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I am the type of person who believes in the power of mastery, which is why I have been
inspired by the words of Japanese swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi and Socrates an
ancient Greek philosopher. I strive to become an expert in everything I do and never
settle for mediocrity. From a young age, I have set high standards for myself and am
constantly looking to improve.

Miyamoto Musashi and Socrates are two figures who have inspired me in many ways
throughout my life. Miyamoto Musashi is a legendary samurai warrior and philosopher
of the 16th century who wrote the classic book, the Book of Five Rings, which explains
the concept of “The Way of the Warrior”. Socrates is an ancient Greek philosopher of
the 5th century BCE who is considered one of the greatest minds in human history. Both
of these figures have served as a source of inspiration to me and have shaped my life in
many ways.

My ambition is to become a successful entrepreneur or even a doctor would be good. I

am currently studying business and finance, medical and other stuff i could think of, and
I am on track to graduate with or without honors. I understand the importance of hard
work and dedication and am willing to put in the effort to see my dream come to
fruition. I have also joined a number of business competitions to gain further knowledge
and experience.

I have always been a person who has strived to achieve greatness and make a lasting
impact on the world. This ambition has been largely shaped by the teachings of
Miyamoto Musashi and Socrates. From Miyamoto Musashi, I have learned to strive for
excellence in whatever I do and to never give up in the face of adversity. This has helped
me to stay focused and motivated in order to achieve my goals. From Socrates, I have
been inspired to think deeply about my actions and to be mindful of their
consequences. This has taught me to think critically and objectively about my choices
and to always be aware of the impact of my decisions.
My ambition has been further fueled by my hobbies and interests. My passion for
sports, particularly calisthenics and badminton, has inspired me to push myself to
become the best version of myself. I have also developed a strong interest in reading,
which has helped me to broaden my knowledge and understanding of the world. I have
also developed a strong interest in music, which has allowed me to express my
emotions and feelings in a creative way.

My life goals and ambitions have also been shaped by my thoughts and ideas. I strive to
be a person who is both successful and compassionate, who is able to use my
knowledge and skills to make the world a better place. I aspire to become a leader who
is able to inspire and motivate others to pursue their dreams and reach their full
potential. I also strive to become a person who is able to think outside the box and find
innovative solutions to global problems.

Above all, I strive to be a person of integrity and to always be true to myself. This is
something that I have learned from both Miyamoto Musashi and Socrates. From
Miyamoto Musashi, I have learned to be aware of my own strengths and weaknesses
and to never be afraid to take risks in order to achieve my goals. From Socrates, I have
been inspired to always seek the truth and never be swayed by external influences.

These two figures have greatly influenced my life and have helped me to become the
person I am today. They have taught me to strive for excellence and to never give up in
the face of adversity. They have also inspired me to think deeply and to always be
mindful of my actions. Finally, they have taught me to be true to myself and to always
seek the truth. These are lessons that I will carry with me throughout my life and will
continue to guide me as I pursue my ambitions and goals.

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