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ក្រសួងការងារ និងបណ្ដុះបណ្ដា លវិជ្ជា ជីវៈ ជាតិ សាសនា ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ
វិទ្យាស្ថា នពហុបច្ចេកទេសភូមិភាគតេជោសែនសៀមរាប
វិញ្ញា សាប្រឡងឆមាសទី២
កម្រិតបរ ិញ្ញា បត្រ ឯកទេស គណនេយ្យ ជំនាន់ទី ៦ ឆ្នា ំទី ១

មុខវិជ្ជា ៖ Business Concepts for English Practice

រយៈពេល៖ ៩០ នាទី

កាលបរ ិច្ឆេទប្រឡង ថ្ងៃ ....................ខែ.............. ឆ្នា ំឆ្លវ

ូ ត្រីសក
័ ព.ស ២៥៦៥

ត្រូវនឹង ថ្ងៃទី…………. ខែ…….. ឆ្នា ំ ២០២១


i. Comprehension Question
1. How many management function and what are they?
2. Why is it important to have employees who are motivated?
3. How many broad categories of leadership style? And what are they? Brief detail
about that.
4. What is job enrichment and job enlargement? Give the example.
5. Why did you study about the business concept for English practice? And what did
you learn about this subject?
ii. Complete the sentences with the noun and verb forms provided.
1. Maintenance/to maintain
a. ………………………. of the current high productivity level was a challenging
goal for the factory supervisor.
b. When the employee was transferred to a different part of the country, it became
difficult for him …………………………close ties with his former co-workers.
2. Assumption/assumed
a. The ……………………….. that most workers are highly motivated by a good
salary has been proved false.
b. When the employee did not come to work for three weeks and failed contact his
employer, the employer …………that he had quit.
3. Rotation/rotated
a. The three workers ……………….. positions so that each one could perform a
variety of tasks.
b. Some workers do not want to participate in job …………………… because it
interferes with their established routines.
4. Utilization/utilize
a. Managers …………………..various techniques to encourage employees to
work more effectively.
b. The proper……………………. Of resources both fiscal and human is
important managerial responsibility.
5. Adoption/has adopted
a. The company ……………………….a new policy regarding sick leave.
b. The factory manager’s ………………………of a new management approach
resulted in increased production.
iii. List the six steps of the decision-making process in correct order.
 Developing alternatives a. ……………………………………
 Defining the expectation b………………………………………
 Choosing the best alternative c………………………………………
 Gathering data d……………………………………...
 Defining the problem e………………………………………
 Evaluating alternatives f………………………………………
iv. Writing
As we were studying about business concept and many of lesson that related to
business management and computer system. What is expert systems compare with
human experts.

ថ្ងៃ ............................ ខែ......... ឆ្នា ឆ

ំ ូ ្លវ ត្រីស័ក ព.ស ២៥៦៥

សៀមរាប ថ្ងៃទី ................ ខែ ............. ឆ្នា ២

ំ ០២១
បានឃើញ និងឯកភាព បានពិនិត្យ សាស្រ្ដា ចារ្យ
ុ ប្រធានដេប៉ា តឺម៉ង់

ជាតិ សាសនា ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ

ក្រសួងការងារ និងបណ្ដុះបណ្ដា លវិជ្ជា ជីវៈ 3

វិទ្យាស្ថា នពហុបច្ចេកទេសភូមិភាគតេជោសែនសៀមរាប

អត្រាកំណែប្រឡងឆមាសទី ២

កម្រិតបរ ិញ្ញា បត្រ ឯកទេស គណនេយ្យ ជំនាន់ទី ៦ ឆ្នា ំទី ១

មុខវិជ្ជា ៖ Business Concepts for English Practice

រយៈពេល៖ ៩០ នាទី

កាលបរ ិច្ឆេទប្រឡង ថ្ងៃ .......................... ខែ..................... ឆ្នា ំឆ្លវ

ូ ត្រីសក
័ ព.ស ២៥៦៥

ត្រូវនឹង ថ្ងៃទី ........... ខែ ........... ឆ្នា ំ ២០២១


i. Comprehension Question
1. How many management function and what are they?
There are 4 management functions: planning organizing directing controlling.
2. Why is it important to have employees who are motivated?
It is an essential component of good management to achieve company goals,
managers must be award of their needs.
3. How many broad categories of leadership style? And what are they? Brief detail
about that.
There are 3:
4. What is job enrichment and job enlargement? Give the example.
Job enrichment: gives workers more authority in making decisions related to
planning and doing their work. A worker might assume responsibility for
scheduling work flow, checking quality of work produced, or making sure
deadlines are met.
Job enlargement: increases the number of tasks workers perform by allowing them
to rotate positions or by giving them responsibility for doing several jobs. Rather
than assembling just one component of an automobile, factory workers might be
grouped together and given responsibility for assembling the entire fuel system.
5. Why did you study about the business concept for English practice? And what did
you learn about this subject?
v. Complete the sentences with the noun and verb forms provided.
6. Maintenance/to maintain
c. ………………………. of the current high productivity level was a challenging
goal for the factory supervisor.
d. When the employee was transferred to a different part of the country, it became
difficult for him …………………………close ties with his former co-workers.
7. Assumption/assumed
c. The ……………………….. that most workers are highly motivated by a good
salary has been proved false.
d. When the employee did not come to work for three weeks and failed contact his
employer, the employer …………that he had quit.
8. Rotation/rotated
c. The three workers ……………….. positions so that each one could perform a
variety of tasks.
d. Some workers do not want to participate in job …………………… because it
interferes with their established routines.
9. Utilization/utilize
c. Managers …………………..various techniques to encourage employees to
work more effectively.
d. The proper……………………. Of resources both fiscal and human is
important managerial responsibility.
10. Adoption/has adopted
c. The company ……………………….a new policy regarding sick leave.
d. The factory manager’s ………………………of a new management approach
resulted in increased production.
vi. List the six steps of the decision-making process in correct order.
 Developing alternatives a. ……………………………………
 Defining the expectation b………………………………………
 Choosing the best alternative c………………………………………
 Gathering data d……………………………………...
 Defining the problem e………………………………………
 Evaluating alternatives f………………………………………
vii. Writing
As we were studying about business concept and many of lesson that related to
business management and computer system. What is expert systems compare with
human experts.

ថ្ងៃ ............................ ខែ......... ឆ្នា ឆ

ំ ូ ្លវ ត្រីស័ក ព.ស ២៥៦៥

សៀមរាប ថ្ងៃទី ................ ខែ ............. ឆ្នា ២

ំ ០២១
បានឃើញ និងឯកភាព បានពិនិត្យ
សាស្រ្ដា ចារ្យ
ុ ប្រធានដេប៉ា តឺម៉ង់

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