pakistan accepted the offer despite bitter experiences of
the past when the group used negotiations as a ruse to regroup
and reenergize. Lt Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed, then corps command-
er Peshawar, oversaw the negotiations, which also involved Pak-
istani tribal elders. It was a bad idea to have direct talks with
the TTP because a state actor was obliged to sit across the table
with a non-state armed group giving it legitimacy. Months of
behind-the-scenes negotiations hosted by Haqqani pulled a
breakthrough in June. Those privy to the talks say too much was
conceded to the TTP in return for a shaky ceasefire risking the
country’s antiterrorism gains, just because the overseer wanted
to have another feather in his cap.
Subsequently, TTP fighters reemerged in border regions of Pak-
istan, particularly in Swat, to test water. The common percep-
tion was that the TTP’s return had a tacit approval of the authori-
ties. Targeted attacks on tribal elders and politicians, extortion,
and even kidnapping of security officials started as TTP terrorists
sought to set up a de facto reign in the region. However, local
residents rose up against the return of the TTP scourge. Massive
protests were staged in major cities of Swat, saying no to efforts
to reestablish the regressive group as a legitimate part of the re-

4 January 1, 2023

gion which it once subjected to a reign of terror.

A month after the truce, al Qaeda chief Aymen Al-Zawahiri
was killed in a US drone strike in an exclusive Kabul neighbour-
hood. Taliban’s defence minister Mullah Yaqoob pointed finger
The Taliban regime was
at Pakistan, laying bare tensions between the two neighbours. non-committal on a crackdown
“According to our information the drones are entering through
Pakistan to Afghanistan, they use Pakistan’s airspace, we ask
on the TTP despite repeated
Pakistan, don’t use your airspace against us,” Yaqoob told a news calls from Pakistani officials.
conference. Islamabad denied the charge. The friction led to an
unannounced end to the Haqqani-brokered peace initiative as Instead Sirajuddin Haqqani,
the Taliban sought to leverage their influence over the TTP to pile
up pressure on Pakistan over the Zawahiri strike.
the interior minister in the
Towards the end of August, five TTP senior commanders, in- interim Taliban regime, offered
cluding the group’s founding member Abdul Wali, alias Omar
Khalid Khorasani, and intelligence chief Abdul Rashid, alias to broker peace negotiations
Uqabi Bajauri, were killed in targeted attacks in Afghanistan.
The TTP blamed Pakistan’s security agencies and resumed spo-
between the two sides
radic attacks on Pakistani security agencies on the pretext of “re-
taliation” without publicly scrapping the ceasefire. By its own
admission, the group carried out nearly 60 attacks in November
The peace initiative was rendered as good as dead, especially
after the transfer of Faiz Hameed and preoccupation of Haqqani
with a resurgent IS-Khorasan. Frustrated by the persisting stale-
mate on its key demands, the TTP publicly scrapped the ceasefire
and timed it with a top Pakistani delegation’s visit to Kabul to-
wards the end of November. A fresh wave of deadly terrorist at-
tacks has followed, triggering talk of another military operation.
“The situation in parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, particularly in
the tribal districts, has deteriorated to the extent that a major
military offensive cannot be ruled out,” an official said late last
So, we are back to square one.
The National Counter-Terrorism Authority (Nacta) said in a re-
cent report that the TTP used the peace process to regroup and
on. An increasingly suspicious Taliban regime also knows that it
can use the TTP as bargaining leverage with Pakistan. Kabul tac-
itly endorses TTP’s demand for reversal of FATA merger believing
it would also assuage its concerns on restrictions on free move-
ment through the Durand Line which has been fenced by the
reorganize. “The TTP, during the peace process, gained consid-
erable ground; increased its footprint and magnitude of activi-
Pakistani military. The border frictions have recently escalated
into deadly clashes between security forces of the two countries –
people were killed in 250 attacks
ties,” it stated. “The withdrawal of the US forces from Afghani-
stan gave impetus to TTP activities with its base [still] intact in
and even a diplomatic spat.
The Taliban appear to be limiting reliance on their longtime across Pakistan between
Afghanistan.” Ironically, nobody is willing to take ownership of benefactor Pakistan by diversifying their international partner-
the moribund peace initiative. The incumbent coalition govern- ships. Few senior Afghan officials have visited Islamabad since August 15 last year and August
ment blames its predecessor, especially Imran Khan, for start- the Taliban’s ascent to power. Instead they preferred to have dip-
ing “negotiations with those who martyred our schoolchildren lomatic interactions with the US in Doha, Qatar. India is back 14 this year, according to a tally
at APS”. But Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said in June that in the Afghan calculus as it has accorded de facto recognition to
the parliament had authorized the military to hold talks with
the TTP. A day later, a senior politician of a government ally dis-
the Taliban regime by sending diplomats to its Kabul Embassy.
The US Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West met
maintained by Pakistan Institute
puted Sanaullah’s claim saying that the military had briefed a
parliamentary panel on talks that were already underway. “No
with former Afghan leader Abdullah Abdullah in the first week
of December in New Delhi where he “greatly appreciated India’s
of Peace Studies. Another 719
permission was sought by the military from parliament for hold-
ing talks with the TTP,” PPP’s Raza Rabbani said.
substantial humanitarian assistance and commitment to the
fundamental rights of Afghans”.
people were injured in these
Is a negotiated settlement possible? Does that mean Pakistan’s overarching goal of marginalizing
Probably not. Indian political influence in Afghanistan has boomeranged? Ap- incidents of violence as well.
The group’s core demands are akin to the state’s capitulation. parently, yes.
Its refusal to disarm and disband and its insistence on reversal of What options does the government have? The figures represent a 51 per
ex-FATA’s merger with K-P snitch on its sinister plans to establish Given the past experiences, negotiations may be off the table.
Any peace process has to have prior endorsement of Parliament,
which should weigh its pros and cons for society through a public
cent increase over the violence
discourse for national ownership of the process and any resulting
agreement. But negotiations may not be favored by most Paki-
recorded between August 2020
stani civilians who have borne the brunt of TTP’s deadly terror
campaign for years. They must be averse to the idea of giving the
and August 2021

Yearly Suicide attacks

a mini “Emirate” and gradually export its regressive ideology to

the rest of Pakistan. The Taliban’s victory has strengthened the
TTP’s belief that it is doable, especially at a time when Pakistan
TTP amnesty for its crimes against humanity and integrating it
as a legitimate actor of society.
The resumption of hostilities by
is politically volatile and economically fragile. The group also
knows that its fighters now enjoy de facto political asylum in Af-
The resumption of hostilities by the TTP has pushed the govern-
ment back to the drawing-board to recalibrate its strategy. There
the TTP has pushed the government
ghanistan where the Taliban are firmly ensconced. are reports that the government might be considering the use of back to the drawing-board to
The Taliban regime has no incentives to crack down on the TTP. military force to stem the tide of TTP violence. Foreign Minister
They would never like to alienate and antagonize their former Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has already dropped a broad hint. “As far recalibrate its strategy. There are
“brothers-in-arms” which, it fears, could trigger defections to
the rival IS-Khorasan, create splits within their own ranks, and
as the TTP [safe haven] is concerned, it’s absolutely our red line,
it is something that we will not tolerate… we would be willing
reports that the government might be
endanger their ideological affinity and ethnic amity with people
in Pakistan’s border regions who they have always fallen back
to consider each and every single option to ensure the safety and
security of our own people,” he said on his recent visit to the US.
considering the use of military force to
stem the TTP violence
The United States has already offered to help Pakistan deal with
a resurgent TTP and secure the border. “We are concerned by the
threats posed by Tehreek-e-Taliban-Pakistan to Pakistani securi-
Number of terrorism related incidents year wise ty and stability. During my visit to the GHQ, we discussed oppor-
tunities to address this threat,” CENTCOM commander General
Michael E Kurilla said during his visit to Islamabad in Dec.
However, the nature of any “major military operation” by Paki-
stan is unclear because the TTP doesn’t have visible organized
presence anywhere in the erstwhile tribal belt that it once virtu-
ally ruled. And this is amply clear from the demand by TTP ter-
rorists during the recent CTD Bannu siege for a “safe-passage”
into Afghanistan. TTP’s safe haven is across the border. Will the
military carry out cross-border actions against TTP targets using
manned or unmanned aircraft?
A cross-border military action wouldn’t be unprecedented. In
April 2022, Pakistan did launch airstrikes against TTP targets
in the eastern Afghan provinces of Khost and Kunar which also
caused some civilian casualties. But this option would have di-
sastrous pitfalls. It would set a dangerous precedent for other re-
gional countries that accuse each other of harbouring terrorists.
It could also damage Pakistan-Taliban relations beyond repair
because the last strike had triggered a seething response from
Kabul with Zabihullah Mujahid calling it “a cruelty” that would
pave the “way for enmity between Afghanistan and Pakistan.”
He warned that Islamabad “should know if a war starts it will not
be in the interest of any side.”
Cross-border military strikes would also rejuvenate anti-Pakistan
sentiments, marginalize pragmatists in the Taliban ranks, and in-
crease support for the TTP in Afghanistan. And accepting US help for
counter-TTP operations inside Afghanistan might exacerbate the Pak-
istan-Taliban mistrust to the point of no-return because the theocratic
regime would take it as a repeat of the post-9/11 “betrayal” by Pakistan.

January 1, 2023 5


As contemporary Baloch singers and musicians continue to work on fusions and experiment with Balochi
music, this ancient art form has seen an evolution in the last decade or so
By SOMAIYAH HAFEEZ forming in functions. old, but says that the duo was in- remarkable, it isn’t Balochi mu-
Dilpul went on to do different stead inclined towards listening sic in its essence.
For the longest time, I remember things in his life but the passion to Western music. As they grew “If we want to make Balochi
being in awe of my mother as she remained. As a Balochi language up and fell in love with poetry, music progress while contem-
would recite Balochi poetry in a enthusiast, he did his MPhil in they moved towards Balochi folk porising it, it has to be done so
tone that was wrapped in a warm linguistics and it would bother music and ghazals. that even if a shepherd hears it
blanket of nostalgia. I couldn’t un- him to see that people around “We would listen to Faiz Mu- with modern instruments like
derstand most of it because of the him weren’t as interested in Ba- hammad Baloch and Jadok Ba- guitars,” says Mazar. “He should
richness of the language, yet the lochi music as he thought they loch, who lived in Lyari during feel a yearning and remembrance
melancholy was able to pierce my should be. He wanted to engage their lifetime,” recalls Baloch. for his mountains and land. On
heart and keep me engaged, as I them in Balochi music. “There were some Omani Baloch the other hand, even if someone
would interrupt her to explain the “I did not like the trends and bands too that we listened to but with a liking for modern mu-
meanings. compositions that were going their music was different to what sic hears it, they appreciate the
Over the years, I became more into music at the time,” he re- we were consuming here. Our zahirok too. The listener has to
interested in Balochi music and calls. “I always questioned them. field of vision expanded and we be engaged—it has to have the
reclaiming my lost identity. I Perhaps it was an urge to deviate too became passionate to explore components of zahirok as well
realised that what my mother so I studied music of different different genres and experiment as glimpses of contemporary
sang in her sing-song voice was cultures and how they evolve.” with music.” music. For this one has to know
the original Balochi music form Dilpul released his first song The musical duo focusses on both Balochi music, as well as
called zahirok (which literally called Arz-e-Kaana [The Plea] in the storytelling perspective of modern music.”
translates into “a melancholic 2018. The song came as a fresh music as they are trained film- The Balochi Music Promoter
song or a song of separation”). breath of air in the Balochi music makers. Society has been working on
Zaheerag forms the musical industry. An individual product “We worked on visuals in our resurrecting the dying art of tra-
structure of traditional Balochi and with no platform backing videos as Balochi music lacked ditional Balochi music while
music. it, Arz-e-Kaana had the touch
In his detailed essay on Balochi of Balochi folk music as well as
music, titled “The Musical Base contemporary music. Both its
of Baloch Minstrelsy”, Dr Sabir melody and beat were new. Writ-
Badal Khan, a professor and re- ten, sung and composed by Dil-
searcher, writes that “Zahirok pul, with visuals of the breath-
is both a genre of song express- takingly majestic mountains of
ing loss or absence (especially of Balochistan in the back drop as
distant loved ones) and a general Ahmed Baloch, a Baloch Khatak “He changed night long perfor-
term for several melody types dancer performs daringly. Arz-e- mances into 5-8 minute songs.
used in narrative song perfor- Kaana leaves the listener touched After him Sabzal Sami sang Ba-
mance” and that “Janmahmad, and in reverie of a longing. lochi zahirok, otherwise hard to
a Baloch writer from Dasht in “For me it was a passionate de- sing,” says Dilpul. In one way or
Makran, maintains that “the en- cision to make Arz-e-Kaana and the other, the melody was evolv-
tire Balochi musical structure is when it became a hit, it inspired ing but the sound system and
based on zaheerag.” other artists to try something sound engineering remained
Balochi music is an ancient new on their own. It also push stagnant and almost non-ex-
and evolving art. In the last de- me to continue making music on istent. Dilpul explains that a
cade or so, the art form has seen the side as I had initially thought significant change came with
an evolution as contemporary Ba- of only doing one song,” says Dil- Nooral Muhammad Nooral, who
loch singers and musicians have pul who believes that if he wasn’t started singing verses of literary
been working on fusions and ex- a civil servant he wouldn’t have poets like Syed Zahoor Hash-
perimenting with the art. been able to pursue his passion. mi and Atta Shad, connecting
Naeem Dilpul, a civil servant “Now mostly artists are making such as music with literature.
by profession and singer by pas- music through self-investment,” “Nooral’s sound system was im-
sion, found music to be cathar- he explains. “Having a platform proved as he had exposure in
tic, since childhood. “Singing is a big thing and it is not often Dubai.
was my natural way of expres- Baloch musicians get a plat- After Nooral, the era of Noor sphere, many of them come from that — the songs would be about promoting Balochi music and
sion and of releasing any ten- form.” Khan Bezanjo and Arif Baloch be- the misunderstood and violence- something else and the visuals helping it progress. “We con-
sions,” he says. “Whatever I felt, To understand the evolution of gan. Both of their music seemed ridden town of Lyari in Karachi. would depict something else al- duct programmes and support
I expressed it through singing Balochi music, one has to know a similar because they had the The Baloch Twins, a musical duo together,” says Adil. artists,” says Raheem. “We have
and composing without even little about its history. According same music director,” says Dil- who started performing music “Our mantra is only evolution published books on Balochi music
knowing what I was doing.” to Ishaq Raheem, president of pul. professionally in 2016, is one ex- because music cannot be stag- and are working on publishing a
Dilpul grew up listening to the Balochi Music Promoter So- Suroz, tamburag, banjo and ample. nant,” Naseeb Mazar, a classical magazine on Balochi music called
Noor Khan Bezanjo, Shaukat Sa- ciety, which was formed in 2018, kuzag (a large earthenware wa- “We have been doing music for Baloch singer, and the son of re- “Zemar” (Balochi word for music)
far and Arif Baloch — some of Balochi music characterised by ter jar that is filled with water to a long time and I don’t even re- nowned Balochi singer Pahlawan which contains articles on Balo-
the giants of Balochi music dur- zaheerag and sung by pahlawan generate sounds as it is hit) are member when we started,” says Mazar Ibrahim. chi music. Whatever we know of
ing his childhood and to date. (Balochi term for singer of classi- some traditional Balochi musi- Adil Baloch. “Music was always Mazar believes that a huge dif- our ancient history has mostly
As a child, Dilpul wanted to be a cal poetry; minstrel) dates back cal instruments. Music has re- there. We used to live music as ference in the music of his late been written through our poetry
singer, but as he grew older he re- to the 15th century. This mostly mained an indispensable part of children. The environment we father’s time and that of his own which was passed on through
alised that this wasn’t possible. included the narrations of his- Baloch culture. Sipat is a music were surrounded with was not is the commitment towards art. singing. Pahlawans have played
“During childhood you have de- torical events. form that Baloch women sing pleasant so we sought solace in “They lived their lives as artists and the biggest role in Balochi music,
sires and dreams but as you grow Another mode of music was for seven nights in a row when a music in a chaotic environment. embraced that life wholly, learning literature and history. This is why
up, you are faced with a social folk music. As per Dilpul, the child is born. Nazenk is another When on one side we heard ex- music properly and devoting them- we must work to keep the art of
reality and limitations,” he says. first Baloch singer to fuse pahla- form of folk music that is sung plosions and gunshots, listen- selves to their art,” he says. Balochi zemar alive.”
“The only reason why I didn’t wan style music and folk music in Balochi weddings as songs ing to musical notes brought us Speaking on the evolution of
pursue music as a full-time ca- was Faiz Mohammad Baloch, of praise for the bride or bride- peace.” Balochi music and its blending Somaiyah Hafeez is a freelance feature
reer was because it doesn’t give who received the Pride of Perfor- groom. Baloch recalls being introduced with modern music, Mazar says story writer and she tweets @sommulba-
you an income in our society, be- mance by the President of Paki- Many Baloch artists have been to music genres such as classical that while what contemporary loch. All facts and information are the
cause singers are limited to per- stan in 1979. emerging in the wider public folk when he was only six years Baloch musicians have done is sole responsibility of the writer

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6 January 1, 2023

a y a ge n e ra tio n consumes and
me d ia p latform s a re changing the w o cra tise s film m aking so much
Novel social
rt ainm en t pro d ucts. As TikTok dem co uld th is be the future
engages w ith en te to n o tice ,
pre st igio us e ve nts like Cannes have
so that even

By NABIL TAHIR duced a new way of making short

videos. “Tiktok renewed the es-
During the height of COVID-19 pan- sence of short videos. In this age,
demic, lockdowns and work from people don’t have a lot of spare
home enhanced a pattern of spend- time; they want quick content, and
ing a great deal of time watching TV. TikTok gives them that,” he said,
One other thing that has undergone adding that comedy videos like
a big change is the attention span of skits and pranks are most popular
Gen-Z. With so much spare time to because people are always in search
pour over old and new content, the of a good laugh.
film corner of TikTok has exploded as Before TikTok, there was no
a subgenre to rival its reading coun- representation of Pakistan at the
terparts BookTok and FoodTok. Cannes Film Festival. But the high-
BookTok and FoodTok are apps est number of submissions from
on which readers and foodies gath- Pakistan shows how much talent
er to share their recommendations Pakistani creators have and how
and writers and cooks share their interested they are in filmmak-
work. FilmTok or FilmTikTok is ing. TikTok has given a platform
where filmmakers and film lovers to people from all walks of life. We
connect. see a farmer from a remote village
Creators and studios are showcas- telling a story through a short video
ing their filmmaking and editing and entertaining people. “TikTok
skills on TikTok with quality short- has made it easy for everyone to
form content. Upcoming artists make videos. Through TikTok, I’ve
showcase their acting skills, and seen that people from all areas of
filmmakers show their talent by Pakistan, irrespective of their social
directing and shooting a video that class, are doing wonders on Tik-
can grab viewers’ attention. Mak- Tok,” added Jaffery.
ing a short video to give a message
or tell an entire story is difficult, Use of #FilmTok
but content creators on TikTok are Young and upcoming filmmakers
doing a great job. It is every film-
maker’s dream to showcase their on TikTok is very candid. “They like
work on an international stage, relatable, witty, and short content.
and TikTok has unlocked a global Instagram is a slightly uptight sister
avenue for content creators. of TikTok, but after reels, the audi-
Participation in international fes- ence is loosening up. Bollywood and
tivals, such as the Cannes Interna- Lollywood songs dominate South
tional Film Festival and Doha Film Asian reels. You have a meagre
Festival, via TikTok has also risen. chance of going viral if you don’t
Recognising creators’ skills, the use a relatable desi song or sound
Cannes Film Festival and TikTok on reels. Whereas TikTok is a proper
partnered to identify the top film- global community at this point.
maker on TikTok. As part of the People on the UK TikTok are using
partnership, TikTok held a short Bollywood songs for content and are
film competition to select three getting massive views. And South
winners to send to the festival. Asians are using Chinese songs for
Cannes Festival does not allow self- content and going viral,” she said.
ies on the red carpet, but this year, Giving an example, Baweja said
TikTok offered a glimpse into the that she recently mimicked the In-
behind-the-scenes world of one of dian actor Imran Hashmi in a video
the top film festivals in the world. and posted the video. The video
imitated a mainstream sad Bol-
Pakistan through short films lywood song from the early 2000s
FilmTok or FilmTikTok, with their and gained 740k plus views and
14.3 billion and 5.3 billion views on 134k likes on TikTok, whereas on
videos, motivated content creators Instagram, it barely crossed 366k
to send in entries for the Cannes views and 30k plus likes. The choice
Film Festival competition. Pakistan of song in the video wasn’t trend-
recorded the highest number of ing at the time on reels. Another
submissions, with 41,000 entries, reason could be the different niches
approximately 58 per cent of all on both platforms. The video was
submissions. majorly re-shared and watched by
This number is a reflection of British Asians on TikTok. There
how much TikTok has inspired use #FilmTok or #FilmTikTok to get ranking,” she said. could have been a sense of nostalgia
creators in Pakistan to gain confi- their short videos out to TikTok’s Amtul Baweja, who creates that forced the audience to hit the
dence and use their editing skills global audience of more than one travel videos under the account Pa- like and re-share button. Whereas
to make videos that are worthy of billion. The more times a video is FilmTok or FilmTikTok, with their 14.3 billion tangeer, also believes that by intro- on Instagram, the video was main-
being submitted to a global event
like Cannes. One of the creators is
viewed, the more it reaches a larger
group. It allows a creator to decide
and 5.3 billion views on videos, motivated ducing FilmTok, TikTok has given
a chance to creators to showcase
ly watched in Pakistan and India.
Since the song wasn’t trending,
Zainab Tariq, known as Baekartoot
on TikTok. Baekartoot is an Urdu/
the type of content they wish to
make. A video that gets more views
content creators to send in entries for their skills to the world. “TikTok
has revolutionized how short-form
and there weren’t any feelings of
nostalgia, the audience couldn’t
Punjabi word that means “some- helps them learn new things. the Cannes Film Festival competition. content is consumed and pro- relate much.
one with ill doings.” Tariq creates
humorous pieces with her smart-
Some of the creators use this as-
pect to look for ideas for their vid-
Pakistan recorded the highest number duced, and it has made content ac-
cessible to the general masses who
Baweja says that TikTok with its
different trends, challenges, and
phone. She does not have any ex- eos. Ghazanfar Jaffery, who makes of submissions, with 41,000 entries, want to express themselves. Peo- easy access to music has made vid-
perience in filming and acting, and fun and entertaining videos, uses it ple who had never even thought eos more fun. “Because of all that,
her process of learning continues as as a tool to find out the latest trends approximately 58 per cent of all submissions of editing a video can now create short-form videos gained much
she creates content. and what people are watching amazing content with TikTok. Ef- more popularity as they started to
Tariq believes that TikTok has these days to create content accord- Tariq creates stories about peo- in some profound moments of vul- fectiveness of short-form videos seem very attractive to the audi-
changed the way the world used ingly. He said that one of the ad- ple’s daily lives, and what they face nerability,” she said. To ensure that has definitely increased because ences. TikTok definitely removed
to consume content. “A couple of vantages of making videos on Tik- at home or outside. That allows her the video reached the right niche of now, with the help of text, emojis, the barriers to creating and made it
years ago, long-form videos were Tok is that it has all in-app editing audience to connect the link be- aspiring filmmakers and actors on cuts, and other features of TikTok, much easier and simpler to create
the IT thing, and now everybody features that you can use to make tween her videos and the stuff they TikTok, she used the hashtag Film- you can pack a lot of information in short-form videos,” she said.
just wants to scroll and not spend an excellent short film. “It is easy go through on a day-t-day basis. Tok in the caption. a few seconds. Notwithstanding the category
more than thirty seconds on a video to create content on TikTok, which She says that she spends more time Zainab Tariq was one of the cre- of your content, if you know how
unless it is very entertaining. Tik- is why it is easy to gain popular- making a good video than mak- ators who made it to the Cannes The short video trend to tell a story and keep the viewer
tok has also managed to force other ity. With TikTok, you don’t have ing a number of videos. “I believe Film Festival Tiktok short film com- Since TikTok introduced a new way interested in your video, TikTok
apps to shift to short-form content,” to use complex editing software. in quality content over quantity. I petition. “My video was shortlisted to make short videos, creators have helps it to reach a larger audience
she said. Tariq says that most of the Everything is there on TikTok, write humorous skits, but I often for the top ten videos from Paki- evolved and developed the talent to where it is loved and shared. A
content in Pakistan is lip-syncing, from music to various transitions. like to create cinematic masterpiec- stan, but it is yet to reach the in- tell a five-minute story in thirty sec- person from a remote area of Paki-
and there are just a handful of cre- People have been using these tools es with my smartphone. For exam- ternational ranking. I made a video onds. “Everybody wants short con- stan can arrive on the global stage.
ators who write proper scripts and creatively, and that’s how they’ve ple, I watched Laal Singh Chadda that portrays the stages of grief of a tent; even my parents scroll TikTok Just like #BookTok and #FoodTok,
make original content. gained popularity. The music, the recently. While the song “Turr female character who has recently all the time,” Baweja said. She fur- #FilmTok is also gaining popular-
Another creator, Ghazanfar Jaf- effects, and the filters, all these Chaleya” was playing, I envisioned lost her partner. The video made it ther explained that in her experi- ity in Pakistan. That day is not
fery, runs a comedy skit account tools are more than enough for one an emotional scene of a character to the Cannes Film Festival. I am ence of regular content creation on far when we will see a Pakistani
named Bekaar Films. He is also of to produce a creative and engaging in a bathtub. The scene portrayed working on improving the qual- multiple social media platforms for among the top short-form video
the opinion that TikTok has intro- short film.” the helplessness of the character ity so I can reach the international the past three years, the audience creators worldwide.

January 1, 2023 7

Leading industry experts expect a series of attempts by large advertisers
in Pakistan to create advertising technology solutions. But why is this
sudden obsession leaving the latter scrambling for talent?
By ALI ASAD SABIR base, which no online market- ture across the digital media sup- Foodpanda, proposals have floated While unable to conduct com- Society of British Advertisers,
place was willing to share. ply chain, executive headhunters in the market suggesting that the mercial activities, these LOs will PMPs are one of four types of
In the risk-averse market of Months later, Profit by Paki- have confirmed that large adver- concept of a retail media network be able to lobby for changes in programmatic advertising deals,
Pakistan, incumbents need to see a stan Today reported that Unilever tising agencies have initiated the (RMN) has reached Pakistan. the SBP policy and smoothen out with the others being rife with
significant player take risks on an partnered with Leopards Courier search for CTOs that will build Amid the ongoing recession, the pending payments. In the fraud. The studies show that
idea, wait till it bears fruit and then to launch SuperSauda, a replica AdTech stacks for them. technology companies are seek- interest of pursuing a transpar- open auctions, preferred deals,
attempt to replicate it with 1% of the of Pandamart, albeit with only ing new avenues of monetisa- ent media supply chain, adver- and automated guarantees have
same budget. products created by Unilever. The rise of advertising fraud tion and the intent based quality tisers are looking to work with a nontransparent media supply
Netizens across Pakistan wit- There were a few exceptions in While investments in DTC business traffic on commercial apps is just local advertising network to flow chains.
nessed how the success of Coke categories outside their scope, units bore fruit, they also exposed the kind of cheap first-party data funds to publishers and content “PMPs are the right way to use
Studio led to the short-lived, such as carbonated soft drinks. advertisers to the unspoken market advertisers are eager to redirect creators. programmatic, utilizing both
poorly thought-out, copy-cat of These moves prompted multi- reality of advertising fraud in the their way. Seeking more profound effi- your first-party data and buying
the same concept by indirect and ple CPG and QSR players to create form of domain spoofing, ad block- By doing this, commercial ciency in digital media spending, muscle,” said Ghulam Jilani Ko-
direct competitors in the youth- their apps, which require sophis- ing, invalid traffic, non-viewable apps are turning their cost cen- marketing executives at digital- thari, the former head of Xaxis
focused segment. ticated customer acquisition and ads, off-target campaigns, and ter - customer acquisition efforts first companies are keeping a at GroupM and the new head of
According to several leading retention tools, most of which many more issues. Led by white- - into a profit center. Generally close eye on PMPs in the AdTech partnerships at Alliancez. “Us-
executives in the $2 billion ad- are based outside Pakistan and collar criminals, ad fraud burns ad- priced below traffic acquisition space. ing your overall advertising to in-
vertising ecosystem of Pakistan, lack customization by design. vertising expenditure (AdEx) that costs, these deals are being sold crease the effectiveness of adver-
we can expect to see a series of chases vanity metrics. via large media agencies as exclu- Is the market ready yet? tising expenditure being made
attempts by large advertisers in Winning media reviews Per a report from Profit by Paki- sive resellers. “PMPs are ecosystems that allow daily. With a PMP, you can retar-
creating various solutions with- Sensing the opportunity of captur- stan Today, this was one of the With Krave Mart securing Ekat- advertisers to target audiences on get audiences on premium pub-
in the advertising technology ing first-party data and owning reasons various locally produced erra on it’s advertising platform, various platforms through their lishers at a locked price without
(AdTech) stack. oversight over the media supply influence marketing and creator the chatter has begun for a pri- targeting parameters at an agreed paying any premium.”
These will include a supply chain, both two leading telecom economy start-ups and platforms vate marketplace (PMP) for a re- price point between the agency/ As of this writing, industry
side platform (SSP) that gathers operators have begun to initiate con- were launched including Am- tail media networks comprised advertiser and the publisher,” said sources shared that in light of
media inventory of digital pub- versations and recruitment efforts plifyd, Bradri, INCA, Linkstar, of the media inventory of apps Ali Rehman, a founding team mem- SBPs measures to restrict the flow
lishers, a demand side platform around hiring product managers Social Champ, and Walee. These such as Daraz, Krave Mart, Food- ber at Hefazat Technologies, an of money outside of Pakistan,
(DSP) that automates media buy- with experience with the AdTech platforms can track which influ- panda, Super Meal, Carrefour, InsurTech start-up backed by Kash agency executives have started
ing, an advertising exchange stack. encers have fake followers, rank Chikoo, and others. Operating Rehman. “This helps publisher using programmatic guarantees
that facilitates buying & selling The intent here is to create the creators by their engagement, on razor thin commission mar- increase their monetization and locally by inventory on a guaran-
on both sides, and an ad server AdTech stack from scratch and and attach a quality score to their gins and slow repayment cycles, brands improve efficiency.” teed mechanism using Google’s
that places ads on various online offer an ad exchange. This ex- user generator content and fol- advertising groups are eyeing He said that if Habib Bank Lim- DV360 and making payments lo-
touchpoints and connected de- change will consist of a DSP and lowing. AdTech as a means of capturing ited (HBL) wants to target people cally to publishers in the market.
vices. SSP. This will also include data As COVID-19 created a reces- more of the AdEx they funnel looking for a new car, the data This, too, has sparked an inter-
But why is this sudden obses- verification system. sion and forced marketers to through these RMNs. population is done with OLX and est in developing or co-create an
sion with AdTech left advertisers In order to do this, the telecom utilise insufficient funds for af- In the hopes of capturing 10% of PakWheels, which enters HBL’s advertising technology tool for
scrambling for talent? operators would need to under- filiate marketing, the chase of AdEx with agency commissions, data management platform. the local market, akin to Consoli-
take the painstaking effort of vanity metrics led them to pick 5% as the DSP and SSP, and 2.5% HBL can then target these users data.
The first-party data play approaching advertisers through influencers with seemingly high as the data verification service, outside of PakWheels and OLX “With PMPs, advertisers gain
With COVID-19 ushering in a new various media agencies and ap- reach but low engagement. advertising agency groups are in all spaces, wherever they’re premium inventory, program-
wave of online commerce boost, re- proach all manner of digital and With influencers working with scrambling to create the AdTech found on Hamariweb, Cricinfo, matic efficiency, brand safety,
tailers and quick service restaurants platform publishers with digital sham PR agencies that inflated upon which the PMP for retail Cribuzz, or any other site in the and transparency,” said Mehwish
(QSR) players across the country ad sales deals. Given the amount social media followings with media networks will be built. In- marketplace. Aslam, the chief business officer
witnessed exploitative
xploitative deals at the of AdTech consolidation world world- fake or bot accounts, advertiserser dustry reports such that Equativ “While
W ile normal AdTech allows
Wh at bSecure, a one-click checkout
behest of online
ine marketplaces. wide, it is more likely that they that sought these creators saw is eyeing the Pakistani market you t target audiences through
u to “They also get the pub-
solution. “Th
Given that at buyer data is not partner with an existing media little return on advertising spend and looking for partners with a an auction, there is a low chance valuable first party data
lishers valu
shared with h listed merchants agency to (ROAS). strong CPG portfolio. of being able to target as the au- right to first refusal over
and the righ
and said dataata could provide in- do Theyy will
w also Had it not been for its second- dience size gets smaller, which impressions. Both the advertiser
sight into buyer
uyer psychographics, fooled
f led by
foo party marketplace, Brainchild increases the chances of losing publisher win.”
and publishe
this prompted ed leading players in those may have been a strong fit for the said auction,” said
fashion and QSR to leave market- French AdTech company, Sundus The way forward
places and create their own on- amid it beating Mindshare Sha- It remains tto be seen how these
line stores from
rom scratch. after winning the entire systems are executed
e and whether
The data from these first-p
rtty Pep- siCo
iCo media audit
auditors of Pakistan will be
data-gatheringing online stores has able to learn
lear from lessons of the
become a key y basis for setting up West in order
ord to prevent digital
brick & mortartar locations in areas ad fraud to thrive with the rise of
stereotypicallylly assumed to have AdTech.
residents withith weak purchas-
k pu
purchas- In the ababsence of an effective
ing power. regulator ar around the advertising
For the fashion
ashion indus- industry, it i is recommend that
try these locations
ca ions dou-
cat trade bodiesies such as the Pakistan
bled as components
m onents Advertisers Society, the Market-
of the omnichannel
nici hannel ing Association
Associat of Pakistan, and
play. Meanwhile
while for the Pakistan Advertisers Associa-
the QSR industry,
ndustry, tion band together
to to create the
these locations
cations guidelines th that allow advertisers
doubled as cloud and platform developers to be on
kitchens to o also the same page.
meet serve the op- “All contracts
contr across the pro-
erational sideide of grammatic and media supply
eCommerce and a chain musmust have standardised
touchpoint to cap- terms & conditions that are
ture audiencesces that endorsed
endorse by industry bodies
like to dine out. and digital
di native market-
The aforemen- ers,” said
s Sameer Ahmed
tioned owned ned media Khan, the co-founder of
strategy is why KFC Sociall Champ, a Techstar
dominates Go Google
og e Trends backeded social media man-
data across the th country’s agement
m t tool. “Data taxono-
fried and fast
ast food ecosys- mies,
mie definitions, retention,
s, def
tems. For companies look- seats and se
sea seat IDs, etc should be
ing to speed along the process consistent ffor all supply chain
of setting up online stores, participants.”
white-label eCommerce apps hid He said th that by doing so, the
are availableble such as Eat igno- media Bari, advertising iindustry can urgent-
Mubarak and d Chikoo, with the rant account as- ly mature an and facilitate the data
former being ng used by Nandos this for enough
ugh to think influencer mar- and its win sociate direc- tor of sharing that is a key step towards
for its online
ne ordering site, per e them. ketingg is a subset or a function of of the digital media account of strategy at Blitz Adv
Advertising, the transparent supply chain.
a more trans
inspect element.
ment. Given that both telco operators PR - which is an entirely earned Reckitt, while conventional me- sports marketing agency known “Advertiers, agencies, adtech,
The discussions around an are in the middle of media re- part of the sentiment develop- dia is parked at Blitz, one of many for launching the Pakistan Su- digital publishers, and trade bod-
owned advertising technology views, advertising agency groups ment mix - whereas influencer Z2C-owned companies. per League. “This is perhaps the ies must band together to ensure
ecosystem really began in mid- are eager to demonstrate their marketing is entirely paid hence most important reason to have that the highest reasonable pro-
2020 after Profit by Pakistan proficiency in the AdTech space, is classified as advertising. Timely actions by SBP a PMP where the competition is portion of advertiser spend reach-
Today reported that Unilever promising to partner or co-create Amid the SBP measures to block limited & restricted by design, es publishers,” said Khan. “There
had secured a white-label solu- a solution much more in line Emergence for retail media forex outflows, resellers for plat- and the chance of winning is should be no unattributable costs
tion by VentureDive to create a with their existing clientel. networks forms such as TikTok, Meta, and higher at an agreed price.” nor instances of unauthorised re-
quick commerce solution called In the interest of meeting this With GroupM being named the YouTube have begun to earn from According to independent stud- selling. These measures will opti-
Munchies. This was to capture demand and in capturing more media agency for Daraz and the float as well, prompting the ies by the Association of National mise ad spend to reduce CAC and
first-party data of its end-user sections of advertising expendi- Brainchild the media agency for registration of liaison offices (LO). Advertisers and the Incorporated uplift the CLTV in the long-run.”

8 January 1, 2023

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